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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - slice


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 I. verb  (~d; slicing)  Etymology: Middle English sklicen, from Anglo-French esclicer to splinter, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German slizan to tear apartmore at slit  Date: 1551  transitive verb  1. to cut with or as if with a knife  2. to stir or spread with a ~  3. to hit (a ball) so that a ~ results  4. interpret, construeused in phrases like any way you ~ it  intransitive verb  1. to ~ something  2. to move with a cutting action the ship ~d through the waves  • ~able adjective  • ~r noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English sclise, slise, from Anglo-French esclice splinter, from esclicer  Date: 1613  1.  a. a thin flat piece cut from something  b. a wedge-shaped piece (as of pie or cake)  2. a spatula for spreading paint or ink  3. a serving knife with wedge-shaped blade a fish ~  4. a flight of a ball that deviates from a straight course in the direction of the dominant hand of the player propelling it; also a ball following such a course — compare hook  5.  a. portion, share a ~ of the profits  b. segment, sample a ~ of society
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a thin broad piece or wedge cut off or out esp. from meat or bread or a cake, pie, or large fruit. 2 a share; a part taken or allotted or gained (a slice of territory; a slice of the profits). 3 an implement with a broad flat blade for serving fish etc. or for scraping or chipping. 4 Golf & Lawn Tennis a slicing stroke. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) cut into slices. 2 tr. (foll. by off) cut (a piece) off. 3 intr. (foll. by into, through) cut with or like a knife. 4 tr. (also absol.) a Golf strike (the ball) so that it deviates away from the striker. b (in other sports) propel (the ball) forward at an angle. 5 tr. go through (air etc.) with a cutting motion. Phrases and idioms slice of life a realistic representation of everyday experience. Derivatives sliceable adj. slicer n. (also in comb.). Etymology: ME f. OF esclice, esclicier splinter f. Frank. slitjan, rel. to SLIT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) слой разрезать [нарезать] слоями 2) срез 3) рез резать 4) полупроводниковая пластина 5) кристалл (ИС) 6) (микропроцессорная) секция 7) вчт. вырезка (часть массива) - beet slices - bit slice - bottom slice - byte slice - diffusion slices - exhausted slices - master slice - scored slice - time slice - top slice ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) часть массива (данных) 2) (временной) интервал 3) тлв. серия последовательных макроблоков 4) слой 5) кристалл 6) (микропроцессорная) секция – byte slice – time slice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ломоть, спаевой - horizontal slice - infinitesimal slice - slice knot - slice link - slice of solutions - slice shrinkage - slice veneer - time slice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  срез; шлиф (для микроскопического исследования) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ломоть; ломтик a slice of bread —- кусок (ломоть) хлеба a slice of lemon —- кусочек (ломтик) лимона to cut meat (cake) into thin slices —- нарезать мясо (кекс) тонкими ломтиками 2. слой first slice —- горн. первый слой a slice of furrow —- с-х. пласт пахоты 3. часть, доля a slice of the profits (of the winnings) —- часть прибыли (выигрыша) that is a slice of good luck! —- вот это удача! to take a large slice of responsibility (credit) for it —- взять на себя большую долю ответственности за это (поставить это себе в большую заслугу) 4. совок (для камина) 5. лопатка; широкий нож 6. полигр. ракельный нож 7. срезка (мяча; футбол) slice ball —- резаный мяч (футбол); подрезанный мяч (теннис); неправильный удар (гольф) Id: slice of life —- лит. "кусок жизни", натуралистическое изображение 8. резать ломтями, ломтиками, тонкими слоями (также slice up) to slice up a loaf —- нарезать буханку хлеба to slice the beef thin —- тонко нарезать мясо 9. рассекать (воздух) 10. разрезать волны (о судне) the yacht sliced her way to win the cup —- яхта неслась вперед, разрезая волны, и завоевала кубок 11. наносить ровным слоем, размазывать 12. спец. шуровать 13. спец. зачищать 14. спорт. срезать (мяч) 15. сл. обсчитать, ободрать (клиента); содрать лишку ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off отрезать Just slice off enough meat for your dinner and put the rest back. SLICE the melon  а) распределять дополнительные дивиденды между пайщиками;  б) распределять крупные выигрыши между игроками SLICE  1. noun  1) ломтик, ломоть; тонкий слой (чего-л.)  2) часть; доля; a slice of territory (of the profits) - часть территории (прибыли)  3) широкий нож  4) неправильный удар (в гольфе)  2. v.  1) резать ломтиками, нарезать (тж. slice up); First slice all the fruit up, then add the ice cream.  2) делить на части  3) sport срезать (мяч) - slice off ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (slices, slicing, sliced) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A slice of bread, meat, fruit, or other food is a thin piece that has been cut from a larger piece. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day. ...water flavored with a slice of lemon. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. If you slice bread, meat, fruit, or other food, you cut it into thin pieces. Helen sliced the cake... Slice the steak into long thin slices. VERB: V n, V n into n • Slice up means the same as slice. I sliced up an onion... He began slicing the pie up. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 3. You can use slice to refer to a part of a situation or activity. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. see also sliced, fish slice 5. slice of the action: see action ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a flat piece of bread, meat etc cut from a larger piece  (a slice of bread and butter | Cut the pork into thin slices.) 2 a part or share of something good  (Everyone wanted a slice of the profits.) 3 a kitchen tool used for lifting and serving pieces of food  (- see also fish slice) 4 a) a spinning movement of the ball in sports such as tennis and golf, which makes it move to one side rather than straight ahead b) a way of hitting the ball which makes it do this 5 a slice of life a description or image in a film, play, or book which shows life as it really is  (- see also a slice of the cake cake1 (7)) ~2 v 1 also slice up to cut meat, bread etc into thin flat pieces  (Could you slice the joint for me?) 2 I always + adv/prep, to cut something easily with one long movement of a sharp knife or edge + into/through  (The blade's so sharp it could easily slice through your finger.) 3 I always + adv/prep, to move quickly and easily through something such as water or air, or to make something do this + through/into  (The speedboat sliced through the waters of the lake.) slice sth in two/in half  (Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish.) 4 to hit the ball in sports such as tennis or golf so that it spins sideways instead of moving straight forward 5 any way you slice it AmE spoken whatever way you choose to consider the problem slice sth off phr v to cut something with one long movement of a sharp knife etc so that it becomes separate  (With one blow of his sword, Igor sliced off the man's head.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Symposium For Leadership In Computer Education telec. abbr. Selective Line Insertion Communication Equipment educ. abbr. Summer Learning In Community Education religion abbr. Servanthood Leadership Integrity Commitment Example ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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