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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - settle


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 I. verb  (~d; settling)  Etymology: Middle English, to seat, bring to rest, come to rest, from Old English setlan, from setl seat  Date: 1515  transitive verb  1. to place so as to stay  2.  a. to establish in residence  b. to furnish with inhabitants ; colonize  3.  a. to cause to pack down  b. to clarify by causing dregs or impurities to sink  4. to make quiet or orderly  5.  a. to fix or resolve conclusively ~ the question  b. to establish or secure permanently ~ the order of royal succession  c. to conclude (a lawsuit) by agreement between parties usually out of court  d. to close (as an account) by payment often of less than is due  6. to arrange in a desired position  7. to make or arrange for final disposition of ~d his affairs  8. of an animal impregnate  intransitive verb  1. to come to rest  2.  a. to sink gradually or to the bottom  b. to become clear by the deposit of sediment or scum  c. to become compact by sinking  3.  a. to become fixed, resolved, or established a cold ~d in his chest  b. to establish a residence or colony ~d in Wisconsin — often used with down  4.  a. to become quiet or orderly  b. to take up an ordered or stable life — often used with down marry and ~ down  5.  a. to adjust differences or accounts  b. to come to a decision — used with on or upon ~d on a new plan  c. to conclude a lawsuit by agreement out of court  6. of an animal conceive  Synonyms: see decide  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, place for sitting, seat, chair, from Old English setl; akin to Old High German sezzal seat, Latin sella seat, chair, Old English sittan to sit  Date: 1553 a wooden bench with arms, a high solid back, and an enclosed foundation which can be used as a chest
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  1. v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by down) establish or become established in a more or less permanent abode or way of life. 2 intr. & tr. (often foll. by down) a cease or cause to cease from wandering, disturbance, movement, etc. b adopt a regular or secure style of life. c (foll. by to) apply oneself (to work, an activity, a way of life, etc.) (settled down to writing letters). 3 a intr. sit or come down to stay for some time. b tr. cause to do this. 4 tr. & intr. bring to or attain fixity, certainty, composure, or quietness. 5 tr. determine or decide or agree upon (shall we settle a date?). 6 tr. a resolve (a dispute etc.). b deal with (a matter) finally. 7 tr. terminate (a lawsuit) by mutual agreement. 8 intr. a (foll. by for) accept or agree to (esp. an alternative not one's first choice). b (foll. by on) decide on. 9 tr. (also absol.) pay (a debt, an account, etc.). 10 intr. (as settled adj.) not likely to change for a time (settled weather). 11 tr. a aid the digestion of (food). b remedy the disordered state of (nerves, the stomach, etc.). 12 tr. a colonize. b establish colonists in. 13 intr. subside; fall to the bottom or on to a surface (the foundations have settled; wait till the sediment settles; the dust will settle). 14 intr. (of a ship) begin to sink. 15 tr. get rid of the obstruction of (a person) by argument or conflict or killing. Phrases and idioms settle one's affairs make any necessary arrangements (e.g. write a will) when death is near. settle a person's hash see HASH(1). settle in become established in a place. settle up 1 (also absol.) pay (an account, debt, etc.). 2 finally arrange (a matter). settle with 1 pay all or part of an amount due to (a creditor). 2 get revenge on. settling day the fortnightly pay-day on the Stock Exchange. Derivatives settleable adj. Etymology: OE setlan (as SETTLE(2)) f. Gmc 2. n. a bench with a high back and arms and often with a box fitted below the seat. Etymology: OE setl place to sit f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) оседать; осаждать(ся); отстаивать(ся) 2) устанавливать (в определённое положение) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) зафиксировать 2) оплачивать 3) осаждаться 4) основываться 5) отстаивать 6) приводить в порядок 7) расплачиваться 8) располагаться 9) селиться 10) улечься 11) устанавливать settle gyro on the meridian — вводить гироскоп в меридиан settle on the course — лечь на курс следования - settle on - settle tar - settle the phosphor - settle water - waiting to settle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) решать, разрешать 2) приходить к соглашению 3) улаживать, урегулировать 4) рассчитываться, расплачиваться 5) покрывать 6) поселяться, заселять 7) колонизировать • - settle a balance - settle a bill - settle a claim - settle a debt - settle a transaction - settle an account - settle an account - settle differences - settle down - settle with creditors ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) осаждаться, отстаиваться, оседать 2) заселять, поселять 3) оплодотворять(ся), осеменять(ся) 4) собираться (о рое пчёл) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. деревянная скамья с высокой спинкой; скамья-ларь 2. редк. помост 3. решать, принимать решение there is nothing settled yet —- ничего еще не решено that settles the matter —- это решает вопрос questions not yet settled —- все еще не решенные вопросы to settle a question once and for all —- раз и навсегда решить какой-л. вопрос your appointment is as good as settled —- ваше назначение можно считать решенным (делом) (well) that settles it —- (ну) теперь все ясно; вопрос решен; это решает дело everything is settled, it's all settled, the matter is settled —- все в порядке; все решено settle it any way you like —- решай как хочешь 4. договариваться, определять to settle the price —- договориться о цене to settle a bargain —- заключить сделку; прийти к соглашению to settle one's route —- определить свой маршрут to settle the date of one's return —- назначить срок возвращения the terms were settled —- об условиях договорились to settle with smb. —- договариваться (приходить к соглашению) с кем-л.; расплачиваться, рассчитываться с кем-л.; заключать сделку с кем-л. she settled it with her husband —- она договорилась об этом с мужем to settle with one's creditors —- рассчитаться с кредиторами 5. выяснять, улаживать; разрешать to settle points of difficulty and doubt —- выяснять трудные и сомнительные вопросы to settle an argument —- улаживать спор to settle differences —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) расплачиваться, рассчитываться Ill settle up and meet you outside the hotel.  б) закончить, уладить to settle up ones affairs закончить свои дела SETTLE I noun скамья(-ларь) II v.  1) поселить(ся), водворить(ся), обосноваться (тж. settle down)  2) регулировать(ся); приводить(ся) в порядок; улаживать(ся); устанавливать(ся); to settle ones affairs -  а) устроить свои дела;  б) составить завещание; things will soon settle into shape - положение скоро определится  3) успокаивать(ся) (тж. settle down); to settle (ones) nerves - успокаиваться  4) усаживать(ся); укладывать(ся); устраивать(ся); to settle oneself in the arm-chair - усесться в кресло; to settle an invalid among the pillows - усадить больного в подушках  5) браться за определенное дело (часто settle down); Isnt it time you settled to work on your paper?  6) решать, назначать, определять; приходить или приводить к решению; to settle smb. s doubts - разрешить чьи-л. сомнения; that settles the matter/the question - вопрос исчерпан; to settle the day - определить срок, назначить день; At last Mary settled on blue paint for the bedroom.  7) заселять, колонизировать  8) отстаиваться; осаждаться, давать осадок  9) оседать, опускаться ко дну; садиться; the dust settleed on everything - все покрылось пылью; The heavier parts of the grain will settle to the bottom.  10) давать отстояться; очищать от мути  11) разделываться; to settle smb. s hash -...
Англо-русский словарь
  (settles, settling, settled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If people settle an argument or problem, or if something settles it, they solve it, for example by making a decision about who is right or about what to do. They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation... Tomorrow’s vote is unlikely to settle the question of who will replace their leader. VERB: V n, V n 2. If people settle a legal dispute or if they settle, they agree to end the dispute without going to a court of law, for example by paying some money or by apologizing. In an attempt to settle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution... She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court... His company settled with the American authorities by paying a $200 million fine. VERB: V n, V, V with n 3. If you settle a bill or debt, you pay the amount that you owe. I settled the bill for my coffee and his two glasses of wine... They settled with Colin at the end of the evening. VERB: V n, V with n 4. If something is settled, it has all been decided and arranged. As far as we’re concerned, the matter is settled... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 5. When people settle a place or in a place, or when a government settles them there, they start living there permanently. Refugees settling in Britain suffer from a number of problems... Thirty-thousand-million dollars is needed to settle the refugees. VERB: V prep/adv, V n, also V n prep/adv, V 6. If you settle yourself somewhere or settle somewhere, you sit down or make yourself comfortable. Albert settled himself on the sofa... Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief. VERB: V pron-refl prep/adv, V prep/adv 7. If something settles or if you settle it, it sinks slowly down and becomes still. A black dust settled on the walls... Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded... Tap each one firmly on your work surface to settle the mixture. VERB: V prep/adv, V, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MAKE COMFORTABLE/SAFE« a) I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to put yourself or someone else in a comfortable position + back/into/down  (Mel settled back in his chair and closed his eyes. | settle yourself)  (Kari had already settled herself in a corner where she could watch.) b) to put something carefully in a particular place so that it stays there  (Lee settled the cup on the saucer.) 2 »MOVE DOWN/STAY« a) if dust, snow etc settles it comes down and stays in one place + on/in  (snow settling on the roofs | The sediment will settle in the bottle after a few days.) b) if a bird, insect etc settles it flies down and rests on something + on  (A fly settled on the plate of cookies.) 3 »END AN ARGUMENT« to end an argument by agreeing on something  (It looks like they're finally going to settle with the railroad.) settle a quarrel/argument/dispute etc  (There's only one way to settle the dispute, and they know it. | settle out of court (=come to an agreement to avoid going to a court of law) | settle your differences (=agree to stop arguing with someone)) 4 »DECIDE« to decide on something, especially so that you can make definite arrangements  (settled (that))  (It was settled that Jim would visit us on the weekend. | It is settled (=it is now decided))  (It's settled then. I'll go back to the States in June. | That settles it! (=this is enough information for a decision to be made))  (Carol's only 15? That settles it. We are not taking her with us.) 5 »PAY MONEY« to pay money that is owed  (settle a bill/account/claim)  (We expect you to settle your account in full each month. | These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim.) 6 »TAKE CARE OF DETAILS« to put all the details of a piece of business into order and deal with them, for example before you travel or because you may die soon  (settle the details (=deal with the details of a plan, agreement etc) | settle your affairs (=put your personal business in order) | settle an estate (=deal with the way someone's property is divided...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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