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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - set up


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Set up

set up
 transitive verb  Date: 13th century  1.  a. to raise to and place in a high position  b. to place in view ; post  c. to put forward (as a plan) for acceptance  2.  a. to place upright ; erect ~ a statue  b. to assemble the parts of and erect in position ~ a printing press  c. to put (a machine) in readiness or adjustment for an operation  3.  a. cause, create ~ a clamor  b. bring about  4. to place in power or in office ~ the general as dictator  5.  a. to raise from depression ; elate, gratify  b. to make proud or vain  6.  a. to put forward or extol as a model  b. to claim oneself to be sets himself up as an authority  7. found, inaugurate ~ a home for orphans  8.  a. to provide with means of making a living set him up in business  b. to bring or restore to normal health  c. to cause (one) to take on a soldierly or athletic appearance especially through drill  9. to erect (a perpendicular or a figure) on a base in a drawing  10.  a. to make taut (a stay or hawser)  b. to tighten firmly  11. to make carefully worked out plans for ~ a bank robbery  12.  a. to pay for (drinks)  b. to treat (someone) to something  13.  a. to put in a compromising or dangerous position usually by trickery or deceit  b. frame 3  14. to execute one or more plays in preparation for scoring  intransitive verb  1. to come into active operation or use  2. to begin business  3. to make pretensions has never ~ to be a wise manThomas Rogers  4. to become firm or consolidated
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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. организовывать; устраивать; 2. устанавливать; 3. учреждать; 4. налаживать; настраивать; 5. улаживать; утрясать; 6. выправка; 7. заговор; интрига; 8. наладка; настройка; 9. организация; 10. осанка; 1 1. система; структура; 1 2. полный состав ударных инструментов джаз-оркестра ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  1. помещать, ставить, класть to set up a picture on the floor —- поставить картину на пол the portrait was set up on the stage —- портрет был установлен на сцене special seats had to be set up around the sides of the hall —- по бокам зала пришлось поставить дополнительные ряды стульев a Latin inscription was set up on the tablet —- на мемориальной доске была сделана латинская надпись 2. поднимать, ставить to set up ninepins again —- поднимать упавшие кегли 3. вывешивать (для обозрения) to set up a notice —- вывесить объявление 4. воздвигать, устанавливать, ставить to set up a monument —- воздвигнуть памятник to set up a post —- ставить столб 5. возводить (на престол и т. п.) 6. основывать, учреждать to set up a company —- основать компанию to set up a government —- сформировать правительство to set up a committee —- организовать (учредить) комитет to set up a laboratory —- создать лабораторию to set up house —- начать (вести) семейную жизнь to set up an account —- открыть счет (в банке) the journal was set up in 1942 —- этот журнал начал выходить (был основан) в 1942 г. it wasn't till later that the camp and the aerodrome were set up —- лишь позже были построены поселок и аэродроме 7. вводить, устанавливать to set up new arrangements —- устанавливать (вводить) новые порядки to set up a custom —- вводить обычай to set up a record —- спорт. установить рекорд 8. открывать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) осанка; конституция  2) организация, устройство; система, структура  3) coll. положение, ситуация  4) coll. соревнование, рассчитанное на легкую победу  5) план, проект  2. adj.  1) сложенный (о человеке); a well set-up figure - стройная фигура  2) веселый; навеселе ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. If you set something up, you create or arrange it. The two sides agreed to set up a commission to investigate claims... Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P • setting up The British government announced the setting up of a special fund. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 2. If you set up a temporary structure, you place it or build it somewhere. They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 3. If you set up a device or piece of machinery, you do the things that are necessary for it to be able to start working. I set up the computer so that they could work from home. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 4. If you set up somewhere or set yourself up somewhere, you establish yourself in a new business or new area. ...the mayor’s scheme offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan... He worked as a dance instructor in London before setting himself up in Bucharest... Grandfather set them up in a liquor business. PHRASAL VERB: V P prep/adv, V pron-refl P prep/adv, V n P prep/adv 5. If you set up home or set up shop, you buy a house or business of your own and start living or working there. They married, and set up home in Ramsgate. PHRASAL VERB: V P n 6. If something sets up something such as a process, it creates it or causes it to begin. The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 7. If you are set up by someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when you have not. (INFORMAL) He claimed he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home... Maybe Angelo tried to set us up. PHRASAL VERB: be V-ed P, V n P 8. see also set-up ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n usually singular) 1 a way of organizing or arranging something  (a less traditional classroom set-up. | He has a nice little set-up, with a studio at the back and gallery space at the front.) 2 all the parts that work together in a system, for example in a computer system 3 informal a dishonest plan that tricks you  (How do I know this isn't a set-up?)  (- see also set up set1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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