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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - screen


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English screne, from Anglo-French escren, from Middle Dutch scherm; akin to Old High German skirm shield; probably akin to Sanskrit carman skin, k?nati he injures — more at shear  Date: 14th century  1. a protective or ornamental device (as a movable partition) shielding an area from heat or drafts or from view  2. something that shelters, protects, or hides: as  a. a growth or stand of trees, shrubs, or plants  b. a protective formation of troops, ships, or planes  c. something that covers or disguises the true nature (as of an activity or feeling) his geniality is just a ~  d.  (1) a maneuver in various sports (as basketball or ice hockey) whereby an opponent is legally impeded or the opponent's view of the play is momentarily blocked  (2) ~ pass  3.  a. a perforated plate or cylinder or a meshed wire or cloth fabric usually mounted and used to separate coarser from finer parts  b. a system for examining and separating into different groups  c. a piece of apparatus designed to prevent agencies in one part from affecting other parts an optical ~ an electric ~  d. a frame holding a usually metallic netting used especially in a window or door to exclude pests (as insects)  4.  a. a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected  b. the surface on which the image appears in an electronic display (as in a television set, radar receiver, or computer terminal); also the information displayed on a computer ~ at one time  5. a glass plate ruled with crossing opaque lines through which an image is photographed in making a halftone  6. the motion-picture medium or industry  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to guard from injury or danger  2.  a. to give shelter or protection to with or as if with a ~  b. to separate with or as if with a ~; also to shield (an opponent) from a play or from view of a play  3.  a. to pass (as coal, gravel, or ashes) through a ~ to separate the fine part from the coarse; also to remove by a ~  b.  (1) to examine usually methodically in order to make a separation into different groups  (2) to select or eliminate by a ~ing process  (3) to test or examine for the presence of something (as a disease) patients were ~ed for hepatitis  4. to provide with a ~ to keep out pests (as insects)  5.  a.  (1) to present (as a motion picture) for viewing on a ~  (2) to view the presentation of (as a motion picture)  b. to present in a motion picture  intransitive verb  1. to appear on a motion-picture ~  2. to provide a ~ in a game or sport  Synonyms: see hide  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a fixed or movable upright partition for separating, concealing, or sheltering from draughts or excessive heat or light. 2 a thing used as a shelter, esp. from observation. 3 a a measure adopted for concealment. b the protection afforded by this (under the screen of night). 4 a a blank usu. white or silver surface on which a photographic image is projected. b (prec. by the) the cinema industry. 5 the surface of a cathode-ray tube or similar electronic device, esp. of a television, VDU, etc., on which images appear. 6 = sight-screen. 7 = WINDSCREEN. 8 a frame with fine wire netting to keep out flies, mosquitoes, etc. 9 Physics a body intercepting light, heat, electric or magnetic induction, etc., in a physical apparatus. 10 Photog. a piece of ground glass in a camera for focusing. 11 a large sieve or riddle, esp. for sorting grain, coal, etc., into sizes. 12 a system of checking for the presence or absence of a disease, ability, attribute, etc. 13 Printing a transparent finely-ruled plate or film used in half-tone reproduction. 14 Mil. a body of troops, ships, etc., detached to warn of the presence of an enemy force. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) a afford shelter to; hide partly or completely. b protect from detection, censure, etc. 2 (foll. by off) shut off or hide behind a screen. 3 a show (a film etc.) on a screen. b broadcast (a television programme). 4 prevent from causing, or protect from, electrical interference. 5 a test (a person or group) for the presence or absence of a disease. b check on (a person) for the presence or absence of a quality, esp. reliability or loyalty. 6 pass (grain, coal, etc.) through a screen. Phrases and idioms screen printing a process like stencilling with ink forced through a prepared sheet of fine material (orig. silk). screen test an audition for a part in a cinema film. Derivatives screenable adj. screener n. Etymology: ME f. ONF escren, escran: cf. OHG skrank barrier ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) грохот; сито; решето просеивать; отсеивать; сортировать; разделять на ситах (см. тж sieve) 2) (защитный) экран экранировать, защищать экраном 3) противофильтрационный экран (плотины); заграждение; стенка 4) (сетчатый) фильтр 5) решётка оборудовать (сооружение) решёткой 6) авто ветровое стекло 7) светофильтр 8) кфт. экран показывать на экране 9) формат экрана; кадр 10) (сетчатый) трафарет наносить через (сетчатый) трафарет; выполнять трафаретную печать 11) текст. сетчатый шаблон 12) звукопоглощающая панель (для помещения с открытой планировкой) 13) полигр. растр растрировать; экспонировать через растр 14) парфюм. защитное вещество 15) отбраковка; 100%-й контроль отбраковывать проводить 100%-й контроль - absorbing screen - afterglow screen - air inlet screen - anodic screen - antifrost screen - antiglare screen - background rear projection screen - back projection viewing screen - banana-type screen - band screen - bar screen - beaded screen - beaded-surface screen - belt screen - black matrix screen - braided screen - brush-bundle screen - cab protective screen - camera screen - cathodic screen - cinema screen - circular screen - classifying screen - close-coupled screen - closed screen - CNC screen - coarse screen - coarse oil screen - color screen - color picture tube screen - comminuting screen - concave screen - contact screen - contact printing screen - conventional-format screen - convex screen - core screen - cross-line screen - curved screen - dark-trace screen - data entry screen - desliming...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сетка; сетчатый фильтр сороудерживающая решётка грохот противофильтрационный экран (плотины) козырёк, экран (над порталом тоннеля) screen of permafrost antidazzle screen band screen bar screen ceiling screen coarse screen cutting screen double-deck screen drum screen filter screen fish screen glare screen jet blast deflector screen plant screens protective screen revolving screen roof screen rotary screen round-hole screen sand screen shaking screen sheet pile screen snow screen stepped vibrating screens thermal radiation screen vibrating screen well screen ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) телевизионный экран, ТВ-экран 2) (электромагнитный) экран – absorbing screen – afterglow screen – anodic screen – background rear-projection screen – braided screen – camera screen – cathodic screen – color screen – concave screen – convex screen – curved screen – dot-type screen – electromagnetic screen – electrostatic screen – Faraday screen – fixed projection screen – fast screen – flat screen – focusing screen – frosted screen – gloss screen – half-tone screen – hemispherical screen – lapped screen – lenticular screen – long-persistance screen – luminescent screen – luminous screen – motion-picture screen – negative screen – opaque screen – outer screen – perforated screen – phosphor screen – portable projection screen – protecting screen – read screen – rear-projection screen – rectangular screen – short-persistence screen – spreading screen – television screen – translucent screen – tricolor mosaic screen – two-dimensional screen – viewing screen – white-matte screen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) грохот 2) грохотить 3) завеса 4) заслон 5) заслонять 6) защита 7) защищать 8) маска 9) отбирать 10) отсевать 11) показывать на экране 12) просеивать 13) просеять 14) машиностр. растр 15) полигр. растрировать 16) решето 17) решеточный 18) сетчатый 19) сито 20) ситовый 21) ситчатый 22) триеровать 23) ширма 24) щит 25) экран 26) экран плотины 27) экранировать 28) экранный burn spot in screen — прожигать экран кинескопа grain screen autotype — корешковая автотипия lump coal screen — грохот для крупного угля screen into sizes — разделять по крупности wedge wire screen — щелевой грохот welding hand screen — сварочный щиток - arch screen - belt screen - blinding of screen - coarse screen - conical screen - desliming screen - diffracting screen - display screen - double-deck screen - feeder screen - fluorescent screen - focusing screen - hydraulic screen - impact screen - intensifying screen - jigging screen - lead screen - metal-backed screen - molder screen - mosaic screen - movable screen - phase-changing screen - projection screen - revolving screen - scalping screen - screen angle - screen brush - screen burn-out - screen cell - screen cleaner - screen density - screen dot - screen feeder - screen filter - screen free - screen frequency - screen grader - screen holder - screen mount - screen persistence - screen printing - screen reject - screen rotation - screen sizing - screen steadiness - screen test - shaking screen - side screen - sing-deck screen - slack screen - slurry screen - smoke screen - stationary screen - television screen - unbalanced-throw screen - user screen - vibrating screen - washing screen - wellpoint screen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  экранное изображение; экранное представление ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  гл. "причесывать" (напр. просматривать ценные бумаги в поиске нужных характеристик) SCREEN I сущ. 1) общ. экран а)тех. (дисплей компьютера, электронных часов и т. д.) б) СМИ (поверхность, на которую могут быть спроектированы реклама или фильм) 2) общ. ширма, щит, экран; доска; (экранирующая) сетка 3) общ. завеса, прикрытие, ограждение, изгородь I want to plant some kind of bushes between our house and the neighbors house to make a screen from them. - Я хочу посадить какие-нибудь кусты между моим и соседским домом, чтобы отгородиться от них. 4) общ. грохот, решето, сито (напр., для просеивания зерна) 5) полигр. растр (сетчатое устройство, используемое в полутоновой и четырехкрасочной печати для создания изображения путем его фотографирования, в результате чего образуются точки, позволяющие легче воспроизвести изображение) See: screening 6) II гл. 1) общ. защищать, прикрывать, укрывать; прятать, скрывать; отгораживать; экранировать; ставить ширму (экран) If you have a PA, then he or she can screen you from visitors or phone calls. - Если у вас есть личный секретарь, он может оградить вас от посетителей или телефонных звонков. 2) а) общ. сортировать; (тщательно) отбирать, отбраковывать The final stage is to screen ideas to select one idea. - Последний этап-...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) экран; экранировать 2) сито; просеивать, сортировать; отцеживать 3) массовое обследование, скриннинг 4) сетка от насекомых – complement screen – hand screen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ширма, экран embroidered screen —- вышитая ширма fire screen —- каминный экран 2. оконная сетка (для защиты от насекомых; также window screen) 3. защита, прикрытие; завеса smoke screen —- дымовая завеса under (the) screen of night —- под покровом ночи (темноты) to put on a screen of indifference —- надеть на себя маску равнодушия to act as a screen for smb. —- укрывать кого-л.; служить ширмой для кого-л. 4. воен. маска 5. воен. маскировка 6. воен. спорт. заслон to break through a screen —- прорвать заслон screen style of offence —- нападение с применением заслона (баскетбол) 7. кин. экран to show a film on the screen —- выпускать фильм на экран to put a play on the screen —- экранизировать (какую-л.) пьесу Soviet pictures on the screens of the world —- советские картины на экранах мира on the television screen —- на телевизионном экране on the screen she looks younger —- на экране она выглядит моложе off the screen he is much handsomer —- в жизни он гораздо красивее, чем на экране 8. (the screen) кинематография, кино screen right —- право на экранизацию 9. эл. экран, экранирующая сетка screen editor —- комп. экранный редактор 10. доска, щит для объявлений (обыкн. закрытый проволочной сеткой) 11. редк. перегородка 12. тлв. экран thin screen —- плоский экран 13. использовать ширму, экран и т. п. для защиты (от чего-л.); экранировать to screen the fire from...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) ширма, экран; щит, доска (для объявлений)  2) cin.; electr.; radio экран  3) (the screen) кино  4) прикрытие, заслон, завеса (тж. воен.); under (the) screen of night - под покровом ночи; to put on a screen of indifference - принять нарочито безразличный вид  5) сетка от насекомых  6) грохот, сито, решето  7) attr. - screen adaptation - screen time  2. v.  1) прикрывать, укрывать, защищать; It is hopeless trying to screen your child from the harmful effects of television.  2) экранировать; использовать ширму, экран и т.п. для защиты (от чего-л.) These special coverings screen the windows from the bright light.  3) просеивать, сортировать, грохотить  4) производить проверку политической благонадежности  5) подвергать испытаниям, тщательно отбирать (кандидатов на должность и т.п.)  6) mil. проводить отбор новобранцев  7) экранизировать  8) снимать в кино; to screen well (badly) -  а) иметь успех (не иметь успеха) в кино;  б) быть фотогеничным (нефотогеничным)  9) демонстрировать на экране - screen out SCREEN adaptation экранизация литературного произведения SCREEN out  а) не замечать (неудобств и т.п.) The child was able to screen out the noises surrounding him.  б) отводить (кандидата на должность) So far we have screened out four people who wanted the job but were unsuitable. SCREEN test noun cin. проба на роль SCREEN time время демонстрации фильма,...
Англо-русский словарь
  (screens, screening, screened) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A screen is a flat vertical surface on which pictures or words are shown. Television sets and computers have screens, and films are shown on a screen in cinemas. N-COUNT see also big screen, small screen, widescreen 2. You can refer to film or television as the screen. Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen... She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen. N-SING: the N, also on/off N 3. When a film or a television programme is screened, it is shown in the cinema or broadcast on television. The series is likely to be screened in January... TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo. VERB: be V-ed, V n • screening (screenings) The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works. N-COUNT 4. A screen is a vertical panel which can be moved around. It is used to keep cold air away from part of a room, or to create a smaller area within a room. They put a screen in front of me so I couldn’t see what was going on. N-COUNT 5. If something is screened by another thing, it is behind it and hidden by it. Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed by n 6. To screen for a disease means to examine people to make sure that they do not have it. ...a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay. VERB: V for n • screening Britain has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer. N-VAR: usu N for n 7. When an organization screens people who apply to join it, it investigates them to make sure that they are not likely to cause problems. They will screen all their candidates. ...screening procedures for the regiment. VERB: V n, V-ing 8. To screen people or luggage means to check them using special equipment to make sure they are not carrying a weapon or a bomb. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TELEVISION/COMPUTER« the flat glass part of a television or computer  (This popular show will be back on your screens in the autumn. | on screen (=on a computer screen))  (It's easy to change the text on screen before printing it.) 2 »CINEMA« a) the large white surface that pictures are shown on in a cinema b) films in general  (The play was adapted for the screen.) 3 »MOVABLE WALL« a kind of wall that can be moved around, used to divide one part of a room from another  (The nurse put a screen around my bed.) 4 »HIDE OR PROTECT« C usually singular something or someone that protects or hides someone or something else  (We planted these bushes as a screen, as the shed is so ugly. | It turned out that the used car business was just a screen for his drug-dealing activities.) 5 »DOOR/WINDOW« a wire net put in front of a window or door that allows air into the house but keeps insects out 6 »CHURCH« a decorative wall in some churches 7 »SPORTS« AmE a player or group of players in a game who protect the player who has the ball  (- see also smokescreen, sunscreen) ~2 v 1 »TEST FOR ILLNESS« to do tests on a lot of people to find out whether they have a particular illness  (Because of the higher risks, we try to screen all women over 50. | screen sb for)  (We were all screened for hepatitis.) 2 »HIDE STH« to hide or protect something by putting something in front of it + off  (A large hat screened her face. | Part of the room was screened off as a reception area. | screen sth (off) from)  (The house is screened from the road by a row of trees.) 3 »TEST EMPLOYEES« to examine or test people to make sure that they will be loyal to your company, organization etc  (All applicants are screened for security.) 4 »PROTECT SB« to protect someone who is involved in dishonest or illegal activities  (He had been screening his business partner during the fraud investigation.) 5 »TELEVISION« to show a film or television programme screen sth out phr v 1 to prevent something harmful from entering or passing...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1348, from O.N.Fr. escren, O.Fr. escran "a screen against heat," from M.Du. scherm "screen, cover," or Frank. *skrank "barrier." Meaning "to shield from punishment, to conceal" is 1485. Sense of "to release a movie" is from 1915. Screen saver first attested 1990. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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