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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - pretty


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 I. adjective  (prettier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English praty, prety, from Old English pr?ttig tricky, from pr?tt trick; akin to Old Norse prettr trick  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. artful, clever  b. pat, apt  2.  a. pleasing by delicacy or grace  b. having conventionally accepted elements of beauty  c. appearing or sounding pleasant or nice but lacking strength, force, manliness, purpose, or intensity ~ words that make no senseElizabeth B. Browning  3.  a. miserable, terrible a ~ mess you've gotten us into  b. chiefly Scottish stout  4. moderately large ; considerable a very ~ profit cost a ~ penny  5. easy to enjoy ; pleasant — usually used in negative constructions reality is not so ~ — Caleb Solomon  Synonyms: see beautiful  • prettily adverb  • ~ish adjective  II. adverb  Date: 1565  1.  a. in some degree ; moderately ~ cold weather  b. quite, mainly the wound was…~ bad — Walt Whitman  2. in a ~ manner ; prettily pop vocalists who can sing ~ — Gerald Levitch Usage:  Some handbooks complain that ~ is overworked and recommend the selection of a more specific word or restrict ~ to informal or colloquial contexts. Pretty is used to tone down a statement and is in wide use across the whole spectrum of English. It is common in informal speech and writing but is neither rare nor wrong in serious discourse he may, if he be ~ well off or clever, qualify himself as a doctor — G. B. Shaw a return to those traditions of American foreign policy which worked ~ well for over a century — H. S. Commager the arguments for buying expensive books have to be ~ cogentTimes Literary Supplement  III. noun  (plural pretties)  Date: 1736  1. plural dainty clothes; especially lingerie  2. a ~ person or thing  IV. transitive verb  (prettied; ~ing)  Date: 1909 to make ~ — usually used with up curtains to ~ up the room
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  adj., n., v., & adv. --adj. (prettier, prettiest) 1 attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome (a pretty child; a pretty dress; a pretty tune). 2 fine or good of its kind (a pretty wit). 3 iron. considerable, fine (a pretty penny; a pretty mess you have made). --adv. colloq. fairly, moderately (am pretty well; find it pretty difficult). --n. (pl. -ies) a pretty person (esp. as a form of address to a child). --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by up) make pretty or attractive. Phrases and idioms pretty much (or nearly or well) colloq. almost; very nearly. pretty-pretty too pretty. sitting pretty colloq. in a favourable or advantageous position. Derivatives prettily adv. prettiness n. prettyish adj. prettyism n. Etymology: OE pr{aelig}ttig f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. прелесть (в обращении) my pretty! —- мой милый!, моя милая!, моя прелесть! 2. красивая вещь; украшение 3. красивая одежда; изящное белье 4. ам. безделушка; игрушка, хорошенькая вещица 5. верхняя (украшенная рисунками) часть бокала или стакана 6. ам. разг. сокр. от a pretty penny кругленькая сумма I'd give a pretty to know that secret —- я бы дал много, чтобы узнать этот секрет 7. милый, прелестный, привлекательный pretty garden —- прелестный сад 8. хорошенький; симпатичный (о женщине, ребенке) (as) pretty as a picture (as a painting) —- хороша как картинка 9. приятный, хороший pretty voice —- прелестный голос pretty stroke —- хороший удар (в крикете) pretty song —- приятная (славная) песенка he has a pretty wit —- он очень (весьма) остроумен he writes pretty little stories —- он пишет изящные (маленькие) рассказы 10. ирон. хорошенький, веселенький pretty business! —- хорошенькое дело! a pretty mess you've made of it! —- ну и кашу вы заварили! this is a pretty state of affairs —- ничего себе положеньице! a pretty fellow indeed! —- нечего сказать, хорош гусь! 11. значительный, изрядный a pretty sum —- кругленькая сумма a pretty penny —- кругленькая сумма Id: he made a pretty pot of money —- он заработал уйму денег 12. шотл. храбрый, сильный 13. довольно, достаточно; в значительной степени pretty much —- очень, в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) хорошенький, прелестный, миловидный  2) приятный; хороший also iron. ; a pretty business! - хорошенькое дело!  3) coll. значительный, изрядный; a pretty penny/sum - кругленькая сумма - be sitting pretty Syn: see beautiful  2. noun  1) my pretty! - моя прелесть! (в обращении)  2) pl. красивые вещи, платья  3) amer. безделушка, хорошенькая вещица  3. adv. coll. довольно, достаточно, в значительной степени (тк. с прил. и нареч.); I feel pretty sick about it - мне это очень надоело; Im feeling pretty well - я вполне прилично себя чувствую; that is pretty much the same thing - это почти то же самое - pretty much  4. v. coll. (up) прихорашивать (кого-л., что-л.); They prettied the children up for the photograph. Every town is specially prettied up for a visit by the Queen. PRETTY much очень, в большой степени ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (prettier, prettiest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you describe someone, especially a girl, as pretty, you mean that they look nice and are attractive in a delicate way. She’s a very charming and very pretty girl. ADJ • prettily She smiled again, prettily. ADV • prettiness Her prettiness had been much admired. N-UNCOUNT 2. A place or a thing that is pretty is attractive and pleasant, in a charming but not particularly unusual way. Whitstable is still a very pretty little town. ADJ • prettily The living-room was prettily decorated. ADV • prettiness ...shells of quite unbelievable prettiness. N-UNCOUNT 3. You can use pretty before an adjective or adverb to mean ‘quite’ or ‘rather’. (INFORMAL) I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do... Pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings. ADV: ADV adj/adv 4. Pretty much or pretty well means ‘almost’. (INFORMAL) His new government looks pretty much like the old one... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv + adj/adv spoken 1 fairly, though not completely  (I'm pretty sure he'll say yes. | Life on the farm was pretty tough.)  (- see rather) 2 very  (It's pretty hard to see how we'll manage.) 3 pretty well also pretty much very nearly; almost  (I'd say that's pretty well impossible. | "How is he feeling today?" "Pretty much the same.") 4 pretty near especially AmE almost  (That bout of pneumonia pretty near killed Roy.)  (- see also be sitting pretty sit (6)) ~2 adj prettier, prettiest 1 a woman or child who is pretty is good-looking in an ordinary way  (Susan's certainly a pretty girl, but I wouldn't call her beautiful. | Maria looks much prettier with her hair cut short.) 2 something that is pretty is pleasant to look at or listen to without being very beautiful or impressive  (a pretty dress | a pretty tune | What a pretty little garden!) 3 a boy who is pretty looks attractive in a way that is typical of a girl  (She said,"Oh Nick's the pretty one really.") 4 not a pretty sight often humorous very unpleasant to look at  (After a night's drinking, Al was not a pretty sight.) 5 not just a pretty face humorous spoken to have qualities or abilities as well as an attractive appearance  (I'm not just a pretty face, you know!) 6 come to a pretty pass old-fashioned used to say that a very bad situation has developed  (Things have come to a pretty pass, if you can't say what you think without causing a fight.) 7 cost a pretty penny old-fashioned to cost a lot of money 8 pretty as a picture very pretty 9 pretty pretty BrE spoilt by too much pretty decoration - prettily adv  (Charlotte sang very prettily.) - prettiness n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. prжttig (W.Saxon), *prettig (Mercian) "cunning, skillful, artful," from prжtt, *prett "trick, wile craft," from W.Gmc. *pratt-. Meaning had shifted by c.1400 to "manly, gallant," and later moved via "attractive, skillfully made," to "fine," to "beautiful in a slight way" (1440). Used to qualify adjectives and adverbs since 1565. A pretty penny "lot of money" is first recorded 1768. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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