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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - moment


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 noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~um movement, particle sufficient to turn the scales, ~, from movere to move  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a minute portion or point of time ; instant  b. a comparatively brief period of time  2.  a. present time at the ~ she is working on a novel  b. a time of excellence or conspicuousness he has his ~s  3. importance in influence or effect a matter of great ~  4. obsolete a cause or motive of action  5. a stage in historical or logical development  6.  a. tendency or measure of tendency to produce motion especially about a point or axis  b. the product of quantity (as a force) and the distance to a particular axis or point  7.  a. the mean of the nth powers of the deviations of the observed values in a set of statistical data from a fixed value  b. the expected value of a power of the deviation of a random variable from a fixed value  Synonyms: see importance
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  n. 1 a very brief portion of time; an instant. 2 a short period of time (wait a moment) (see also MINUTE(1)). 3 an exact or particular point of time (at last the moment arrived; I came the moment you called). 4 importance (of no great moment). 5 Physics & Mech. etc. a the turning effect produced by a force acting at a distance on an object. b this effect expressed as the product of the force and the distance from its line of action to a point. Phrases and idioms at the moment at this time; now. in a moment 1 very soon. 2 instantly. man (or woman etc.) of the moment the one of importance at the time in question. moment of inertia Physics the quantity by which the angular acceleration of a body must be multiplied to give corresponding torque. moment of truth a time of crisis or test (orig. the final sword-thrust in a bullfight). not for a (or one) moment never; not at all. this moment immediately; at once (come here this moment). Etymology: ME f. OF f. L momentum: see MOMENTUM ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  момент to take moment about point — определять момент относительно точки; to take bending moment — воспринимать изгибающий момент; работать на изгиб moment of area — статический момент площади сечения - moment of couple - moment of deflection - moment of force - moment of inertia - moment of momentum - moment of resistance - moment of rotation - moment of stability - aerodynamic moment - bending moment - breaking moment - capsizing moment - central moment - centifugal moment - core moment - current moment - dead-load moment - desing moment - dipole moment - electric dipole moment - end restraint moment - exciting moment - first moment - first moment of area - fixed-end moment - fixing moment - girder moment - heeling moment - hogging moment - hydraulic moment - magnetic moment - magnetic dipole moment - negative moment - overturning moment - pitching moment - pitch moment - plastic moment of resistance - polar moment of inertia - polar second moment of area - population moment - positive moment - reaction moment - resultant moment - resulting moment - righting moment - rolling moment - rotational moment - sagging moment - sample moment - second moment of area - stability moment - stabilizing moment - starting moment - static moment - sum moment - thrust moment - tilting moment - transfer moment - transient moment - transitional moment - trimming moment - trim moment - turning moment - twisting moment - waterplane moment of inertia - wave bending moment - yawing moment ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  момент moment about any axis moment about any point moment at any section in the length of a beam moments exerted by redundant members moment induced in a section moment opposite in sign moment produced by dead load moment produced by live load moment required to produce a unit rotation moment resulting from sidesway moments yielding the same rotation moment of area moment of external forces moment of force moment of inertia moment of inertia about neutral axis moment of inertia about parallel axis moment of inertia of a section moment of reversed sign moment of rupture applied moment area moment axial moment axial moment of inertia balanced moment bar moment bending moment bending moment at any section of a beam breaking bending moment cantilever moment carried-over moment carryover moment central moment of inertia clockwise moment continuity moment counterclockwise moment cracking moment critical moment dead-load moment deviation moment distributed moment dummy unit moment edge moment edge torque moment end moment external moment failing moment first moment fixed-end moment fixing moment hogging moment internal moment joint moment least moment of inertia meridional bending moment midpoint bending moment negative moment node point moment out-of-balance moment overturning moment overturning moment due to wind forces plastic moment polar moment of inertia positive moment reduced plastic moment resisting moment restoring moment due to dead loads second moment of area secondary moment second axial moment of area second polar moment of area simple-beam moment support moment static moment static moment of area stress moment thrust moment torque moment torsion moment twisting moment ultimate moment ultimate resisting moment unbalanced moment unit moment yield moment zero moment ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  момент – electromagnetic moment – load moment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) мгновение 2) мгновенный 3) момент 4) моментный area moment method — метод моментных площадей cantilever bending moment — изгибающий момент в консоли centrifugal couple moment — момент центробежной пары centroidal moment of inertia — осевой момент инерции electric moment of a body — электрический момент тела equivalent bending moment — приведенный изгибающий момент equivalent moment of inertia — приведенный момент инерции first product moment — первый смешанный момент, ковариация magnetic moment of a body — магнитный момент тела mixed multivariate moment — смешанный момент moment about arbitrary point — момент относительно произвольной точки moment about mean — центральный момент moment about origin — начальный момент moment about zero — начальный момент moment distribution method — метод перераспределения моментов moment generating function — матем. производящая функция моментов moment occurs in — момент возникает moment of a couple — момент пары сил moment of a force — момент силы moment of a frequency distributi — момент распределения вероятности moment of a support — опорный момент moment of integer order — момент целочисленного порядка moment with respect to — момент относительно negative pitching moment — физ. момент пикирующий pitch trim moment — физ. балансировочный момент тангажа positive pitching moment — физ. момент кабрирующий power moment problem — степенная проблема...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) момент 2) минута 3) важность 4) значение • - at the moment - of great moment - of little moment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – absolute moment – factorial moment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. момент; миг, мгновение, минута wait a moment!, just a moment! —- погоди!, один момент!, сейчас! the moment (when(that) —- как только I came the moment I heard of it —- я пришел, как только услыхал об этом the moment (that) I saw him —- как только я его увидел a moment ago —- только что this moment —- немедленно; только что come this moment! —- сейчас же иди сюда! go this very moment! —- отправляйся немедленно (тотчас же)! I have just (only) this moment heard of it —- я только что услыхал (узнал) об этом in a moment —- через минуту, сейчас; очень скоро, в один миг (момент) he will be back in a moment —- он сейчас (через минуту) вернется in a few moments —- через несколько минут it was all done in a moment —- все было сделано в один момент (миг) for a moment —- на минуту (минутку) give me your book for a moment —- дайте мне вашу книгу на минутку he disappeared for a moment —- он исчез на минуту I haven't a moment to spare —- у меня нет ни минуты свободного времени 2. данный момент, определенное время at the (this) moment, at the present moment —- в данную минуту, в настоящее время at the (that) moment —- в ту минуту, в то время at the moment I thought —- в тот миг я подумал; в то время я думал at the last moment —- в последнюю минуту (-ий миг, -ее мгновение) at any moment —- в любую минуту, в любое время he may returt (at) any moment —- он может вернуться в любую минуту (at) every moment —- каждую...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) момент, миг, мгновение, минута; at/for the moment - в данную минуту; this moment -  а) немедленно;  б) только что; to the (very) moment - точно в указанный срок; a man of the moment - человек, влиятельный в данное время; ally of the moment - временный, случайный союзник  2) важность, значение; a decision of great moment - важное решение; it is of no moment - это не имеет значения  3) mech.; phys. момент ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (moments) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You can refer to a very short period of time, for example a few seconds, as a moment or moments. In a moment he was gone... She stared at him a moment, then turned away... Stop for one moment and think about it!... In moments, I was asleep once more. = minute, second N-COUNT 2. A particular moment is the point in time at which something happens. At this moment a car stopped at the house... Many people still remember the moment when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated. N-COUNT: with supp 3. If you say that something will or may happen at any moment or any moment now, you are emphasizing that it is likely to happen very soon. They ran the risk of being shot at any moment... He’ll be here to see you any moment now. PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use expressions such as at the moment, at this moment, and at the present moment to indicate that a particular situation exists at the time when you are speaking. At the moment, no one is talking to me... This is being planned at the present moment... = now, currently PHRASE 5. If you say that you do not believe for a moment or for one moment that something is true, you are emphasizing that you do not believe that it could possibly be true. I don’t for a moment think there’ll be a divorce. = for a minute PHRASE: with brd-neg, PHR with v c darkgreen]emphasis 6. You use for the moment to indicate that something is true now, even if it will not be true in the future. For the moment, however, the government is happy to live with it. PHRASE: PHR with cl 7. If you say that someone or something has their moments, you are indicating that there are times when they are successful or interesting, but that this does not happen very often. The film has its moments... PHRASE: V inflects 8. If someone does something at the last moment, they do it at the latest time possible. They changed their minds at the last moment and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »POINT IN TIME« a particular point in time  (They've been arguing from the moment they walked in the door. | There were a few worrying moments, but on the whole the play went well. | at the moment especially spoken BrE, formal AmE (=used to say that something is happening or true now))  (Julia's on holiday in Spain at the moment. | At the moment, the situation in Haiti is very tense. | for the moment (=used to say that something is happening or true now but will probably change in the future))  (Well, for the moment we're just friends. | For the moment the troops had stopped firing and there was an eerie hush. | at this/that moment (=used to emphasize that something is happening now or at a particular time in the past))  (Just at that moment there was a knock on the door. | John's listening to the programme at this moment, in fact. | at this moment in time (=used especially by politicians, newspapers etc to mean now))  (At this moment in time it would be inappropriate to speculate on Castro's intentions. | just this moment (=used to emphasize that something has only just happened))  (I just this moment arrived, and already Dan wants to know when I'm leaving.) 2 »SHORT TIME« a very short period of time  (But you said a moment ago you weren't going to see him again! | Can you spare a few moments to answer some questions? | in a moment (=very soon))  (I'll come back to that point in a moment. | for a moment)  (It was quiet for a moment, then Rae asked what time he'd be back. | wait/just a moment (=used when you want someone to wait a short time while you do or say something))  (Just a moment, let me put these away first.) 3 the moment (that) sb does/says sth as soon as someone does something or says something  (He said he'd phone you the moment he got home.) 4 the last moment if you do something at the last moment or wait until the last moment to do it, you do it at the last possible time  (How could you leave buying your wedding dress to the last moment?!) 5 not believe/think/do sth for a moment especially...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. moment, from L. momentum "movement, moving power," also "instant, importance," contraction of *movimentum, from movere "to move." Notion of a particle so small it would just "move" the pointer of a scale led to sense of time division, which originated in moment of time. Momentous formed 1656 in Eng., to carry the sense of "important" while momentary (1526) kept the meaning "of an instant of time." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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