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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - luck


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Middle Dutch luc; akin to Middle High German gelucke ~  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a force that brings good fortune or adversity  b. the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual  2. favoring chance; also success had great ~ growing orchids  • ~less adjective  II. intransitive verb  Date: circa 1584  1. to prosper or succeed especially through chance or good fortune — usually used with out the hero ~s out and is able to escape  2. to come upon something desirable by chance — usually used with out, on, onto, or into ~ed into a wonderful opportunity
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  n. 1 chance regarded as the bringer of good or bad fortune. 2 circumstances of life (beneficial or not) brought by this. 3 good fortune; success due to chance (in luck; out of luck). Phrases and idioms for luck to bring good fortune. good luck 1 good fortune. 2 an omen of this. hard luck worse fortune than one deserves. no such luck colloq. unfortunately not. try one's luck make a venture. with luck if all goes well. worse luck colloq. unfortunately. Etymology: ME f. LG luk f. MLG geluke ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  случай, счастье - bad luck - game of luck - good luck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. (та или иная) судьба; случай luck rough luck —- горькая доля good luck —- счастливый случай, удача good luck!, the best of luck! —- желая успеха! bad luck —- неудача, невезение, несчастье bad luck to him! —- пусть не будет ему удачи!, чтоб ему пусто было! he has good luck in his affairs —- ему везет в делах he had the bad luck to break his leg —- как на грех он сломал себе ногу to have hard luck —- быть несчастливым, не видать удачи it was hard luck on you! —- как вам не повезло!, какое несчастье (выражение сочувствия) just my luck! —- ирон. такое уж мое везение!, мне не везет как всегда! what rotten luck! —- какое невезение!, какое несчастье (выражение сочувствия) worse luck —- к сожалению; к тому же, вдобавок (к чему-л. плохому) 2. счастье, удача; успех; везенье a great piece of luck —- большое счастье, редкая удача the devil's own luck —- необыкновенная удача, редкое везение; ирон. чертовское (дьявольское) невезение a run of luck —- полоса удачи to wish smb. (all the) luck (in the world) —- желать кому-л. (всяческого) успеха (-ой удачи) to try one's luck —- попытать счастья; рискнуть to try one's luck at the roulette —- попытать счастья в рулетку I had the luck to know him —- я имел счастье знать его he has no luck —- ему не везет, ему нет счастья he is in luck —- ему везет, ему удача he is out of luck —- ему не везет he is off his luck —- счастье ему...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out быть счастливым; повезти; At last I lucked out and found a good job. LUCK  1. noun  1) судьба, случай; bad/ill luck - несчастье, неудача; down on ones luck -  а) удрученный невезением;  б) в несчастье, в беде;  в) без денег; just my luck! - мне, как всегда, не везет!, такое уж мое везение! - good luck - rough luck - try ones luck - push ones luck - stretch ones luck  2) счастье, удача; a great piece of luck - большое счастье, большая удача; a run of luck - полоса удачи; for luck! - на счастье!; I am in (out of) luck - мне везет (не везет); if my luck holds - если мне не изменит счастье; devils own luck - необыкновенная удача; чертовски повезло; you are in lucks way - вам повезло as ill luck would have it - и как нарочно, как назло as luck would have it - к счастью или к несчастью, как повезет, случайно worse luck - к несчастью  2. v. - luck out ...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Luck or good luck is success or good things that happen to you, that do not come from your own abilities or efforts. I knew I needed a bit of luck to win... The Sri Lankans have been having no luck with the weather... The goal, when it came, owed more to good luck than good planning. N-UNCOUNT 2. Bad luck is lack of success or bad things that happen to you, that have not been caused by yourself or other people. I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season... Randall’s illness was only bad luck. N-UNCOUNT 3. see also hard luck 4. If you ask someone the question ‘Any luck?’ or ‘No luck?’, you want to know if they have been successful in something they were trying to do. (INFORMAL) ‘Any luck?’—‘No.’ CONVENTION 5. You can say ‘Bad luck’, or ‘Hard luck’, to someone when you want to express sympathy to them. (INFORMAL) Well, hard luck, mate. CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 6. If you describe someone as down on their luck, you mean that they have had bad experiences, often because they do not have enough money. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 7. If you say ‘Good luck’ or ‘Best of luck’ to someone, you are telling them that you hope they will be successful in something they are trying to do. (INFORMAL) He kissed her on the cheek. ‘Best of luck!’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 8. You can say someone is in luck when they are in a situation where they can have what they want or need. You’re in luck. The doctor’s still in. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you say that someone is out of luck, you mean that they cannot have something which they can normally have. ‘What do you want, Roy? If it’s money, you’re out of luck.’ PHRASE: V inflects 10. If you say that someone is pushing their luck, you think they are taking a bigger risk than is sensible, and may get into trouble. I didn’t dare push my luck too far and did not ask them to sign statements. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »GOOD FORTUNE« something good that happens by chance  (have luck (with sth))  (Did you have any luck with the job application? | You're not having much luck today, are you? | Good luck!/Best of luck!)  (Good luck tomorrow in the exam! | wish sb luck)  (Tom wished me luck in the race and left.) 2 »CHANCE« the way in which good or bad things happen to people by chance  (There's no skill in roulette, it's all a matter of luck. | good/bad luck)  (We seem to have had a lot of bad luck lately. | sheer/pure luck)  (It was sheer luck you were there to help.) 3 any luck? spoken used to ask someone if they have succeeded in doing something  ("I phoned them about the car." "Any luck?" "Yes, it'll be ready on Tuesday.") 4 do sth for luck to do something because you think it might bring you good luck  (John always carried a rabbit's foot for luck.) 5 be in luck to be able to do or get something, especially when you did not expect to  (We're in luck - the train hasn't gone yet.) 6 be out of luck to be prevented from getting or doing something by bad luck  (I'm sorry, you're out of luck! I sold the last one this morning.) 7 just my luck! spoken used to say that you are not surprised something bad has happened to you, because you are usually unlucky  (He's married, is he? Just my luck!) 8 no such luck! spoken used to say you are disappointed, because something good that could have happened did not happen  ("Did you get a rise then?" "No such luck!") 9 with (any) luck/with a bit of luck spoken if things happen in the way that you want; hopefully  (With any luck, there'll be some food left.) 10 better luck next time! used to say that you hope someone will be more successful the next time they try to do something 11 good luck to sb spoken used to say that you do not mind what someone does, because it does not affect you and may help them  (Well if she wants to go on her own, good luck to her, but I'm staying here.) 12 luck is on sb's side if luck is on someone's side, things go well for them  (Luck was on my side; all the traffic...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Laboring Under Correct Knowledge univ. abbr. Laurier University Charity Kouncil gen. comp. abbr. Laboring Under Correct Knowledge Standard educ. abbr. Laboring Under Correct Knowledge gen. bus. abbr. Labor Under Correct Knowledge NASDAQ abbr. Lady Luck Gaming Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 15c. from M.Du. luc, shortening of gheluc "happiness, good fortune," of unknown origin. Perhaps first borrowed in Eng. as a gambling term. Lucky break dates from 1938. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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