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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - letter


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French lettre, from Latin littera ~ of the alphabet, litterae, plural, epistle, literature  Date: 13th century  1. a symbol usually written or printed representing a speech sound and constituting a unit of an alphabet  2.  a. a direct or personal written or printed message addressed to a person or organization  b. a written communication containing a grant — usually used in plural  3. plural but singular or plural in construction  a. literature, belles lettres  b. learning  4. the strict or outward sense or significance the ~ of the law  5.  a. a single piece of type  b. a style of type  6. the initial of a school awarded to a student for achievement usually in athletics  II. verb  Date: 1668  transitive verb  1. to set down in ~s ; print  2. to mark with ~s  intransitive verb to win an athletic ~  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 1552 one that rents or leases
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a a character representing one or more of the simple or compound sounds used in speech, any of the alphabetic symbols. b (in pl.) colloq. the initials of a degree etc. after the holder's name. c US a school or college initial as a mark of proficiency in games etc. 2 a a written, typed, or printed communication, usu. sent by post or messenger. b (in pl.) an addressed legal or formal document for any of various purposes. 3 the precise terms of a statement, the strict verbal interpretation (opp. SPIRIT n. 6) (according to the letter of the law). 4 (in pl.) a literature. b acquaintance with books, erudition. c authorship (the profession of letters). 5 Printing a types collectively. b a fount of type. --v.tr. 1 a inscribe letters on. b impress a title etc. on (a book-cover). 2 classify with letters. Phrases and idioms letter-bomb a terrorist explosive device in the form of a postal packet. letter-box esp. Brit. a box or slot into which letters are posted or delivered. letter-card a folded card with a gummed edge for posting as a letter. letter-heading = LETTERHEAD. letter of comfort an assurance about a debt, short of a legal guarantee, given to a bank by a third party. letter of credence see CREDENCE. letter of credit see CREDIT. letter-perfect Theatr. knowing one's part perfectly. letter-quality of the quality of printing suitable for a business letter; producing print of this quality. letters missive see MISSIVE. letters of administration authority to administer the estate of an intestate. letters of marque see MARQUE(2). letters patent see PATENT. letter-writer 1 a person who writes letters. 2 a book giving guidance on writing letters. man of letters a scholar or author. to the letter with adherence to every detail. Derivatives letterer n. letterless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF lettre f. L litera, littera letter of alphabet, (in pl.) epistle, literature ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) буква; элемент алфавита; символ; знак 2) письмо 3) штемпелевать 4) полигр. литера 5) мн. ч. радио позывные - accented letter - ascending letter - block letters - call letters - capital letter - code letter - conventional letter - descending letter - design letters - functional letter - initial letter - kerned letter - lower-case letter - signal letters - signature letter - small letter - upper-case letter ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  буква; символ; знак, литера – call letter – code letter – design letter – signal letters – Slerexe letter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) буква 2) буквенный 3) литера 4) письмо 5) помечать буквами 6) символ 7) сопроводительный anonymous letter writer — анонимщик initial function letter — начальная функциональная буква lower case letter — строчная буква predicate letter formula — предикатная формула principal function letter — главная функциональная буква upper case letter — прописная буква - Greek letter - auxiliary letter - boldface letter - capital letter - code letter - conventional letter - depth of letter - function letter - homotopy letter - italicized letter - kernel letter - key letter - letter blank - letter board - letter case - letter chain - letter code - letter drawing - letter for letter - letter of credit - letter of guarantee - letter of transmittal - letter press - letter value - lower-case letter - predicate letter - primed letter - propositional letter - registered letter - small letter - state letter - statement letter - title letter - unprimed letter - upper-case letter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. письмо to send a letter — отправить, послать письмо business letter — деловое письмо 2) общ. буква block letter — прописная печатная буква capital large, upper-case letter — прописная заглавная, большая буква lower-case small letter — строчная маленькая буква 3) общ. прямой и строгий смысл, буква (чего-л.) in letter and in spirit — по форме и по существу to the letter — буквально, точно 2. гл. общ. помечать буквами I have lettered the paragraphs. — Я пометил параграфы буквами. LETTER 1) послание; документ 2) буква; символ 3) точность, буквальность 4) помечать буквами; надписывать чертеж – letter of abandonment – letter of advice – letter of attorney – letters of caption – letter of guaranty – letter of privilege – letter of response – letter of the law – capital letter – lower case letter – official letter – cease and desist letter – small letter – small capital letter – status letter – threatening letter – upper case letter LETTER 1. сущ. 1) буква 2) письмо • - Commitment Letter - acceptance letter of credit - acceptance letter - accompanying letter - address a letter - as requested in your letter - audit letter - back-to-back letter of credit - bank letter - business letter - call letter - capital letter - circular letter - collection letter - commercial letter of credit - complaint letter - confirmed letter of credit - cover letter - date of letter - dead letter - enclose with a letter - envelope for a letter - follow-up letter - insured letter - letter contract - letter of advice - letter of attorney - letter of commitment - letter of credit - letter of guarantee - letter of hypothecation - letter of inquiry - letter of intent - letter of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  (the Letter) "буква" Буквенное обозначение спортивной лиги или команды на форме спортсмена. Эти же буквы носят на куртках letter jacket и болельщики ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. буква capital letter —- прописная буква initial letter —- начальная буква 2. полигр. литера letter company —- воен. литерная рота 3. полигр. шрифт black letter —- старинный английский готический шрифт white letters —- латинский шрифт, антиква; прямой шрифт 4. буква, шифр (завода-изготовителя) 5. буква, формальная сторона (чего-л.) the letter of the law —- буква закона letter for letter —- дословно, точно in letter and in spirit —- по форме и по существу to the letter —- буквально, в точности to carry out instructions to the letter —- выполнять указания точно (в точности) to know smth. to the letter —- знать что-л. досконально 6. письмо; послание; депеша business letter —- деловое письмо registered letter —- заказное письмо general letter —- циркулярное письмо, циркуляр letter testimonial, letter of recommendation —- рекомендательное письмо 7. грамота, документ letters citatory —- юр. судебный вызов letters credential, letter(s) of credence —- дип. верительные грамоты letters of recall —- дип. отзывные грамоты letter order —- воен. директива, письменный приказ letter of attorney —- (письменная) доверенность letter of indemnity (of guarantee) —- гарантийное письмо letter of inquiry —- письменный запрос letter of transmittal —- препроводительное письмо letter of convocation —- извещение о созыве (ассамблеи и т. п.) letter of instruction —- воен. (оперативная) директива 8....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of credence рекомендательное письмо LETTER of credit fin. аккредитив; LETTER of instruction директивное письмо; LETTER of introduction рекомендательное письмо LETTER of attorney доверенность; LETTER of indemnity гарантийное письмо LETTER  1. noun  1) буква; the letter of the law - буква закона; in letter and in spirit - по форме и по существу - to the letter  2) typ. литера  3) письмо; послание; - letter of advice - letter of attorney - letter of credit - letters credential of recall - letters of credence of recall - letter of instruction - letters of administration - letter of indemnity  4) pl. литература; man of letters - писатель; the profession of letters - профессия писателя  5) эрудиция, образованность to win ones letter - заслужить право быть членом спортивной организации и носить ее инициалы  2. v.  1) помечать буквами; надписывать чертеж  2) вытиснять буквы, заглавие (на корешке книги) LETTER of advice извещение; авизо; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (letters, lettering, lettered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you write a letter to someone, you write a message on paper and send it to them, usually by post. I had received a letter from a very close friend. ...a letter of resignation... Our long courtship had been conducted mostly by letter. N-COUNT: also by N 2. Letters are written symbols which represent one of the sounds in a language. ...the letters of the alphabet. ...the letter E. N-COUNT 3. If a student earns a letter in sports or athletics by being part of the university or college team, they are entitled to wear on their jacket the initial letter of the name of their university or college. (AM) Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey. N-COUNT 4. If a student letters in sports or athletics by being part of the university or college team, they are entitled to wear on their jacket the initial letter of the name of their university or college. (AM) Burkoth lettered in soccer. VERB: V prep 5. see also capital letter, covering letter, dead letter, love letter, newsletter, poison-pen letter 6. If you say that someone carries out instructions to the letter, you mean that they do exactly what they are told to do, paying great attention to every detail. She obeyed his instructions to the letter. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail  (Bart's writing a letter to his parents. | I got a long letter from Melanie today. | mail a letter AmE)  (Can you mail this letter for me on your way out? | post a letter BrE)  (I'm just going to post a letter.) 2 any of the signs in writing or printing that represent a speech sound  (`B' is a capital letter, `b' is a small letter.) 3 do sth to the letter to pay exact attention to the details of an agreement, rule, set of instructions etc  (He kept his promise to the letter. | I followed all the instructions to the letter, but it still wouldn't work.) 4 the letter of the law the exact words of a law or agreement rather than the intended or general meaning  (various methods of avoiding taxes while adhering to the letter of the law) 5 AmE a large cloth letter to put on to clothes, given as a reward for playing in a school or college sports team  (She got her letter in track.) 6 English/American/German letters formal the study of the literature of a particular country or language  (a major figure in English letters at the turn of the century)  (- see also chain letter, dead letter, dear John letter, letter of credit, man of letters, open letter) ~2 v AmE to earn a letter1 (5) in a sport + in  (He lettered in basketball at Brandeis.) ~3 adj AmE letter-size ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1150, from O.Fr. lettre, from L. litera "letter of the alphabet," of uncertain origin. The pl. litterж in L. meant "epistle, written documents, literature;" replaced O.E. жrendgewrit, lit. "errand-writing." School letter in sports, first awarded by U. of Chicago football coach Amos Alonzo Stagg. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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