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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - layer


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 I. noun  Date: 13th century  1. one that lays (as a worker who lays brick or a hen that lays eggs)  2.  a. one thickness, course, or fold laid or lying over or under another  b. stratum  c. horizon 2  3.  a. a branch or shoot of a plant that roots while still attached to the parent plant  b. a plant developed by ~ing  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  Date: 1832  transitive verb  1. to propagate (a plant) by means of ~s  2.  a. to place as a ~  b. to place a ~ on top of pancakes ~ed with butter and syrup  c. to form or arrange in ~s  intransitive verb  1.  a. to separate into ~s  b. to form out of superimposed ~s  2. of a plant to form roots where a stem comes in contact with the ground
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a thickness of matter, esp. one of several, covering a surface. 2 a person or thing that lays. 3 a hen that lays eggs. 4 a shoot fastened down to take root while attached to the parent plant. --v.tr. 1 a arrange in layers. b cut (hair) in layers. 2 propagate (a plant) as a layer. Phrases and idioms layer-out a person who prepares a corpse for burial. Derivatives layered adj. Etymology: ME f. LAY(1) + -ER(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) слой; прослойка; прокладка; наслоение 2) горн. пласт 3) ряд (кладки) 4) повив (кабеля) 5) машина для свивки канатов 6) плёнка; покрытие наносить плёнку; наносить покрытие 7) вчт. уровень (иерархической структуры) layer free from base — кфт. бесподложечный слой - ablation layer - absorbed layer - acceptor layer - accumulation layer - adsorbed layer - alignment layer - amorphous layer - anode layer - antihalation layer - antireflection layer - antireflective layer - antistatic layer - Appleton layer - application layer - as-grown layer - atmospheric boundary layer - back layer - backing layer - back-up layer - ballast layer - barrier layer - base layer - batch layer - blending layer - blocking layer - bottom layer - boundary layer - buffer layer - buried layer - cable layer - cap layer - cathode layer - cathode interface layer - chalcogenide layer - Chapman layer - chemisorption layer - chilling layer - chill layer - cladding layer - clad layer - cloud layer - cloud-topped boundary layer - coal layer - coil layers - collector layer - composite layer - compression layer - concentric layers - conducting layer - confining layer - contact layer - continuous layer - convective unstable layer - covering layer - cushion layer - D layer - dan layer - dead layer - depletion layer - deposited layer - diamond-bearing layer - dielectric layer - diffused layer - diffusion-source layer - dipole layer - dislocation layer - doped layer - drain layer - driving layer - dueling layer - dummy layer - dust layer - E layer - effective layer - elastomer layer - elevated layer - embedded metal layer - emitter layer - emitting layer - emulsion layer - enriched layer - epitaxial layer - epoxy layer - evaporated layer - extension layer - F layer - fettled layer - field oxide layer - filter layer - fog layer - gate insulation layer - ground layer - gunned layer - hanging layer -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  слой; пласт ряд (напр. кирпичной кладки) active layer annual thawed layer base layer bonding layer bottom layer of the reinforcing steel boundary layer brickwork layer cable layer drain layer drainage layer dressing layer eluvial layer ever frozen layer face layer filter layer humus layer illuvial layer impervious asphalt concrete layer neutral layer organic layer rich bottom layer superficial layer supporting layer suprapermafrost layer surface layer suspended floc layer ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) слой; прослойка 2) уровень – adaptation layer – antistatic layer – applications layer – ATM-adaptation layer – client layer – data-link layer – digital section layer – emitting diode layer – end-to-end layer – F layers – F1layer – F2layer – lower-order layer – mobility adaptation layer – network layer – OSI layers – path layer – photodiode layer – phosphor layer – physical layer – physical medium layer – presentation layer – radio adaptation layer – radio network layer – real-time enhanced layer – reflecting layer – regenerator section layer – reverse layer – second working layer – service adaptation layer – session layer – signaling layer – sporadic layer – transport layer – two bitstreams layer – video layer – wiring layer – working layer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кладчик 2) лист 3) наслоение 4) пласт 5) пленка 6) прокладка 7) прослойка 8) слоевой 9) слой 10) стланцевый 11) стлань 12) тонкослойный ballast blanket layer — балластное покрытие пути boundary layer growth — утолщение пограничного слоя boundary layer rectifier — вентильный выпрямитель boundary layer suction — отсос пограничного слоя native oxide layer — хим. слой оксидный исходный - accumulation layer - boundary layer - continuity layer - depletion layer - discontinuity layer - double layer - layer lattice - layer line - layer liquor - layer of cohesion - layer rank - layer structure - multiple layer - protective layer - reactive layer - resistive layer - superstandard layer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) слой; пласт 2) несушка (курица) 3) бот. черенок, отводок 4) стелющийся побег 5) ярус (растительности) – absciss layer – adherent layer – air layer – algal layer – bacillary layer – basal layer of Weil – bast layer – boundary layer – buffer-cell layer – buffy coat layer – columnar layer – confluent layer – corneous layer – cortical layer – covering layer – crown layer – enveloping layer – feeder layer – fibrous layer – field layer – generative layer – germ layer – gonidial layer – granular layer of Ebner – granular layer of Tomes – herb layer – horny layer – hyaline layer – lentigen layer – Malpighian layer – marginal layer – moss layer – papillary layer – paracemental granular layer of Tomes – parietal layer – pigmented layer – prickle cell layer – reflector layer – root layer – sensory layer – separation layer – serpentine layer – shrub layer – slime layer – sonic scattering layer – sporiferous layer – stool layer – submerged layer – trophogenous layer – visceral layer – vitreous layer LAYER METHOD метод слоёв ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. слой; пласт; ряд a layer of clay —- слой глины layer ploughing —- с-х. ярусная вспашка half-value layer —- слой половинного ослабления 2. разрез (чертежа) 3. сад. отводок, стелющийся побег 4. наслаивать, накладывать пластами 5. сад. размножать растения отводками 6. кладчик, укладчик 7. воен. наводчик 8. несушка this hen is a good layer —- эта курица хорошо несется ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) слой, пласт; наслоение  2) bot. отводок  3) разрез (чертежа)  2. v.  1) наслаивать, класть пластами  2) bot. разводить отводками II noun  1) кладчик, укладчик  2) несушка; this hen is a good layer - эта курица хорошо несется ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (layers, layering, layered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A layer of a material or substance is a quantity or piece of it that covers a surface or that is between two other things. A fresh layer of snow covered the street... Arrange all the vegetables except the potatoes in layers. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. If something such as a system or an idea has many layers, it has many different levels or parts. ...an astounding ten layers of staff between the factory worker and the chief executive... Critics and the public puzzle out the layers of meaning in his photos. N-COUNT 3. If you layer something, you arrange it in layers. Layer the potatoes, asparagus and salmon in the tin... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an amount of a substance that covers all of a surface + of  (A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.) 2 one of several levels of substances lying one on top of another + of  (a thin layer of coal between two layers of rock | He pulled off layer upon layer of clothing.)  (- see also ozone layer) 3 one of several different levels in a complicated organization, system, set of ideas etc + of  (There are many layers of meaning to be discovered in the poem. | major changes that have eliminated two layers of management) 4 multi-layered/single-layered etc having a lot of layers, one layer etc ~2 v 1 to make a layer of something or put something down in layers  (potatoes layered with cheese) 2 to cut someone's hair in layers rather than all to the same length ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - M.E., "one who or that lays," passive sense of "that which is laid" first recorded 1615, from lay (v.). But since earliest Eng. use was in cooking, perhaps from Fr. liue "binding," used of a thickened sauce. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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