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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - lapse


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 I. noun  Etymology: Latin lapsus, from labi to slipmore at sleep  Date: 1526  1.  a. a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention a ~ in table manners  b. a temporary deviation or fall especially from a higher to a lower state a ~ from grace  2. a becoming less ; decline  3.  a.  (1) the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time  (2) termination of coverage for nonpayment of premiums  b. interruption, discontinuance returned to college after a ~ of several years  4. an abandonment of religious faith ; apostasy  5. a passage of time; also interval  Synonyms: see error  II. verb  (~d; lapsing)  Date: 1611  intransitive verb  1.  a. to fall from an attained and usually high level (as of morals or manners) to one much lower; also to depart from an accepted pattern or standard  b. sink, slip ~d into unconsciousness  2. to go out of existence ; cease after a few polite exchanges, the conversation ~d  3. to pass from one proprietor to another or from an original owner by omission or negligence allowed the insurance policy to ~  4. to glide along ; pass time ~s  transitive verb to let slip ; forfeit all of those who have ~d their membershipAAUP Bulletin  • ~r noun
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a slight error; a slip of memory etc. 2 a weak or careless decline into an inferior state. 3 (foll. by of) an interval or passage of time (after a lapse of three years). 4 Law the termination of a right or privilege through disuse or failure to follow appropriate procedures. --v.intr. 1 fail to maintain a position or standard. 2 (foll. by into) fall back into an inferior or previous state. 3 (of a right or privilege etc.) become invalid because it is not used or claimed or renewed. 4 (as lapsed adj.) (of a person or thing) that has lapsed. Phrases and idioms lapse rate Meteorol. the rate at which the temperature falls with increasing altitude. Derivatives lapser n. Etymology: L lapsus f. labi laps- glide, slip, fall ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ошибка; погрешность 2) метео падение, понижение (напр. температуры с высотой) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) истечение 2) огрех 3) ошибка adiabatic lapse rate — метео перепад температур адиабатический after a lapse of — по прошествии pressure lapse rate — вертикальный градиент давления - lapse rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) прекращение действия; прекращаться, терять силу 2) истечение срока действия 3) срок прекращения действия – lapse of a patent – lapse of contract – lapse of the registration of a mark – lapse of time – automatic lapse LAPSE 1. сущ. 1) течение, ход 2) промежуток (времени) 3) истечение срока 4) юр. потеря права 5) отпадение 6) ошибка - lapse of an offer - with the lapse of time Syn: blunder, fault, slip, bug, error, fallacy, flaw, irregularity 2. гл. 1) истекать (о сроке) 2) терять силу ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. упущение, оплошность, промах; (случайная) ошибка, ляпсус; погрешность; описка a lapse of the memory —- провал памяти a lapse in table manners —- нарушение застольного этикета a lapse of justice —- неправосудный приговор; судебная ошибка 2. с-х. огрех, непропашка 3. отклонение (от правильного пути); прегрешение moral lapse —- нравственное падение a lapse form virtue —- грехопадение a lapse from one's principles —- отступление от своих принципов 4. течение, ход the lapse of a stream —- (медленное) течение ручья the rapid lapse of time —- быстрое течение времени by lapse of time —- с течением времени with the lapse of time —- со временем he has not felt the lapse of the hours —- он не заметил, как протекли эти часы 5. промежуток (времени); период a long lapse of time —- большой промежуток времени 6. перерыв he returned to college after a lapse of five years —- он вернулся в колледж после пятилетнего перерыва 7. падение, снижение (особ. температуры, давления) lapse rate —- метеор. вертикальный градиент a lapse into savagery —- возврат к дикости 8. рел. вероотступничество 9. юр. прекращение, недействительность права (на что-л.) 10. отклоняться (от правильного пути); пасть (нравственно); деградировать 11. впадать (в какое-л. состояние); переходить (во что-л); превращаться to lapse into bad habits —- усвоить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) упущение, ошибка; описка (тж. lapse of the pen); ляпсус lapse of memory - провал памяти  2) падение, прегрешение - lapse from virtue  3) течение, ход (времени) with the lapse of time - со временем  4) промежуток времени  5) leg. прекращение, недействительность права на владение и т.п. - lapse of time  6) meteor. падение температуры, понижение давления  2. v.  1) пасть (морально)  2) впадать (в отчаяние и т.п.) to lapse into illness - заболеть  3) совершить снова какой-л. проступок, приняться за старое  4) терять силу, истекать (о праве); переходить в другие руки to lapse to the Crown - перейти в казну (в Англии)  5) течь, проходить (о времени)  6) проходить, падать (об интересе и т.п.) LAPSE from virtue грехопадение LAPSE of time истечение давности LAPSE into obscurity быть преданным забвению ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (lapses, lapsing, lapsed) 1. A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well. On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse. N-COUNT: usu adj N, N in n 2. A lapse of something such as concentration or judgment is a temporary lack of that thing, which can often cause you to make a mistake. I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race... The incident was being seen as a serious security lapse. N-COUNT: N of n, supp N 3. If you lapse into a quiet or inactive state, you stop talking or being active. She muttered something unintelligible and lapsed into silence... VERB: V into n 4. If someone lapses into a particular way of speaking, or behaving, they start speaking or behaving in that way, usually for a short period. Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour. = slip VERB: V into n • Lapse is also a noun. Her lapse into German didn’t seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue. N-COUNT: usu N into n 5. A lapse of time is a period that is long enough for a situation to change or for people to have a different opinion about it. ...the restoration of diplomatic relations after a lapse of 24 years... There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication. N-SING: usu N of n, supp N 6. If a period of time lapses, it passes. New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed. VERB: V 7. If a situation or legal contract lapses, it is allowed to end rather than being continued, renewed, or extended. Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed... Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties. VERB: V, V 8. If a member of a particular religion lapses, they stop believing in it or stop following its rules and practices. She calls herself a lapsed Catholic. VERB: V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a short time when someone is careless or forgetful + in  (There haven't been any lapses in security recently.) + of  (A single lapse of concentration cost Becker the game. | a memory lapse (=when you cannot remember something for a short time)) 2 a failure to do something you should do, especially to behave correctly  (He didn't offer Darren a drink and Marie did not appear to notice the lapse.) 3 C usually singular a period of time between two events  (The usual time lapse between request and delivery is two days.) + of  (a lapse of about ten seconds) ~2 v 1 to gradually come to an end or to stop for a period of time  (I let the conversation lapse and Kelly finally spoke up.) 2 if a contract, agreement, legal right etc lapses, it comes to an end, for example because an agreed time limit has passed lapse into sth phr v 1 lapse into silence/sleep/a daydream etc to go into a quiet or less active state  (The girl lapsed into a sulky silence. | He lapsed into a coma and died two days later.) 2 to start behaving or speaking in a different and usually less good or acceptable way  (Following his death, the Empire lapsed into chaos. | She would sometimes deliberately lapse into another dialect.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1440, from M.Fr. laps "lapse," from L. lapsus "a slipping and falling, flight (of time), falling into error," from labi "to slip, glide, fall." Legal sense first recorded 15c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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