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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - fear


Связанные словари


 I. verb  Etymology: Middle English feren, from Old English f?ran, from f?r  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. archaic frighten  2. archaic to feel ~ in (oneself)  3. to have a reverential awe of ~ God  4. to be afraid of ; expect with alarm ~ the worst  intransitive verb to be afraid or apprehensive ~ed for their lives  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English fer, from Old English f?r sudden danger; akin to Old High German fara ambush and perhaps to Latin periculum attempt, peril, Greek peiran to attempt  Date: 12th century  1.  a. an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger  b.  (1) an instance of this emotion  (2) a state marked by this emotion  2. anxious concern ; solicitude  3. profound reverence and awe especially toward God  4. reason for alarm ; danger Synonyms:  ~, dread, fright, alarm, panic, terror, trepidation mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger. ~ is the most general term and implies anxiety and usually loss of courage ~ of the unknown. dread usually adds the idea of intense reluctance to face or meet a person or situation and suggests aversion as well as anxiety faced the meeting with dread. fright implies the shock of sudden, startling ~ fright at being awakened suddenly. alarm suggests a sudden and intense awareness of immediate danger view the situation with alarm. panic implies unreasoning and overmastering ~ causing hysterical activity the news caused widespread panic. terror implies the most extreme degree of ~ immobilized with terror. trepidation adds to dread the implications of timidity, trembling, and hesitation raised the subject with trepidation.
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a an unpleasant emotion caused by exposure to danger, expectation of pain, etc. b a state of alarm (be in fear). 2 a cause of fear (all fears removed). 3 (often foll. by of) dread or fearful respect (towards) (had a fear of heights). 4 anxiety for the safety of (in fear of their lives). 5 danger; likelihood (of something unwelcome) (there is little fear of failure). --v. 1 a tr. feel fear about or towards (a person or thing). b intr. feel fear. 2 intr. (foll. by for) feel anxiety or apprehension about (feared for my life). 3 tr. apprehend; have uneasy expectation of (fear the worst). 4 tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause) apprehend with fear or regret (I fear that you are wrong). 5 tr. a (foll. by to + infin.) hesitate. b (foll. by verbal noun) shrink from; be apprehensive about (he feared meeting his ex-wife). 6 tr. show reverence towards. Phrases and idioms for fear of (or that) to avoid the risk of (or that). never fear there is no danger of that. no fear colloq. expressing strong denial or refusal. without fear or favour impartially. Etymology: OE f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  опасение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  страх, боязнь – conditioned fear ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. страх, боязнь needless fears —- напрасные страхи in fear —- в страхе, со страхом; в тревоге to be in fear —- бояться; тревожиться in fear and trembling —- со страхом и трепетом for fear —- из страха, из боязни she daren't enter for fear of the dog —- она не решается войти, боясь собаки in (for) fear of one's life —- в страхе за свою жизнь the fear of death was upon him —- им овладел страх смерти to put smb. in fear, to put fear in smb.'s heart —- нагонять страх на кого-л. 2. опасение there is not the slightest fear of rain today —- нет никаких опасений, что сегодня будет дождь I had a fear that you had missed the train —- я опасался, что вы опоздали на поезд shut the window for fear of rain —- закройте окошко, как бы не пошел дождь (на случай дождя) they are in daily fear of dismissal —- им каждый день грозит увольнение no fear —- разг. конечно, нет; ни в коем случае; опасаться не приходится you will not fail me. - No fear —- вы не подведете меня. - Нет, не беспокойтесь 3. благоговейный страх, трепет to put the fear of God into smb. —- нагнать страх на кого-л., расправиться с кем-л.; держать в страхе божьем without fear of favour —- беспристрастно, объективно 4. бояться; пугаться she feared for the boy when she saw him at the top of the tree —- она испугалась за мальчика, увидев, что он влез на дерево never fear —- разг. не бойтесь 5. опасаться, ожидать (чего-л. нежелательного) to...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) страх, боязнь for fear of smth. - из боязни чего-л. for fear of exposure - боясь разоблачения in fear of ones life - в страхе за свою жизнь without fear or favour - беспристрастн  2) опасение; возможность, вероятность (чего-л. нежелательного) - no fear Syn: alarm, fright, horror, panic, terror Ant: calmness, courage, equanimity  2. v.  1) бояться, страшиться never fear - не бойтесь I fear me obs. - я боюсь  2) опасаться; ожидать (чего-л. нежелательного) (for) I fear for the safety of those mountain climbers in this sudden bad weather. All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (fears, fearing, feared) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Fear is the unpleasant feeling you have when you think that you are in danger. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear. ...boyhood memories of sickness and fear of the dark... N-VAR: oft N of n/-ing 2. If you fear someone or something, you are frightened because you think that they will harm you. Many people fear change because they do not like the old ways to be disrupted. VERB: V n 3. A fear is a thought that something unpleasant might happen or might have happened. These youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure... Then one day his worst fears were confirmed... N-VAR: with supp, oft N of n/-ing, N that 4. If you fear something unpleasant or undesirable, you are worried that it might happen or might have happened. She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis... More than two million refugees have fled the area, fearing attack by loyalist forces. VERB: V that, V n 5. If you say that there is a fear that something unpleasant or undesirable will happen, you mean that you think it is possible or likely. There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors. N-VAR: oft N that, N of n/-ing 6. If you fear for someone or something, you are very worried because you think that they might be in danger. Carla fears for her son... He fled on Friday, saying he feared for his life. VERB: V for n, V for n 7. If you have fears for someone or something, you are very worried because you think that they might be in danger. He also spoke of his fears for the future of his country’s culture. N-VAR: N for n 8. You say that you fear that a situation is the case when the situation is unpleasant or undesirable, and when you want to express sympathy, sorrow, or regret about it. (FORMAL) I fear that a land war now looks very probable... ‘Is anything left at all?’—‘I fear not.’ = regret ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an unpleasant feeling of being frightened or worried that something bad is going to happen  (The boy's eyes were full of fear. | McCarthy exploited deep-seated fears about communism among the American people.) + of  (fear of flying | My fear of dentists dates back to when I was a child.) + for  (fears for the future) fear that  (fears that his wife might leave him | in fear (=feeling afraid))  (He thought he heard something and glanced round in fear. | live in fear of (=always be afraid of))  (Ordinary people live in fear of being arrested by the secret police. | in fear of your life (=feeling afraid that you may be killed) | sb's fears are unfounded (=there is no reason for someone to feel afraid or worried))  (My fears for their safety proved unfounded.) 2 for fear of/for fear that because you are worried that you will make something happen  (Helen didn't want to get out of bed, for fear of waking her husband.) 3 no fear! BrE informal often humorous used to say that you are definitely not going to do something  ("Are you going to Bill's party tonight?" "No fear!") 4 put the fear of God into sb informal to make someone feel that they must do something by telling them what will happen if they do not do it  (The Italian manager must have put the fear of God into his team.) 5 there's no fear of used to say that something will definitely not happen  (There's no fear of him changing his mind.) 6 without fear or favour formal in a fair way  (to enforce the law without fear or favour) ~2 v 1 a word meaning to feel frightened or worried that something bad may happen  (Fearing another earthquake, local officials ordered an evacuation. | fear that)  (Einstein feared that other German scientists would build a nuclear bomb first. | fear to do sth formal (=be afraid to do something))  (Women feared to go out at night.) 2 fear the worst to think that the worst possible thing has happened or might happen  (When Tom heard about the accident he immediately feared the worst.) 3 to be afraid of someone and what they might do...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. First Encounter Assault And Reconnaissance mil. abbr. First Encounter Armed Reconnaissance softw. abbr. Flexible Embodied Animat Rchitecture media abbr. Foreseen Events Appearing Real religion abbr. False Expectations Appearing Real religion abbr. Future Events Aren't Real religion abbr. Ficticious Events Appearing Real law abbr. False Evidence Acting Real law abbr. False Evidence Appearing Real law abbr. Forfeiture Endangers American Rights ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: FOR FEAR. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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