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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - exit


Связанные словари


 I. Etymology: Latin, he goes out, from exire to go out, from ex- + ire to go — more at issue  Date: 1538 — used as a stage direction to specify who goes off stage  II. noun  Etymology: Latin ~us, from exire  Date: 1588  1. ~ (I) a departure from a stage  2.  a. the act of going out or away made an early ~  b. death  3. a way out of an enclosed place or space  4. one of the designated points of departure from an expressway  • ~less adjective  III. verb  Date: 1607  intransitive verb  1. to go out or away ; depart  2. die  transitive verb  1. leave 3a  2. to cause (a computer program or routine) to cease running
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a passage or door by which to leave a room, building, etc. 2 a the act of going out. b the right to go out. 3 a place where vehicles can leave a motorway or major road. 4 the departure of an actor from the stage. 5 death. --v.intr. (exited, exiting) 1 go out of a room, building, etc. 2 (as a stage direction) (an actor) leaves the stage (exit Macbeth). 3 die. Phrases and idioms exit permit (or visa etc.) authorization to leave a particular country. Etymology: L, 3rd sing. pres. of exire go out (as EX-(1), ire go): cf. L exitus going out ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  выход; путь эвакуации (из здания) съезд (с дороги) balcony exterior exit emergency exit final exit vertical exit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  выход – abend exit – deffered exit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1. сущ. 1) общ. выход (напр., дверь, проем, проход и т. п., позволяющий покинуть помещение) "exit only" — входа нет (надпись) fire exit — пожарный выход emergency exit — запасной выход 2) а) общ. уход (со сцены, из помещения и т. п.) to make one's exit — уйти exit from the real estate market — уход с рынка недвижимости The staff records must be destroyed between seven and ten years of the employee's exit from the company. — Данные о сотруднике должны быть уничтожены через 7-10 лет после ухода сотрудника из компании. б) эк. уход (завершение деятельности в определенной области (напр., уход компании с рынка недвижимости)); выход (из дела, из соглашения) See: "exit bonds, exit interview, "exit value в) фин., бирж. выход (инвестора из инвестиционного проекта, напр., продажа инвестором принадлежащих ему акций какой-либо компании) 3) общ. смерть, уход из жизни 4) трансп. выезд (дорога, позволяющая сойти с главной дороги) Take the second exit after the bridge. — Тебе нужен второй выезд после моста. 2. гл. 1) а) общ. выходить, уходить(из здания, комнаты и т. п.) to exit the building — выходить из здания б) общ. покидать, уходить (с собрания и т. п.) в) эк. выходить, уходить (с рынка (т. е. прекращать деятельность в определенной области); из соглашения, из доли и т. п.) to exit from the insurance business — уйти из сферы...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. выход "no exit" —- "выхода нет" (надпись) "exit only" —- "входа нет" (надпись) exit visa —- выездная виза, виза на выезд a fire exit —- запасный выход an exit to Gorki street —- выход на улицу Горького exit into space —- выход в космос 2. уход (актера со сцены) 3. исчезновение, смерть to make one's exit —- сойти со сцены, умереть 4. тех. выходной, выпускной (об отверстии и т. п.) 5. лат. уходит exit Hamlet —- Гамлет уходит (ремарка в пьесе) 6. уйти he exited in a hurry —- он поспешно удалился 7. умереть, сойти со сцены ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  visa выездная виза EXIT  1. noun  1) выход no exit! - нет выхода!  2) уход (актера со сцены)  3) fig. исчезновение, смерть  4) attr. - exit visa - exit permit  2. v. theatr. уходит (ремарка) EXIT permit выездная виза ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (exits, exiting, exited) 1. The exit is the door through which you can leave a public building. He picked up the case and walked towards the exit... There’s a fire exit by the downstairs ladies room. N-COUNT 2. An exit on a motorway or highway is a place where traffic can leave it. Take the A422 exit at Old Stratford. N-COUNT: with supp 3. If you refer to someone’s exit, you are referring to the way that they left a room or building, or the fact that they left it. (FORMAL) I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate. = departure N-COUNT: usu adj N 4. If you refer to someone’s exit, you are referring to the way that they left a situation or activity, or the fact that they left it. (FORMAL) ...after England’s exit from the European Championship... They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party. = departure N-COUNT: oft N from n 5. If you exit from a room or building, you leave it. (FORMAL) She exits into the tropical storm... As I exited the final display, I entered a hexagonal room... She walked into the front door of a store and exited from the rear. VERB: V, V n, V from n 6. If you exit a computer program or system, you stop running it. (COMPUTING) I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect. VERB: V n • Exit is also a noun. Press Exit to return to your document. N-SING ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a door or space through which you can leave a place, especially a room in a big building  (We made for the nearest exit. | an exit sign | emergency/fire exit (=a special door used only when there is a fire etc)) 2 usually singular) the act of leaving a place, especially a room  (make an exit (=go out))  (They made a swift exit when they saw the police approaching.) 3 a place on a motorway or freeway where vehicles can leave it  (Take exit 13 into Lynchburg.) 4 usually singular) an occasion when someone stops being involved in a situation, event, etc, often because they have not been successful or have done something wrong  (Manchester United's early exit from the championship) ~2 v 1 to leave a place + from/through  (I exited through a side window.) 2 to stop using a computer program1 (1)  (You exit the system by pressing the F3 button.) 3 Latin a word used in the instructions of a play to tell an actor to leave the stage  (Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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