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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - drift


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English drifan to drivemore at drive  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of driving something along  b. the flow or the velocity of the current of a river or ocean stream  2. something driven, propelled, or urged along or drawn together in a clump by or as if by a natural agency: as  a. wind-driven snow, rain, cloud, dust, or smoke usually at or near the ground surface  b.  (1) a mass of matter (as sand) deposited together by or as if by wind or water  (2) a helter-skelter accumulation  c. drove, flock  d. something (as ~wood) washed ashore  e. rock debris deposited by natural agents; specifically a deposit of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders transported by a glacier or by running water from a glacier  3.  a. a general underlying design or tendency perceiving the ~ of the government's policies  b. the underlying meaning, import, or purport of what is spoken or written the ~ of a conversation  4. something (as a tool) driven down upon or forced into a body  5. the motion or action of ~ing especially spatially and usually under external influence: as  a. the lateral motion of an aircraft due to air currents  b. an easy moderate more or less steady flow or sweep along a spatial course  c. a gradual shift in attitude, opinion, or position  d. an aimless course; especially a foregoing of any attempt at direction or control  e. a deviation from a true reproduction, representation, or reading; especially a gradual change in the zero reading of an instrument or in any quantitative characteristic that is supposed to remain constant  6.  a. a nearly horizontal mine passageway driven on or parallel to the course of a vein or rock stratum  b. a small crosscut in a mine connecting two larger tunnels  7.  a. an assumed trend toward a general change in the structure of a language over a period of time  b. genetic ~  8. a mass of planted flowers  Synonyms: see tendency  • ~y adjective  II. verb  Date: circa 1600  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become driven or carried along (as by a current of water, wind, or air) a balloon ~ing in the wind  b. to move or float smoothly and effortlessly  2.  a. to move along a line of least resistance  b. to move in a random or casual way  c. to become carried along subject to no guidance or control the talk ~ed from topic to topic  3.  a. to accumulate in a mass or become piled up in heaps by wind or water ~ing snow  b. to become covered with a ~  4. to vary or deviate from a set course or adjustment  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to be driven in a current  b. West to drive (livestock) slowly especially to allow grazing  2.  a. to pile in heaps  b. to cover with ~s  • ~ingly adverb
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a slow movement or variation. b such movement caused by a slow current. 2 the intention, meaning, scope, etc. of what is said etc. (didn't understand his drift). 3 a large mass of snow, sand, etc., accumulated by the wind. 4 esp. derog. a state of inaction. 5 a Naut. a ship's deviation from its course, due to currents. b Aeron. an aircraft's deviation due to side winds. c a projectile's deviation due to its rotation. d a controlled slide of a racing car etc. 6 Mining a horizontal passage following a mineral vein. 7 a large mass of esp. flowering plants (a drift of bluebells). 8 Geol. a material deposited by the wind, a current of water, etc. b (Drift) Pleistocene ice detritus, e.g. boulder clay. 9 the movement of cattle, esp. a gathering on an appointed day to determine ownership etc. 10 a tool for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal. 11 S.Afr. a ford. --v. 1 intr. be carried by or as if by a current of air or water. 2 intr. move or progress passively, casually, or aimlessly (drifted into teaching). 3 a tr. & intr. pile or be piled by the wind into drifts. b tr. cover (a field, a road, etc.) with drifts. 4 tr. form or enlarge (a hole) with a drift. 5 tr. (of a current) carry. Phrases and idioms drift-ice ice driven or deposited by water. drift-net a large net for herrings etc., allowed to drift with the tide. Derivatives driftage n. Etymology: ME f. ON & MDu., MHG trift movement of cattle: rel. to DRIVE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) горизонтальная или слабонаклонная горная выработка; штрек; штольня; квершлаг 2) направление проходки туннеля 3) боковое отклонение (ствола скважины) 4) перемещение; сдвиг; смещение; уход; дрейф; снос подвергаться сносу; дрейфовать 5) шлямбур; выколотка; дорн; пробойник; бородок 6) скорость течения (потока) 7) гидр. нанос 8) метр. погрешность 9) скольжение (магнитной ленты) to drift down — производить снижение (на крейсерском режиме); to guard against drift — исключать влияние дрейфа (напр. на показания прибора); to kick off drift — возд. парировать снос; to drift out — уходить; to drift up — набирать высоту (на крейсерском режиме) drift of parameter — уход параметра - air drift - altimeter drift - apparent drift of gyro - balance drift - beam current drift - calibration drift - carrier drift - carrier frequency drift - convergence drift - cumulative drift - development drift - diagonal drift - dimensional drift - dipping drift - Doppler drift - drawing drift - electron drift - frazil ice drift - frequency drift - genetic drift - gimbal drift - glacial drift - gyro drift - haulage drift - hole drift - ice drift - iceberg drift - instrument drift - lateral drift - level drift - long-term drift - magnetic drift - oscillator drift - periodic drift - post-tuning drift - reference drift - sand drift - secular drift - short-term drift - size drift - slusher drift - spray drift - spring drift - square drift - sub level drift - thermal drift - tuning drift - ventilation drift - voltage drift - warm-up drift - wind drift - zero drift ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  наносы (напр. речные, снежные) унос капельной влаги в контактных аппаратах; потери воды на унос неконтролируемое медленное изменение параметров воздуха в помещении дрейф нуля (измерительных приборов) гидротехнический тоннель малого диаметра, передовая (направляющая) штольня; опережающая выработка; штрек горизонтальный прогиб (высотного сооружения от ветровой нагрузки) пробойник, шлямбур; выколотка; дорн; бородок сдвиг, перемещение, смещение погрешность snow drift ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дрейф; уход 2) сдвиг – frequency drift – short-term frequency drift – slow long-term frequency drift – voltage drift – zero drift ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дрейф, уход, смещение, снос дрейфовать 2) дрейфовый; дрейфующий 3) отклонение от заданного направления 4) перемещение, сдвиг 5) геол. ледниковые отложения 6) наносы 7) дрейфовое течение 8) шлямбур, пробойник, бородок 9) метал. упругое последействие 10) пробивной пуансон 11) горн. направляющая штольня; штрек drift out of tune — сползать с частоты настройки drift while turning — дрейф на циркуляции to let things drift — пускать на самотёк - North Atlantic Drift - additive drift - angular drift - average drift - caulker's drift - charged particle drift - deterministic drift - drift of a bore-hole - image drift - long-time gyro drift - monotonic drift - nonmonotonic drift - polynomial drift - quadratic drift - random drift - river drift - systematic drift ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) медленное течение 2) медленное перемещение - the drift of labour into the city 2. гл. 1) плыть по течению 2) бездействовать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дрейф, снос, пассивное перемещение; дрейфовать; дрейфовый, сносимый 2) медленное течение, дрейфовое течение 3) нанос; ледниковые отложения drift to genetic equilibrium — дрейф к установлению генетического равновесия – continental drift – genetic drift – meiotic drift – mutational drift ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. медленное течение; медленное перемещение the drift of labour into the city —- образ. приток рабочей силы в город the drift from the land —- образ. отток людей из деревни (из сельской местности) to be on the drift —- дрейфовать; плыть по течению 2. мор. дрейф 3. ав. девиация, снос 4. ав. скорость сноса 5. ав. угол сноса 6. воен. деривация 7. воен. движение облака дыма или отравляющего вещества 8. рад. уход частоты 9. направление (развития), тенденция drift of affairs —- ход дел; направление развития событий 10. тенденция развития языковой структуры; направление языкового развития 11. (подспудный) смысл; (скрытая) цель; стремление the drift of a speech —- скрытый смысл речи I don't catch (get, see, understand) your drift —- я не понимаю куда вы клоните (к чему вы ведете) what's the drift off all this? —- к чему бы это? что бы это могло значить? 12. пассивность; бездействие policy of drift —- политика бездействия 13. перегон (скота) 14. эвакуация раненых (в тыл) 15. (быстро проносящийся) ливень; снег, гонимый ветром и т. п. 16. сугроб (снега); нанос (песка); куча (листьев и т. п.), нанесенная или наметенная ветром; лед, вынесенный морем на берег 17. геол. моренный материал, делювий; ледниковый нанос 18. молевой лесосплав 19. плывущее бревно 20. дрифтерная или...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  towards постепенно подходить к чему-л. is the world drifting towards war? The business seems to be drifting towards failure. DRIFT out выходить, выпадать When the lid came off the box, loose papers drifted out. The crowd drifted out after the performance. DRIFT  1. noun  1) медленное течение  2) направление, тенденция  3) намерение, стремление the drift of a speech - смысл речи I dont understand your drift - я не понимаю, куда вы клоните  4) пассивность the policy of drift - политика бездействия или самотека  5) сугроб (снега); куча (песка, листьев и т.п.), нанесенная ветром  6) naut. дрейф; aeron. девиация, снос; скорость сноса  7) geol. ледниковый нанос  8) дрифтерная сеть  9) mining штрек, горизонтальная выработка  10) mil. деривация  2. v.  1) относить ветром, течением; относиться, перемещаться по ветру, течению; дрейфовать  2) наносить ветром, течением  3) скопляться кучами (о снеге, песке и т.п.)  4) быть пассивным, предоставлять все судьбе to drift into war - быть втянутым в войну  5) tech. расширять, пробивать отверстия - drift apart - drift away - drift in - drift out - drift towards - drift together DRIFT apart разойтись (тж. перен.) The two small boats drifted apart in the storm, and lost each other. After twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart. DRIFT away разойтись (from) fig. As children grow up, they drift away from their parents views. DRIFT in заходить Two of Janes friends drifted in last night, and are staying here. DRIFT...
Англо-русский словарь
  (drifts, drifting, drifted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When something drifts somewhere, it is carried there by the movement of wind or water. We proceeded to drift on up the river... The waves became rougher as they drifted. VERB: V adv/prep, V 2. If someone or something drifts into a situation, they get into that situation in a way that is not planned or controlled. We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values... There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting. VERB: V prep/adv, V 3. If you say that someone drifts around, you mean that they travel from place to place without a plan or settled way of life. You’ve been drifting from job to job without any real commitment. VERB: V prep/adv c darkgreen]disapproval 4. A drift is a movement away from somewhere or something, or a movement towards somewhere or something different. ...the drift towards the cities. N-COUNT: usu N prep 5. To drift somewhere means to move there slowly or gradually. As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities. VERB: V prep 6. If sounds drift somewhere, they can be heard but they are not very loud. Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors. VERB: V prep/adv 7. If snow drifts, it builds up into piles as a result of the movement of the wind. The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep... VERB: V 8. A drift is a mass of snow that has built up into a pile as a result of the movement of wind. ...a nine-foot snow drift. N-COUNT 9. The drift of an argument or speech is the general point that is being made in it. Grace was beginning to get his drift... = gist N-SING: poss N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to move slowly on water or in the air + out/towards etc  (The rubber raft drifted out to sea.) 2 always + adv/prep to move or go somewhere without any plan or purpose + around/along etc  (Jenni spent the year drifting around Europe.) drift from sth to sth  (The conversation drifted from one topic to another.) 3 drift into sth to go from one situation or condition to another without realizing it  (She was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off.) 4 if snow, sand etc drifts, the wind blows it into large piles  (The snow was drifting in great piles against the house.) 5 let sth drift to allow something to continue in the same way  (He couldn't let the matter drift for much longer.) drift apart phr v if people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends  (Over the years my college friends and I have drifted apart.) drift off phr v to gradually fall asleep  (I was just drifting off when the phone rang.) ~2 n 1 »SNOW« a large pile of snow, sand etc that has been blown by the wind + of  (The road is blocked with massive drifts of snow.) 2 »SHIP« the degree to which a ship or plane changes its direction because of the movement of the wind or water 3 »GENERAL MEETING« the drift the general meaning of what someone is saying + of  (So what's the drift of the argument?) follow/get/catch sb's drift (=understand the general meaning)  (I didn't hear every word of her speech, but I got the drift.) 4 »CHANGE« a slow change or development from one situation, opinion etc to another  (the drift of public opinion towards the political left | the broad/whole/general drift (=the general change in direction))  (A general drift towards anarchy must be prevented at all costs.) 5 »MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE« a slow and unplanned movement of large numbers of people + from/to/into  (the drift from the countryside to the cities) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., lit. "being driven," or "thing one is driving at;" not recorded in O.E., borrowed from O.N. or M.Du. drift, from P.Gmc. *driftiz, related to *dribanan "to drive." Drifter is first recorded 1864. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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