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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - dodge


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 I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1575  1. an act of evading by sudden bodily movement  2.  a. an artful device to evade, deceive, or trick  b. expedient  II. verb  (~d; dodging)  Date: 1680  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course ~d through the crowd  b. to make a sudden movement in a new direction (as to evade a blow) ~d behind the door  2. to evade a responsibility or duty especially by trickery or deceit  transitive verb  1.  a. to evade by a sudden or repeated shift of position ~ tacklers  b. to avoid an encounter with celebrities dodging the media  2. to evade (as a duty) usually indirectly or by trickery ~d the draft by leaving the country ~d questions DODGE  biographical name Mary Elizabeth 1831-1905 nee Mapes American author
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См. в других словарях

  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about, behind, round) move quickly to one side or quickly change position, to elude a pursuer, blow, etc. (dodged behind the chair). 2 tr. a evade by cunning or trickery (dodged paying the fare). b elude (a pursuer, opponent, blow, etc.) by a sideward movement etc. 3 tr. Austral. sl. acquire dishonestly. 4 intr. (of a bell in change-ringing) move one place contrary to the normal sequence. --n. 1 a quick movement to avoid or evade something. 2 a clever trick or expedient. 3 the dodging of a bell in change-ringing. Phrases and idioms dodge the column see COLUMN. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  гл. избегать, уклоняться - dodge domestic price control DODGE – to dodge a patent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  авто "Додж" 1) Фирма "Додж бразерс" Dodge Brothers в 1914-28, а с 1928 - отделение автомобилестроительной корпорации "Крайслер" Chrysler Corp., одной из "трех сестер" Three Sisters 2) Одна из марок легкового автомобиля, выпускаемого этой фирмой с 1914; выпускались и выпускаются целый ряд моделей, в том числе: Dodge Aries K, Dodge Aspen, Dodge Caravan, Dodge Charger, Dodge Coronet, Dodge Dart, Dodge Dynasty, Dodge Lancer, Dodge Monaco, Dodge Omni, Dodge Polara, Dodge Shadow, Dodge Spirit 3) Массовый автомобиль среднего класса, выпускался с 1914 фирмой "Додж бразерс" Dodge Brothers, с 1933 по 1960 - фирмой "Крайслер" - с шестицилиндровым двигателем; с конца 50-х годов по настоящее время - в ряде вариантов, от 4-цилиндрового до V-образного с 8 цилиндрами V-8 ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. разг. плутня, обман, уловка, увертка, хитрость; проделка calculated dodge —- преднамеренный обман an old dodge —- старый трюк to be up to all the dodges —- знать все хитрости he's up to all the dodges —- он тертый калач; он стреляный воробей to be on the dodge —- плутовать 2. спорт. финт, обманное движение to give a dodge to one side —- увернуться 3. сл. мошенническое предприятие; афера; нечестный образ жизни 4. разг. хитрая штука; хитрое приспособление dodge for catching birds —- ловушка для птиц 5. разг. план; прием, способ good dodge for remembering names —- хороший способ запоминать имена 6. сл. профессия, занятие 7. увертываться, уклоняться (от удара); делать обманное движение to dodge a blow —- увернуться от удара to dodge the traffic —- лавировать в потоке машин to dodge one's opponent —- спорт. обвести противника 8. увиливать, уклоняться to dodge a question —- увиливать от ответа to dodge the problem —- уходить от решения вопроса to dodge military service —- уклоняться от воинской повинности to dodge the law —- обходить закон 9. плутовать, вилять 10. прятаться (скрываясь от преследования) to dodge behind (round) a tree —- спрятаться за деревом 11. следовать крадучись, незаметно (за кем-л.) 12. двигать взад и вперед (также dodge in and out) 13. двигаться, сновать взад и вперед 14. ловить, сбивать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  избегать, увертываться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (dodges, dodging, dodged) 1. If you dodge, you move suddenly, often to avoid being hit, caught, or seen. He dodged amongst the seething crowds of men... VERB: V prep/adv 2. If you dodge something, you avoid it by quickly moving aside or out of reach so that it cannot hit or reach you. He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down. = sidestep VERB: V n 3. If you dodge something, you deliberately avoid thinking about it or dealing with it, often by being deceitful. He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness... = evade VERB: V n • Dodge is also a noun. This was not just a tax dodge. N-COUNT: usu supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to move quickly in order to avoid being hit by someone or something  (I managed to dodge the shot that came flying through the air.) 2 to move quickly in a particular direction to avoid someone or something + into/out/behind  (He dodged in and out of the traffic.) 3 to avoid a law or unpleasant duty in a dishonest way  (Senator O'Brian skilfully dodged the crucial question.) 4 dodge the issue to avoid considering or discussing something that needs to be dealt with ~2 n 1 informal something dishonest you do in order to avoid a responsibility or law  (Jake was full of clever dodges to avoid paying his debts. | tax dodge)  (He'll claim the car was a present as a tax dodge.) 2 make a dodge to make a sudden forward or sideways movement to avoid something ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  astronom. abbr. Dead Or Damaged Greasy Embarrassment funny abbr. Department Of Defense Garbage Equipment funny abbr. Dang Ol' Dirty Gas Eater funny abbr. Drops Oil Drops Grease Everywhere funny abbr. Driven Only During Grey Evenings funny abbr. Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere funny abbr. Don't OverDrive Gutless Engine funny abbr. Drips Oil and Drops Grease Everywhere funny abbr. Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter funny abbr. Dang Old Dirty Gas Eater funny abbr. Dead Old Dog Going East funny abbr. Dead On Day Guarantee Expires funny abbr. Don't Over Drive Gutless Engine funny abbr. Dead On Delivery, Go Easy funny abbr. Dead On Delivery, Guarantee Expired funny abbr. Damned Old Dirty Gas Eater adult abbr. Damn Old Dirty Gas Eater ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1568, perhaps akin to Scottish dodd "to jog." Meaning "person's way of making a living" is from 1842. Baseball's Dodgers so called from 1900, from trolley dodgers, Manhattanites' nickname for Brooklyn residents, in reference to the streetcar lines that criss-crossed the borough. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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