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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - coast


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cost, from Anglo-French coste, from Latin costa rib, side; akin to Old Church Slavic kosti bone  Date: 14th century  1. the land near a shore ; seashore  2. obsolete border, frontier  3.  a. a hill or slope suited to ~ing  b. a slide down a slope (as on a sled)  4. often capitalized the Pacific ~ of the United States  5. the immediate area of viewused in the phrase the ~ is clear  • ~al adjective  • ~wise adverb or adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. obsolete to move along or past the side of ; skirt  2. to sail along the shore of  intransitive verb  1.  a. archaic to travel on land along a ~ or along or past the side of something  b. to sail along the shore  2.  a. to slide, run, or glide downhill by the force of gravity  b. to move along without or as if without further application of propulsive power (as by momentum or gravity)  c. to proceed easily without special application of effort or concern ~ed through school — often used with on a company ~ing on its good reputation
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a the border of the land near the sea; the seashore. b (the Coast) US the Pacific coast of the US. 2 a a run, usu. downhill, on a bicycle without pedalling or in a motor vehicle without using the engine. b US a toboggan slide or slope. --v.intr. 1 ride or move, usu. downhill, without use of power, free-wheel. 2 make progress without much effort. 3 US slide down a hill on a toboggan. 4 a sail along the coast. b trade between ports on the same coast. Phrases and idioms the coast is clear there is no danger of being observed or caught. coast-to-coast across an island or continent. Derivatives coastal adj. Etymology: ME f. OF coste, costeier f. L costa rib, flank, side ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) берег 2) плавать вдоль побережья 3) двигаться по инерции; вращаться по инерции (напр. о гироскопе) 4) двигаться накатом (об автомобиле) 5) полёт по инерции лететь по инерции 6) румб ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. морской берег, побережье flat coast —- ровный берег on the coast —- на побережье off the French coast —- у берегов Франции from coast to coast —- от берега до берега, по всей стране the company has branches from coast to coast —- эта компания имеет филиалы во многих городах страны C. Air Forces —- воен. авиация береговой обороны; береговая авиация C. Artillery —- воен. береговая артиллерия C. Defence —- воен. береговая оборона coast watch post —- воен. береговой пост охраны 2. ам. Тихоокеанское побережье 3. ам. снежные горы для катания на санках 4. ам. спуск с горы на санках 5. спорт. крутой спуск на велосипеде свободным колесом 6. ав. полет по инерции Id: the coast is clear —- путь свободен; все спокойно 7. плавать вдоль побережья 8. ам. кататься с горы на санках 9. спорт. спускаться с горы на велосипеде свободным колесом 10. спорт. бежать по инерции 11. авт. двигаться накатом 12. ав. лететь по инерции 13. ам. разг. делать без особого усилия, особ. без труда сдать экзамен he saw that he could not just coast through the school —- он понял, что кончить школу не так легко 14. разг. прийти в экстаз (под влиянием наркотиков или джаза) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  along продвигаться вперед без усилий Work is just coasting along, thank you. COAST waiter noun таможенный чиновник, надзирающий за каботажными судами COAST warning noun naut. штормовой сигнал COAST  1. noun  1) морской берег, побережье  2) amer. снежная горка  3) amer. спуск с горы на санках  4) спуск под уклон с выключенным мотором или без педалей the coast is clear - путь свободен, препятствий нет Syn: see shore  2. v.  1) плавать вдоль побережья  2) amer. кататься с горы  3) спускаться под уклон с выключенным мотором или без педалей (тж. coast along) The road was slightly downhill, so we just coasted along enjoying ourselves. - coast along ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (coasts, coasting, coasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The coast is an area of land that is next to the sea. Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches. ...the west coast of Scotland. N-COUNT: oft adj N, N of n 2. If a vehicle coasts somewhere, it continues to move there with the motor switched off, or without being pushed or pedalled. I switched off the engine and coasted round the corner. VERB: V prep/adv 3. If you say that the coast is clear, you mean that there is nobody around to see you or catch you. You can come out now,’ he called. ‘The coast is clear. She’s gone.’ PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the area where the land meets the sea  (We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle. | on the coast (=on the land near the sea))  (I used to live in a small village on the coast of Brittany. | off the coast (=in the sea near the land))  (a small island off the coast of Scotland | coast to coast (=from one coast of a country to the other coast of the same country))  (They walked coast to coast across England.)  (- see shore) 2 the coast is clear informal if the coast is clear, it is safe for you to do something without risking being seen or caught  (We raced towards them as soon as the coast was clear.) ~2 v 1 always + adv/prep to move in or on a vehicle, especially down a hill, without using any effort or any power from the engine + down/around/along etc  (Bev coasted downhill on her bicycle.) 2 to achieve something without having to try very hard  (Janey's teacher says she's just coasting and could do even better if pushed.) + to/through  (Polls predict that the party will coast to victory in the next election.) 3 AmE to slide down a hill covered in snow on a sledge1  (The kids went coasting all afternoon.) 4 to sail along the coast while staying close to land ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Course of Action Support Tool mil. abbr. Controller's Assistant ocean sc. abbr. Coastal Observation and Simulation with Topography sport abbr. Creating Opportunities Adventures And Sports For Teens ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1125, from O.Fr. coste "shore, coast," from L. costa "a rib," developing a sense in M.L. of the shore as the "side" of the land. Fr. also used this word for "hillside, slope," which led to verb use of "sled downhill," first attested 1775 in Amer.Eng. Coaster "round stand for a decanter" is first attested 1887, possibly from a resemblance to sleds. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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