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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - check


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English chek, from Anglo-French eschec, from Arabic shah, from Persian, literally, king; akin to Greek ktasthai to acquire, Sanskrit k?atra dominion  Date: 15th century  1. exposure of a chess king to an attack from which he must be protected or moved to safety  2.  a. a sudden stoppage of a forward course or progress ; arrest  b. a ~ing of an opposing player (as in ice hockey)  3. a sudden pause or break in a progression  4. archaic reprimand, rebuke  5. one that arrests, limits, or restrains ; restraint against all ~s, rebukes, and manners, I must advanceShakespeare  6.  a. a standard for testing and evaluation ; criterion  b. examination a quick ~ of the engine  c. inspection, investigation a loyalty ~ on government employees  d. the act of testing or verifying; also the sample or unit used for testing or verifying  7. a written order directing a bank to pay money as instructed ; draft  8.  a. a ticket or token showing ownership or identity or indicating payment made a baggage ~  b. a counter in various games  c. a slip indicating the amount due ; bill  9. Middle English chek, short for cheker ~er  a. a pattern in squares that resembles a ~erboard  b. a fabric woven or printed with such a design  10. a mark typically ? placed beside an item to show it has been noted, examined, or verified  11. crack, break  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to put (a chess king) in ~  2. chiefly dialect rebuke, reprimand  3.  a. to slow or bring to a stop ; brake hastily ~ed the impulse  b. to block the progress of (as a hockey player)  4.  a. to restrain or diminish the action or force of ; control  b. to slack or ease off and then belay again (as a rope)  5.  a. to compare with a source, original, or authority ; verify needs to ~ her facts  b. to inspect, examine, or look at appraisinglyusually used with out or over ~ing out new cars  c. to mark with a ~ as examined, verified, or satisfactoryoften used with off ~ed off each item  6.  a. to consign (as luggage) to a common carrier from which one has purchased a passenger ticket ~ed our bags before boarding  b. to ship or accept for shipment under such a consignment  7. to mark into squares ; ~er  8. to leave or accept for safekeeping in a ~room ~ a coat  9. to make ~s or chinks ; cause to crack the sun ~s timber  intransitive verb  1.  a. of a dog to stop in a chase especially when scent is lost  b. to halt through caution, uncertainty, or fear ; stop  2.  a. to investigate conditions ~ed on the passengers' safety  b. to prove to be consistent or truthful the description ~s with the photograph — often used with out the story ~ed out  3. to draw a ~ on a bank  4. to waive the right to initiate the betting in a round of poker  5. crack, split  Synonyms: see restrain  III. inter — used to express assent or agreement
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  1. v., n., & int. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a examine the accuracy, quality, or condition of. b (often foll. by that + clause) make sure; verify; establish to one's satisfaction (checked that the doors were locked; checked the train times). 2 tr. a stop or slow the motion of; curb, restrain (progress was checked by bad weather). b colloq. find fault with; rebuke. 3 tr. Chess move a piece into a position that directly threatens (the opposing king). 4 intr. US agree or correspond when compared. 5 tr. US mark with a tick etc. 6 tr. US deposit (luggage etc.) for storage or dispatch. 7 intr. (of hounds) pause to ensure or regain scent. --n. 1 a means or act of testing or ensuring accuracy, quality, satisfactory condition, etc. 2 a a stopping or slowing of motion; a restraint on action. b a rebuff or rebuke. c a person or thing that restrains. 3 Chess (also as int.) a the exposure of a king to direct attack from an opposing piece. b an announcement of this by the attacking player. 4 US a bill in a restaurant. 5 esp. US a token of identification for left luggage etc. 6 US Cards a counter used in various games. 7 a temporary loss of the scent in hunting. 8 a crack or flaw in timber. --int. US expressing assent or agreement. Phrases and idioms check in 1 arrive or register at a hotel, airport, etc. 2 record the arrival of. check-in n. the act or place of checking in. check into register one's arrival at (a hotel etc.). check-list a list for reference and verification. check-nut = lock-nut. check off mark on a list etc. as having been examined or dealt with. check on examine carefully or in detail; ascertain the truth about; keep a watch on (a person, work done, etc.). check out 1 (often foll. by of) leave a hotel etc. with due formalities. 2 US investigate; examine for authenticity or suitability. check over examine for errors; verify. check-rein a rein attaching one horse's rein to another's bit, or preventing a horse from lowering its head. check through inspect or examine exhaustively; verify successive items of. check up...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) контроль, проверка; измерение с целью проверки; сличение контролировать, проверять; измерять с целью проверки; сличать 2) резкая остановка, резкое замедление останавливать, задерживать 3) стопор; останов; затвор 4) шлюз-регулятор; перегораживающее (подпорное) сооружение (на оросительном канале); поливной чек (рисовой системы) 5) трещина покрываться трещинами; растрескиваться 6) закалочная микротрещина (в стали) 7) посечка (глазури, лакокрасочного покрытия) 8) фартук (молотилки) to check by sight — проверять на глаз; to obtain check — проверять, производить проверку; check on symmetry — проверка симметрии; to run check — проверять, производить проверку; to check the figures — проверять расчёты - arithmetical check - automatic check - bias check - botton check - bound check - built-in check - canal check - canvas check - card check - cockpit check - code check - cold check - concentricity check - consistency check - continuity check - cross check - current check - cyclic check - cyclic redundancy check - damp check - destructive check - diagnostic check - door check - double type-bar check - dump check - duplication check - dynamic check - echo check - end check - error check - even-odd check - final check - finish check - fire check - flag check - functional check - hair check - hardening check - hardware check - heart check - initial check - in-line check - interference check - internal check - last flight check - logical check - loop-back check - loop check - machine check - manual check - marginal check - maximum metal condition check -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  контроль, проверка контролировать радиальная трещина (в бревне, брусе); поверхностная трещина (в бетоне, окрасочном покрытии), волосная трещина в металле останов поливной чек check and drop canal check channel check door check graphical check routine check ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  контроль, проверка; измерение – address check – automatic check – block check – built-in check – character check – continuity check – cross-office check – cyclic-redundancy check – echo check – error check – longitudinal redundancy check – loop check – power check – separated check – summation check – transverse redundancy check – vertical redundancy check ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) контроль, проверка; выверка; сличение, сверка контролировать, проверять; выверять; сличать, сверять 2) контрольный осмотр 3) контрольная отметка, галочка отмечать галочкой 4) задержка, остановка 5) стопор стопорить 6) ограничитель; препятствие 7) контрольное устройство 8) трещина, щель 9) амер. чек 10) квитанция; счёт 11) горн. бок жилы, сброс 12) горн. породная стенка (в шахте) 13) контрольный; проверочный check by resubstitution — матем. проверка подстановкой check is satisfied — контрольное условие выполнено to check a product for quality — проверять качество изделия to check calibration of instrument — поверять измерительный прибор to check figures — проверять расчёты to check for errors — выявлять ошибки to check for fit — машиностр. проверять на плотность посадки to check for safetying — машиностр. проверять контровку to make spot check — проверять выборочно - accuracy check - comparative check - conversion check - differencing check - direct check - double check - edit check - experimental check - forbidden-combination check - in-flight engine check - leak check - maintenance check - modulo check - numerical check - odd-even check - odd-parity check - overflow check - perpetual check - redundant check - residue check - row check - selection check - sight check - sign check - signal check - slay check - solution check - statistical check - sum-of-squares check - summation check - time check - weighted check ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) препятствие, остановка, задержка 2) контроль, проверка 3) багажная квитанция, корешок; номер • - bad check - bank certified check - bank check - blank check - buyer's check - cancel a check - cancelled check - cash a check - cash check - cashed check - cashier's check - cashing of check - certify a check - certify check - check account - check an account - check clearing - check collection - check deposits - check drawn on a bank - check handling - check in - check list - check mark - check not to order - check number - check of cash - check off - check only for account - check operation - check out - check payment - check processing - check register - check stub - check test - check the accounts - check the cash - check to order - check to prices - check transfer - collect a check - collection of a check - collection of checks - collection-only check - control check - deposit of check - dishonored check - draw a check on bank - draw a check - drawing of check - drawn check - endorse a check - endorsed check - keep a check on activity - raised check - snap check - sola check Syn: verification, command, supervision, monitoring, hands, control, controlling 2. гл. 1) сдерживать, приостанавливать, прекращать 2) проверять, контролировать - check the turnover of capital CHECK I сущ. 1) общ. шах (в шахматах) 2) общ. препятствие, остановка, задержка (в развитии, карьере, движении); сдерживающий фактор 3) общ. ограничение, сдерживание 4) общ. контроль, проверка, сличение 5) общ. багажная квитанция, корешок; номер (в гардеробе) 6) эк. контрольный штемпель; "галочка"; отметка (в документе как знак проверки) 7) амер. чек а)банк. (документ,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) контроль, проверка; контролировать, проверять; контрольный, проверочный 2) задержка; препятствие; приостанавливать, задерживать; препятствовать to recieve a check — иметь задержку (в росте) – of inoculation check – diagnostic check – experimental check ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. препятствие, остановка; задержка to serve as a check —- служить препятствием; обуздывать wind acts as a check on speed —- ветер мешает быстрой езде his illness gave a check to our plans —- его болезнь сорвала наши планы to keep in check —- держать в руках, контролировать keep your emotions in check —- сдерживайте свои чувства to keep a check on smb. —- держать кого-л в руках, не давать воли кому-л to keep a check on smth. —- следить за чем-л.; контролировать что-л; держать что-л. в своих руках keep a check on your tongue —- думай, прежде чем говорить 2. преим. воен. отпор, приостановка наступления или продвижения 3. проверка, контроль accuracy check —- проверка точности spot checks —- полигр. выборочная корректура, выборочный редакционный просмотр 4. галочка, птичка, отметка (знак проверки) 5. номерок (в гардеробе) hat check —- номерок на шляпу 6. ярлык; богажная квитанция a check for a suitcase —- квитанция на чемодан 7. контрольный штемпель 8. контрамарка; корешок (билета) 9. клетка (рисунок ткани) 10. клетчатая ткань; шотландка do you want a stripe or a check? —- вам в полоску или в клетку? 11. счет (в ресторане) 12. шахм. шах double check —- двойной шах perpetual check —- вечный шах check to the king —- шах королю 13. с-х. чек, делянка, окруженная валом и затапливаемая водой 14. с-х. контрольная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with совпадать, соответствовать CHECK up  а) проверять состояние здоровья I asked the doctor to check me up.  б) выяснять (on) The police are checking up on him. Check the facts up before you write your report. CHECK over обследовать состояние здоровья I asked the doctor to check me over. CHECK  1. noun  1) препятствие; остановка; задержка - without check  2) chess шах (употр. тж. как межд.) the king is in check - королю объявлен шах  3) потеря охотничьей собакой следа  4) контроль, проверка - loyalty check  5) контрольный штемпель; галочка (знак проверки)  6) ярлык; багажная квитанция  7) номерок (в гардеробе)  8) контрамарка; корешок (билета и т.п.)  9) amer. чек [см. тж. cheque ]  10) amer. фишка, марка (в карт. игре)  11) клетка (на материи); клетчатая ткань  12) трещина, щель (в дереве)  13) attr. контрольный - check experiment - check ballot  14) attr. клетчатый to keep/hold in check - сдерживать to cash/hand/pass in ones checks - умереть  2. v.  1) останавливать(ся); сдерживать; препятствовать  2) chess объявлять шах  3) располагать в шахматном порядке  4) проверять, контролировать (on) Wouldnt it be wise to check on the possibility of rain before planning the garden party? How can you check on whether it will rain that day? to check out - проверять правильность чего-л. Have you checked out each room to see if it is fit for a guest? to check over/through - проверять (что-л. написанное) We must check the book over before sending it to the...
Англо-русский словарь
  (checks, checking, checked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you check something such as a piece of information or a document, you make sure that it is correct or satisfactory. Check the accuracy of everything in your CV... I think there is an age limit, but I’d have to check... She hadn’t checked whether she had a clean ironed shirt... He checked that he had his room key... I shall need to check with the duty officer. VERB: V n, V, V wh, V that, V with n see also cross-check • Check is also a noun. He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure. ...a security check. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If you check on someone or something, you make sure they are in a safe or satisfactory condition. He decided to check on things at the warehouse. VERB: V on n 3. If you check something that is written on a piece of paper, you put a mark, like a V with the right side extended, next to it to show that something is correct or has been selected or dealt with. (AM; in BRIT, usually use tick) Frequently, men who check answer (b) have not actually had the experience of being repeatedly rejected by women. VERB: V n 4. To check something, usually something bad, means to stop it from spreading or continuing. Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS. = curb VERB: V n 5. If you check yourself or if something checks you, you suddenly stop what you are doing or saying. He was about to lose his temper but checked himself in time... I held up one finger to check him. VERB: V pron-refl, V n 6. When you check your luggage at an airport, you give it to an official so that it can be taken on to your plane. We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops... VERB: V n • To check in your luggage means the same as to check it. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 7. The check in a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »FIND OUT« to do something in order to find out whether something that you think is correct, true, or safe really is correct, true, or safe  ("Are all the windows shut?" "I'll just go and check." | check sth)  (I'll check my calendar and get back to you.) + tha  (They're entitled to check that the will is valid, of course.) + whether/how/who etc  (Let me just check whether the potatoes are cooked.) + for  (Have these cables been checked for faults?) check sth against/with sth (=compare something with something else to see whether they are the same)  (Upon delivery, the items are checked against the original order. | double check (=look at something twice to be sure about something))  (Double check all the spellings, especially of people's names.) 2 »ASK SB« to ask someone for permission to do something or ask whether something is correct  (I'm not authorized to give you a refund - I'll have to check first.) + tha  (We'd better check that these are the right pills.) + whether/how/who etc  (Let's stop and check whether this is the right road.) check with sb  (It's wise to check with your doctor before going on a diet.) 3 »NOT DO STH« to suddenly stop yourself from saying or doing something because you realize it would be better not to  (Susan quickly turned aside, checking an urge to laugh out loud. | check yourself)  ("You shouldn't have..." he checked himself, trying to stay calm.) 4 »STOP STH« to stop something bad from getting worse or continuing to happen etc  (Speed bumps will be installed to check the neighborhood traffic.) 5 »MAKE A MARK« AmE to make a mark (V) next to an answer, something on a list etc to show that it is correct or that you have dealt with it; tick2 (2) BrE 6 »BAGS/CASES ETC« AmE to leave your bags etc at an official place so they can be put on a plane or a train, or to take someone's bags in order to do this  (Any luggage over 5 kilos must be checked.) check in phr v 1 T check someone in) to go to the desk at a hotel or airport and report that you have arrived  (You need...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Cross Help Email a Cheesey King ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. eschequier "a check at chess," from eschec, from V.L. *scaccus, from Ar. shah, from Pers. shah "king," the principal piece in a chess game. When the king is in check a player's choices are limited. Meaning widened from chess to general sense of "adverse event, sudden stoppage" and by c.1700 to "a token used to check against loss or theft" (surviving in hat check) and "a check against forgery or alteration," which gave the modern financial use of "bank check, money draft" (first recorded 1798), probably influenced by exchequeur. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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