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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - blue


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French blef, blew, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German blao ~; akin to Latin flavus yellow  Date: 13th century  1. of the color ~  2.  a. bluish the ~ haze of tobacco smoke  b. discolored by or as if by bruising ~ with cold  c. bluish gray a ~ cat  3.  a. low in spirits ; melancholy  b. marked by low spirits ; depressing a ~ funk things looked ~  4. wearing ~  5. of a woman learned, intellectual  6. puritanical  7.  a. profane, indecent ~ movie  b. off-color, risque ~ jokes  8. of, relating to, or used in ~s a ~ song  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violet  2.  a. a pigment or dye that colors ~  b. bluing  3.  a. ~ clothing or cloth  b. plural a ~ costume or uniform  4.  a. a Union soldier in the American Civil War  b. often capitalized the Union army  5.  a.  (1) sky  (2) the far distance disappeared into the ~  b. sea  6. a ~ object  7. ~stocking  8. any of numerous small chiefly ~ butterflies (family Lycaenidae)  9. ~fish  10. ~ cheese  III. verb  (~d; ~ing or bluing)  Date: 1606  transitive verb to make ~  intransitive verb to turn ~
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См. в других словарях

  1. adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 having a colour like that of a clear sky. 2 sad, depressed; (of a state of affairs) gloomy, dismal (feel blue; blue times). 3 indecent, pornographic (a blue film). 4 with bluish skin through cold, fear, anger, etc. 5 Brit. politically conservative. 6 having blue as a distinguishing colour (blue jay). --n. 1 a blue colour or pigment. 2 blue clothes or material (dressed in blue). 3 Brit. a a person who has represented a university in a sport, esp. Oxford or Cambridge. b this distinction. 4 Brit. a supporter of the Conservative party. 5 any of various small blue-coloured butterflies of the family Lycaenidae. 6 blue powder used to whiten laundry. 7 Austral. sl. a an argument or row. b (as a nickname) a red-headed person. 8 a blue ball, piece, etc. in a game or sport. 9 (prec. by the) the clear sky. --v.tr. (blues, blued, bluing or blueing) 1 make blue. 2 treat with laundering blue. Phrases and idioms blue baby a baby with a blue complexion from lack of oxygen in the blood due to a congenital defect of the heart or great vessels. blue bag a lawyer's brief-bag. blue blood noble birth. blue-blooded of noble birth. Blue Book a report issued by Parliament or the Privy Council. blue cheese cheese produced with veins of blue mould, e.g. Stilton and Danish Blue. blue-chip (attrib.) of shares of reliable investment, though less secure than gilt-edged stock. blue-collar (attrib.) of manual or unskilled work. blue dahlia something rare or impossible. blue ensign see ENSIGN. blue-eyed boy esp. Brit. colloq. usu. derog. a favoured person; a favourite. blue funk esp. Brit. colloq. a state of great terror or panic. blue-green alga = CYANOBACTERIUM. blue ground = KIMBERLITE. blue in the face in a state of extreme anger or exasperation. blue metal broken blue stone used for road-making. blue mould a bluish fungus growing on food and other organic matter. blue-pencil (-pencilled, -pencilling; US -penciled, -penciling) censor or make cuts in (a manuscript, film, etc.). Blue Peter a blue flag with a white square...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) перечень технических условий 2) журнал спецификаций BLUE 1) голубой, лазурный, синий 2) голубая краска; синяя краска; голубой пигмент; синий пигмент окрашивать в голубой или синий цвет 3) синька синить, подсинивать 4) воронить; отпускать сталь - Berlin blue - Bremen blue - Brunswick blue - cobalt blue - enamel blue - ferrocyanide blue - flow blue - Indian blue - iron blue - methylene blue - milori blue - Paris blue - Staffordshire blue ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  синий пигмент; синяя краска cerulean blue phthalocyanine blue prussian blue Staffordshire blues ultramarine blue ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  тлв. синий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) голубой; лазурный; синий - toluydine blue - toluylene blue 2) голубизна; синь; лазурь - Prussian blue - methylene blue - mineral blue 3) синяя краска, синька синить, подсинивать 4) синий цвет 5) небо 6) море; океан 7) воронить сталь 8) портить, разрушать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) синий, голубой 2) относящийся к партии тори 3) консервативный • - Blue Book - blue chip stocks - blue chip - blue chips - blue-book - dressed in blue ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) энт. голубянка; pl голубянки (Lycaenidae) 2) гист. краситель синего или голубого цвета – Adonis blue – alcian blue – Amanda's blue – brilliant blue – bromphenol blue – bromthymol blue – celestin blue – chalk-hill blue – clifden blue – common blue – coomassie brilliant blue – cranberry blue – Evans blue – fast blue – holly blue – isamine blue – large blue – little blue – long-tailed blue – Malayan blue – mandarin blue – methyl blue – methylene blue – methylthymol blue – mordant blue – Nile blue – patent blue – polychrome methylene blue – silver-studded blue – tetrazolium blue – toluidine blue – trypan blue ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. синий цвет; голубой цвет Oxford blue —- темно-синий цвет Cambridge blue —- светло-голубой цвет 2. синяя краска; голубая краска Berlin (Prussian) blue —- берлинская лазурь Paris blue —- парижская лазурь 3. синька 4. (the blue) небо 5. (the blue) море, океан 6. синее платье (форма) men in blue —- полицейские 7. разг. полицейский 8. pl. мор. синее обмундирование 9. моряк 10. pl. (the blues) войска в синей форме 11. (the Blues) конная гвардия 12. цвет партии тори 13. консерватор, тори true blue —- настоящий тори the old strife of Blues and Yellows —- старая борьба между консерваторами и либералами 14. ам. ист. солдаты армии Севера 15. член университетской спортивной команды Dark Blues —- команды Оксфорда или Харроу Light Blues —- команды Кембриджа или Итона to get one's blue —- быть включенным в университетскую команду an old B. —- член команды, неоднократно участвовавший в межуниверситетских состязаниях 16. разг. ирон. "синий чулок", ученая женщина; педантка 17. что-л синее bits of old Nankin blue —- образцы старинного нанкинского голубого фарфора Id: to be in the blue —- сбиться с пути, пойти по плохой дорожке; потерпеть неудачу; австрал. быть в долгу Id: to disappear into the blue —- исчезнуть из виду, затеряться Id: out of the blue —- внезапно, неожиданно, без предупреждения 18....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  tit noun лазоревка (птица) BLUE vitriol noun медный купорос BLUE water открытое море BLUE Ribbon Army общество трезвенников BLUE study (мрачное) раздумье, размышление BLUE streak noun  1) быстро движущийся предмет  2) поток слов - talk blue streak BLUE  1. adj.  1) голубой; лазурный; синий - dark blue - Navy blue  2) посиневший; с кровоподтеками  3) испуганный; унылый, подавленный things look blue - дела плохи - look blue - blue study - blue fear - blue funk - be blue  4) непристойный, скабрезный to make/turn the air blue - сквернословить, ругаться  5) относящийся к партии тори, консервативный - vote blue  6) iron. ученый (о женщине) - blue devils - blue laws - blue sky law - blue chip - blue chip share - blue chip paper - blue water to drink till alls blue допиться до белой горячки once in a blue moon очень редко Syn: see sad  2. noun  1) синий цвет - Oxford blue - Cambridge blue  2) синяя краска; голубая краска; синька - Paris blue - Berlin blue  3) (the blue) небо out of the blue - совершенно неожиданно; как гром среди ясного неба  4) (the blue) море; океан  5) синяя форменная одежда the men/gentlemen/boys in blue -  а) полицейские;  б) матросы;  в) американские федеральные войска  6) coll.; see bluestocking  7) (the blues) pl. меланхолия, хандра to have/get the blues, to be in the blues - быть в плохом настроении, хандрить to give smb. the blues - наводить тоску на кого-л. to cry the blues amer.; coll. - прибедняться the Blue and the...
Англо-русский словарь
  (bluer, bluest, blues) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day. There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky... She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father’s. ...colourful blues and reds. COLOUR 2. The blues is a type of music which was developed by African American musicians in the southern United States. It is characterized by a slow tempo and a strong rhythm. N-PLURAL: the N 3. If you have got the blues, you feel sad and depressed. (INFORMAL) Interfering in-laws are the prime sources of the blues. N-PLURAL: the N 4. If you are feeling blue, you are feeling sad or depressed, often when there is no particular reason. (INFORMAL) There’s no earthly reason for me to feel so blue. = down ADJ: v-link ADJ 5. Blue films, stories, or jokes are about sex. ...a secret stash of porn mags and blue movies. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If something happens out of the blue, it happens unexpectedly. One of them wrote to us out of the blue several years later. PHRASE 7. blue moon: see moon ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »COLOUR« the colour of the clear sky or of the sea on a fine day  (the blue waters of the lake | a dark blue raincoat) 2 »SAD« informal sad and without hope; depressed (1a)  (That song always makes me feel blue.) 3 »CONCERNED WITH SEX« informal concerned with sex in a way that might offend some people  (Some of his jokes were a bit blue.)  (- see also blue film) 4 once in a blue moon informal hardly ever  (I only ever see him once in a blue moon.) 5 scream/yell blue murder informal to shout very loudly in protest against something or because you are in pain 6 do sth till you're blue in the face informal to do something a lot but without achieving what you want  (You can argue till you're blue in the face, she won't change her mind.) 7 blue with cold extremely cold 8 talk a blue streak AmE informal to talk a lot without stopping 9 go blue if your skin goes blue, you become blue because you are cold or cannot breathe properly 10 like blue blazes AmE informal extremely  (It hurts like blue blazes!) ~2 n 1 the colour that is blue  (the rich greens and blues of the tapestry | She nearly always dresses in blue.) 2 blues a slow sad style of music that came from the southern US  (a blues singer)  (- see also rhythm and blues) 3 the blues informal feelings of sadness  (Don't be surprised if you get the blues for a while after your baby is born.) 4 out of the blue informal unexpectedly  (a phone call from Jane right out of the blue)  (- see also a bolt from/out of the blue bolt1 (3)) 5 boys in blue informal the police 6 BrE Blue someone who has represented Oxford or Cambridge University at a sport, or the title given to such a person  (a rugger Blue) 7 the blue literary the sea or the sky ~3 v BrE informal to spend money in a way that is careless or not very responsible  (John blued all his money on drink.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. United States, and it's allies ocean sc. abbr. Best Linear Unbiased Estimator electron. abbr. Baltic Latvian Universal Electronics ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. bleu, from Frank. blao, from P.Gmc. *blжwaz, from PIE base *bhle-was "light-colored, blue, blond, yellow." Replaced O.E. blaw, from the same PIE root, which also yielded L. flavus "yellow," Gk. phalos "white," O.N. bla "livid" (the meaning in black and blue). The color of constancy since Chaucer at least, but apparently for no deeper reason than the rhyme in true blue (1500). Blue laws, severe Puritanical code said to have been enacted 18c. in New Haven, of uncertain origin, perhaps from one of the ground senses behind blues, but likely not because they were written on blue paper. Blue (adj.) "lewd" is recorded from 1840. Bluegrass music is 1958, in allusion to the Bluegrass Boys, country music band 1940s-'50s, from the "blue" grass characteristic of Kentucky. Blue chip (1920s) is metaphoric, from the highest denomination of gambling chip. Blue moon emblematic of "very rarely" suggests something that, in fact, never happens (cf. at the Greek calends), as in this couplet from 1528: Yf they say the mone is blewe, We must beleve that it is true. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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