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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - bend


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 geographical name city central Oregon on the Deschutes population 52,029 BEND  I. verb  (bent; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old English ~ fettermore at band  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to constrain or strain to tension by curving ~ a bow  2.  a. to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular  b. to force from a proper shape  c. to force back to an original straight or even condition  3. fasten ~ a sail to its yard  4.  a. to cause to turn from a straight course ; deflect  b. to guide or turn toward ; direct  c. incline, dispose  d. to adapt to one's purpose ; distort ~ the rules  5. to direct strenuously or with interest ; apply bent himself to the task  6. to make submissive ; subdue  intransitive verb  1. to curve out of a straight line or position; specifically to incline the body in token of submission  2. to apply oneself vigorously ~ing to their work  3. incline, tend  4. compromise 2  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. the act or process of ~ing ; the state of being bent  2. something that is bent: as  a. a curved part of a path (as of a stream or road)  b. wale I,2 — usually used in plural  3. plural but singular or plural in construction the painful manifestations (as joint pain) of decompression sickness; also decompression sickness — usually used with the  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~e, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German binta, bant band — more at band  Date: 15th century  1. a diagonal band that runs from the dexter chief to the sinister base on a heraldic shieldcompare ~ sinister  2. Middle English, band, from Old English ~ fetter — more at band a knot by which one rope is fastened to another or to some object
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См. в других словарях

  1. v. & n. --v. (past bent; past part. bent exc. in bended knee) 1 a tr. force or adapt (something straight) into a curve or angle. b intr. (of an object) be altered in this way. 2 intr. move or stretch in a curved course (the road bends to the left). 3 intr. & tr. (often foll. by down, over, etc.) incline or cause to incline from the vertical (bent down to pick it up). 4 tr. interpret or modify (a rule) to suit oneself. 5 tr. & refl. (foll. by to, on) direct or devote (oneself or one's attention, energies, etc.). 6 tr. turn (one's steps or eyes) in a new direction. 7 tr. (in passive; foll. by on) have firmly decided; be determined (was bent on selling; on pleasure bent). 8 a intr. stoop or submit (bent before his master). b tr. force to submit. 9 tr. Naut. attach (a sail or cable) with a knot. --n. 1 a curve in a road or other course. 2 a departure from a straight course. 3 a bent part of anything. 4 (in pl.; prec. by the) colloq. sickness due to too rapid decompression underwater. Phrases and idioms bend over backwards see BACKWARDS. round the bend colloq. crazy, insane. Derivatives bendable adj. Etymology: OE bendan f. Gmc 2. n. 1 Naut. any of various knots for tying ropes (fisherman's bend). 2 Heraldry a a diagonal stripe from top right to bottom left of a shield. b (bend sinister) a diagonal stripe from top left to bottom right, as a sign of bastardy. Etymology: OE bend band, bond f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) изгиб; прогиб; искривление изгибать; сгибать; гнуть; отгибать 2) отвод; коленчатый патрубок; колено (трубопровода); отгиб (арматуры) 3) горн. перегиб (пластов) 4) излучина (реки); меандр 5) изгиб, изогнутая секция (волновода); изогнутый волновод 6) тлв искривление изображения 7) отклонение (от курса) 8) мн. ч. мор. шпангоуты 9) кож. получепрак 10) мн. ч. кессонная болезнь to bend cold — гнуть в холодном состоянии; to bend hot — гнуть в горячем состоянии; to bend through 30° — изгибать на 30° - anchorage bend - angled bend - back bend - circle bend - circular bend - close return bend - connector bend - course bend - creased bend - crossover bend - dirt-box bend - double bend - double-branch bend - edgewise bend - elbow bend - expansion bend - face bend - female bend - field bend - flanged bend - flatwise bend - frame bend - glide-path bend - goose neck bend - hairpin bend - half normal bend - horizontal bend - H-plane bend - knee bend - line bend - major bend - male bend - minor bend - miter bend - ninety-degree bend - normal bend - one-eight bend - open return bend - pipe bend - quarter bend - reducing bend - return bend - root bend - sag bend - set-off bend - swan-neck bend - T-tee-bend - T-bend - U-bend - vertical bend - waveguide bend - wrist bend ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) отвод 2) изгиб – E-bend – field bend – line bend – minor bend – waveguide bend ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) изгиб; искривление alternate bend test — испытание на изгиб angle of bend — угол сгиба; матем. угол кривизны 2) отвод; отгиб; колено bend of a lever — колено рычага 3) горн. лука, излучина; перегиб, сгиб angle of bend — угол сгиба; матем. угол кривизны 4) отклонение (от курса) to power into a bend — авто решительно входить в поворот 5) согнутое состояние 6) мор. узел 7) сгибать(ся); гнуть(ся), изгибать(ся) to bend cold — гнуть в холодном состоянии to bend hot — гнуть в горячем состоянии to bend frame — мор. выгибать шпангоут to bend round mandrel — загибать на оправке to bend round radius — загибать по радиусу 8) поворачивать, отклоняться 9) склонять, побуждать 10) перегибать - H plane waveguide bend - bend of hook - circle bend - creased pipe bend - female pipe bend - flanged pipe bend - flue bend - glide-path bend - pipe bend - reducing pipe bend - set-off pipe bend - tangent bend - waveguide bend ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) изгиб, сгиб 2) излучина (реки) – bend of elbow – bend of knee – head bend ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сгиб, изгиб; кривизна; дуга bend of the arm —- локтевой сгиб; сгибание; согнутое состояние 2. поворот a bend of a river —- излучина реки a sharp bend in a road —- крутой поворот дороги a road makes many bends —- дорога очень извилистая 3. наклон (корпуса, головы) a bend of the head —- наклон головы back bend —- наклон назад 4. стремление; склонность, влечение 5. тех. колено, отвод 6. мор. вельсы 7. мор. шпангоуты 8. разг. кесонная болезнь; воздушная эмболия Id: above one's bend —- ам. не по силам, не по способностям Id: on the bend —- сл. в запое Id: to give up being on the bend —- бросить пить Id: get a bend on you! —- пошевеливайся! Id: round the bend —- разг. свихнувшийся, не в своем уме 9. гнуть, сгибать; изгибать to bend a pipe at the right angle —- согнуть трубу под прямым углом to bend a bow —- сгибать лук 10. гнуться, сгибаться the stick bends but does not break —- палка гнется, но не ломается to bend under a strain —- гнуться под давлением to bend beneath a burden —- согнуться под тяжестью 11. наклонить to bend one's body —- наклониться to bend one's head over a book —- склониться над книгой 12. наклоняться she bent over her child —- она наклонилась к ребенку, она склонилась над ребенком can you bend down and touch your toes, but without bend ing your knees? —- ты можешь нагнуться и дотронуться до кончиков 13. пальцев, не сгибая колени? to bend low before smb —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  before подчиняться, уступать; соглашаться Id advise you to bend before the old ladys wishes. BEND  1. noun  1) сгиб, изгиб  2) изгиб дороги; излучина реки  3) naut. узел; pl. шпангоуты  4) tech. колено; отвод  5) (the bend s) pl. coll. кессонная болезнь - above ones bend - on the bend  2. v.; past and past part. bent  1) сгибать(ся); гнуть(ся), изгибать(ся) trees bend before the wind - деревья гнутся от ветра to bend the knee - преклонять колена; молиться to bend ones neck - гнуть шею, покоряться to bend back - отклоняться назад The collar bends back in the latest fashion. The top of the box bends back to show the goods. to bend before - сгибать(ся); гнуть(ся), изгибать(ся) перед чем-л. Trees that dont bend before the wind will break. to bend in - закручивать(ся), искривлять(ся) Dont bend the corners of the pages in, it damages them. The doctor said that Bobs legs would always bend in as a result of so much horseriding. to bend to - наклонять(ся), отклонять(ся) к чему-л. Before it reaches the church, the road bends to the left.  2) напрягать (мысли, внимание и т.п.) (to)  3) направлять (взоры, шаги и т.п.)  4) покорять(ся) to bend to submission - подчинять, покорять - bend before - bend to  5) вязать, привязывать (трос, паруса) to bend ones brows - хмурить брови to be bent on smth. - устремлять свои помыслы на что-л.; стремиться к чему-л.; George used to be bent on taw as a profession. Jim seems bent on becoming a musician. He has been bent on becoming one for a long time now. Syn: bow, lean, stoop, turn, twist Ant: rise, straighten BEND to заставлять кого-л....
Англо-русский словарь
  (bends, bending, bent) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend. I bent over and kissed her cheek... She bent and picked up a plastic bucket... She was bent over the sink washing the dishes. VERB: V adv/prep, V, V-ed 2. When you bend your head, you move your head forwards and downwards. Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door. VERB: V n 3. When you bend a part of your body such as your arm or leg, or when it bends, you change its position so that it is no longer straight. These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs... As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly. VERB: V n, V • bent Keep your knees slightly bent. ADJ 4. If you bend something that is flat or straight, you use force to make it curved or to put an angle in it. Bend the bar into a horseshoe... She’d cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process. ? straighten VERB: V n prep, V n, also V n with adv • bent ...a length of bent wire. ADJ 5. When a road, beam of light, or other long thin thing bends, or when something bends it, it changes direction to form a curve or angle. The road bent slightly to the right... Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts. VERB: V, V n 6. A bend in a road, pipe, or other long thin object is a curve or angle in it. The crash occurred on a sharp bend. N-COUNT 7. If someone bends to your wishes, they believe or do something different, usually when they do not want to. Congress has to bend to his will... Do you think she’s likely to bend on her attitude to Europe? VERB: V to n, V 8. If you bend rules or laws, you interpret them in a way that allows you to do something they would not normally allow you to do. A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules. VERB: V n 9. If you bend the truth or bend the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 bend, v past tense and past participle bent bent 1 »MOVE YOUR BODY« to move the top half of your body forwards or downwards + towards/across etc  (He bent towards me and whispered in my ear.) bend over (=bend your body at the waist)  (She was bending over the basin, washing her hair. | bend down (=bend your body at the knees or waist))  (I bent down to lift the box off the floor.) 2 »CURVE« a) to push or press something into a curved shape or fold it at an angle  (Bend your arms and then stretch them upwards. | bend sth back/away etc)  (I'll bend the branches back so that you can get through.) b) to be in the shape of a curve or to change to this shape  (The wire bent easily.) 3 bend the rules to do something that is not normally allowed, but will not cause serious problems, usually in order to help someone else  (You should really pay today, but we can bend the rules just this once.) 4 bend over backwards (to do sth) to try very hard to be helpful  (I've been bending over backwards to get it done on time for them.) 5 bend sb's ear spoken to talk to someone, especially about something that is worrying you 6 on bended knee a) trying very hard to persuade someone to do something  (If I go on bended knee to the boss, do you think she'd give me my job back?) b) in a kneeling position 7 bend your mind/efforts/thoughts etc to formal to give all your energy or attention to one activity, plan etc ~2 n 1 a curved part of something, especially a road or river  (The taxi swung around the bend at a terrifying speed.) + in  (a sharp bend in the river) 2 an action in which you bend a part of your body  (We started the session with a few knee bends to warm up.) 3 the bends a very painful and serious condition that divers get when they come up from under the sea too quickly 4 drive sb round the bend spoken especially BrE to annoy someone 5 be/go round the bend spoken especially BrE to be or become crazy  (You must be round the bend to let her treat you like that.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. bendan "to confine with a string," causative of bindan "to bind," from P.Gmc. base *band-, from PIE base *bhendh-. Modern sense is via notion of bending a bow to string it. Related to band, bind, and bond. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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