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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - acid


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Etymology: French or Latin; French ~e, from Latin ~us, from acere to be sourmore at acet-  Date: 1626  1.  a. sour, sharp, or biting to the taste  b. sharp, biting, or sour in manner, disposition, or nature an ~ individual  c. sharply clear, discerning, or pointed an ~ wit  d. piercingly intense and often jarring ~ yellow  2.  a. of, relating to, or being an ~; also having the reactions or characteristics of an ~ ~ soil an ~ solution  b. of salts and esters derived by partial exchange of replaceable hydrogen ~ sodium carbonate NaHCO3  c. containing or involving the use of an ~ (as in manufacture)  d. marked by or resulting from an abnormally high concentration of ~ ~ indigestion  3. relating to or made by a process (as in making steel) in which the furnace is lined with ~ic material and an ~ic slag is used  4. rich in silica ~ rocks  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1696  1. a sour substance; specifically any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing molecules or ions able to give up a proton to a base, or that are substances able to accept an unshared pair of electrons from a base  2. something incisive, biting, or sarcastic a social satire dripping with ~  3. LSD  • ~y adjective
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См. в других словарях

  n. & adj. --n. 1 Chem. a any of a class of substances that liberate hydrogen ions in water, are usu. sour and corrosive, turn litmus red, and have a pH of less than 7. b any compound or atom donating protons. 2 (in general use) any sour substance. 3 sl. the drug LSD. --adj. 1 sharp-tasting, sour. 2 biting, sharp (an acid wit). 3 Chem. having the essential properties of an acid. 4 Geol. containing much silica. 5 (of a colour) intense, bright. Phrases and idioms acid drop Brit. a kind of sweet with a sharp taste. acid-head sl. a user of the drug LSD. acid house a kind of synthesized music with a simple repetitive beat, often associated with the taking of hallucinogenic drugs. acid radical one formed by the removal of hydrogen ions from an acid. acid rain acid formed in the atmosphere esp. from industrial waste gases and falling with rain. acid test 1 a severe or conclusive test. 2 a test in which acid is used to test for gold etc. put the acid on Austral. sl. seek to extract a loan or favour etc. from. Derivatives acidic adj. acidimeter n. acidimetry n. acidly adv. acidness n. Etymology: F acide or L acidus f. acere be sour ACIDIFY v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) make or become acid. Derivatives acidification n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  кислота - abietic acid - accumulator acid - acetic acid - acetylsalicylic acid - acidic amino acid - aconitic acid - acrylic acid - adipinic acid - adipic acid - alginic acid - alkylation acid - amino acids - anisic acid - anthranilic acid - aquo acid - arachidic acid - arachic acid - arachidonic acid - aromatic acids - arsenic acid - ascorbic acid - aspartic acid - azelaic acid - basic amino acid - battery acid - benzenesulfonic acid - benzoic acid - bile acids - black acid - black sulfuric acid - body acid - boric acid - bromic acid - bromo acid - brown acid - butyric acid - cacodylic acid - camphoric acid - capric acid - caproic acid - caprylic acid - carbamide phosphoric acid - carbolic acid - carbonic acid - carboxylic acids - casamino acids - cerotinic acid - cerotic acid - chamber acid - chloric acid - chloroacetic acid - chloroazotic acid - chloronitric acid - chloronitrous acid - chloroplatinic acid - chlorosulfonic acid - chromic acids - cinnamic acid - citric acid - combined acid - commercial-grade acid - commercial acid - conjugated acid - contact acid - contiguous amino acid - cooking acid - cresylic acid - crotonic acid - cyclic acids - cytoplasmic nucleic acid - decanoic acid - decoic acid - dehydroacetic acid - diatomic acid - dicarboxylic acids - diglycolic acid - dihydric acid - dilinoleic acid - dimer acid - dimethylolpropionic acid - disulfonic acid - disulfuric acid - dithiocarbamic acid - enanthic acid - erucic acid - essential amino acid - etching acid - ethanoic acid - ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid - fatty acid - fluorohydrogen acid - fluorophosphoric acid - fluorosilicic acid - fluosilicic acid - formic acid - free acids - fuel acids - fumaric acid - fuming acid - furoic acid - gallic acid - glacial acetic acid - glutamic acid - green sulfonic acid - green acid - halogen acids - heptadioic acid - n-heptanoic acid - hexafluorophosphoric acid - hezoic acid - higher fatty acids - highly dissociated acid - high purity grade acid - high purity acid - hydrochloric acid - hydrocyanic acid - hydrofluoric acid -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  кислота abietic acid ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  хим. 1) кислота - battery forming acid - chamber sulphuric acid - contact sulphuric acid - glacial acetic acid - oxalic acid - pectic acid - perchloric acid - phosphoric acid - phosphorous acid - polybasic acid - process acid - prussic acid - quinic acid - raw acid - salicylic acid - saturated acid - silicic acid - strong acid - sulfuric acid - tetrabasic acid - titrating acid - tower acid - unbound acid - unsaturated acid - uric acid - waste acid - weak acid 2) кислотный 3) кислый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  кислота; кислый; кислотный – abietic acid – abscisic acid – acetic acid – acetoacetic acid – acetohydroxybutyric acid – acetolactic acid – acetonedicarboxylic acid – acetylmuramic acid – acetylneuramic acid – acetylneuraminic acid – aconitic acid – acroleic acid – acylamino acid – adenosine diphosphoric acid – adenosine triphosphoric acid – adenylic acid – adenylosuccinic acid – adipic acid – agaric acid – aldobionic acid – alginic acid – aliphatic acid – allantoic acid – allonic acid – allophanic acid – amino acid – aminoadipic acid – aminobenzoic acid – aminobutyric acid – aminocaproic acid – aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid – aminoglutaric acid – aminohydroxybutyric acid – amino-imidazole carboxylic acid – aminoisobutyric acid – aminolevulinic acid – aminopimelic acid – anisic acid – anthranilic acid – arachic acid – arachidonic acid – arsenic acid – arsenous acid – arsonic acid – ascorbic acid – asparaginic acid – aspergillic acid – aurintricarboxylic acid – barbituric acid – behenic acid – benzoic acid – bile acid – butyric acid – cacodylic acid – caffeic acid – camphoric acid – capric acid – caproic acid – caproleic acid – capronic acid – caprylic acid – carbamic acid – carbonic acid – carminic acid – cerebronic acid – cerotic acid – cevitamic acid – chain-terminal amino acid – chelidonic acid – chenodeoxycholic acid – chinic acid – cholanic acid – choleic acid – cholic acid – chorismic acid – cinnamic acid – citramalic acid – citric acid – clofibric acid – cobinic acid – coumaric acid – crotonic acid – C-terminal amino acid – cumic acid – cutinic acid – cyanhydric acid – cyanic acid – cyanuric acid – cysteic acid – cytidylic acid – decanoic acid – dehydrocholic acid – dehydroshikimic acid – deoxycytidylic acid – deoxyribonucleic acid – deoxyuridylic acid – diacetic acid – dialuric acid – diaminopimelic acid –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кислота 2. язвительность; ехидство; колкое, едкое замечание he has nothing but acid to offer as criticism —- его критика всегда сводится к злопыхательству 3. сл. "кислота", наркотик ЛСД acid freak —- наркоман, принимающий ЛСД Id: to put on the acid —- австрал. сл. утащить, унести; взять, что плохо лежит 4. кислый acid drops —- лимонные леденцы 5. едкий, язвительный acid wit —- ядовитое остроумие acid remarks about an opponent —- колкие замечания по адресу противника 6. кислый, неприветливый acid individual —- озлобленный человек 7. спец. кислотный, кислый acid dye —- кислотный краситель acid medium —- кислая среда acid salt —- кислая соль acid hearth —- кислый под acid dust —- пыть с подкисляющим эффектом acid rain —- кислый дождь acid egg —- спец. монтежю, кислотоподъемник acid intoxication —- мед. ацидоз acid value —- хим. кислотное число acid estimation —- определение кислотности ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) кислота  2) язвительность; колкое замечание  2. adj.  1) кислый acid looks - кислая мина  2) едкий, язвительный  3) chem. кислотный, кислый acid dye - кислотный краситель - acid radical - acid salt - acid test - acid value - acid medium - acid rain - acid value - acid estimation Syn: see sour ACID estimation определение кислотности ACID medium кислая среда ACID radical кислотный радикал ACID rain кислотный дождь ACID salt кислая соль ACID test проба на кислую реакцию; fig. серьезное испытание ACID value коэффициент кислотности ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (acids) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An acid is a chemical substance, usually a liquid, which contains hydrogen and can react with other substances to form salts. Some acids burn or dissolve other substances that they come into contact with. ...citric acid... N-MASS 2. An acid substance contains acid. These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil. ADJ • acidity ...the acidity of rainwater. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 3. The drug LSD is sometimes referred to as acid. (INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 4. see also amino acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, nucleic acid, sulphuric acid ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a substance that forms a chemical salt1 (4) when combined with an alkali1 (4) . Strong ~s can burn holes in material or damage your skin  (sulphuric acid) 2 slang the drug LSD ~2 adj 1 having a very sour taste  (The wine had a very acid taste.) 2 ~ remark/comment/tone etc an acid remark etc uses humour in an unkind way to criticize someone 3 the ~ test a way of finding out whether something is as good as people say it is, whether it works, or whether it is true  (The acid test will come when the car goes on sale in the US.) 4 technical an ~ soil does not contain enough lime1 (3) - acidly adv - acidity n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Analysis Console For Incident Databases mil. abbr. Adaptive COMSEC Interface Device mil. abbr. Analysis Console For Intrusion Databases ac. degr. abbr. Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durablity softw. abbr. Atomic Consistent Isolated And Durable db. abbr. Atomic, Consistent, Independent, and Durable db. abbr. Automatic Consistency Integration Of Database sec. abbr. Anti Copying In Design sec. abbr. Analysis Console For Incident Databases ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1626, from Fr. acide, from L. acidus "sour," from PIE base *ak- "sharp, pointed." Slang meaning "LSD" first recorded 1966 (see LSD); acid rock is also from 1966; acid house is 1988, probably from acid in the hallucinogenic sense + house, the dance club DJ music style, probably from the Warehouse, a Chicago nightclub where the style originated. Acid test is Amer.Eng., from the frontier days, when gold was distinguished from similar metals by application of nitric acid. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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