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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - wash


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~1 v 1 »WASH SOMETHING« to clean something using soap and water  (I'm just going to wash my hands. | This shirt needs washing. | wash the dishes)  (It's your turn to wash the dishes.) 2 »WASH YOURSELF« to clean yourself with soap and water  (Amy washed and went to bed.) 3 »FLOW« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep if a liquid or something carried by a liquid washes or is washed in a particular direction, it flows there + against/away etc  (The waves washed against the shore.) wash sth away/against/down etc  (Floods had washed away the topsoil. | wash ashore (=be brought to the shore by waves))  (debris washed ashore by the tide) 4 sth doesn't/won't wash spoken used to say that you do not believe or accept someone's explanation, reason, attitude etc  (I'm sorry but all his charm just doesn't wash with me.) 5 wash your hands of sth to refuse to be responsible for something anymore  (I've washed my hands of the whole affair.) 6 wash your dirty linen in public to discuss something unpleasant or embarrassing in public 7 wash your mouth out! spoken used when someone has just sworn or said something rude, to tell them they should not have spoken that way 8 wash well/badly to be easy or difficult to clean using soap and water  (Silk doesn't wash well.)  (- see also wash up wash 1) wash sth down phr v 1 to clean something large using a lot of water  (Can you wash down the driveway?) 2 to drink something to help you swallow food or medicine  (wash sth down with sth)  (steak and chips washed down with red wine) wash sth off phr v 1 to clean dirt, dust etc from the surface of something with water 2 if a substance washes off, you can remove it from the surface of something by washing  (Will this paint wash off?) wash sth out phr v 1 to wash something quickly to get rid of the dirt in it  (I'll just wash out my paint rags first.) 2 if a substance washes out, you can remove it from a material by washing it 3 be washed out if an event is washed out, it cannot continue because of rain  (The summer fair was washed out by the English weather.)  (- see also washed­out, washout) wash over sb phr v if a feeling washes over you, you suddenly feel it very strongly  (A feeling of relief washed over her as the plane landed.) wash up phr v 1 especially BrE to wash plates, dishes, knives etc  (- see also washing­up) 2 AmE to wash your hands  (Go wash up before dinner.) 3 T wash something up) if waves wash something up, they bring it to the shore  (His body was washed up the next morning.)  (- see also wash ashore wash1 (3), washed­up)  ( USAGE NOTE: WASH GRAMMAR You do not usually use the expression wash yourself unless a special effort is needed He washed/had a wash, dressed, and fixed breakfast. | Several children in the class still can't wash themselves. ) ~2 n 1 »ACT OF CLEANING« an act of cleaning something using soap and water  (Those drapes need a wash. | have a wash)  (I'll just have a quick wash before we go.) 2 in the wash waiting to be washed, being washed, or drying  (Your blue shirt's in the wash - you'll have to wear another one. | shrink/fade/get damaged etc in the wash)  (I'm afraid your black sweater shrank in the wash.) 3 it'll all come out in the wash spoken used to tell someone not to worry about a problem because it will be solved in the future 4 »BOAT« the movement of water caused by a passing boat 5 »SEA/RIVER« the wash of the movement or sound made by flowing water  (the wash of the waves against the rocks) 6 »SKIN« a liquid used to clean your skin  (an anti-bacterial face wash) 7 »COLOUR« a very thin transparent layer of paint or colour 8 »CLOTHES« AmE clothes that need to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed; washing BrE  (do the wash (=wash dirty clothes) | hang the wash out (=put it on the washing line)) 9 »RIVER« also dry wash AmE a river in a desert that usually has no water in it 10 the area of land that is sometimes covered by the sea
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  (washes, washing, washed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you wash something, you clean it using water and usually a substance such as soap or detergent. He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour... It took a long time to wash the mud out of his hair... Rub down the door and wash off the dust before applying the varnish. VERB: V n, V n prep, V n with adv • Wash is also a noun. That coat could do with a wash... The treatment leaves hair glossy and lasts 10 to 16 washes. N-COUNT 2. If you wash or if you wash part of your body, especially your hands and face, you clean part of your body using soap and water. They looked as if they hadn’t washed in days... She washed her face with cold water... You are going to have your dinner, get washed, and go to bed. VERB: V, V n, get V-ed • Wash is also a noun. She had a wash and changed her clothes. N-COUNT: usu a N in sing 3. If a sea or river washes somewhere, it flows there gently. You can also say that something carried by a sea or river washes or is washed somewhere. The sea washed against the shore... The force of the water washed him back into the cave. VERB: V prep/adv, V n with adv, also V n prep 4. The wash of a boat is the wave that it causes on either side as it moves through the water. ...the wash from large ships. N-SING: the N 5. If a feeling washes over you, you suddenly feel it very strongly and cannot control it. (WRITTEN) A wave of self-consciousness can wash over her when someone new enters the room... VERB: V over/through n 6. If you say that an excuse or idea will not wash, you mean that people will not accept or believe it. (INFORMAL) He said her policies didn’t work and the excuses didn’t wash... If they believe that solution would wash with the Haitian people, they are making a dramatic error. VERB: usu with brd-neg, V, V with n 7. see also washing 8. If you say that something such as an item of clothing is in the wash, you mean that it...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wascan; akin to Old High German waskan to ~ and perhaps to Old English w?ter water  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cleanse by or as if by the action of liquid (as water)  b. to remove (as dirt) by rubbing or drenching with liquid  2. to cleanse (fur) by licking or by rubbing with a paw moistened with saliva  3.  a. to flush or moisten (a bodily part or injury) with a liquid  b.  (1) to wet thoroughly ; drench  (2) to overspread with light ; suffuse  c. to pass a liquid (as water) over or through especially so as to carry off material from the surface or interior  4. to flow along or dash or overflow against waves ~ing the shore  5. to move, carry, or deposit by or as if by the force of water in motion houses ~ed away by the flood  6.  a. to subject (as crushed ore) to the action of water to separate valuable material  b. to separate (particles) from a substance (as ore) by agitation with or in water  c.  (1) to pass through a bath to carry off impurities or soluble components  (2) to pass (a gas or gaseous mixture) through or over a liquid to purify it especially by removing soluble components  7.  a. to cover or daub lightly with or as if with an application of a thin liquid (as white~ or varnish)  b. to depict or paint by a broad sweep of thin color with a brush  8. to cause to swirl ~ing coffee around in his cup  9. launder 3 how the mob ~es its money through corrupt bankers — Vincent Teresa  intransitive verb  1. to ~ oneself or a part of one's body  2. to become worn away by the action of water  3. to clean something by rubbing or dipping in water  4.  a. to become carried along on water ; drift cakes of ice ~ing along  b. to pour, sweep, or flow in a stream or current waves of pioneers ~ing westward — Green Peyton  5. to serve as a cleansing agent this soap ~es thoroughly  6.  a. to undergo laundering this dress doesn't ~ well  b.  (1) to undergo testing successfully ; work 4 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. cleanse (oneself or a part of oneself, clothes, etc.) with liquid, esp. water. 2 tr. (foll. by out, off, away, etc.) remove a stain or dirt in this way. 3 intr. wash oneself or esp. one's hands and face. 4 intr. wash clothes etc. 5 intr. (of fabric or dye) bear washing without damage. 6 intr. (foll. by off, out) (of a stain etc.) be removed by washing. 7 tr. poet. moisten, water (tear-washed eyes; a rose washed with dew). 8 tr. (of a river, sea, etc.) touch (a country, coast, etc.) with its waters. 9 tr. (of moving liquid) carry along in a specified direction (a wave washed him overboard; was washed up on the shore). 10 tr. a scoop out (the water had washed a channel). b erode, denude (sea-washed cliffs). 11 intr. (foll. by over, along, etc.) sweep, move, or splash. 12 tr. sift (ore) by the action of water. 13 tr. a brush a thin coat of watery paint or ink over (paper in water-colour painting etc., or a wall). b (foll. by with) coat (inferior metal) with gold etc. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of washing; the process of being washed (give them a good wash; only needed one wash). b (prec. by the) treatment at a laundry etc. (sent them to the wash). 2 a quantity of clothes for washing or just washed. 3 the visible or audible motion of agitated water or air, esp. due to the passage of a ship etc. or aircraft. 4 a soil swept off by water; alluvium. b a sandbank exposed only at low tide. 5 kitchen slops and scraps given to pigs. 6 a thin, weak, or inferior liquid food. b liquid food for animals. 7 a liquid to spread over a surface to cleanse, heal, or colour. 8 a thin coating of water-colour, wall-colouring, or metal. 9 malt etc. fermenting before distillation. 10 a lotion or cosmetic. Phrases and idioms come out in the wash colloq. be clarified, or (of contingent difficulties) be resolved or removed, in the course of time. wash-and-wear adj. (of a fabric or garment) easily and quickly laundered. wash-basin a basin for washing one's hands, face, etc. wash one's dirty linen in public see LINEN. wash down 1 wash...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) мойка; промывка, промывание мыть, промывать; отмывать 2) промывочная [промывная] вода 3) размыв; эрозия размывать 4) прибой 5) тонкий слой (металла, краски) покрывать тонким слоем (металла, краски) 6) обогащать мокрым способом 7) нефт. буферная жидкость низкой вязкости 8) метал. промывочная плавка производить промывочную плавку 9) оплавлять поверхность (сварного шва) 10) строит. слив, отлив 11) след (за телом в потоке), спутная струя; носовой бурун; струя, отбрасываемая движителем 12) пробеливание (сахара) пробеливать (сахар) 13) состав для смазывания (тестовых заготовок) перед выпечкой смазывать (тестовые заготовки) перед выпечкой 14) брага (в производстве спирта) to wash away, to wash out — вымывать; смывать; to wash over — намывать; отлагать (наносы) - acid wash - airscrew wash - alkaline wash - alkali wash - antipenetration wash - black lead wash - bleach wash - caustic wash - core wash - dry wash - fermented wash - filter wash - high-purity wash - ladle wash - mold wash - oil wash - radial wash - river wash - sheet wash - slope wash - soda wash - spent wash - spray wash - surface wash - water wash - water-color wash - wave wash - workpiece wash ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  промывка; мойка размыв; эрозия тонкий слой (краски, металла) слив; отлив hill wash ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) абсорбционный 2) выстирывать 3) замывать 4) замыть 5) кильватер 6) лавис 7) мыть 8) настирать 9) настирывать 10) обогатить 11) обогащать 12) обтекать 13) омывать 14) отмывать 15) отмыть 16) поглотительный 17) пробелка 18) промывать 19) промывка 20) промывной 21) промывочный 22) промыть 23) скрубберный 24) смывной 25) смывочный 26) смыть 27) спутная струя 28) стираться apply the mold wash — наносить литейную краску wash point penetrometer — гидравлический пенетрометр - car wash - jet wash - mold wash - wash bowl - wash clay - wash gun - wash liquor - wash oil - wash pipe-line - wash pipe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. (а wash) мытье, умывание to have a wash —- умыться, помыться to give a wash —- вымыть, помыть 2. (the wash) стирка to send to the wash —- отдать в стирку at (in) the wash —- в стирке 3. (the wash) разг. выстиранное белье; белье, находящееся в стирке to hang out the wash to dry —- вывесить белье для сушки when will the wash come back from the laundry? —- когда будет готово белье? 4. (the wash) норма закладки белья в стиральную машину 5. помои, кухонные отбросы; отходы (пивоваренного завода и т. п.) 6. невкусный, разбавленный напиток и т. п. this tea is mere wash —- это не чай, а водичка 7. полоскание 8. пустословие, болтовня; переливание из пустого в порожнее 9. (the wash) прибой; накат волны; нагон воды 10. шум прибоя the wash of the waves —- шум волн (разбивающийся о берег) 11. струя за кормой, кильватер; попутная струя 12. ав. спутная струя, воздушный поток (за самолетом) 13. физ. завихрение (потока) 14. мед. примочка wash for the eyes —- примочка для глаз hair wash —- средство для укрепления волос 15. заливаемая полоса берега 16. болото 17. лужа; мелкий пруд 18. ручеек 19. размыв, подмыв (почвы, берега); вымывание; водная эрозия 20. овраг, балка 21. ам. каньон 22. ам. старое русло реки 23. ам. сл. глоток воды, пива (после спиртного) 24. тонкий слой (металла, жидкой краски) 25. спец....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over  а) переливаться через край; The waves washed over the sea wall with a loud crashing noise.  б) приходить на ум; The thought washed over me that I might never see them again. WASH overboard смыть за борт WASH up  а) мыть посуду; How many plates are there to wash up?  б) мыть руки, лицо и т.д.; Theres a bathroom on this floor if you would like to wash up before dinner.  в) прибивать к берегу; The body was washed up the following morning.  г) быть, выглядеть усталым, бледным, больным; You look all washed up, whats the matter? WASH of смывать also fig. WASH down  а) вымыть; I need some help to wash the walls down before painting.  б) окатить (водой);  в) смыть; снести; The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks.  г) запивать (еду, лекарство водой, вином и т.п.); The meal was so bad that we had to wash it down with cheap wine. WASH away  а) смывать; сносить; вымывать; The river banks have been washed away by the flood; the villagers must be warned of the danger!;  б) очищать, обелять; to wash away ones sin искупить свой грех WASH ashore прибивать к берегу WASH  1. noun  1) (a wash) мытье; to have a wash - помыться; to give a wash - вымыть, помыть  2) (the wash) стирка; to send clothes to the wash - отдать белье в стирку; at the wash - в стирке  3) (the wash) coll. белье; to hang out the wash to dry - вывесить белье сушиться  4) прибой; шум прибоя  5) попутная струя, кильватер; волна  6) помои; бурда; жидкий суп; слабый чай  7) coll. трепотня, переливание из пустого в порожнее  8) примочка; туалетная...
Англо-русский словарь
  adult abbr. White Anglo Saxon Horticulturist religion abbr. White Amalgamated Semi Heathen radio st. abbr. FM-97.1, Washington, D. C. NASDAQ abbr. Washington Trust Bancorp pos. abbr. Working Ard Still Hungry ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. wascan, wжscan, from P.Gmc. *watskanan, from stem *wat-, the source of water. Used mainly of clothes in O.E. (the principal verb for washing the body, dishes, etc. being юwean). First record of washboard in the clothes-cleaning sense is from 1882; washed-out "faded" is from 1837; washed up is 1923 theater slang, from notion of washing up one's hands at the end of a job. Washer "flat ring for sealing joints or holding nuts" is attested from 1346, but the connection is unaccounted for, and it may derive from the ancestor of Fr. vis "screw, vise." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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