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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - visit


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~1 v 1 to go and spend time in a place or with someone, especially for pleasure or interest  ("Do you live here?" "No, we're just visiting". | visit sth)  (We hope to visit the Grand Canyon on our trip. | visit sb)  (Aunt Jane usually visits us for two or three weeks in the spring.) + in/on/at/with AmE  (When you are visiting in Washington, be sure to see the Air and Space Museum.) 2 to go to see a doctor, lawyer etc in order to get treatment or advice 3 to go to a place in order to examine it officially  (The building inspector is visiting the new housing project.) 4 AmE to talk socially with someone  (While Mom visited with Phyllis we played in the yard.)  ( USAGE NOTE: VISIT WORD CHOICE visit, go to, go and see, have been to, come and see Visit is slightly formal. More often you would say you go to a place or go and see/go to see a place or a person. You might write We visited the Grand Canyon or I visited my mother but in spoken English you are more likely to say We went to the Grand Canyon or I went to see my mother. Note that you would also say I've been to Hong Kong several times and When you are in Tokyo you must come and see me. ) visit sth on sb/sth phr v especially biblical to do something to punish someone or show them that you are angry  (God's wrath will be visited on sinners.) ~2 n 1 an occasion when someone visits a place or person  (a visit to New York) on a visit  (We're just here on a short visit. | pay sb a visit)  (I must pay our new neighbors a visit. | have a visit from)  (I've just had a visit from the police. | flying visit (=a very short visit))  (We made a flying visit to my mother's to pick up the wedding presents.) 2 an occasion when you see a doctor, lawyer etc for treatment or advice  (pay a visit)  (I must pay a visitto the dentist. | home visit (=when a doctor comes to your home)) 3 AmE an occasion when you talk socially with someone, or the time you spend doing this  (Barbara and I had a nice long visit.)
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  (visits, visiting, visited) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you visit someone, you go to see them and spend time with them. He wanted to visit his brother in Worcester... Bill would visit on weekends. VERB: V n, V • Visit is also a noun. Helen had recently paid him a visit. N-COUNT 2. If you visit a place, you go there for a short time. He’ll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia... Caroline visited all the big stores. ...a visiting truck driver. VERB: V n, V n, V-ing • Visit is also a noun. I paid a visit to my local print shop. N-COUNT: usu N to n 3. If you visit a website, you look at it. (COMPUTING) For details visit our website at www.cobuild.collins.co.uk. VERB: V n 4. If you visit a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer, you go and see them in order to get professional advice. If they visit you, they come to see you in order to give you professional advice. (mainly BRIT) If necessary the patient can then visit his doctor for further advice... = see VERB: V n • Visit is also a noun. You may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse. N-COUNT: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (visited, visiting) 1 a tr. (also absol.) go or come to see (a person, place, etc.) as an act of friendship or ceremony, on business or for a purpose, or from interest. b tr. go or come to see for the purpose of official inspection, supervision, consultation, or correction. 2 tr. reside temporarily with (a person) or at (a place). 3 intr. be a visitor. 4 tr. (of a disease, calamity, etc.) come upon, attack. 5 tr. Bibl. a (foll. by with) punish (a person). b (often foll. by upon) inflict punishment for (a sin). 6 intr. US a (foll. by with) go to see (a person) esp. socially. b (usu. foll. by with) converse, chat. 7 tr. archaic (often foll. by with) comfort, bless (with salvation etc.). --n. 1 a an act of visiting, a call on a person or at a place (was on a visit to some friends; paid him a long visit). b temporary residence with a person or at a place. 2 (foll. by to) an occasion of going to a doctor, dentist, etc. 3 a formal or official call for the purpose of inspection etc. 4 US a chat. Phrases and idioms right of visit = right of visitation (see VISITATION). Derivatives visitable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF visiter or L visitare go to see, frequent. of visare view f. videre vis- see: (n.) perh. f. F visite ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) визитация 2) гостить 3) наведаться 4) наведываться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. визит Syn: call 2. гл. посещать Syn: pay a visit, attend ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. визит, посещение; пребывание в гостях courtesy visit —- дип. визит вежливости goodwill visit —- дип. визит доброй воли mutual (reciprocal) visits —- взаимные визиты social visit —- светский или дружественный визит to return a visit —- ответить на (нанести ответный) визит to make (to pay) a state visit to a country —- находиться в стране с государственным визитом to arrive in a country on a working visit —- прибыть в страну с рабочим визитом to make a visit to a neighbour —- навестить соседа; зайти к соседу to make a visit to a patient —- посетить больного to receive (to have) a visit from smb. —- принимать кого-л. we had a visit from our neighbours —- к нам приходили (у нас были в гостях) соседи to go out on a visit —- пойти в гости we had a visit from a tax collector —- к нам приходил сборщик налогов 2. посещение, осмотр visit to a museum —- посещение музея visit to the scene of the crime —- выезд на место преступления 3. временное пребывание; поездка to be on a visit to smb. —- гостить у кого-л. I don't live here, I am only on a visit —- я здесь не живу, я приезжий a brief visit to Ireland —- кратковременная поездка в Ирландию we decided to prolong our visit to Rome —- мы решили продлить свое пребывание в Риме 4. ам. разг. дружеская беседа I have much enjoyed this pleasant visit —- очень было приятно с вами поговорить 5. юр. осмотр, обыск (преим. судов) 6. юр. остановка и проверка...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with  а) mainly amer.; coll. поговорить, поболтать; she loves visiting with her neighbours and having a good gossip она любит поболтать и посплетничать с соседками;  б) наказывать; Take care or you will be visited with punishment from heaven! VISIT  1. noun  1) посещение, визит; поездка; to go on a visit to the seaside - поехать к морю; to be on a visit - гостить; to make/pay a visit to smb. - навещать, посещать кого-л.  2) amer.; coll. дружеская беседа  3) leg. осмотр, досмотр (судна нейтральной страны)  2. v.  1) навещать; посещать  2) amer. останавливаться, гостить, быть (чьим-л.) гостем; to visit at a place - гостить где-л.; to visit with smb. - гостить у кого-л.; to visit in the country - останавливаться в деревне  3) навещать часто, быть постоянным посетителем  4) (обыкн. амер.) осматривать, инспектировать  5) постигать, поражать (о болезни, бедствии и т.п.)  6) bibl. карать; отмщать (upon - кому-л., with - чем-л.); the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children - грехи отцов падают на головы детей - visit with ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Vehicle Internal System Investigative Team ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 12c., "come to (a person) to comfort or benefit," from O.Fr. visiter, from L. visitare "to go to see, come to inspect," frequentive of visere "behold, visit" (a person or place), from pp. stem of videre "to see, notice, observe," from PIE *woid-/*w(e)id-. Originally of the deity, later of pastors and doctors, general sense of "pay a call" is from 1626. Meaning "come upon, afflict" is from 1424. The noun is 1621, from the verb. Visitation in the supernatural sense of "a sight, appearance" is c.1340, from L. visitationem. Visitor is from c.1370. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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