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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - toll


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~1 n 1 the money you have to pay to use a particular road, bridge etc 2 usually singular) the number of people killed or injured in a particular accident, by a particular illness etc  (death toll)  (The death toll has risen to 83.) 3 take its toll (on) to have a very bad effect on something or someone over a long period of time  (Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.) 4 the sound of a large bell ringing slowly ~2 v if a large bell tolls, or you toll it, it keeps ringing slowly, especially to show that someone has died
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  (tolls, tolling, tolled) 1. When a bell tolls or when someone tolls it, it rings slowly and repeatedly, often as a sign that someone has died. Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered... The pilgrims tolled the bell. VERB: V, V n 2. A toll is a small sum of money that you have to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road. N-COUNT 3. A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge where you have to pay in order to use it. N-COUNT: N n 4. A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time. (JOURNALISM) There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher. N-COUNT: usu sing, supp N see also death toll 5. If you say that something takes its toll or takes a heavy toll, you mean that it has a bad effect or causes a lot of suffering. Winter takes its toll on your health... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR on n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Vulgar Latin *tolonium, alteration of Late Latin telonium customhouse, from Greek tolonion, from telones collector of ~s, from telos tax, ~; perhaps akin to Greek tlenai to bear  Date: before 12th century  1. a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge)  2. compensation for services rendered: as  a. a charge for transportation  b. a charge for a long-distance telephone call  3. a grievous or ruinous price inflation has taken its ~; especially cost in life or health the death ~ from the hurricane  II. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb to take or levy ~  transitive verb  1.  a. to exact part of as a ~  b. to take as ~  2. to exact a ~ from (someone)  III. transitive verb  or tole  (~ed or toled; ~ing or toling)  Etymology: Middle English ~en, tolen; akin to Old English fortyllan to seduce  Date: 13th century  1. allure, entice  2.  a. to entice (game) to approach  b. to attract (fish) with scattered bait  c. to lead or attract (domestic animals) to a desired point  IV. verb  Etymology: Middle English, to pull, drag, ~ (a bell), perhaps alteration of toilen to struggle — more at toil  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to sound (a bell) by pulling the rope  2.  a. to give signal or announcement of the clock ~ed each hour  b. to announce by ~ing church bells ~ed the death of the bishop  c. to call to or from a place or occasion bells ~ed the congregation to church  intransitive verb to sound with slow measured strokes the bell ~s solemnly  V. noun  Date: 15th century the sound of a ~ing bell ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a charge payable for permission to pass a barrier or use a bridge or road etc. 2 the cost or damage caused by a disaster, battle, etc., or incurred in an achievement (death toll). 3 US a charge for a long distance telephone call. Phrases and idioms take its toll be accompanied by loss or injury etc. toll-bridge a bridge at which a toll is charged. toll-gate a gate preventing passage until a toll is paid. toll-house a house at a toll-gate or -bridge, used by a toll-collector. toll-road a road maintained by the tolls collected on it. Etymology: OE f. med.L toloneum f. LL teloneum f. Gk telonion toll-house f. telos tax 2. v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. (of a bell) sound with a slow uniform succession of strokes. b tr. ring (a bell) in this way. c tr. (of a bell) announce or mark (a death etc.) in this way. 2 tr. strike (the hour). --n. 1 the act of tolling. 2 a stroke of a bell. Etymology: ME, special use of (now dial.) toll entice, pull, f. an OE root -tyllan (recorded in fortyllan seduce) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) плата за подключение к АТС 2) телефонная служба ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) плата 2) пошлина 3) тариф message toll service — междугородная служба передачи сообщений short-haul toll circuit — линия пригородная toll offering switch — искатель междугородных линий - toll billing - toll call - toll center - toll office ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пошлина, сбор TOLL сущ. 1) пошлина 2) сбор 3) плата (дополнительная) за услуги • - bridge toll ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  авто плата за проезд Взимается при проезде через платный мост toll bridge или на платной автостраде toll road (при въезде или выезде). Выплачивается при проезде через контрольный пост toll booth, где находится контролер toll collector или автомат с приемным устройством в виде широкой корзинки ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. колокольный звон; благовест 2. погребальный звон 3. звонить (в колокол); медленно и мерно ударять; благовестить to toll a bell —- звонить в колокол 4. собирать звоном колоколов to toll the people to church —- созывать прихожан в церковь колокольным звоном 5. звонить по покойнику (также to toll smb.'s death) to toll a funeral knell —- издавать погребальный звон for whom the bell tolls —- по ком звонит колокол 6. отбивать часы 7. пошлина, сбор toll through —- транзитная пошлина (плата) to pay toll —- платить дорожную пошлину to raise the tolls —- повысить пошлины 8. дань heavy toll —- тяжелая дань, большие жертвы road toll —- жертвы дорожных происшествий to take toll (of smth.) —- наносить тяжелый урон (чему-л.) rent takes a heavy toll of his income —- арендная плата съедает значительную часть его доходов automobile accidents take a heavy toll of human lives —- автомобильные катастрофы уносят много человеческих жизней the private whisper campaign that he was a bit whacky took its toll —- пущенный влиятельными лицами слух о том, что он немного не в себе, делал свое дело 9. воен. потери heavy toll —- большие потери 10. (on) (дополнительная) плата за услуги (за междугородный телефонный разговор и т. п.) 11. право взимания пошлины 12. ист. удержание части зерна за помол 13. удержание части металла за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  road платная (автомобильная) дорога TOLL line  1) пригородная телефонная линия  2) amer. междугородная телефонная линия TOLL call  1) телефонный разговор с пригородом  2) amer. междугородный телефонный разговор TOLL I  1. noun  1) (колокольный) звон; благовест  2) погребальный звон  2. v.  1) медленно и мерно ударять в колокол, благовестить  2) звонить по покойнику  3) отбивать часы II noun  1) пошлина; fig. дань  2) плата за междугородный телефонный разговор, проезд по железной дороге и т.п.  3) право взимания пошлины и т.п.  4) hist. удержание (мельником) части зерна за помол; to take toll of - удерживать часть (чего-л.); fig. наносить тяжелый урон (чему-л.)  5) mil. потери heavy toll - большие потери road toll - несчастные случаи в результате дорожных происшествий ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: TAKE ITS TOLL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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