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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - speed


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~1 W1, S2 ~ n 1 »OF MOVEMENT« how fast something moves or travels  (What speed are we doing? | Police are advising motorists to reduce speed. | pick up/gather speed (=gradually start to travel faster))  (Once outside the station, the train began to pick up speed. | a speed of 60 mph/80 kph etc)  (a truck traveling at a speed of 50 mph | at top/full speed (=as fast as possible))  (Forster was bundled into a waiting car and driven away at top speed. | at high/low speed (=very fast or very slow))  (a metal disc revolving at high speed | at breakneck speed (=dangerously fast) | at speed formal (=fast))  (The bus was already travelling at speed.) 2 »OF ACTION« the rate at which something happens or is done  (Everyone was surprised by the speed of events. | with speed formal (=quickly))  (The government acted with speed and efficiency. | reading/operating speed (=the speed at which a person reads or a machine operates)) 3 »PHOTOGRAPHY« a) the degree to which photographic film is sensitive to light b) the time it takes for a camera shutter (2) to open and close  (a shutter speed of 1/250 second) 4 »DRUG« slang an illegal drug that makes you very active; amphetamine 5 five-speed/ten-speed etc having five etc gears (gear1 (1))  (a five-speed gearbox) ~2 v past sped also speeded 1 I always+ adv/prep) to go quickly + along/by/off etc  (The robbers sped off in their getaway car.) 2 T always+ adv/prep) take someone or something somewhere very quickly  (speed sb to/away/back etc)  (Security guards sped her to a waiting helicopter.) 3 be speeding to be driving faster than the legal limit  (I got caught speeding on Route 40 yesterday.) speed by phr v if time speeds by, it seems to pass very quickly  (The weeks sped by and soon it was time to go back to school.) speed up phr v to move or happen faster or make something move or happen faster  (We'd better speed up if we want to be on time. | speed sth up)  (The new system will speed up the registration process.)
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  (speeds, speeding, sped, speeded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form of the past tense and past participle is 'sped' in meaning 5 but 'speeded' for the phrasal verb. 1. The speed of something is the rate at which it moves or travels. He drove off at high speed... With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed... An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light... Wind speeds reached force five. N-VAR: with supp 2. The speed of something is the rate at which it happens or is done. In the late 1850s the speed of technological change quickened... Each learner can proceed at his own speed. = pace N-COUNT: with supp 3. Speed is very fast movement or travel. Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics... He put on a burst of speed... The car is quite noisy at speed. N-UNCOUNT 4. Speed is a very fast rate at which something happens or is done. I was amazed at his speed of working. ...the sheer speed of the unification process. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n/-ing 5. If you speed somewhere, you move or travel there quickly, usually in a vehicle. Trains will speed through the Channel Tunnel at 186mph... The engine noise rises only slightly as I speed along. = race VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 6. Someone who is speeding is driving a vehicle faster than the legal speed limit. This man was not qualified to drive and was speeding. VERB: usu cont, V • speeding He was fined for speeding last year. N-UNCOUNT 7. Speed is an illegal drug such as amphetamine which some people take to increase their energy and excitement. (INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 8. see also -speed 9. to pick up speed: see pick 10. If you are up to speed, you have all the most recent information that you need about something. A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal... Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed. PHRASE: oft PHR on n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English spede, from Old English sped; akin to Old High German spuot prosperity, ~, Old English spowan to succeed, Latin spes hope, Lithuanian speti to be in time  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic prosperity in an undertaking ; success  2.  a. the act or state of moving swiftly ; swiftness  b. rate of motion: as  (1) velocity 1  (2) the magnitude of a velocity irrespective of direction  c. impetus  3. swiftness or rate of performance or action ; velocity 3a  4.  a. the sensitivity of a photographic film, plate, or paper expressed numerically  b. the light-gathering power of a lens or optical system  c. the time during which a camera shutter is open  5. a transmission gear in automotive vehicles or bicycles — usually used in combination a ten-~ bicycle  6. someone or something that appeals to one's taste just my ~  7. methamphetamine; also a related stimulant drug and especially an amphetamine  Synonyms: see haste  • ~ster noun  II. verb  (sped or ~ed; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. archaic to prosper in an undertaking  b. archaic get along, fare  2.  a. to make haste sped to her bedside  b. to go or drive at excessive or illegal ~  3. to move, work, or take place faster ; accelerate the heart ~s up  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic to cause or help to prosper ; aid  b. to further the success of  2.  a. to cause to move quickly ; hasten  b. to wish God~ to  c. to increase the ~ of ; accelerate  3. to send out ~ an arrow  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 rapidity of movement (with all speed; at full speed). 2 a rate of progress or motion over a distance in time (attains a high speed). 3 a a gear appropriate to a range of speeds of a bicycle. b US or archaic such a gear in a motor vehicle. 4 Photog. a the sensitivity of film to light. b the light-gathering power of a lens. c the duration of an exposure. 5 sl. an amphetamine drug, esp. methamphetamine. 6 archaic success, prosperity (send me good speed). --v. (past and past part. sped) 1 intr. go fast (sped down the street). 2 (past and past part. speeded) a intr. (of a motorist etc.) travel at an illegal or dangerous speed. b tr. regulate the speed of (an engine etc.). c tr. cause (an engine etc.) to go at a fixed speed. 3 tr. send fast or on its way (speed an arrow from the bow). 4 intr. & tr. archaic be or make prosperous or successful (how have you sped?; God speed you!). Phrases and idioms at speed moving quickly. speed bump (or hump) a transverse ridge in the road to control the speed of vehicles. speed limit the maximum speed at which a road vehicle may legally be driven in a particular area etc. speed merchant colloq. a motorist who enjoys driving fast. speed up move or work at greater speed. speed-up n. an increase in the speed or rate of working. Derivatives speeder n. Etymology: OE sped, spedan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) скорость (см. тж rate) 2) частота вращения; число оборотов 3) угловая скорость 4) быстродействие быстродействующий 5) авто передача 6) светочувствительность 7) кфт. частота смены кадров 8) светосила 9) двигаться с большой скоростью, идти полным ходом to speed up — 1. ускорять; разгонять 2. увеличивать частоту вращения или число оборотов 3. запускать - speed of discharge - speed of kiln - speed of loading - speed of photographic emulsion - speed of rotation - speed of wave propagation - above-synchronous speed - absolute speed - acoustic speed - actual speed - adjustable speed - advance speed - air speed - all engines speed - allowable speed - angular speed - approach speed - arc speed - armature speed - ASA speed - backing-out speed - blade speed - block speed - boring speed - boundary speed - breakdown speed - breaker speed - calm water speed - camera speed - cascading speed - circuit speed - circumferential speed - climbing speed - climb speed - closing speed - collecting speed - commercial speed - computation speed - computer speed - condenser speed - continuous cruising speed - control speed - conveying speed - copying speed - cranking speed - crawl speed - creep speed - creep-feed speed - critical speed - critical buildup speed - cruising speed - cutter feed speed - cutting speed - dead slow speed - dead speed - design speed - development speed - digging speed - drift speed - drilling speed - driving speed - economical speed - economic speed - emergency speed - emergency descent speed - emulsion speed - engine speed - fair speed - film speed - filming speed - finishing speed - flank speed - flitting speed - foilborne speed - forward speed - free-route speed - full speed - full-field speed - full-load speed - functional speed - gaging speed - gob speed - grinding speed - ground...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  скорость; частота вращения speed of construction agitating speed air speed critical speed design speed erection speed exit design speed free speed idle speed infinitely variable speed input speed loading speed maximum threshold speed mixing speed operating speed optimum speed placing speed rated speed response speed running speed specific speed tip speed zero speed ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) скорость (передачи данных) 2) быстродействие 3) производительность (ПК) 4) частота вращения (шпинделя жесткого диска) – speed of light – speed of loading – speed of response – acoustic speed – cable laying speed – carrier-transmission speed – circuit speed – communication speed – computer speed – data transmission speed – dot speed – drum speed – erasing speed – functional speed – group-transmission speed – hard disk speed – headwheel speed – image processing speed – light speed – line speed – maximum usable writing speed – minimum usable reading speed – modem speed – modulation speed – operation speed – priming speed – printing speed – pulse transmission speed – quarter transmission speed – rated speed – reading speed – recording speed – reproduction speed – response speed – scanning speed – sonic speed – spot speed – stroke speed – switching speed – synthesizer switching speed – system response speed – tape speed – telegraph speed – transmission speed – voice conversion speed – write speed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) быстрота 2) быстроходность 3) километражный 4) машиностр. обороты 5) скорость 6) спешить 7) темп 8) ускорять constant uniform speed — постоянная скорость dead slow speed — самый малый ход drive engine up to speed — раскручивать двигатель half speed move — среднеходный move at speed of — развивать скорость speed coding system — система ускоренного кодирования speed regulator valve — золотник регулятора скорости speed up in turn-on — форсировать время включения wind speed indicator — мор. ветрочет - critical speed - emulsion speed - engine speed - flank speed - ground speed - half speed - high speed - low speed - pick up speed - pumping speed - rendering speed - rotational speed - specific speed - speed analyzer - speed at liftoff - speed brake - speed brakes - speed counter - speed course - speed fluctuation - speed gear-box - speed hold - speed multiplication - speed of convergence - speed of response - speed of transmission - speed selector - speed trial - stalling speed - telegraphic speed - transsonic speed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  быстродействие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) общ. темп, скорость; быстрота Syn: pace, velocity 2) фин. cкорость выполнения расчетная скорость досрочных платежей (объемы досрочного погашения закладных, которые лежат в основе обеспеченных ими ценных бумаг) Syn: prepayment speed See: mortgage SPEED – to speed the inventive activity – speed of examination SPEED 1. сущ. темп, скорость - average speed - speed up Syn: pace, rapidity, velocity 2. гл. ускорять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  скорость speed of response — скорость реакции – burst speed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. скорость; быстрота, темп; скорость хода climbing speed —- ав. скорость набора высоты, скороподъемность speed of utterance —- темп речи at average speed —- на средней скорости at full speed —- полным ходом, на полной скорости at reckless speed —- с бешеной скоростью at all speed —- поспешно at lightning speed —- с быстротой молнии, молниеносно full speed ahead —- мор. полный ход вперед to put on speed —- прибавить скорость; прибавить ходу he put all his speed into the attempt to reach the ball —- он несся к мячу с быстротой, на какую был способен 2. физ. скорость escape speed —- вторая космическая скорость sonic speed —- звуковая скорость (движения) sound speed —- скорость (распространения) звука supersonic speed —- сверхзвуковая скорость subsonic speed —- дозвуковая скорость 3. тех. число оборотов 4. авт. передача first speed —- первая передача; скорость на первой передаче to put in the first speed —- разг. включить первую скорость 5. спец. быстродействие, скорость работы 6. фот. светосила (объектива); светочувствительность (пленки) 7. уст. успех, удача; выгода to wish good speed —- желать успеха Id: more haste, less speed —- тише едешь, дальше будешь 8. быстро проходить, проноситься; быстро пролетать, мчаться to speed off —- поспешно удалиться; поспешить прочь to speed away back to town —- умчаться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  suf. в сложных словах: three-speed engine - трехскоростной двигатель SPEED  1. noun  1) скорость; скорость хода; быстрота; with all speed - поспешно; at full speed - полным ходом; at great speed - на большой скорости; to gather speed - ускорять ход, набирать скорость; to put in the first (second) speed - включить первую (вторую) скорость  2) obs. успех; to wish good speed - желать успеха  3) tech. число оборотов Syn: alacrity, celerity, dispatch, haste, hurry, promptness, swiftness, velocity Ant: delay, languor, slowness, sluggishness  2. v.; past and past part. sped  1) спешить, идти поспешно; an arrow sped past - мимо пролетела стрела; he sped down the street - он поспешно направился вниз по улице  2) past and past part. speeded (особ. speed up); Youll have to speed up your rate of work if you want to finish by the agreed date.  3) торопить, поторапливать  4) past and past part. speeded скорость  5) увеличивать (выпуск продукции) Syn: see quicken ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. sped "success, prosperity, advancement, swiftness," from P.Gmc. *spodis, from PIE *spo-ti- "speed," from *spe- "to thrive, prosper." The verb is from O.E. spedan "to succeed, prosper, advance." Meaning "methamphetamine, or a related drug," first attested 1967, from its effect on users. Speedometer is from 1904; speed bump is 1975; figurative sense is 1990s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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