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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - shelter


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~1 n 1 a place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life  (They are in desperate need of food, clothing and shelter.) 2 protection, from danger or from wind, rain, hot sun etc  (the shelter of)  (We eventually reached the shelter of the caves. | They grow well in the shelter of big oak trees. | take shelter)  (The men took shelter in a bombed-out farmhouse. | run for shelter)  (All around me, people were running for shelter. | give sb shelter (=protect them, especially from the weather or from danger))  (- see also tax shelter) 3 a building or an area with a roof over it that protects you from the weather or from danger  (a shelter for the homeless | We tried to fix up a shelter from the rain. | air-raid shelter (=to protect people from bombs dropped by planes) | bus shelter (=a small structure with a roof where you wait for a bus)) ~2 v 1 to provide a place where someone or something is protected, especially from the weather or from danger  (Collins was arrested for sheltering enemy soldiers. | shelter sb/sth from)  (Plant herbs next to a wall to shelter them from the wind.) 2 to stay in or under a place where you are protected from the weather or from danger + from  (We sat in the shade, sheltering from the sun.)
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  (shelters, sheltering, sheltered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger. The city’s bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids. ...a bus shelter. N-COUNT 2. If a place provides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live, especially when you need protection from bad weather or danger. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent... ...the hut where they were given food and shelter. N-UNCOUNT 3. A shelter is a building where homeless people can sleep and get food. ...a shelter for homeless women. N-COUNT 4. If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from bad weather or danger. ...a man sheltering in a doorway... VERB: V prep/adv 5. If a place or thing is sheltered by something, it is protected by that thing from wind and rain. ...a wooden house, sheltered by a low pointed roof. VERB: usu passive, V-ed 6. If you shelter someone, usually someone who is being hunted by police or other people, you provide them with a place to stay or live. A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days. VERB: V n 7. see also sheltered ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1585  1.  a. something that covers or affords protection a bomb ~  b. an establishment providing food and ~ (as to the homeless)  c. an establishment that houses and feeds stray animals  2. a position or the state of being covered and protected took ~  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1590  transitive verb  1. to constitute or provide a ~ for ; protect has led a ~ed life  2. to place under ~ or protection ~ed himself in a mountain cave  3. to protect (income) from taxation  intransitive verb to take ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 anything serving as a shield or protection from danger, bad weather, etc. 2 a a place of refuge provided esp. for the homeless etc. b US an animal sanctuary. 3 a shielded condition; protection (took shelter under a tree). --v. 1 tr. act or serve as shelter to; protect; conceal; defend (sheltered them from the storm; had a sheltered upbringing). 2 intr. & refl. find refuge; take cover (sheltered under a tree; sheltered themselves behind the wall). Phrases and idioms shelter-belt a line of trees etc. planted to protect crops from the wind. Derivatives shelterer n. shelterless adj. Etymology: 16th c.: perh. f. obs. sheltron phalanx f. OE scieldtruma (as SHIELD, truma troop) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  укрытие; навес - dock shelter - instrument shelter - shielded shelter - thermometer shelter ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  убежище; укрытие; навес мн.ч.заградительные (защитные) лесонасаждения; лесозащитная полоса; защитный зелёный пояс air raid shelter bomb shelter fallout shelter portable construction shelter ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  контейнер (о станции связи в модульном исполнении) – falldown shelter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  убежище, укрытие - gasproof shelter - inflatable shelter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) приют 2) убежище, укрытие 3) шалаш 4) заградительные насаждения - abusive tax shelter - tariff shelter - tax shelter 2. гл. 1) прикрывать 2) покровительствовать 3) укрывать(ся) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) убежище, прикрытие; укрывать, служить убежищем; защищать 2) домик (личинки насекомого) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кров, пристанище, приют, убежище to abandon hospitable shelter —- покинуть гостеприимный кров to afford shelter —- предоставить убежище to deny shelter —- отказать в убежище, отказаться приютить to find shelter with smb. —- найти приют у кого-либо the ship found shelter in a safe harbour —- судно укрылось в надежной гавани 2. укрытие, прикрытие, защита to find shelter —- укрываться to give shelter —- укрывать, защищать to seek shelter from the rain under a rock —- искать укрытие от дождя под скалой under the shelter of night —- под покровом ночи beneath the shelter of anonymity —- прикрывшись анонимностью 3. покровительство, защита under the shelter of the government —- под защитой правительства he took me under his shelter —- он взял меня под свое покровительство 4. приют (для сирот) shelter for the poor —- приют для бедных night shelter —- ночлежный дом; ночлежка 5. шалаш; навес; жилище shelter of straw and leaves —- шалаш из соломы и листьев rock shelters —- пещерные жилища 6. метеорологическая будка 7. домик (личинки насекомого) 8. бомбоубежище (также bomb shelter, air-raid shelter) shelter trench —- щель-убежище 9. воен. укрытие shelter area —- зона укрытия (при взрыве атомной бомбы) 10. заградительные насаждения 11. приютить, дать приют, пристанище; укрывать; служить приютом to shelter smb. for the night —- дать кому-либо приют на ночь to shelter smb. from...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) приют, кров; убежище; to find/take shelter - найти себе приют, убежище  2) прикрытие, укрытие; under the shelter (of) - под прикрытием, под защитой  3) бомбоубежище Syn: see house  2. v.  1) приютить, дать приют; служить приютом; укрывать; This house sheltered him for twenty years.  2) найти приют, пристанище, прибежище; укрываться, прятаться; The climbers had to shelter from the snowstorm in a mountain hut.  3) спрятаться, укрыться (under, in, from); He always sheltered himself behind his fathers authority.  4) спасать, защищать, укрывать; You cant shelter your brother from blame in the accident. Syn: see protect SHELTER belt полезащитная лесная полоса SHELTER tent mil. полевая двухместная палатка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1585, possibly an alteration of M.E. sheltron "roof or wall formed by locked shields," from O.E. scyldtruma, from scield "shield" + truma "troop." The notion is of a compact body of men protected by interlocking shields. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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