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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - self


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~ n plural selves 1 usually singular) the type of person you are, your character, your typical behaviour etc  (sb's usual/normal self)  (Sid was not his usual smiling self. | be/look/feel (like) your old self (=be the way you usually are again, especially after having been ill, unhappy etc))  (Howard was beginning to feel like his old self again.) sb's true self (=what someone is really like, rather than what they pretend to be like) 2 sb's sense of self someone's consciousness of being a separate person, different from other people 3 be a shadow/ghost of your former self to not be at all like the cheerful, healthy, strong etc person that you used to be 4 spoken your own desires and satisfaction rather than anyone else's  (It's always self, self, self! You never think of anyone else!) 5 a word written in business letters, on cheques etc meaning yourself
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  (selves) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your self is your basic personality or nature, especially considered in terms of what you are really like as a person. You’re looking more like your usual self... She was back to her old self again. N-COUNT: usu adj N 2. A person’s self is the essential part of their nature which makes them different from everyone and everything else. I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self... N-COUNT: usu adj N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun  Etymology: Middle English (intensive pronoun), from Old English; akin to Old High German selb, intensive pronoun, and probably to Latin suus one's own — more at suicide  Date: before 12th century my~, him~, her~ a check payable to ~  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. obsolete identical, same  2. obsolete belonging to one~ ; own  3.  a. having a single character or quality throughout; specifically having one color only a ~ flower  b. of the same kind (as in color, material, or pattern) as something with which it is used ~ trimming  III. noun  (plural selves)  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the entire person of an individual  b. the realization or embodiment of an abstraction  2.  a.  (1) an individual's typical character or behavior her true ~ was revealed  (2) an individual's temporary behavior or character his better ~  b. a person in prime condition feel like my old ~ today  3. the union of elements (as body, emotions, thoughts, and sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a person  4. personal interest or advantage  5. material that is part of an individual organism ability of the immune system to distinguish ~ from non~  IV. verb  Date: 1905  transitive verb  1. inbreed  2. to pollinate with pollen from the same flower or plant  intransitive verb to undergo ~-pollination ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adj. --n. (pl. selves) 1 a person's or thing's own individuality or essence (showed his true self). 2 a person or thing as the object of introspection or reflexive action (the consciousness of self). 3 a one's own interests or pleasure (cares for nothing but self). b concentration on these (self is a bad guide to happiness). 4 Commerce or colloq. myself, yourself, himself, etc. (cheque drawn to self; ticket admitting self and friend). 5 used in phrases equivalent to myself, yourself, himself, etc. (his very self; your good selves). 6 (pl. selfs) a flower of uniform colour, or of the natural wild colour. --adj. 1 of the same colour as the rest or throughout. 2 (of a flower) of the natural wild colour. 3 (of colour) uniform, the same throughout. Phrases and idioms one's better self one's nobler impulses. one's former (or old) self oneself as one formerly was. Etymology: OE f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сам, собственная личность self radiant exitance — светимость энергетическая собственная ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  иммун. "своё" non not self — "не своё", "чужое" – altered self – harmful self – modified self ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. свое "я", сущность, облик, склад, совокупность свойств (человека) my own (very) self —- моя собственная персона; мое собственное "я" one's better self —- лучшее, что есть в человеке one's former self —- то, чем человек был раньше my former self —- мое прежнее "я" to be one's own self —- быть самим собой he is quite his old self again —- он опять такой же, как и был he became his silent self again —- он вновь стал таким же молчаливым, как и был to be in love with one's own self —- быть влюбленным в самого себя one and the same self —- верный (самому) себе, не меняющийся a secret self he had enclosed within —- свое настоящее "я" он скрывал в тайниках души to get a glimpse of Shakespeare's very self in the Sonnets —- почувствовать самую душу Шекспира, читая его сонеты 2. сущность (чего-л.) the expression of beauty's self —- выражение самой (истинной) красоты 3. книж. личность, субъект, мое "я" to be conscious of self —- осознать самого себя the study of the self —- самоанализ 4. филос. эго; индивид как объект своего сознания 5. в сочетании с притяжательным местоимением и часто прил. your dear self —- ты, дорогой our two selves —- мы оба, мы с тобой their hideous wives, their horrid selves and dresses —- эти страшные люди, их ужасные жены и ужасная одежда your good selves —- Вы (в коммерческих письмах) our noble selves! —- за наше здоровье!, за нас! (тост) be your natural self —- не...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) собственная личность, сам; to have no thought of self - не думать о себе; ones better self - лучшее, что есть в человеке; ones former self - то, чем человек был раньше; ones second self - близкий друг, правая рука - the study of the self - my own self - my very self  2) comm.; = myself cheque drawn to self - чек, выписанный на себя; your good selves Вы (в коммерческих письмах) self comes first, self before all - своя рубашка ближе к телу  2. adj.  1) сплошной, однородный (о цвете)  2) одноцветный (о цветке) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  univ. abbr. Students Expressing Life Freely univ. abbr. Student Educational Loan Fund funny abbr. Sentinent Engine Liberation Front non-prof. org. abbr. Solar Electric Light Fund educ. abbr. Students Exploring Lifestyles and Friendships religion abbr. See Each Leaf Fall law abbr. Sports Entertainment Law Forum ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. self, seolf, sylf "one's own person, same," from P.Gmc. *selba-, *selban-. Selfish first recorded 1640, said to have been coined by Presbyterians; selfsame attested from 1408. Self-conscious (1697) was originally "aware of one's action," morbid sense is from 1837; self-determination in political sense is from 1924; self-help apparently coined by Carlyle (1831). Self-esteem is from 1657, popularized by phrenology, which assigned it a "bump" (1815). Self-portrait is 1840, translating Ger. Selbstbildnis. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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