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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - sail


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~1 v 1 I always +adv/prep) to travel across an area of water in a boat or ship  (the first Europeans to sail across the Atlantic | Three tall ships sailed past.) 2 to direct or control the movement of a boat or ship  (The captain sailed his ship safely through the narrow passage. | My father taught me to sail when I was 14.) 3 to start a journey by boat or ship  (We sail at dawn.) + for  (They're sailing for Antigua next week.) 4 I always +adv/prep) to move quickly and smoothly through the air  (At that moment a ball came sailing over the fence and landed in my lap.) 5 I always +adv/prep) to move forwards gracefully and confidently  (Penelope sailed into the room, her dress billowing behind her.) 6 sail close to the wind to do or say something that is nearly wrong, illegal, or dishonest  (You're sailing a bit close to the wind with that remark.)  (- see also sail/fly under false colours false (10)) sail through phr v to succeed very easily in a test, examination etc ~2 n 1 a large piece of strong cloth fixed onto a boat, so that the wind will push the boat along  (a yacht with white sails | hoist/lower the sails (=put the sails up or down)) 2 set sail to begin a journey by boat or ship  (The following week the `Queen Elizabeth' set sail for Jamaica.) 3 under sail literary moving along on a ship or boat that has sails
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  (sails, sailing, sailed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Sails are large pieces of material attached to the mast of a ship. The wind blows against the sails and pushes the ship along. The white sails billow with the breezes they catch. N-COUNT 2. You say a ship sails when it moves over the sea. The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge... VERB: V prep/adv 3. If you sail a boat or if a boat sails, it moves across water using its sails. I shall get myself a little boat and sail her around the world... For nearly two hundred miles she sailed on, her sails hard with ice... VERB: V n prep, V adv/prep 4. If a person or thing sails somewhere, they move there smoothly and fairly quickly. We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor... VERB: V prep/adv 5. see also sailing 6. When a ship sets sail, it leaves a port. Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR prep 7. to sail close to the wind: see wind ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English segl; akin to Old High German segal ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) an extent of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water  (2) the ~s of a ship  b. plural usually ~ a ship equipped with ~s  2. an extent of fabric used in propelling a wind-driven vehicle (as an iceboat)  3. something that resembles a ~; especially a streamlined conning tower on a submarine  4. a passage by a ~ing craft ; cruise  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to travel on water in a ship  b. yacht  2.  a. to travel on water by the action of wind upon ~s or by other means  b. to move or proceed easily, gracefully, nonchalantly, or without resistance ~s through all sorts of contradictions — Vicki Hearne the bill ~ed through the legislature  c. to move through the air the ball ~ed over his head  3. to begin a water voyage ~ with the tide  transitive verb  1.  a. to travel on (water) by means of motive power (as ~)  b. to glide through  2. to direct or manage the motion of (as a ship)  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of material (orig. canvas, now usu. nylon etc.) extended on rigging to catch the wind and propel a boat or ship. 2 a ship's sails collectively. 3 a a voyage or excursion in a sailing-ship. b a voyage of specified duration. 4 a ship, esp. as discerned from its sails. 5 (collect.) ships in a squadron or company (a fleet of twenty sail). 6 (in pl.) Naut. a sl. a maker or repairer of sails. b hist. a chief petty officer in charge of rigging. 7 a wind-catching apparatus, usu. a set of boards, attached to the arm of a windmill. 8 a the dorsal fin of a sailfish. b the tentacle of a nautilus. c the float of a Portuguese man-of-war. --v. 1 intr. travel on water by the use of sails or engine-power. 2 tr. a navigate (a ship etc.). b travel on (a sea). 3 tr. set (a toy boat) afloat. 4 intr. glide or move smoothly or in a stately manner. 5 intr. (often foll. by through) colloq. succeed easily (sailed through the exams). Phrases and idioms sail-arm the arm of a windmill. sail close to (or near) the wind 1 sail as nearly against the wind as possible. 2 come close to indecency or dishonesty; risk overstepping the mark. sail-fluke = MEGRIM(2). sailing-boat (or -ship or -vessel) a vessel driven by sails. sailing-master an officer navigating a ship, esp. Brit. a yacht. sailing orders instructions to a captain regarding departure, destination, etc. sail into colloq. attack physically or verbally with force. take in sail 1 furl the sail or sails of a vessel. 2 moderate one's ambitions. under sail with sails set. Derivatives sailable adj. sailed adj. (also in comb.). sailless adj. Etymology: OE segel f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от shuttle avionics integration laboratory лаборатория комплексирования бортовой радиоэлектронной аппаратуры МТКК SAIL 1) парус 2) парусное судно 3) идти под парусами - drag sail - fore sail - fore-and-aft sail - interstellar sail - jib sail - laser-driven sail - light sail - lug sail - main sail - maser-pushed sail - mesh light sail - mizen sail - perforated light sail - plain sails - radioisotope sail - relativistic velocity-pushed solar sail - solar sail - terrestrial laser-driven sail ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) идти под парусами 2) отплывать 3) парус 4) парусное судно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. отправляться Syn: set off, set out, depart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. парус to strike sail(s) —- убирать паруса to hoist (to set) sail —- поднять паруса; отправляться в плавание we set sail tumorrow —- мы отплываем завтра to set sail for a port —- плыть в какой-л. порт to be under sail —- образ. плыть under sail, with sails set —- под парусами, с поднятыми парусами (in) full sail —- на всех парусах; на всех парах to get full sail —- идти на всех парусах the steamer was under sail with her engines broken —- пароход шел под парусами, так как машины вышли из строя to carry sail —- нести паруса (о судне) to shorten (to take in) sail (s) —- мор. убавлять парусов; сбавлять ход; умерять пыл to crowd sail (all sails) —- поднять (ставить) (все) паруса tu haul in one's sails —- мор. убавлять парусов; образ. сокращать расходы, перейти на более скромный образ жизни 2. обыкн. sing. путешествие или прогулка (по воде); плавание we went for a sail —- мы поехали покататься на (парусной) лодке a fine day for a sail —- прекрасный день для прогулки по воде Bermuda is within two day's sail from New York —- из Нью-Йорка до Бермуд можно доплыть за два дня we had an easy sail —- мы хорошо доплыли; во время плавания погода нам благоприятствовала 3. (парусное) судно, парусник there wasn't a sail in sight —- не видно было ни одного корабля sail ho! —- вижу корабль! 4. собир. парусные суда, корабли a fleet of thirty sails —- флотилия из тридцати...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ho! виден корабль! SAIL in принять решительные меры, вмешаться; The director sailed in, demanding to know who had disobeyed his orders. SAIL into  а) coll. наброситься, обрушиться на кого-л. (с бранью и т.п.) The speaker sailed into his opponent.  б) coll. набрасываться на что-л. The children sailed into the food that we offered them! SAIL through coll. успешно справиться с чем-л. Ive had a good day, sailing through my work with unexpected ease. SAIL  1. noun  1) парус(а); to carry sail - нести паруса (о корабле); to shorten sail - убавлять паруса; fig. замедлить ход; under sail - под парусами - hoist sail - make sail - crowd sail - strike sail - in full sail - full sail - set sail - take in sail  2) парусное судно - sail ho!  3) collect. парусные суда; a fleet of 30 sail - флотилия из 30 кораблей  4) плавание; we went for a sail - мы отправились кататься на парусной лодке  5) крыло ветряной мельницы  2. v.  1) идти под парусами;  2) плавать, совершать плавание  3) отплывать, отходить (о судне); Theres a boat sailing for England in the morning.  4) плавно двигаться, выступать, плыть; шествовать  5) управлять (судном)  6) пускать (кораблики) - sail in - sail into - sail through ...
Англо-русский словарь
  mil. abbr. Secretary of the Army, Installations, Logistics, and Environment libr. abbr. Service And Achievement In The Library univ. abbr. Student Assistance And Intervention Liaison univ. abbr. Sehome Alternative Instructional Lab univ. abbr. Supporting Academic And Intellectual Leadership gen. comp. abbr. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language educ. abbr. Summer Academic Institute For Learning educ. abbr. Student Assistance In Learning educ. abbr. Summer Adventures In Learning ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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