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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - nail


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~1 n 1 a thin pointed piece of metal which you force into a piece of wood with a hammer to fasten the wood to something else 2 the hard smooth layer on the ends of your fingers and toes  (Damn! I've just broken a nail.) 3 a nail in sb's/sth's coffin something bad which will help to destroy someone's success or hopes  (This latest scandal was one more nail in the coffin of Manley's ambitions.) 4 on the nail a) BrE if you pay money on the nail, you pay it immediately b) AmE completely correct in what you say or when you guess something  (Ed was right on the nail when he guessed Sue's age.)  (- see also as hard as nails hard1 (27), hit the nail on the head hit1 (24)) ~2 v 1 always + adv/prep to fasten something to something else with a nail or nails  (nail sth to/together/down etc)  (A sign saying `No Fishing' had been nailed to the tree. | The lid was nailed down.) 2 informal to catch someone and prove that they are guilty of a crime or something bad  (It took us 10 years to nail the bastard who killed our daughter. | nail sb for)  (The state police finally nailed him for fraud.) 3 nail sb to the wall/cross especially AmE to punish someone severely 4 nail your colours to the mast BrE to say clearly and publicly which ideas or which people you support 5 nail a lie/rumours informal to prove that what someone has said is a lie nail sb/sth down phr v informal 1 to force someone to say clearly what they want or what they intend to do  (nail sb down to sth)  (Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price.) 2 AmE to reach a final and definite decision about something  (Two days isn't enough time to nail down the details of an agreement.)
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  (nails, nailing, nailed) 1. A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. You hit the flat end with a hammer in order to push the nail into something such as a wall. A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand... N-COUNT 2. If you nail something somewhere, you fix it there using one or more nails. Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place... They nail shut the front door... VERB: V n prep/adv, V n with adj 3. Your nails are the thin hard parts that grow at the ends of your fingers and toes. Keep your nails short and your hands clean. N-COUNT: usu poss N in pl 4. To nail someone means to catch them and prove that they have been breaking the law. (INFORMAL) The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists. VERB: V n 5. If you say that someone is as hard as nails, you mean that they are extremely tough and aggressive, either physically or in their attitude towards other people or other situations. He’s a shrewd businessman and hard as nails... PHRASE: v-link PHR 6. If you say that someone has hit the nail on the head, you think they are exactly right about something. ‘I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions.’—‘I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.’ PHRASE: V inflects 7. a nail in the coffin: see coffin to fight tooth and nail: see tooth ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English n?gl; akin to Old High German nagal ~, finger~, Latin unguis finger~, toe~, claw, Greek onyx  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a horny sheath protecting the upper end of each finger and toe of humans and most other primates  b. a structure (as a claw) that terminates a digit and corresponds to a ~  2. a slender usually pointed and headed fastener designed to be pounded in  II. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1. to fasten with or as if with a ~  2. to fix in steady attention ~ed his eye on the crack  3.  a. catch, trap  b. to expose usually so as to discredit ~ed the impostor  c. to arrest or punish for an offense  4.  a. strike, hit  b. to put out (a runner) in baseball  5. to perform or complete perfectly or impressively ~ed a jump shot  6. to gain or win decisively — often used with down ~ down their consent  7. to settle, establish, or represent clearly and unmistakably — often used with down have ~ed down the artist's technique  8. usually vulgar to copulate with  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a small usu. sharpened metal spike with a broadened flat head, driven in with a hammer to join things together or to serve as a peg, protection (cf. HOBNAIL), or decoration. 2 a a horny covering on the upper surface of the tip of the human finger or toe. b a claw or talon. c a hard growth on the upper mandible of some soft-billed birds. 3 hist. a measure of cloth length (equal to 21/4 inches). --v.tr. 1 fasten with a nail or nails (nailed it to the beam; nailed the planks together). 2 fix or keep (a person, attention, etc.) fixed. 3 a secure, catch, or get hold of (a person or thing). b expose or discover (a lie or a liar). Phrases and idioms hard as nails 1 callous; unfeeling. 2 in good physical condition. nail-biting causing severe anxiety or tension. nail-brush a small brush for cleaning the nails. nail one's colours to the mast persist; refuse to give in. nail down 1 bind (a person) to a promise etc. 2 define precisely. 3 fasten (a thing) with nails. nail enamel US = nail polish. nail-file a roughened metal or emery strip used for smoothing the nails. nail-head Archit. an ornament like the head of a nail. nail in a person's coffin something thought to increase the risk of death. nail polish a varnish applied to the nails to colour them or make them shiny. nail-punch (or -set) a tool for sinking the head of a nail below a surface. nail-scissors small curved scissors for trimming the nails. nail up 1 close (a door etc.) with nails. 2 fix (a thing) at a height with nails. nail varnish Brit. = nail polish. on the nail (esp. of payment) without delay (cash on the nail). Derivatives nailed adj. (also in comb.). nailless adj. Etymology: OE n{aelig}gel, n{aelig}glan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) гвоздь забивать гвоздь; прибивать [крепить] гвоздями 2) швейн. заусенец 3) англ. нейл(внесистемная единица длины) to clinch a nail — загибать гвоздь; to nail down [on] — прибивать [крепить] гвоздями; to nail up — сколачивать гвоздями - anchor nail - barbed nail - brad nail - casing nail - cement-coated nail - chill nail - clasp nail - clout nail - common nail - composition nail - concrete nail - cooler nail - corker nail - cup-headed nail - cut nail - dog nail - double-headed nail - duckbill nail - duplex-head nail - felt nail - finishing nail - finish nail - flooring nail - form nail - furring nail - gang nail - gypsum-lath nail - joist nail - lead head nail - masonry nail - oval nail - penny-size nail - pilot nail - plain nail - roofing nail - scaffold nail - screw nail - shingle nail - sinker nail - slate nail - slating nail - twisted shanks nail - wiggle nail - wire nail ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  гвоздь nail sticking out of the plank acid-etched nails aluminum nail annular nail annular ringed nail barbed nail barbed plywood nail barbed roofing nail carpenter's nail cast nail clout nail common nail concrete nail cut nail double-head nail driven nail face nail felt nail finishing nail flat head nail flooring nail furring nail galvanized roofing nail gypsum lath nail headless nail hook nail lath nail lost-head nail masonry nail plasterboard nail roofing nail shot-fired nail slice-pointed nail wiggle nail wire nail ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гвоздевой 2) гвоздильный 3) гвоздить 4) гвоздочный 5) гвоздь 6) гвоздяной 7) заколачивать 8) прибивать 9) штырька - barbed nail - barrel nail - batten nail - boat nail - casting nail - core nail - extract nail - finishing nail - nail down - nail harrow - nail head - nail on - number nail - plaster nail - rafter nail - roofing nail - shingle nail - shoe nail - slating nail - three-flange nail - tubular nail - upholsterer's nail - wire nail - wrought nail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ноготь; коготь ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ноготь to do one's nails —- делать маникюр 2. коготь 3. гвоздь; нагель Swiss edge nail —- костыльковый (рантовой) гвоздь (альпинизм) to drive a nail home —- забить гвоздь по самую шляпку 4. тех. шпилька 5. ист. нейл, мера длины (2 и 1/4 дюйма) 6. сл. сигарета "гвоздик" Id: a nail in smb.'s coffin —- гвоздь в чей-л. гроб; нечто, ускоряющее чью-л. смерть или гибель Id: hard as nails —- жестокий, бесчувственный; в форме (о спортсмене; также tough as nails) Id: right as nails —- совершенно правильно; в полном порядке; совершенно здоров Id: to hit the nail on the head —- попасть в точку Id: to a nail —- тщательно, с предельной точностью Id: to drive the nail home —- довести дело до конца, добиться своего Id: from the tender nail —- с юности, с младых ногтей Id: to fight tooth and nail —- бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть Id: on the nail —- на месте, сразу, тут же; немедленно Id: pay on the nail! —- деньги на бочку! Id: to be (to go) off at the nail —- шотл. обезуметь, спятить; быть навеселе Id: to spit nails —- ам. сл. хулиганить, дебоширить Id: one nail drives out another —- посл. клин клином вышибают 7. забивать гвозди; прибивать (гвоздями); приколачивать to nail a name-plate to a door —- прибить к двери дощечку с фамилией nailed to the cross —- пригвожденный к кресту; распятый на кресте to have one's boots nailed —- (отдать) подбить сапоги to nail a cover on a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) ноготь  2) гвоздь  3) attr. - nail file - nail polish - nail varnish a nail in smb. s coffin - что-л., ускоряющее чью-л. смерть, гибель (as) hard as nails -  а) выносливый, закаленный;  б) жестокий;  в) в форме (о спортсмене) to hit the (right) nail on the head - попасть в точку right as nails -  а) совершенно правильно;  б) в полном порядке;  в) совершенно здоровый to pay (down) on the nail - расплачиваться сразу pay on the nail! - деньги на бочку!  2. v.  1) забивать гвозди; прибивать (гвоздями); to have ones boots nailed - отдать подбить сапоги  2) приковывать (внимание и т.п.)  3) coll. схватить, поймать; забрать, арестовать; the police have nailed the thief - полиция задержала вора  4) school; sl. обнаружить, накрыть; to be nailed going off without leave - попасться при попытке уйти без разрешения - nail down - nail on - nail together - nail up to nail to the barndoor - выставлять на поругание; пригвождать к позорному столбу to nail smb. to the wall - прижать кого-л. к стене to nail to the counter - опровергнуть ложь/клевету to nail ones colours to the mast - открыто отстаивать свои взгляды, не сдавать позиций NAIL bomb noun самодельная бомба из гвоздей, привязанных к кускам динамита NAIL down  а) прибивать, заколачивать; The lid was nailed down, so we couldnt get it off.  б) поймать на слове; to nail smb. down прижать кого-л. к стене; to nail smb. down to his promise требовать от...
Англо-русский словарь
  account. abbr. Neighbors Against Inappropriate Land ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. negel "metal pin," nжgl "fingernail (O.E. handnжgl), toenail," from P.Gmc. *naglaz," from PIE base *(o)nogh "nail." The "fingernail" sense seems to be the original one. The verb is O.E. nжglian, from P.Gmc. *ganaglijanan. Meaning "to catch, seize" is first recorded 1766. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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