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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - method


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~ n 1 a planned way of doing something, especially one that a lot of people know about and use  (traditional teaching methods | I think we should try again using a different method.) + of  (There are several possible methods of payment.) + for  (a new method for the early detection of cancer) 2 formal proper planning of the way that something is done  (There's no method in the way they do their accounts.) 3 there's method in sb's madness used to say that even though someone seems to be behaving strangely, there is a sensible reason for what they are doing
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  (methods) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. A method is a particular way of doing something. The pill is the most efficient method of birth control. ...new teaching methods... N-COUNT: oft N of n/-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, prescribed treatment, from Latin ~us, from Greek ~os, from meta- + hodos way  Date: 15th century  1. a procedure or process for attaining an object: as  a.  (1) a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art  (2) a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction  b.  (1) a way, technique, or process of or for doing something  (2) a body of skills or techniques  2. a discipline that deals with the principles and techniques of scientific inquiry  3.  a. orderly arrangement, development, or classification ; plan  b. the habitual practice of orderliness and regularity  4. capitalized a dramatic technique by which an actor seeks to gain complete identification with the inner personality of the character being portrayed Synonyms:  ~, mode, manner, way, fashion, system mean the means taken or procedure followed in achieving an end. ~ implies an orderly logical arrangement usually in steps effective teaching ~s. mode implies an order or course followed by custom, tradition, or personal preference the preferred mode of transportation. manner is close to mode but may imply a procedure or ~ that is individual or distinctive an odd manner of conducting. way is very general and may be used for any of the preceding words has her own way of doing things. fashion may suggest a peculiar or characteristic way of doing something rushing about in his typical fashion. system suggests a fully developed or carefully formulated ~ often emphasizing rational orderliness a filing system. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a special form of procedure esp. in any branch of mental activity. 2 orderliness; regular habits. 3 the orderly arrangement of ideas. 4 a scheme of classification. 5 Theatr. a technique of acting based on the actor's thorough emotional identification with the character. Phrases and idioms method in one's madness sense in what appears to be foolish or strange behaviour. Etymology: F m{eacute}thode or L methodus f. Gk methodos pursuit of knowledge (as META-, hodos way) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) метод; приём; способ 2) методика 3) технология 4) система - method of alternating directions - method of analysis - method of angles - method of arithmetic means - method of ascent - method of column analogy - method of descent - method of directions - method of elastic arch - method of elimination - method of feasible directions - method of fixed points - method of images - method of induction - method of joints - method of least squares - method of limit equilibrium - method of member substitution - method of moments - method of pivot selection - method of potentials - method of projections - method of proportional parts - method of reiteration - method of resolution - method of reversals - method of rotations - method of saddle points - method of sections - method of slopes - method of small parameter - method of statistical testing - method of steepest descent - method of stripping - method of successive approximations - method of successive destruction - method of successive iteration - method of successive substitutions - method of superposition - method of symmetrical components - method of undetermined coefficients - method of variation of constants - accelerated strength testing method - access method - activation method - AFMAG method - aggregate-decomposition method - airborne electromagnetic method - airborne resistivity method - air-tinting method - analog method - anchor-ring method - angle lap staining method - annotation method - aperture-field method - approximate method - approximated maximum entropy method - approximation method - aqueous method - arc refraction method - aromatic adsorption method - artificial islands method - asymptotic method - audio-frequency magnetic method - audio-magnetotelluric method - averaging method - back-filling method - back-reflection Greninger-Laue method - back-reflection Laue method - back-to-back method - balanced method - ball-and-ring method - basic methods of printing - basic direct access method - basic partitioned access method - basic...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология method of analysis method of application method of attack method of bearing and distances method of bipolar coordinates method of calculation method of design method of detail survey method of elastic weights method of electric needles method of expansion into series method of fixed points method of intersection method of joint isolation method of least work methods of manufacture method of minimum strain energy method of moment distribution method of radiation method of redistribution of pressure method of sections method of steam jet methods of structural analysis method of successive approximations methods of testing method of water needles accepted method of building accepted method of house construction accurate method of analysis adhesive nail-on method admittance method advanced methods of concreting advance slope method aggregate exposure method air permeability method alternate methods American method analytical method of determining reactions API method of pile design approximate method approximation method area method area-moment method assembly methods Austrian method autogenous curing method balanced cantilever method Belgian method Benoto method bentonite method Billner method "bin" method boiling water method boom placement concreting method bricklaying methods building method building block module method cable method of rock stressing calculation method cantilever method Chicago method circular-arc method Coast-Survey method collapse method of structural design combined finite strip-finite element method compaction methods of clays conjugate beam method consistency measurement method construction methods construction and erection methods contiguous pile method continuous-flight augers method continuous-sample method of advance convergence method critical method critical path method Cross method cross-section method current design methods cut-and-cover method dampproofing methods displacement method displacement method of advance...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  метод; прием; способ – acoustic method – basic telecommunication access method – biotelemetering method – bridge method – cap method – channel dividing method – combinatorial Jacobeus method – compensating measurement method – control-correcting method – count thinning method – data-compression method – DAV method – DAVID method – DBV method – determinated method – digital districts method – DISCAT method – diversion method – double pole circuit method – dynamic control method – echo-compensating method – effective accessibility method – energetic method – equivalency method – equivalent moment method – Euler method – Eurocrypt method – extrapolation method – Fabry-Perot method – filtering method – five ordinates method – fixed index method – four-probe method – Fourier method – harmonic linearization method – illuminated board method – internode tension method – legibility method – line graph method – loading characteristic method – location method – loop method – message forwarding method – MH compressing method – MMR compressing method – Monte-Carlo method – MR compressing method – multiple frequency telegraphing method – node potential method – operator method – opinions method – optoacoustic-detection method – packet-switching method – phase-compensating method – phase-differencing method – phase-filtering method – playing method – polarity-comparing method – polar-starting control method – potential method – precision synchronization method – preventive method – probable graphs method – pulse method – radio method – recording method – repetition method – restoring method – Runge-Kutt method – scale quantization method – selection method – Simpson method – simulation method – single channel-on-carrier method – sliding index method – specific power method – standing wave method – state method – static control method – statistic method – substitution method –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) метод 2) процедура 3) способ adaptive smoothing method — метод адаптивного сглаживания alternating-variable descent method — матем. метод покоординатного спуска antithetic variate method — метод несовместных случайных величин area moment method — метод моментных площадей average ordinate method — метод средних ординат balance-chart method of planning — экон. метод планирования балансовый baseband recording method — способ раздельной записи видеоинформации с временным уплотнением boundary integral method — метод граничных интегралов climb milling method — метод попутного фрезерования composite value method — компьют. метод передачи совместных значений, метод совместных значений conformal mapping method — метод конформных отображений conjugate gradient method — метод сопряженных градиентов control chart method — метод контрольных карт convex simplex method — метод выпуклого симплекса crossed beam method — метод пересекающихся лучей decision function method — метод решающих функций difference factorization method — метод разностной факторизации direct method of measurement — прямой метод измерения divide by differential method — делить дифференциальным методом equal deflection method — тех. метод равных отклонений estimate by the method — измерять по методу factor comparison method — метод сравнения факторов false position method — матем. метод пристрелки...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) метод 2) система 3) порядок • - PERT method - accounting method - accrual method - acquisition method - actuarial method - average cost method - average-cost method - balance method - business method - cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting - completed contract method - cost method - declining balance method - declining-balance method - depreciation method - distribution method - manufacturing method - method management system - method of delivery - method of estimation - method of exclusion - method of feasible directions - method of financing - method of payment - method of sampling - method of solution - methods of design - methods study - nonsequential method - pricing method - processing method - resetting method - sampling method Syn: mode, technique, device, approach, procedure METHOD 1) способ; метод; процесс 2) система, порядок см. cut and try method – to circumvent the difficulties of the method known heretofore – method of application – method of determining patentability – method of fabricating – method of producing novel chemical compounds – method of retrieval – free indexing method – patentable method – patented method – trial and error method – unpatentable method ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  метод, способ; методика – method of application – method of clarification – method of controlling – method of fitting constants – method of least squares – method of maximum likelihood – method of nearest neighbor base frequencies – method of plaque-forming cells – method of positive staining – method of sedimentation of gradient interphase – method of serial dilution – adsorption-elution method – agar block method – agar diffusion method – aging method – analytical disk method – antibody-mediated method – anticomplement method – averaging method – bacto-stripe method – bleaching method – blocking method – bridge-insulator method – bubble-counting method – capture-mark-recapture method – cascade immunization method – cell entrapment method – centrifugal latex agglutination method – chloramine-T method – class-capture method – coated-tube method – colorimetric method – competitive protein binding method – countercurrent distribution method – dark field method – denuded quadrate method – descriptive method – dialysis equilibrium method – diffusion-in-gel method – dilution method – disk assay method – distance method – double-antibody method – drop plate method – dry method of insemination – dye-binding method – dye dilution method – electric field jump method – enrichment method – flow immunofluorescence method – fluidized cell suspension method – freeze-etch method – freeze-thaw method – freezing-drying method – gelatin sedimentation method – gel-diffusion method – Gram's method – graphical method – hapten help method – Hurvell's hot phenol-water method – immersion method – immune complex depletion method – immune transfer method – immunoenzyme method – immunofluorescence method – immunoprecipitation method – immunotoxin method – immunoturbidimetric method – Indian-ink method – isomorphous replacement method – isotope dilution method – King method – Kjeldahl method – latex...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. метод, способ, система comparative method —- сравнительный метод a new method of cure —- новый способ лечения the method of operation —- горн. система эксплуатации finite-difference method —- мат. метод конечных разностей, конечно-разностный метод his method is to compare different versions —- его метод состоит в сопоставлении разных вариантов there are several methods of doing this —- существует несколько способов сделать это 2. обыкн. pl. методика (преподавания) modern methods of language teaching —- современная методика преподавания языков to evolve a new method —- разработать новую методику 3. (the Method) театр. система Станиславского a Method actor —- актер, работающий по системе Станиславского 4. система, порядок a man of method —- человек любящий систему (порядок); методичный человек to work without method —- работать бессистемно he relies on method rather than luck —- он рассчитывает на систематический подход, а не на везение 5. редк. классификация 6. логичность, последовательность there is method in his madness —- в его безумии есть система ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) метод, способ; прием  2) система; порядок  3) bot.; zool. классификация  4) pl. методика (наука) Syn: fashion, manner, mode, procedure, system, way ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 15c., from L. methodus "way of teaching or going," from Gk. methodus, originally "pursuit, following after," from meta- "after" + hodos "a traveling, way." Methodist, the Protestant religious sect founded 1729 in Oxford by John and Charles Wesley, took that name almost from inception, but it had been used late 17c. for various new methods of worship. METHODONE - 1947, generic designation for 6-dimethylamino-4, 4-diphenyl-3-heptanone. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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