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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - loss


Связанные словари


~ n 1 »NO LONGER HAVING STH« the fact of no longer having something you used to have  (Job losses were common in the 1980s.) + of  (a temporary loss of memory | weight/blood etc loss | rapid hair loss) 2 »MONEY« money that has been lost by a business, person, government etc  (losses amounting to -12,000 | profit and loss | make a loss)  (The company made a loss of $250,000 in its first year. | sell/operate sth at a loss (=sell something or do something with the result that you have less money than you had in the beginning)) 3 »LIFE« the death of someone  (My sympathy for your loss. (=of someone you love) | suffer heavy losses)  (The US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses. | loss of life formal)  (The blaze was overcome without loss of life.) 4 be at a loss to be confused and uncertain about what to do or say  (I was at a complete loss as to how to find the money in time. | be at a loss for words (=be unable to think what to say)) 5 »FEELING« a feeling of being sad or lonely because someone or something is not there any more  (sense of loss)  (I still feel an aching sense of loss, even though Allen died four years ago.) 6 »PROBLEM« a disadvantage caused by someone or something leaving or being removed  (a great loss)  (We see your going as a great loss to the company.) 7 that's your/their loss spoken used to say that something will affect someone in a much worse way than it will affect you  (Well, if he doesn't want to come it's his loss.) 8 »GAME« an occasion on which a competition or game is lost; defeat2  (The loss to the Lions meant we were out of the playoffs.)  (- see also cut your losses cut1 (31), a dead loss dead1 (13))
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  (losses) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Loss is the fact of no longer having something or having less of it than before. ...loss of sight... The loss of income for the government is about $250 million a month. ...hair loss... The job losses will reduce the total workforce to 7,000. N-VAR: usu with supp 2. Loss of life occurs when people die. ...a terrible loss of human life... The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high. N-VAR: usu with supp 3. The loss of a relative or friend is their death. They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them. ...the loss of his mother. N-UNCOUNT: with supp, usu the N of n 4. If a business makes a loss, it earns less than it spends. In 1986 Rover made a loss of nine hundred million pounds... The company said it will stop producing fertilizer in 1990 because of continued losses. ...profit and loss. ? profit N-VAR 5. Loss is the feeling of sadness you experience when someone or something you like is taken away from you. Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief... N-UNCOUNT 6. A loss is the disadvantage you suffer when a valuable and useful person or thing leaves or is taken away. She said his death was a great loss to herself. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. The loss of something such as heat, blood, or fluid is the gradual reduction of it or of its level in a system or in someone’s body. ...blood loss. ...weight loss. ...a rapid loss of heat from the body. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 8. If a business produces something at a loss, they sell it at a price which is less than it cost them to produce it or buy it. (BUSINESS) New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor. ? at a profit PHRASE: PHR after v 9. If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation. The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence. PHRASE: usu...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English los, probably back-formation from lost, past participle of losen to lose  Date: 13th century  1. destruction, ruin  2.  a. the act of losing possession ; deprivation insured against ~ or theft of property ~ of sight  b. the harm or privation resulting from ~ or separation her death was a ~ to the community  c. an instance of losing  3. a person or thing or an amount that is lost: as  a. plural killed, wounded, or captured soldiers  b. the power diminution of a circuit or circuit element corresponding to conversion of electrical energy into heat by resistance  4.  a. failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize  b. an amount by which the cost of something exceeds its selling price  5. decrease in amount, magnitude, or degree  6. the amount of an insured's financial detriment by death or damage that the insurer is liable for ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or an instance of losing; the state of being lost. 2 a person, thing, or amount lost. 3 the detriment or disadvantage resulting from losing (that is no great loss). Phrases and idioms at a loss (sold etc.) for less than was paid for it. be at a loss be puzzled or uncertain. be at a loss for words not know what to say. loss adjuster an insurance agent who assesses the amount of compensation arising from a loss. loss-leader an item sold at a loss to attract customers. Etymology: ME los, loss prob. back-form. f. lost, past part. of LOSE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) потеря; (мн.) потери 2) угар (металла) 3) затухание, ослабление 4) срыв (в следящих системах) 5) вчт. проигрыш 6) ущерб; убыток loss by mixture — потери от смешения; losses by slagging — потери со шлаком; losses by splashing — потери со всплесками; loss on ignition — потери при прокаливании; loss through standing — потери на испарения (при хранении нефтепродуктов); losses under load — нагрузочные потери loss of auxiliary power — потеря вспомогательных источников энергоснабжения loss of circulation — поглощение бурового раствора loss of control — потеря управления loss of dielectric strength — потеря электрической прочности loss of gloss — потускнение (дефект лакокрасочного покрытия) loss of grouser penetration — потеря способности заглубления грунтозацепа loss of load — отключение нагрузки; сброс нагрузки loss of lock rate — нарушение синхронизма, выпадение из синхронизма loss of offsite power — потеря внешних источников энергоснабжения loss of phase — 1. отключение (обрыв) фазы 2. выпадение из синхронизма, нарушение синхронизма loss of power — потеря мощности loss of power supply — нарушение энергоснабжения loss of prestress — потеря предварительного напряжения (в арматуре) loss of resolution — потеря разрешающей способности loss of stability — нарушение устойчивости loss of supply —...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  потеря затухание; ослабление ущерб, убыток loss due to creep loss in prestress loss of bond stress loss of gloss loss of head loss of prestress loss of prestress due to friction loss of prestress due to shrinkage of concrete loss of prestress due to steam curing loss of prestress during anchoring loss of stability loss of stress loss of sustaining capacity loss of water by evaporation loss of workability abrasion loss absorption loss air pressure losses anchorage loss branch loss cable losses chimney loss conduction loss design heat loss drift loss dynamic loss elastic losses energy losses due to friction entrance loss evaporation loss exit loss external heat loss fabric loss flue loss friction loss gross heat loss head loss head loss across filter head loss due to friction heat loss ignition loss impact loss infiltration heat loss insertion loss leakage loss local loss lockage loss pipe loss seepage loss sequence-stressing loss shock loss shrinkage loss of prestress strength loss stress loss structural heat loss total loss of prestress transmission loss transmission heat loss ventilation heat loss wall losses water loss ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) потеря 2) затухание; ослабление – loss of lock rate – loss of phase – loss of power – loss of resolution – absorption loss – additional loss – angular misalignment loss – antenna-dissipative loss – area loss – attenuation loss – auxiliary loss – azimuthal loss – branching loss – bridging loss – cable loss – capacity loss – cavity loss – coax loss – commutative loss – connector loss – contact loss – continuous loss – coupling loss – crosstalk loss – decibel loss – degradation loss – deviation loss – dielectric loss – extrinsic-joint loss – fiber-to-detector loss – finite loss – form loss – free-space loss – gap loss – harmonic loss – insertion loss – intrinsic-joint loss – junction loss – lateral-offset loss – light source-to-fiber coupling loss – line loss – link-power loss – load loss – long-term loss – loudness loss – macrobend loss – misalignment loss – mismatch loss – modal loss – net loss – no-load loss – numerical-aperture loss – ohmic loss – optical loss – overall loss – path loss – pointing loss – power loss – processing loss – propagation loss – radome-transmission loss – rain loss – real loss – recording loss – reflection loss – refraction loss – resistance loss – resonator loss – return loss – scattering loss – shadow loss – signal loss – source transition loss – splice loss – straddle loss – tapering loss – time-transit loss – transition loss – translation loss – transmission loss – transmission quality loss – transverse-offset loss – tropospheric loss – variable loss – voltage loss – via-net loss – wire loss – zero loss ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) гибель 2) затухание 3) кулаж 4) куляж 5) потеря 6) проигрыш 7) пропадание 8) убыль 9) убыток 10) утрата 11) утрачивание average information loss — средняя потеря информации balance return loss — связь коэффициент отражения баланса brush discharge loss — потеря на кистевой разряд carbon loss in ashes — недожог топлива в шлаках carbon loss in fly ash — недожог топлива в уносе carbon loss in riddlings — недожог топлива в провале conditional information loss — условная потеря информации dielectric loss angle — угол диэлектрических потерь dielectric loss factor — электр. коэффициент диэлектрических энергопотерь dielectric loss index — электр. коэффициент диэлектрических энергопотерь disk friction loss — дисковые потеря guarantee against loss — гарантировать возмещение убытков loss of an electron — отдача электрона loss of cabin pressure — разгерметизация кабины loss of memory property — отсутствие последействия loss of significant figures — потеря значащих цифр loss per unit length — потери на единицу длины make good loss — восполнять потери make up for loss — покрывать убыль minimization of expected loss — минимизация ожидаемых потерь optical waveguide loss — потери в оптическом волноводе, потери в световоде sell at a loss — продавать с убытком standing loss of cell — саморазряд аккумулятора terminal return loss — связь коэффициент отражения...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. потеря, пропажа, утрата loss in weight — потеря в весе 2) общ. ущерб, урон 3) убыток а) учет (превышение затрат над доходами) The company operated at a loss last year. — В прошлом году компания работала в убыток. See: "cost, "income, "profit б) банк. (от списания безнадежных долгов) See: "bad debt в) эк., торг., учет (от продажи товара или актива по цене) See: "capital loss г) страх. (сумма, которую страховщик обязан выплатить страхователю в случае наступления события, от которого он был застрахован) д) страх. страховой случай (наступление предусмотренного условиями договора страхования события, от которого осуществляется страхование и с наступлением которого возникает обязанность страховщика выплатить страховое возмещение или страховую сумму) Syn: "failure, negative profit 4) убытки, потери а) мн., учет (списанный кредит (как невозвратный)) б) мн., учет (сокращение собственного капитала) Ant: "gain See: "equity, loss per share в) бирж. убытки, проигрыш (убыток, полученный в результате неблагоприятного исхода игры на бирже, напр., в случаи покупки финансовых активов в ожидании повышения их цены с тем, чтобы продать дороже, и падения цены этих активов вопреки прогнозу игрока) Ant: win See: loss taking, stop-loss order LOSS...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  убыток, урон, ущерб, потеря loss on drying — потери при высушивании loss on ignition — потери при прокаливании – loss of cattle – loss of flesh – absorption loss – blood loss – dispersion loss – dry matter loss – evaporation loss – natural loss – nestling loss – nutritive loss – sensitivity loss – weight loss – winter loss ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. потеря, лишение total loss —- полная потеря loss of one's eyesight —- потеря зрения loss of strength —- упадок сил loss of blood —- мед. кровопотеря loss of flesh —- похудание temperature loss —- падение температуры loss in altitude —- потеря высоты 2. утрата, потеря irreparable loss —- невозместимая потеря grievous loss —- тяжелая утрата loss of opportunities —- упущенные (неиспользованные) возможности without any loss of time —- без всякой потери времени, не теряя ни минуты времени his death was a great loss —- его смерть была большой утратой 3. гибель loss of a ship with all hands —- гибель корабля со всей командой 4. проигрыш; урон loss of a battle —- поражение в битве 5. ущерб, урон, убыток dead loss —- чистый убыток the loss of a contract —- ам. незаключенный контракт; неполучение заказа to have a loss, to meet with a loss —- потерпеть ущерб, понести потерю to sell at a loss —- продавать в убыток to incur losses —- терпеть убытки to cover a loss —- покрывать убыток his absence was not a great loss —- его отсутствие - небольшая потеря it's your loss, not mine —- вы от этого потеряете (вы останетесь в накладе), не я 6. pl. воен. потери loss replacement —- возмещение потерь the loss of life —- потери в людях, потери убитыми losses in manpower and material —- потери в живой силе и технике to suffer heavy losses —- понести тяжелые потери 7. спец. угар 8. смыв (при...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of life потери в людях, потери убитыми; LOSS replacement mil. возмещение потерь LOSS noun  1) потеря, утрата; loss of ones eyesight - потеря зрения; - have a loss - meet with a loss  2) пропажа  3) урон; проигрыш  4) убыток; ущерб; - sell at a loss - dead loss - make good a loss  5) tech. угар; loss in yarn text. - угар  6) pl.; mil. потери; - loss of life - suffer losses - sustain losses  7) attr. - loss replacement - be at a loss ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ocean sc. abbr. LAPS Observing System Simulation softw. abbr. Lcars Operating System Shell non-prof. org. abbr. Local Outreach To Survivors Of Suicide ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. los "loss, destruction," from P.Gmc. *lusan, from PIE *lau-. The modern word probably evolved from original pp. lost. Phrase at a loss originally refers to hounds losing the scent. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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