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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - lie


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~1 v present participle lyingpast tense lay, past participle lain 1 »FLAT POSITION« a) to be in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, on a bed etc + on/in/there etc  (He was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette. | Don't lie in the sun for too long.) lie still/awake/dead etc  (She would lie awake at nights worrying.) b) also lie down to put yourself in a position in which your body is flat on the floor or on a bed + on/in/there etc  (Lie on the floor and stretch your legs upwards.) c) to be in a flat position on a surface + on/in/there etc  (The papers were lying neatly on his desk, waiting to be signed.) 2 »EXIST« if an idea or a quality lies in a particular action, person etc, it exists or is expressed in that action, person, etc + in/with/outside etc  (The answer must lie in finding alternative sources of power.) the future lies in (=something will be very important in the future)  (The future lies in multimedia.) 3 »BE IN A PLACE« if a town, village, etc lies in a particular place, it is in that place + in/on/below  (The town lies in a small wooded valley.) 4 lie ahead/lie before you/lie in store if something lies ahead of you etc, it is going to happen to you in the future  (How will we cope with the difficulties that lie ahead? | I was wondering what lay in store for us.) 5 lie open/empty/undisturbed etc to be open etc  (The book lay open on the table. | The town now lay in ruins.) 6 lie in wait (for) a) to remain hidden in a place and wait for someone so that you can attack them + for  (a giant crocodile lying in wait for its prey) b) if something unpleasant lies in wait for you, it is going to happen to you 7 lie low to remain hidden because someone is trying to find you or catch you  (We'll have to lie low until tonight.) 8 lie at the heart of formal to be the most important part of something  (the issue that lies at the heart of the present conflict) 9 lie heavy on formal if something lies heavy on you, it makes you feel unhappy  (The feelings of guilt lay heavy on him.) 10 lie second/third/fourth etc BrE to be in second, third etc position in a competition  (Liverpool are lying third in the football championship.) 11 »DEAD PERSON« if someone lies in a particular place, they are buried there  (here lies ... (=written on a gravestone))  (Here lies Percival Smythe.) 12 lie in state if an important person who has died lies in state, their body is put in a public place so that people can go and show their respect for them 13 »STAY« old use to spend the night somewhere  (He was to lie that night at a neighbour's.)  (- see also let sleeping dogs lie sleep1 (6)) lie about/around phr v 1 if something is lying around, it has been left somewhere untidily, rather than being in its proper place  (If you leave your shoes lying around like that, you'll trip over them. | lie around/about sth)  (Papers and books lay around the room in complete chaos.) 2 if you lie around, you spend time lying down and not doing anything  (I felt so lazy just lying around on the beach all day.) lie behind sth phr v if something lies behind an action, it is the real reason for the action even though it may be hidden  (I knew that something else lay behind his sudden interest in football.) lie down phr v 1 to put yourself in a position in which your body is flat on the floor or on a bed  (You must lie down and rest.) 2 take sth lying down informal to accept bad treatment without complaining  (I'm not going to take this lying down! You'll be hearing from my lawyer.) lie in phr v BrE to remain in bed in the morning for longer than usual  (I can't wait to be able to lie in this weekend!) lie with sb phr v 1 if a power, duty etc lies with someone, they have that power etc  (The responsibility for this problem lies firmly within the government.) 2 old use to have sex with someone ~2 v past tense liedpast participle lying 1 to deliberately tell someone something that is not true  (I could tell from her face that she was lying. | lie to sb)  (I would never lie to you. | lie through your teeth (=say something that is completely untrue)) 2 if a picture, account etc lies, it does not show the true facts or the true situation  (Statistics can often lie. | The camera never lies.) ~3 n 1 something that you say or write that you know is untrue  (There's no truth in her story. It's all lies! | tell a lie)  (I always know when he's telling lies. | tell sb a lie)  (Of course it's true. I wouldn't tell you a lie. | pack of lies (=a story or set of statements that is completely untrue))  (Their whole account of the event was a pack of lies. | barefaced lie (=a shocking lie) | white lie (=a lie that is not serious, or one that is told to avoid upsetting someone)) 2 give the lie to formal to show that something is untrue  (This report gives the lie to the company's claim that there has been no pollution.) 3 the lie of the land/ the way the land lies the way that a situation is developing at a particular time  (I want to see how the land lies before I decide whether or not to take the job.) 4 tell a lie BrE spoken used when you realize that something you have just said is not correct  (It was -25, no, tell a lie, -35.)
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  I. [c red]POSITION OR SITUATION (lies, lying, lay, lain) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Please look at category 8 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you are lying somewhere, you are in a horizontal position and are not standing or sitting. There was a child lying on the ground... He lay awake watching her for a long time. VERB: V prep/adv, V adj 2. If an object lies in a particular place, it is in a flat position in that place. ...a newspaper lying on a nearby couch... Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet. VERB: V prep/adv, V adj 3. If you say that a place lies in a particular position or direction, you mean that it is situated there. The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain. = sit VERB: V prep/adv 4. You can use lie to say that something is or remains in a particular state or condition. For example, if something lies forgotten, it has been and remains forgotten. The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years... His country’s economy lies in ruins. V-LINK: V adj, V prep 5. You can use lie to say what position a competitor or team is in during a competition. (mainly BRIT) I was going well and was lying fourth... Blyth Tait is lying in second place. VERB: V ord, V in n 6. You can talk about where something such as a problem, solution, or fault lies to say what you think it consists of, involves, or is caused by. The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence... VERB: V prep/adv 7. You use lie in expressions such as lie ahead, lie in store, and lie in wait when you are talking about what someone is going to experience in the future, especially when it is something unpleasant or difficult. She’d need all her strength and bravery to cope with what lay in store... The President’s most serious challenges lie ahead. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 8. to lie in state: see state to take something lying down: see take II. [c red]THINGS THAT ARE NOT...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. biographical name Jonas 1833-1908 Norwegian novelist & dramatist  II. biographical name Trygve Halvdan 1896-1968 Norwegian lawyer; secretary-general of U.N. (1946-52) LIE  I. intransitive verb  (lay; lain; lying)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English licgan; akin to Old High German ligen to ~, Latin lectus bed, Greek lechos  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position ; be prostrate ; rest, recline ~ motionless ~ asleep  b. to assume a horizontal position — often used with down  c. archaic to reside temporarily ; stay for the night ; lodge  d. to have sexual intercourse — used with with  e. to remain inactive (as in concealment) ~ in wait  2. to be in a helpless or defenseless state the town lay at the mercy of the invaders  3. of an inanimate thing to be or remain in a flat or horizontal position upon a broad support books lying on the table  4. to have direction ; extend the route lay to the west  5.  a. to occupy a certain relative place or position hills ~ behind us  b. to have a place in relation to something else the real reason ~s deeper  c. to have an effect through mere presence, weight, or relative position remorse lay heavily on him  d. to be sustainable or admissible  6. to remain at anchor or becalmed  7.  a. to have place ; exist the choice lay between fighting or surrendering  b. consist, belong the success of the book ~s in its direct style responsibility lay with the adults  8. remain; especially to remain unused, unsought, or uncared for  Usage: see lay  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1697  1. chiefly British lay 6  2. the position or situation in which something ~s a golf ball in a difficult ~  3. the haunt of an animal (as a fish) ; covert  4. British an act or instance of lying or resting  III. verb  (~d; lying)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English leogan; akin to Old High German liogan to ~, Old Church Slavic lugati  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to make an untrue...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v.intr. (lying; past lay; past part. lain) 1 be in or assume a horizontal position on a supporting surface; be at rest on something. 2 (of a thing) rest flat on a surface (snow lay on the ground). 3 (of abstract things) remain undisturbed or undiscussed etc. (let matters lie). 4 a be kept or remain or be in a specified, esp. concealed, state or place (lie hidden; lie in wait; malice lay behind those words; they lay dying; the books lay unread; the money is lying in the bank). b (of abstract things) exist, reside; be in a certain position or relation (foll. by in, with, etc.: the answer lies in education; my sympathies lie with the family). 5 a be situated or stationed (the village lay to the east; the ships are lying off the coast). b (of a road, route, etc.) lead (the road lies over mountains). c be spread out to view (the desert lay before us). 6 (of the dead) be buried in a grave. 7 (foll. by with) archaic have sexual intercourse. 8 Law be admissible or sustainable (the objection will not lie). 9 (of a game-bird) not rise. --n. 1 a the way or direction or position in which a thing lies. b Golf the position of a golf ball when about to be struck. 2 the place of cover of an animal or a bird. Phrases and idioms as far as in me lies to the best of my power. let lie not raise (a controversial matter etc.) for discussion etc. lie about (or around) be left carelessly out of place. lie ahead be going to happen; be in store. lie back recline so as to rest. lie down assume a lying position; have a short rest. lie-down n. a short rest. lie down under accept (an insult etc.) without protest. lie heavy cause discomfort or anxiety. lie in 1 remain in bed in the morning. 2 archaic be brought to bed in childbirth. lie-in n. a prolonged stay in bed in the morning. lie in state (of a deceased great personage) be laid in a public place of honour before burial. lie low 1 keep quiet or unseen. 2 be discreet about one's intentions. lie off Naut. stand some distance from shore or from another ship. the lie of the land the...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ложь white lie —- невинная ложь; ложь во спасение thumping lie —- наглая ложь to tell a lie —- солгать to tell lies —- лгать, говорить неправду to act a lie —- подвести, обмануть (не прийти, не принести и т. п.) what a pack of lies! —- выдумка с начала до конца!; здесь нет ни слова правды! to live a lie —- вести двойную жизнь to give the lie to smb. —- уличить кого-л. во лжи 2. обман, ложное верование, ошибочное убеждение to maintain a lie —- утверждать, (поддерживать) что-л. неверное (ошибочное) to give the lie to smth. —- показать ложность чего-л.; опровергнуть что-л. Id: one lie makes (calls for) many —- посл. одна ложь тянет за собой другую; раз солгал, навек лгуном стал Id: lies have short legs —- посл. у лжи короткие ноги 3. лгать; солгать; обманывать you're lying! —- вы лжете (ты врешь)! he lied to his mother —- он обманул мать (сказал матери неправду) 4. быть обманчивым this figures lie —- эти цифры создают ложное впечатление 5. (часто into, out of) ложью добиться чего-л. to lie oneself into smth. —- проникнуть куда-л. с помощью лжи to lie oneself out of smth. —- выпутаться (выкарабкаться) из какого-л. положения с помощью лжи; отовраться от чего-л. Id: to lie in one's throat (teeth), to lie like a trooper —- нагло (бесстыдно) лгать Id: to lie like a gas meter —- врать как сивый мерин Id: to lie away smb.'s reputation —- оболгать кого-л.,...
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