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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - lens


Связанные словари


~ n 1 a piece of curved glass or plastic which makes things look bigger or smaller, for example in a pair of glasses or in a telescope1  (Jan wears glasses with thick lenses.) 2 the part of a camera through which the light travels before it hits the film  (a standard 50mm lens) 3 the clear part inside your eye that focuses focus1 (3) so you can see things clearly 4 one of a pair of small curved pieces of plastic that fit closely to your eyes to help you see better; contact lens
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  (lenses) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A lens is a thin curved piece of glass or plastic used in things such as cameras, telescopes, and pairs of glasses. You look through a lens in order to make things look larger, smaller, or clearer. ...a camera lens... I packed your sunglasses with the green lenses. N-COUNT 2. In your eye, the lens is the part behind the pupil that focuses light and helps you to see clearly. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. see also contact lens, telephoto lens, wide-angle lens, zoom lens ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: New Latin lent-, ~, from Latin, lentil; from its shape  Date: 1673  1.  a. a piece of transparent material (as glass) that has two opposite regular surfaces either both curved or one curved and the other plane and that is used either singly or combined in an optical instrument for forming an image by focusing rays of light  b. a combination of two or more simple ~es  c. a piece of glass or plastic used (as in safety goggles or sunglasses) to protect the eye  2. a device for directing or focusing radiation other than light (as sound waves, radio microwaves, or electrons)  3. something shaped like a biconvex optical ~ ~ of sandstone  4. a highly transparent biconvex ~-shaped or nearly spherical body in the eye that focuses light rays (as upon the retina) — see eye illustration  5. something that facilitates and influences perception, comprehension, or evaluation viewing the current legal battle…through partisan ~es — New Republic  6. gravitational ~  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1942 to make a motion picture of ; film LENS  geographical name city N France SW of Lille population 35,278 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a piece of a transparent substance with one or (usu.) both sides curved for concentrating or dispersing light-rays esp. in optical instruments. 2 a combination of lenses used in photography. 3 Anat. = crystalline lens. 4 Physics a device for focusing or otherwise modifying the direction of movement of light, sound, electrons, etc. Derivatives lensed adj. lensless adj. Etymology: L lens lentis lentil (from the similarity of shape) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) линза 2) объектив; окуляр; лупа 3) фотографировать 4) линзовая антенна 5) нефт. линзовидная залежь, линза отлагаться в виде линзовидной залежи 6) акустическая линза 7) электронная линза - lens of material - accessory lens - achromatic lens - acoustic lens - acoustic traveling-wave lens - afocal lens - anamorphotic lens - anastigmatic lens - anastigmat lens - antenna lens - antireflection lens - aplanatic lens - aplanat lens - apochromatic lens - apochromat lens - aspheric lens - astigmatic lens - attachment lens - auto-zoom lens - auxiliary lens - bayonet-mount lens - biconcave lens - biconvex lens - bifocal lens - blimped lens - bloomed lens - box-shaped lens - camera lens - catadioptric lens - cine lens - cinematographic taking lens - cine projection lens - circular Fresnel lens - close-up lens - coarse lens - coated lens - collecting lens - collimating lens - collimator lens - color-corrected lens - composite lens - concave lens - concave-convex lens - condenser lens - converging-meniscus lens - convertible lens - convex lens - convexo-concave lens - convex-concave lens - convexo-convex lens - corrected lens - correcting lens - coupling lens - deanamorphic lens - delay lens - demagnification lens - demag lens - dielectric lens - diffusion lens - diopter lens - distortion lens - divergent lens - divergent-meniscus lens - diverging lens - double-concave lens - double-convex lens - double-focus lens - dual lens - dwarf-signal lens - echelon lens - electromagnetic lens - electronic lens - electron lens - electrostatic lens - enlarging lens - equiconcave lens - equiconvex lens - erector lens - expander lens - exposure lens - eyepiece lens - eye lens - fast lens - fiber lens - field lens - fisheye lens - fixed-focus lens - floating-component lens - floating lens - fly's-eye lens - Fourier transform lens - fresh-water lens - Fresnel lens - gas lens - geodesic lens - gradient-index lens -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  линза; лупа; объектив; окуляр ice lens ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) линза 2) объектив – acoustic lens – antenna lens – bipotential electrostatic lens – blue-frosted lens – blue-transparent lens – built-in lens – colorless lens – correction lens – electromagnetic amplifying lens – feed lens – green-frosted lens – green-transparent lens – immersion lens – immersion electrostatic lens – light-emitting diode lens – magnetic lens – microwave lens – object lens – objective lens – red-frosted lens – red-transparent lens – transparent-blue lens – waveguide lens – yellow-frosted lens – yellow-transparent lens – zoom lens ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) антенна-линза 2) линза 3) линзовый 4) лупа 5) объектив 6) окуляр 7) чечевица Billet split lens — фото билинза Бийе correct a lens for aberration — исправлять линзу на аберрацию double convex lens — оптика линза двояковыпуклая head lamp lens — рассеиватель фары lens forms an image — линза дает изображение lens scanning disk — линзовый диск lens turret assembly — турель объектива lens turret head — объективная револьверная головка long focal-length lens — длиннофокусный объектив optical power of a lens — оптическая сила rotationally symmetric lens — осесимметричная линза soft focus lens — мягкорисующий объектив stop down the lens — диафрагмировать объектив zoning of a lens antenna — радио выравнивание фазового фронта линзовой антенны - Bertrand lens - Fresnel lens - accessory lens - achromatic lens - acoustic lens - adapter lens - anamorphotic lens - antenna lens - apochromat lens - astigmatic lens - biconcave lens - biconvex lens - bifocal lens - bipotential lens - catadioptric lens - cathode lens - center of lens - cinematography lens - coated lens - collecting lens - composite lens - concave-convex lens - concavo-convex lens - condenser lens - condensing lens - contact lens - converging lens - convex-concave lens - distortion-free lens - divided lens - doublet lens - drum lens - equipotential lens - fast lens - field lens - flat-concave lens - flat-convex lens - front lens - immersion lens - indecomposable lens - lens aberration - lens adapter - lens antenna - lens aperture - lens barrel - lens cap - lens cement - lens hood - lens is cloudy - lens mount - lens pyrometer - lens space - lens spectrometer - long-focus lens - low-speed lens - meniscus lens -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) линза; линзовый; линзообразный 2) объектив; окуляр ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) лупа; линза 2) хрусталик глаза – crystalline lens – cuticular lens – dissecting lens – immersion lens – oil-immersion lens ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. линза, чечевица, оптическое стекло; объектив; лупа concave lens —- вогнутая линза 2. анат. хрусталик глаза (также crystalline lens) 3. геол. чечевицеобразная залежь ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun; pl. -es  1) линза, чечевица, оптическое стекло; лупа; объектив  2) anat. хрусталик глаза (тж. crystalline lens)  3) geol. чечевицеобразная залежь  2. v. - lens out LENS out mining выклиниваться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  mil. abbr. Large Extension Node Switch mil. abbr. Laser Engineered Net Shaping NASDAQ abbr. Concord Camera Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1693, from L. lens (gen. lentis) "lentil," on analogy of the double-convex shape. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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