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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - late


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~1 adj 1 »AFTER EXPECTED TIME« arriving, happening, or done after the time that was expected, agreed, or arranged  (Sorry I'm late - I overslept. | The train was late. | We apologize for the late departure of flight AZ 709. | Are we too late to get tickets?) + for  (Cheryl overslept and was late for school.) 2 »AFTER USUAL TIME« happening or done after the usual or normal time  (a late breakfast | The harvest was rather late this year.) 3 »NEAR THE END« only before noun near to the end of a period of time  (the late eighteenth century | Paul's in his late forties.) 4 as late as used to express surprise that something considered old-fashioned was still happening so recently  (Capital punishment was still used in Britain as late as the 1950s.) 5 »PAYMENTS ETC« a) paid, given back etc after the agreed date  (There are strict penalties if repayments on the loan are late.) b) be late with to pay something, bring something back etc after the agreed date  (We try never to be late with the rent.) 6 »EVENING« only before noun near the end of the day  (the late movie | We stopped by for a late drink.) 7 her late husband/the late president etc used to talk about someone who has died 8 a late developer a child whose physical size or character develops slowly 9 it's (a little) late in the day used to show disapproval because someone has done something too late for it to be effective  (It's a little late in the day to say you're sorry!) 10 late of formal having lived in a place until fairly recently  (Billy Hicks, late of this parish) ~2 adv 1 after or later than the usual time  (The stores are open late on Thursdays. | Ellen has to work late tonight.) 2 after the arranged or expected time  (The bus came ten minutes late.) 3 near to the end of a period of time or an event  (late in August/the evening/1995)  (The wedding took place late in May.) 4 of late formal recently  (Maureen hasn't been feeling too well of late.) 5 late in life if you do something late in life, you do it at an older age than most people do it 6 better late than never used to say that you are glad someone has done something, or that they should do something, although they are late  (- see also be running late run1 (48))
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  (later, latest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Late means near the end of a day, week, year, or other period of time. It was late in the afternoon... She had to work late at night... His autobiography was written late in life... The case is expected to end late next week... ? early ADV: ADV with cl, ADV prep/n • Late is also an adjective. The talks eventually broke down in late spring... He was in his late 20s. ...the late 1960s. ADJ: ADJ n 2. If it is late, it is near the end of the day or it is past the time that you feel something should have been done. It was very late and the streets were deserted... We’ve got to go now. It’s getting late. ADJ: v-link ADJ • lateness A large crowd had gathered despite the lateness of the hour. N-UNCOUNT 3. Late means after the time that was arranged or expected. Steve arrived late... The talks began some fifteen minutes late... We got up late. ADV: ADV after v, oft amount ADV • Late is also an adjective. His campaign got off to a late start... We were a little late... The train was 40 minutes late... He’s a half hour late. ADJ: oft amount ADJ • lateness He apologised for his lateness. N-UNCOUNT 4. Late means after the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. We went to bed very late... He married late. ADV: ADV after v • Late is also an adjective. They had a late lunch in a cafe... He was a very late developer. ADJ: ADJ n 5. You use late when you are talking about someone who is dead, especially someone who has died recently. ...my late husband. ...the late Mr Parkin. ADJ: det ADJ 6. Someone who is late of a particular place or institution lived or worked there until recently. (FORMAL) ...Cousin Zachary, late of Bellevue Avenue. ...Strobe Talbott, late of Time magazine. ADJ: v-link ADJ of n 7. see also later, latest 8. If you say better late than never when someone has done something, you think they should have...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, ~, slow, from Old English l?t; akin to Old High German laz slow, Old English l?tan to let  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time a ~ spring  (2) of, relating to, or imposed because of tardiness  b. of or relating to an advanced stage in point of time or development the ~ Middle Ages; especially far advanced toward the close of the day or night ~ hours  2.  a. living comparatively recently ; now deceased — used of persons the ~ John Doe and often with reference to a specific relationship or status his ~ wife  b. being something or holding some position or relationship recently but not now the ~ belligerents  c. made, appearing, or happening just previous to the present time especially as the most recent of a succession our ~ quarrel  Synonyms: see dead  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  (~r; ~st)  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. after the usual or proper time got to work ~  b. at or to an advanced point of time  2. not long ago ; recently a writer ~ of Chicago ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 after the due or usual time; occurring or done after the proper time (late for dinner; a late milk delivery). 2 a far on in the day or night or in a specified time or period. b far on in development. 3 flowering or ripening towards the end of the season (late strawberries). 4 (prec. by the or my, his, etc.) no longer alive or having the specified status (my late husband; the late president). 5 of recent date (the late storms). --adv. 1 after the due or usual time (arrived late). 2 far on in time (this happened later on). 3 at or till a late hour. 4 at a late stage of development. 5 formerly but not now (late of the Scillies). Phrases and idioms at the latest as the latest time envisaged (will have done it by six at the latest). late in the day colloq. at a late stage in the proceedings, esp. too late to be useful. late Latin Latin of about AD 200-600. the latest the most recent news, fashion, etc. (have you heard the latest?). Derivatives lateness n. Etymology: OE l{aelig}t (adj.), late (adv.) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) бывший 2) запоздавший 3) недавний 4) поздний 5) поздно 6) последний 7) прежний late binding tree — дерево, связанное в конце late completion of projects — долгострой - late gate - late ignition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  поздний, позднеспелый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. опоздавший, запоздавший; поздний, запоздалый rather late —- довольно поздно, поздновато to be late for school —- опоздать в школу he was an hour late for the train —- он опоздал на поезд на целый час the train is running an hour late —- поезд идет с опозданием в один час the crops are late this year —- урожай в этом году поздний it is too late to go —- теперь уже поздно идти I was late in replyng —- я задержался с ответом don't be late —- не опаздывайте 2. поздний, в конце (какого-л. периода) in late summer —- в конце лета; к концу лета in late autumn —- в конце осени; поздней осенью in late May —- к концу (в последних числах) мая in the late evening —- поздним вечером late Greek —- поздний греческий язык (III - VI века) late Latin —- поздняя (средневековая, народная) латынь the late(r) Middle Ages —- позднее средневековье late Gothic architecture —- архитектура поздней готики late tooth —- зуб мудрости late dinner —- поздний обед, обед вечером 3. недавний, последний the late war —- последняя война of late years —- за (в) последние годы my late illness —- моя недавняя болезнь our late quarrel —- наша недавняя ссора latest news —- последние известия the latest fashions —- новейшие (последние) моды the very late improvements —- самые современные усовершенствования his latest book —- последняя из его книг 4. прежний, бывший the late Government —- прежнее...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.; comp. later, latter; superl. latest, last  1) поздний; запоздалый; I was late (for breakfast) - я опоздал (к завтраку)  2) недавний, последний; my late illness - моя недавняя болезнь - of late years  3) умерший, покойный; - the late president  4) прежний, бывший - a late developer  2. adv.; comp. later; superl. latest, last  1) поздно; to sit late - засидеться; ложиться поздно; I arrived late for the train - я опоздал на поезд; better late than never - лучше поздно, чем никогда  2) недавно, за последнее время (тж. of late) LATE bag почтовый мешок для писем, полученных после установленного срока приема почты ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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