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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - lash


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~1 v 1 »TIE« T always + adv/prep to tie something tightly to something else with a rope, or tie two things together  (lash sth to/onto etc)  (The oars were lashed to the sides of the boat.) 2 »WIND/RAIN ETC« I always + adv/prep, to hit against something with violent force  (The rain lashed her face. | waves lashing the shore) + against/down/across  (The wind lashed violently against the door.) 3 »HIT« to hit someone very hard with a whip, stick etc  (The guards would lash any of the prisoners who fell behind.) 4 »TAIL« if an animal lashes its tail or its tail lashes, it moves it from side to side quickly and strongly, especially because it is angry 5 »CRITICIZE« a word meaning to criticize someone angrily, used especially in newspapers  (Judge lashes drug-dealers.) 6 lash sb into a fury/rage/frenzy etc to deliberately make a group of people have strong violent feelings  (The crowd was being lashed into a frenzy by the speaker.) lash out phr v 1 to suddenly speak angrily to someone + a  (I used to lash out at my children for no reason.) 2 to try to hit someone, with a series of violent, uncontrolled movements  (In its panic, the bear started to lash out.) ~2 n 1 a hit with a whip, especially as a punishment  (They were each given fifty lashes.) 2 usually plural one of the hairs that grow around the edge of your eyes; eyelash 3 a sudden or violent movement like that of a whip  (With a lash of its tail, the lion sprang at its prey.) 4 the thin piece of leather at the end of a whip
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См. в других словарях

  (lashes, lashing, lashed) 1. Your lashes are the hairs that grow on the edge of your upper and lower eyelids. ...sombre grey eyes, with unusually long lashes... Joanna studied him through her lashes. = eyelash N-COUNT: usu pl 2. If you lash two or more things together, you tie one of them firmly to the other. Secure the anchor by lashing it to the rail... The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome... We were worried about the lifeboat which was not lashed down. = tie VERB: V n to n, V pl-n with together, V n with adv, also V n 3. If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently. (WRITTEN) The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America... Suddenly rain lashed against the windows... VERB: V n, V prep/adv 4. If someone lashes you or lashes into you, they speak very angrily to you, criticizing you or saying you have done something wrong. She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him... The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information. VERB: V n, V into n 5. A lash is a thin strip of leather at the end of a whip. N-COUNT 6. A lash is a blow with a whip, especially a blow on someone’s back as a punishment. The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to move violently or suddenly ; dash  2. to thrash or beat violently rain ~ed at the windowpanes  3. to make a verbal attack or retort — usually used with out  transitive verb  1.  a. to whip or fling about violently the big cat ~ed its tail about threateningly  b. to strike or beat with or as if with a whip waves ~ed the shore  2.  a. to assail with stinging words  b. drive, whip ~ed them into a fury with his fiery speech  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a stroke with or as if with a whip  (2) the flexible part of a whip; also whip  b. punishment by whipping  2. a beating, whipping, or driving force  3. a stinging rebuke  4. eye~  5. the clearance or play between adjacent movable mechanical parts  III. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English lasschyn to lace, from Anglo-French lacer, lasser — more at lace  Date: 1624 to bind with or as if with a line  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make a sudden whiplike movement with a limb or flexible instrument. 2 tr. beat with a whip, rope, etc. 3 intr. pour or rush with great force. 4 intr. (foll. by at, against) strike violently. 5 tr. castigate in words. 6 tr. urge on as with a lash. 7 tr. (foll. by down, together, etc.) fasten with a cord, rope, etc. 8 tr. (of rain, wind, etc.) beat forcefully upon. --n. 1 a a sharp blow made by a whip, rope, etc. b (prec. by the) punishment by beating with a whip etc. 2 the flexible end of a whip. 3 (usu. in pl.) an eyelash. Phrases and idioms lash out 1 speak or hit out angrily. 2 spend money extravagantly, be lavish. lash-up a makeshift or improvised structure or arrangement. Derivatives lasher n. lashingly adv. (esp. in senses 4-5 of v.). lashless adj. Etymology: ME: prob. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) связывать; привязывать 2) метод встряхивания изложницы (для повышения плотности слитка) 3) зазор 4) мор. найтов найтовить, принайтовывать - valve lash ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) захлестнуть 2) захлестывать 3) найтовить 4) снайтовать 5) снайтовить 6) стегануть - lash down ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от lighter aboard ship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  to lash the tail — бить хвостом ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. плеть, хлыст, бич 2. удар плетью, хлыстом, бичом he was given twenty lashes —- он получил двадцать ударов плетью 3. (the lash) порка they were sentenced to the lash —- они были приговорены к наказанию плетьми 4. суровая критика, упреки the lash of scandal —- бич злословия to be under the lash —- подвергнуться суровой критике he felt the lash of her tongue —- он по себе знал, какой у нее острый язык 5. ресница 6. прибой the lash of the waves on the rocks —- шум волн, разбивающихся о камни 7. ударять, бить, хлестать to lash a horse with a whip —- стегать хлыстом лошадь to lash smb. across the face —- ударить кого-л. по лицу the waves lashed the shore —- волны ударялись о берег the rain lashed the windows —- дождь хлестал в окна the cat's tail lashed about angrily —- кошка сердито била хвостом 8. бичевать; высмеивать; клеймить; издеваться 9. возбуждать; подхлестывать, подстегивать to lash oneself into a rage —- довести себя до бешенства the speaker lashed his listeners into a fury —- оратор довел своих слушателей до исступления 10. метаться (в гневе, возбуждении) 11. броситься, кинуться; ринуться 12. связывать (также lash up; lash together) 13. мор. найтовить, крыжевать lash up and stow! —- мор. койки вязать и убирать! 14. перевозка груженных барж на судне 15. перевозить груженные баржи на борту судна ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) плеть; бич; ремень (кнута)  2) удар хлыстом, бичом, плетью; - the lash  3) резкий упрек; критика; to be under the lash - подвергнуться резкой критике  4) abbr. of eyelashресница  2. v.  1) хлестать, стегать, ударять; fig. бичевать; высмеивать  2) возбуждать, доводить (до бешенства и т.п.) (to, into); its loo easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words  3) нестись, мчаться; ринуться  4) связывать (обыкн. lash together); привязывать (to, down, on); Lash the two pieces of wood together, to make them stronger - lash at - lash out Syn: see tie LASH at накидываться; Fearlessly, Jim lashed at his attackers, and soon they all lay unconscious on the ground. The opposition speaker made a lively speech, lashing at the government for its recent inaction. LASH out  а) внезапно лягнуть; ударить; наброситься; Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out (at you).  б) разразиться бранью ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Lighter Aboard Ship mil. abbr. Lighter Aboard Ship law abbr. Los Angeles Swat Headset ...
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