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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - grain


Связанные словари


~ n 1 »FOOD« a) the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves b) a single seed of corn, wheat etc 2 »OF WOOD ETC« the grain the natural arrangement of the threads or fibres (3) in wood, flesh, rock, and cloth, or the pattern you see as a result of this  (Cut the wood in the direction of the grain.) 3 a grain of sympathy/truth/doubt etc a small amount of truth etc  (They don't have a grain of common sense between them.) 4 »SMALL PIECE« a single, very small piece of a substance such as sand, salt etc 5 go against the grain if something that you have to do goes against the grain, you do not like doing it, because it is not what you would naturally do  (It went against the grain for her to be so strict) 6 »MEASURE« the smallest measure of weight, used for medicines, equal to .0648 gram  (- see also take sth with a pinch/grain of salt salt1 (3))
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  (grains) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A grain of wheat, rice, or other cereal crop is a seed from it. ...a grain of wheat. ...rice grains. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. Grain is a cereal crop, especially wheat or corn, that has been harvested and is used for food or in trade. ...a bag of grain. ...the best grains. N-MASS 3. A grain of something such as sand or salt is a tiny hard piece of it. ...a grain of sand. N-COUNT • -grained ...coarse-grained salt. COMB in ADJ 4. A grain of a quality is a very small amount of it. There’s more than a grain of truth in that. N-SING: N of n 5. The grain of a piece of wood is the direction of its fibres. You can also refer to the pattern of lines on the surface of the wood as the grain. Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain. N-SING: the N • -grained ...a hard, heavy, straight-grained wood. COMB in ADJ 6. If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles. Privatisation goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, partly from Anglo-French ~ cereal ~, from Latin granum; partly from Anglo-French ~e seed, kermes, from Latin grana, plural of granum — more at corn  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) obsolete a single small hard seed  (2) a seed or fruit of a cereal grass ; caryopsis  b. the seeds or fruits of various food plants including the cereal grasses and in commercial and statutory usage other plants (as the soybean)  c. plants producing ~  2.  a.  (1) a small hard particle or crystal  (2) any of the particles produced in a photographic material by its development; also the size of such ~s in the aggregate  (3) an individual crystal in a metal  b. a minute portion or particle  c. the least amount possible a ~ of truth  3.  a. kermes or a scarlet dye made from it  b. cochineal or a brilliant scarlet dye made from it  c. a fast dye  d. archaic color, tint  4.  a. a granulated surface or appearance  b. the outer or hair side of a skin or hide  5. a unit of weight based on the weight of a ~ of wheat taken as an average of the weight of ~s from the middle of the ear — see weight table  6.  a. the stratification of the wood fibers in a piece of wood  b. a texture due to constituent particles or fibers the ~ of a rock  c. the direction of threads in cloth  7. tactile quality  8.  a. natural disposition ; temper lying goes against my ~  b. a basic or characteristic quality  c. a prevalent ideology or convention teaching against the ~  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 1530  transitive verb  1. in~  2. to form into ~s ; granulate  3. to paint in imitation of the ~ of wood or stone  4. to feed with ~  intransitive verb to become granular ; granulate  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a fruit or seed of a cereal. 2 a (collect.) wheat or any allied grass used as food, corn. b (collect.) their fruit. c any particular species of corn. 3 a a small hard particle of salt, sand, etc. b a discrete particle or crystal, usu. small, in a rock or metal. c a piece of solid propellant for use in a rocket engine. 4 the smallest unit of weight in the troy system (equivalent to 1/480 of an ounce), and in the avoirdupois system (equivalent to 1/437.5 of an ounce). 5 the smallest possible quantity (not a grain of truth in it). 6 a roughness of surface. b Photog. a granular appearance on a photograph or negative. 7 the texture of skin, wood, stone, etc.; the arrangement and size of constituent particles. 8 a a pattern of lines of fibre in wood or paper. b lamination or planes of cleavage in stone, coal, etc. 9 nature, temper, tendency. 10 a hist. kermes or cochineal, or dye made from either of these. b poet. dye; colour. --v. 1 tr. paint in imitation of the grain of wood or marble. 2 tr. give a granular surface to. 3 tr. dye in grain. 4 tr. & intr. form into grains. 5 tr. remove hair from (hides). Phrases and idioms against the grain contrary to one's natural inclination or feeling. grain-leather leather dressed with grain-side out. grain-side the side of a hide on which the hair was. grains of Paradise capsules of a W. African plant (Aframomum melegueta), used as a spice and a drug. in grain thorough, genuine, by nature, downright, indelible. Derivatives grained adj. (also in comb.). grainer n. grainless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L granum ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) зерно; кристалл; гранула; песчинка; крупинка 2) гранулировать; зернить 3) кристаллизоваться 4) текстура 5) (фото)эмульсионное зерно 6) зернистость 7) волокно (древесины) 8) бумажное волокно, бумажная фибра 9) мн. ч. (пивная) дробина 10) мн. ч. барда (в производстве спирта) 11) хлебный злак; зерновая культура 12) гран (единица массы) 13) красить под дерево или мрамор 14) высаливать (мыло) across (against) grain — 1. поперёк волокон 2. поперёк направления отлива бумаги; parallel to grain — вдоль волокон grain of cloth — 1. текстура ткани 2. зернистость поверхности ткани - bread grain - catalyst grain - coarse grain - columnar grain - commercial grain - cross grain - crystal grain - crystallization grain - curly grain - developed grain - emulsion grain - equiaxed grains - false grains - feed grain - ferritic grain - film grain - fine grain - foreign grain - full-value grain - good-sized grain - graded grain - inferior grain - irregular grain - lenticular grain - marketable grain - matrix grain - mellow grain - mill grain - off-grade grain - original austenite grain - other grain - photographic emulsion grain - previously loaded grain - seed grains - silver-halide grain - soap grain - sound grain - straight grain - strain-free grain - well-filled grain - wood grain ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  зерно; частица волокно abrasive grains aggregate grains angular grain cross grains end grain medium grains near-mesh grain ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гранула 2) гранулярность 3) зернистость 4) зернистый 5) зерно 6) зерновой 7) зерносортировочный 8) зерноуборочный 9) злаковой 10) крупинка 11) лицо кожи 12) мерейный 13) мерея 14) пылинка 15) хлеба 16) частица 17) шашка 18) шероховатость at the grain boundaries — по границе зерен boiling of sugar to grain — варка сахара на кристалл case hardening of grain — задуб лица cracking of the grain — ломкость лица fine grain structure — мелкозернистая структура grain long paper — долевая бумага grain screen autotype — корешковая автотипия grain screw conveyer — зерновой шнек grain side of leather — лицевая сторона кожи spring grain crops — яровые хлеба winter grain crops — озимые хлеб - cigarette-burning grain - coarsening of grain - dockage of grain - dull grain - dulling of grain - embossed grain - end-burning grain - equiaxed grain - grain alcohol - grain board - grain body - grain boundary - grain box - grain capacity - grain combine - grain cracks - grain crop - grain damage - grain defects - grain divider - grain effect - grain flow - grain grader - grain grinder - grain leather - grain membrane - grain mill - grain node - grain recovery - grain size - grain strength - grain tank - grain trier - inhibited grain - parallel to grain - perpendicular to grain - refine the grain - rough grain - run grain - seed grain - shattering of grain - smooth grain - with grain - wood grain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) зерно, хлебные злаки 2) хлеб в зернах 3) крупа - bread grain - cash grain - coarse grain - feed grain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) зерно, хлебный злак 2) зёрнышко, гранула, зерно 3) зернистость 4) строение, структура 5) грена (шелкопряда) 6) волокно (древесины) – aleurone grain – black grain of corn – brewers grains – chlorophyll grain – pollen grain – spiked grains – standing grain – starch grain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  exchange хлебная биржа GRAIN grower noun хлебороб GRAIN separator noun  1) зерноочистительная машина, сортировка (машина)  2) amer. молотилка GRAIN tank noun agric. бункер для зерна GRAIN dryer noun agric. зерносушилка GRAIN cleaner noun agric. зерноочиститель GRAIN  1. noun  1) зерно; хлебные злаки  2) крупа  3) pl. барда  4) гран (=0,0648  г)  5) зернышко; крупинка; песчинка; мельчайшая частица not a grain of truth - ни крупицы истины  6) зернистость, грануляция  7) волокно, жилка, фибра, нитка dyed in grain [см. dye  2.  2) ] with the grain - по направлению волокна (бумаги и т.п.)  8) строение, структура  9) природа, характер, склонность - in grain  10) грена, яички шелкопряда  11) obs.; poet. краска a fool (a rogue) in grain - отъявленный дурак (мошенник) to receive/take smth. with a grain of salt - относиться к чему-л. недоверчиво, скептически  2. v.  1) раздроблять  2) придавать зернистую поверхность; красить под дерево или мрамор; наводить мерею (на кожу)  3) очищать (кожу) от шерсти GRAIN binder noun agric. сноповязалка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  mathem. abbr. Graded Random Adaptive Interactive Nonlinear ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1202, from O.Fr. grein, from L. granum "seed" (see corn). Against the grain is from carpentry: cutting across the "fibers" of the wood is more difficult than cutting along them. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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