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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - flash


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~1 v 1 »SHINE« to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or to make something shine in this way  (The lightning flashed. | flash sth into/at/towards)  (Why is that guy flashing his headlights at me? | flash on and off (=shine for a short time and then stop shining))  (Red warning lights flashed on and off.) 2 »MOVE QUICKLY« to move very quickly + by/past/through  (A couple of police cars flashed past, sirens wailing.) 3 »SHOW STH QUICKLY« to show something to someone for only a short time  (He flashed his identification card.) 4 »MEMORIES/IMAGES« if thoughts, images, memories etc flash through your mind, you suddenly think of them or remember them + across/through/into  (The possibility that Frank was lying flashed through my mind.) 5 »TIME« if a period of time flashes by, past etc, it seems to end very quickly + by/pas  (Our vacation seemed to just flash by.) 6 »PICTURES« to be shown quickly on television or on a film + across/onto/past etc  (Images of the war flashed across the screen.) 7 »EYES« if your eyes flash, they seem to be very bright for a moment, especially because of a sudden emotion  (Janet's blue eyes flashed with anger.) 8 »NEWS/INFORMATION« T always + adv/prep to send news or information somewhere quickly by radio, computer, or satellite (1)  (flash sth to/throughout/all over etc)  (News can be flashed all over the world within seconds of it happening.) 9 flash a smile/glance/look etc at sb to smile or look at someone quickly and for a short time 10 »SEX ORGANS« if a man flashes, he shows his sexual organs in public 11 your life flashes before your eyes if your life flashes before your eyes, you suddenly remember many events from your life, especially because you are in great danger and might die flash sth around phr v to show people that you have a lot of money in order to try and make them admire you  (wealthy clients flashing their credit cards around and buying everything in sight) ~2 n 1 »LIGHT« a bright light that shines for a short time and then stops shining  (flashes of lightning in the valley) 2 »CAMERA« a special bright light used when taking photographs indoors or when there is not much light  (Did the flash go off?) 3 in a flash/like a flash/quick as a flash very quickly  (Just wait here. I'll be back in a flash.) 4 flash of brilliance/inspiration/intuition/anger if someone has a flash of brilliance, anger etc, they suddenly have a clever idea or suddenly have a particular feeling  (Her essays show occasional flashes of brilliance.) 5 »BRIGHT COLOUR/STH SHINY« if there is a flash of something brightly coloured or shiny, it appears suddenly for a short time + of  (The bird stood watching for the underwater flash of a turning fish.) 6 »LOOK« BrE humorous a quick look; glimpse2 (1) 7 »SIGNAL« the act of shining a light as a signal  (Two flashes mean danger.) 8 a flash in the pan a sudden success that ends quickly and is unlikely to happen again  (Rival record companies assumed the group would be a flash in the pan.) 9 »MILITARY« a small piece of coloured cloth worn on the shoulder of a military uniform  (- see also newsflash) ~3 adj 1 only before noun happening very quickly or suddenly, and lasting for only a short time  (Flash fires swept through the Los Angeles foothills last night.)  (- see also flash flood) 2 BrE informal looking very new, bright, and expensive-looking  (a big flash car) 3 informal liking to have expensive clothes and possessions so that other people notice you  (Who was that flash geezer we saw you with last night?)
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  (flashes, flashing, flashed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second... The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused... A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If a light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular flashes of light. Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds... He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook... He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror. VERB: V, V n, V-ing 3. You talk about a flash of something when you are saying that it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly. ‘What did Moira tell you?’ Liz demanded with a flash of anger... The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor. = burst N-COUNT: with supp, N of n 4. If something flashes past or by, it moves past you so fast that you cannot see it properly. It was a busy road, cars flashed by every few minutes. VERB: V prep/adv 5. If something flashes through or into your mind, you suddenly think about it. A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry’s mind... VERB: V through/into n 6. If you flash something such as an identity card, you show it to people quickly and then put it away again. (INFORMAL) Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover. VERB: V n 7. If a picture or message flashes up on a screen, or if you flash it onto a screen, it is displayed there briefly or suddenly, and often repeatedly. The figures flash up on the scoreboard... The words ‘Good Luck’ were flashing on the screen... Researchers flash two groups of different letters onto a computer screen... The screen flashes a message: Try again... A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen. VERB: V up, V...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English flaschen, of imitative origin  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. rush, dash — used of flowing water  2. to break forth in or like a sudden flame or flare  3.  a. to appear suddenly an idea ~es into her mind  b. to move with great speed the days ~ by  4.  a. to break forth or out so as to make a sudden display the sun ~ed from behind a cloud  b. to act or speak vehemently and suddenly especially in anger  5.  a. to give off light suddenly or in transient bursts  b. to glow or gleam especially with animation or passion her eyes ~ed with anger  6. to change suddenly or violently into vapor hot water ~ing to steam under reduced pressure  7. to expose one's breasts or genitals usually suddenly and briefly in public  8. to have sudden insight — often used with on  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic splash  b. to fill by a sudden inflow of water  2.  a. to cause the sudden appearance of (light)  b. to cause to burst violently into flame  c.  (1) to cause (light) to reflect  (2) to cause (as a mirror) to reflect light  (3) to cause (a lamp) to ~  d. to convey by means of ~es of light  3.  a. to make known or cause to appear with great speed ~ a message on the screen  b. to display obtrusively and ostentatiously always ~ing a roll of bills  c. to expose to view usually suddenly and briefly ~ed a badge  4. to cover with or form into a thin layer: as  a. to protect against rain by covering with sheet metal or a substitute  b. to coat (as glass) with a thin layer (as of metal or a differently colored glass)  5. to subject (an exposed photographic negative or positive) to a supplementary uniform exposure to light before development in order to modify detail or tone  6. to expose one's breasts or genitals usually suddenly and briefly to ~ed the audience Synonyms:  ~, gleam, glint, sparkle, glitter, glisten, glimmer, shimmer mean to send forth light. ~ implies a sudden and transient outburst of bright light lightning ~ed. gleam...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v., n., & adj. --v. 1 intr. & tr. emit or reflect or cause to emit or reflect light briefly, suddenly, or intermittently; gleam or cause to gleam. 2 intr. break suddenly into flame; give out flame or sparks. 3 tr. send or reflect like a sudden flame or blaze (his eyes flashed fire). 4 intr. a burst suddenly into view or perception (the explanation flashed upon me). b move swiftly (the train flashed through the station). 5 tr. a send (news etc.) by radio, telegraph, etc. (flashed a message to her). b signal to (a person) by shining lights or headlights briefly. 6 tr. colloq. show ostentatiously (flashed her engagement ring). 7 intr. (of water) rush along; rise and flow. 8 intr. sl. indecently expose oneself. --n. 1 a sudden bright light or flame, e.g. of lightning. 2 a very brief time; an instant (all over in a flash). 3 a a brief, sudden burst of feeling (a flash of hope). b a sudden display (of wit, understanding, etc.). 4 = NEWSFLASH. 5 Photog. = FLASHLIGHT 1. 6 a a rush of water, esp. down a weir to take a boat over shallows. b a contrivance for producing this. 7 Brit. Mil. a coloured patch of cloth on a uniform etc. as a distinguishing emblem. 8 vulgar display, ostentation. 9 a bright patch of colour. 10 Cinematog. the momentary exposure of a scene. 11 excess plastic or metal oozing from a mould during moulding. --adj. colloq. 1 gaudy; showy; vulgar (a flash car). 2 counterfeit (flash notes). 3 connected with thieves, the underworld, etc. Phrases and idioms flash-board a board used for sending more water from a mill-dam into a mill-race. flash bulb Photog. a bulb for a flashlight. flash burn a burn caused by sudden intense heat, esp. from a nuclear explosion. flash card a card containing a small amount of information, held up for pupils to see, as an aid to learning. flash-cube Photog. a set of four flash bulbs arranged as a cube and operated in turn. flash-flood a sudden local flood due to heavy rain etc. flash-gun Photog. a device used to operate a camera flashlight. flashing-point = FLASHPOINT. flash in the pan a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) блеск; вспышка; вспыхивание блестеть; вспыхивать 2) попуск (из водохранилища); прилив; наводнение; паводок осуществлять попуск (из водохранилища); заполнять 3) повышение уровня воды (напр. для обеспечения судоходства) подниматься (об уровне воды) 4) ребро (выдавливаемое на поверхности проката) 5) заусенец; облой; грат; всплеск; заливина 6) вскипание; мгновенное (взрывное) испарение 7) тонкий слой 8) потёк 9) резин. выпрессовка 10) след от формы (дефект стеклоизделия) 11) оплавление поверхности (керамики при обжиге) 12) прокаливать катод 13) раздувать (выдувное стеклоизделие) 14) люстрировать (стекло) 15) строит. фартук; гидроизоляция устраивать гидроизоляцию 16) эл. дуговой разряд; искрение, круговой огонь (на коллекторе) 17) засветка (паразитное свечение на экране ЭЛТ); фоновое свечение 18) лампа-вспышка, фотовспышка to flash on — высвечивать - aircraft flash - arc flash - electronic flash - electronic strobe flash - form flash - getter flash - integral flash - light flash - lightning flash - mold flash - news flash - top flash ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вспышка, засветка 2) круговой огонь 3) разряд ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) блеснуть 2) блик 3) бликование 4) бликовать 5) взблеск 6) взблеснуть 7) взвешенный 8) возгорание 9) вспыхивание 10) вспыхивать 11) вспыхнуть 12) вспышечный 13) вспышка 14) грат 15) заливина 16) замелькать 17) заусенец 18) искрить 19) испарительный 20) люстра 21) мгновенный 22) облойник 23) однократный 24) оплавление 25) отжимный 26) равновесный flash photographic printer — компьют. аппарат фотопечатающий - flash ADC - flash column - flash evaporation - flash getter - flash lamp - flash light - flash lining - flash magnetization - flash mold - flash out - flash pasteurizer - flash point - flash roasting - flash smelting - flash tower - flash vaporization - getter flash - green flash - igniting flash - light flash - top flash - trimming of flash - twilight flash ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  проф. флэш-память ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) общ. вспышка; сверкание, блеск 2) общ. миг, короткое мгновение See: flash sales report 3) СМИ, рекл. краткое сообщение 4) тех. короткий кадр 5) рекл., комп. флэш, флэш-анимация (в Интернете: технология анимации изображения с помощью последовательной смены рисованных кадров; в отличие от прочих видов анимации, почти не требует ресурсов для воспроизведения) See: flash banner flash approach 2) 6) бирж. вспышка*, мгновенные цены* (обозначение текущей цены важнейших акций на ленте тикера (или дисплее), когда информация запаздывает более чем на 5 минут от времени заключения сделок) Syn: flash-count 2) FLASH сущ. 1) общ. вспышка; сверкание, блеск 2) общ. миг, мгновение See: "flash sales report 3) СМИ, рекл. краткое сообщение 4) тех. короткий кадр 5) рекл., комп. флеш-анимация (в интернете: технология анимации изображения с помощью последовательной смены рисованных кадров; в отличие от прочих видов анимации, почти не требует ресурсов для воспроизведения) See: "flash banner, "flash approach 6) бирж. "вспышка"*, "мгновенные цены"* (обозначение текущей цены важнейших акций на ленте тикера (или дисплее), когда информация запаздывает более чем на 5 минут от времени заключения сделок) Syn: flash-count See: ticker FLASH сокр. от Feeder LASH ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. вспышка, яркий свет a flash of lightning —- вспышка молнии 2. проблесковый огонь 3. вспышка (чувства); яркое проявление (чувств, настроения и т. п.) a flash of hope —- проблеск (луч) надежды a flash of merriment —- вспышка веселья a flash of wit —- блеск остроумия 4. мгновение, миг in a flash —- мгновенно; в одно мгновение to have smth. for a flash —- обладать чем-л. очень короткое время 5. быстрый взгляд; мимолетная улыбка 6. разг. показной блеск, пышность 7. уст. хвастовство, бахвальство 8. уст. бахвал 9. разг. воровской жаргон, арго 10. смесь перца с жженным сахаром для подкраски спиртных напитков 11. краткое телеграфное сообщение (в газете), "молния" bulletin flash —- сводка о ходе выборов (передаваемая по радио) 12. кин. очень короткий монтажный кадр 13. кин. лит. театр. перерыв последовательного действия; возвращение к прошлому; ретроскопия 14. кин. лит. театр. короткий "обратный кадр"; короткая ретроспективная сцена 15. спец. обратная вспышка 16. сл. непристойное обнажение (мужчины); эксгибиционизм 17. тех. заусенец, облой, грат 18. тех. мгновенное действие; вспышка flash set —- мгновенное схватывание (бетона) 19. атака броском (фехтование) 20. дульное пламя; вспышка (выстрела) 21. воен. эмблема части или...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) вспышка, сверкание a flash of lightning - вспышка молнии  2) вспышка (чувства) - flash of hope  3) очень короткий отрезок времени, мгновение - in a flash  4) coll. внешний, показной блеск  5) coll. воровской жаргон, арго  6) amer. в последнюю минуту, короткая телеграмма в газету (посылаемая до подробного отчета); - bulletin flash  7) cin. короткий кадр (фильма) a flash in the pan - осечка; неудача  2. v.  1) сверкать; вспыхивать; давать отблески, отражать his eyes flashed fire - его глаза метали молнии to flash a look (a glance, ones eyes) at - метнуть взгляд на his old art flashed out occasionally - иногда появлялись проблески его прежнего мастерства  2) быстро промелькнуть, пронестись; замелькать the train flashed past - поезд пронесся мимо  3) осенить, прийти в голову; блеснуть (о догадке) the idea flashed across/into/through my mind, the idea flashed upon me - меня вдруг осенило  4) передавать по телеграфу, radio и т.п. (известия)  5) coll. выставлять себя напоказ, красоваться; бахвалиться (тж. flash about/around) She keeps flashing that diamond around to show everyone that she is going to be married. - flash back - flash out FLASH back возвращаться к прошлому The film flashed back to the earlier scene, so that we understood her reasons. My mind flashed back to last Christmas. FLASH burn noun ожог, вызванный тепловым излучением FLASH card noun карточка с текстом и картинкой (используется...
Англо-русский словарь
  chemis. abbr. Family Life And Sexual Health mathem. abbr. Factual Lines About Submarine Hazards adult abbr. Flovies Lack Any Sexy Humans ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN A FLASH. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., flasken "to dash or splash" (as water), probably imitative. Sense of "sudden burst of light or flame" is 1548, as is the noun. Flashy "showy, cheaply attractive" is first recorded 1690. Flashback is 1916 as a plot device in novels or movies; 1960s as a hallucination. Flasher "male genital exhibitionist" is 1960s, though meat-flasher in this sense was attested in 1890s. Flash in the pan (1809) is from old-style guns, where the powder might ignite in the pan but fail to spark the main charge. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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