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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - fine


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~1 adj 1 »ALL RIGHT« especially spoken a) good enough; all right  ("I could make you some dinner if you like." "It's okay, a sandwich is fine, thanks." | This apartment is fine for two, but it gets very cramped with your mother here. | I'm fine)  ("More coffee?" "No, I'm fine, thanks.") b) healthy  ("How are you?" "Fine, thanks." | "Is your wife better now?" "Oh, she's fine.") 2 »VERY GOOD« of a very high quality or standard  (Many people regard Beethoven's fifth symphony as his finest work. | There is some fine architecture in the old city. | fine bone china | fine wine) 3 »GRAND« usually before a noun grand, expensive, better than others of the same kind  (A tall woman in fine clothes got out of the carriage. | the fine ladies and gentlemen who frequent the elegant restaurants of Paris) 4 »NOT GOOD« informal used when you really think that something is not good or satisfactory at all  ("Now's a fine time to tell me!" he fumed. | That's a fine mess you've got us into!) 5 »WEATHER« not raining, perhaps with the sun shining  (If it's fine tomorrow we'll go out. | It was a fine evening.) 6 »THIN« very thin  (This thread's very fine - it's difficult to see. | a fine coating of dust) 7 »SMALL« a) involving differences, changes, or details that are difficult to understand or notice  (the finer points of policy detail | the fine tuning on the radio | Scientists are now able to measure fine distinctions between levels of sleep depth.) b) in small grains, pieces, or drops  (fine sugar | fine drizzle) 8 »NET« having small holes  (a fine mesh) 9 »IDEAS/SPEECHES« too grand and probably not true or unlikely to have any effect  (It's all very well politicians making fine speeches, but they never get anything done.) 10 a fine/woman/person a good person that you have a lot of respect for  (Your father is a fine man, a real gentleman,) 11 that's/it's fine by me used to say that you agree to something  ("I thought we could go out to eat." "That's fine by me.") 12 fine features someone with fine features has a small and attractively-shaped nose, mouth etc 13 finer feelings/qualities etc feelings, qualities etc such as love, honour, loyalty and kindness 14 a fine figure of a man/woman someone who looks big, strong and physically attractive  (Vellios was a fine figure of a man.) 15 a fine line if you say that there is a fine line between two different things, you mean that there is a point at which one can easily become the other  (There's a fine line between bravery and recklessness.) 16 not to put too fine a point on it often humorous used when you are criticizing something in a plain and direct way  (That's a real yobs' pub - not to put too fine a point on it.) 17 sb's finest hour an occasion when someone is extremely successful and proud of their achievement ~2 interjection used to agree to a suggestion  ("I'll see you at eight then." "Okay. Fine.") ~3 adv 1 spoken in a way that is satisfactory  ("How's it going?" "Fine, thanks." | The technician has been to fix it and it works fine now.) 2 if you cut something fine, you cut it very thin or in very small pieces 3 do fine spoken a) to be good enough or be satisfactory  (We don't need to get her anything expensive - a calendar will do fine.) b) to do something well or in a satisfactory way  ("I can't draw this." "You're doing fine! Don't give up now.") 4 sth will do me/us fine BrE spoken used to say that something is satisfactory or good enough  (Chips'll do me fine, darling.) 5 cut it fine informal to leave yourself only just enough time to do something ~4 v to make someone pay money as a punishment  (fine sb for doing sth)  (She was fined $50 for passing a stopped school bus.) fine sth down BrE to improve something by making it thinner, smaller, or more exact ~5 n money that you have to pay as a punishment  (I got a -40 fine for speeding | heavy fine (=a fine that costs you a lot of money))  (There's a heavy fine for driving drunk. | parking/library fines etc)  (I forgot to return my books on time and paid $3 in library fines.)
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  I. [c red]ADJECTIVE USES (finer, finest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use fine to describe something that you admire and think is very good. There is a fine view of the countryside... This is a fine book. ...London’s finest art deco cinema. ADJ: usu ADJ n • finely They are finely engineered boats. ADV: ADV -ed 2. If you say that you are fine, you mean that you are in good health or reasonably happy. Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes. ADJ: v-link ADJ 3. If you say that something is fine, you mean that it is satisfactory or acceptable. The skiing is fine... Everything was going to be just fine... It’s fine to ask questions as we go along, but it’s better if you wait until we have finished. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ to-inf • Fine is also an adverb. All the instruments are working fine. ADV 4. You say ‘fine’ or ‘that’s fine’ to show that you do not object to an arrangement, action, or situation that has been suggested. If competition is the best way to achieve it, then, fine... If you don’t want to give it to me, that’s fine, I don’t mind... CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 5. Something that is fine is very delicate, narrow, or small. The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms... ? coarse ADJ: usu ADJ n • finely Chop the ingredients finely and mix them together. ? coarsely ADV: ADV with v 6. Fine objects or clothing are of good quality, delicate, and expensive. We waited in our fine clothes... ADJ: usu ADJ n 7. A fine detail or distinction is very delicate, small, or exact. The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail. ADJ: usu ADJ n • finely They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed... ADV: usu ADV -ed, also ADV after v • fineness ...a sense of quality and fineness of detail. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 8. A fine person is someone you consider good, moral, and worth...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French fin, ~, from Latin finis boundary, end  Date: 13th century  1. obsolete end, conclusion  2. a compromise of a fictitious suit used as a form of conveyance of lands  3.  a. a sum imposed as punishment for an offense  b. a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party in a civil action  II. transitive verb  (~d; fining)  Date: 1559 to impose a ~ on ; punish by a ~  III. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English fin, from Anglo-French, from Latin finis, noun, end, limit  Date: 13th century  1.  a. free from impurity  b. of a metal having a stated proportion of pure metal in the composition expressed in parts per thousand a gold coin .9166 ~  2.  a.  (1) very thin in gauge or texture ~ thread  (2) not coarse ~ sand  (3) very small ~ print  (4) keen a knife with a ~ edge  (5) very precise or accurate a ~ adjustment trying to be too ~ with his pitches  b. physically trained or hardened close to the limit of efficiency — used of an athlete or animal  3. delicate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or discrimination a ~ distinction  4. superior in kind, quality, or appearance ; excellent a ~ job a ~ day ~ wines  5.  a. ornate 1 ~ writing  b. marked by or affecting elegance or re~ment ~ manners  6.  a. very well feel ~  b. all right that's ~ with me  7. — used as an intensive the leader, in a ~ frenzy, beheaded one of his wives — Brian Crozier  • ~ness noun  IV. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. ~ly: as  a. very well  b. all right  2. with a very narrow margin of time or space she had not intended to cut her escape so ~ — Melinda Beck et al.  V. verb  (~d; fining)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. purify, clarify ~ and filter wine  2. to make ~r in quality or size  intransitive verb  1. to become pure or clear the ale will ~  2. to become smaller in lines or proportions  VI. noun  Etymology: Italian, from Latin finis end  Date: circa 1798 end — used as a direction...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., n., adv., & v. --adj. 1 of high quality. 2 a excellent; of notable merit (a fine painting). b good, satisfactory (that will be fine). c fortunate (has been a fine thing for him). d well conceived or expressed (a fine saying). 3 a pure, refined. b (of gold or silver) containing a specified proportion of pure metal. 4 of handsome appearance or size; imposing, dignified (fine buildings; a person of fine presence). 5 in good health (I'm fine, thank you). 6 (of weather etc.) bright and clear with sunshine; free from rain. 7 a thin; sharp. b in small particles. c worked in slender thread. d (esp. of print) small. e (of a pen) narrow-pointed. 8 Cricket behind the wicket and near the line of flight of the ball. 9 tritely complimentary; euphemistic (say fine things about a person; call things by fine names). 10 ornate, showy, smart. 11 fastidious, dainty, pretending refinement; (of speech or writing) affectedly ornate. 12 a capable of delicate perception or discrimination. b perceptible only with difficulty (a fine distinction). 13 a delicate, subtle, exquisitely fashioned. b (of feelings) refined, elevated. 14 (of wine or other goods) of a high standard; conforming to a specified grade. --n. 1 fine weather (in rain or fine). 2 (in pl.) very small particles in mining, milling, etc. --adv. 1 finely. 2 colloq. very well (suits me fine). --v. 1 (often foll. by down) a tr. make (beer or wine) clear. b intr. (of liquid) become clear. 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by away, down, off) make or become finer, thinner, or less coarse; dwindle or taper, or cause to do so. Phrases and idioms cut (or run) it fine allow very little margin of time etc. fine arts those appealing to the mind or to the sense of beauty, as poetry, music, and esp. painting, sculpture, and architecture. fine chemicals see CHEMICAL. fine-draw sew together (two pieces of cloth, edges of a tear, parts of a garment) so that the join is imperceptible. fine-drawn 1 extremely thin. 2 subtle. fine print detailed printed information, esp. in legal documents, instructions, etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) высокий 2) высокодисперсный 3) мелкий 4) мелкозернистый 5) мелкопористый 6) очистить 7) очищаться 8) песчаный 9) прекрасный 10) ремиз 11) тонакий 12) тонкий 13) тонкодисперсный 14) тонкозернистый 15) тонкоманенный 16) точный 17) фришевать 18) чистый 19) штраф денежный fine abrasive paper — бумага стеклянная мелкая fine cyclic element — чисто циклический элемент fine grain structure — мелкозернистая структура fine pitch of gear — мелкий модуль шестерни fine roving frame — второй тонкий банкаброш homotopically fine sheaf — гомотопически тонкий пучок locally fine space — локально тонкое пространство - fine adjustment - fine aggregate - fine concentrate - fine control - fine covering - fine etching - fine filter - fine focus - fine fraction - fine fracture - fine grating - fine grinding - fine index - fine line - fine marble - fine mechanics - fine mesh - fine neighborhood - fine partition - fine pitch - fine proximity - fine resolution - fine screening - fine sheaf - fine side - fine space - fine spectrum - fine structure - fine topology - fine uniformity - fine wedge - uniformly fine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  высокой разрешающей способности (напр. о шкале) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  I 1. сущ. штраф, пеня - heavy fine - impose a fine Syn: penalty, penalty fee 2. гл. штрафовать, налагать пеню Syn: penalize II прил. 1) чистый 2) мелкий 3) тонкий 4) высокого качества, первоклассный, высокопробный FINE штраф; налагать штраф – fine for falsely representing a design as registered ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тонкий 2) мелкозернистый; мелкий 3) высококачественный, чистый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. штраф; пеня heavy fine —- большой штраф to impose a fine —- налагать штраф 2. штрафовать, налагать штраф, пеню he was fined half a crown —- его оштрафовали на полкроны 3. уст. конец in fine —- в общем; вкратце, словом; в заключение; в итоге 4. ясный, хороший, сухой (о погоде) a fine day —- погожий день we sleep in the open when it's fine —- в хорошую погоду мы спим на открытом воздухе 5. здоровый, хороший (о воздухе, климате) 6. прекрасный, превосходный; славный fine woman —- превосходная женщина fine apples —- прекрасные яблоки fine singer —- прекрасный певец fine workman —- мастер своего дела fine future —- блестящее будущее a fine specimen —- прекрасный представитель (образец) fine example of Romanesque architecture —- прекрасный образец романской архитектуры to have a fine time —- хорошо провести время that's fine —- хорошо, согласен; ну и отлично 7. тонкий fine thread —- тонкая нить fine linen —- тонкое белье fine skin —- тонкая нежная кожа fine texture —- спец. микроструктура 8. с тонким концом, острый fine pen —- острое перо 9. мелкий fine sand —- мелкий песок fine dust —- тонкая пыль fine rain —- изморось fine gas —- разреженный газ fine sieve —- тонкое сито fine soil —- с-х. мелкокомковатая почва 10. чистый, очищенный, высококачественный fine copper —- чистая медь gold 22 carats fine —- золото 88 пробы fine...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun пеня, штраф  2. v. штрафовать, налагать пеню, штраф (for) The motorist was fined for dangerous driving. II noun - in fine III  1. adj.  1) тонкий, утонченный, изящный; высокий, возвышенный (о чувствах) fine needle - тонкая игла a fine lady! coll.; iron. - что за (или ну  и) барыня! fine point/question - трудный, деликатный вопрос - fine skin - fine distinction - fine intellect  2) хороший; прекрасный, превосходный (часто ирон.) to have a fine time coll. - хорошо провести время a fine friend you are! iron. - хорош друг! fine income - изрядный доход  3) высокого качества; очищенный, рафинированный; высокопробный gold 22 carats fine - золото 88-й пробы  4) точный - fine mechanics  5) ясный, хороший; сухой (о погоде) a fine morning - погожее утро fine air - здоровый воздух one fine day - однажды, в один прекрасный день one of these fine days - в один прекрасный день (о будущем); когда-нибудь  6) блестящий, нарядный  7) острый fine edge - острое лезвие - talk fine  8) мелкий fine sand - мелкий песок  9) густой (о сети и т.п.) - fine arts fine feathers make fine birds prov. одежда красит человека  2. adv.  1) coll. отлично, прекрасно that will suit me fine - это мне как раз подойдет  2) изящно, утонченно to cut it too fine - дать слишком мало (особ. времени) Syn: see exquisite  3. noun хорошая, ясная погода  4. v. делать(ся) прозрачным, очищать(ся) (тж. fine down) - fine away - fine down - fine off FINE...
Англо-русский словарь
  funny abbr. Frustrated Insecure Neurotic And Emotional softw. abbr. Fine Is Not Elm law abbr. Freekin Ignorant Neanderthal Enforcement ...
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