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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - expense


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~ n 1 the amount of money that you have to spend on something  (household/medical/living etc expenses (=the money that you spend for a particular purpose))  (The students share all the household expenses. | go to great expense also go to a lot of expense (=spend a lot of money on something))  (We went to a lot of expense to provide the safety equipment so please take care of it. | spare no expense (=spend as much money as is necessary to get the best or most expensive things))  (Julie's parents had spared no expense for her wedding. | at great/little/no expense)  (We were wined and dined at great expense. | think of the expense (=it's too expensive))  (I'd love to go to the Caribbean but think of the expense!) 2 expenses money that you spend while you are doing your job on things such as travel and food, and which your employer then pays to you  (be on expenses (=if the cost of something is on expenses, the person that you work for pays for it rather than you))  (Come on, have another drink. It's all on expenses, you know. | all expenses paid (=something, especially a holiday or journey that is all paid for by someone else))  (The prize is an all expenses paid trip to Rio.) 3 at sb's expense a) if you do something at someone's expense, they pay for you to do it  (Bill's just been on a computing course, all at the company's expense.) b) if you make jokes at someone's expense, you laugh about them  (Louis kept making jokes at his wife's expense.) 4 at the expense of if something is done at the expense of something else, it is only achieved by harming the other thing  (High production rates are often achieved at the expense of quality of work.)
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  (expenses) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Expense is the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something. He’s bought a specially big TV at vast expense so that everyone can see properly... It was not a fortune but would help to cover household expenses. N-VAR 2. Expenses are amounts of money that you spend while doing something in the course of your work, which will be paid back to you afterwards. (BUSINESS) As a member of the International Olympic Committee her fares and hotel expenses were paid by the IOC... Can you claim this back on expenses? N-PLURAL: oft poss N 3. If you do something at someone’s expense, they provide the money for it. Should architects continue to be trained for five years at public expense?... PHRASE: PHR after v 4. If someone laughs or makes a joke at your expense, they do it to make you seem foolish. I think he’s having fun at our expense. PHRASE: PHR after v 5. If you achieve something at the expense of someone, you do it in a way which might cause them some harm or disadvantage. According to this study, women have made notable gains at the expense of men. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n 6. If you say that someone does something at the expense of another thing, you are expressing concern at the fact that they are not doing the second thing, because the first thing uses all their resources. The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n c darkgreen]disapproval 7. If you go to the expense of doing something, you do something which costs a lot of money. If you go to great expense to do something, you spend a lot of money in order to achieve it. Why go to the expense of buying an electric saw when you can hire one?... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR of -ing, PHR to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French, from Late Latin expensa, from Latin, feminine of expensus, past participle of expendere  Date: 14th century  1. archaic the act or an instance of expending ; expenditure  2.  a. something expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result  b. financial burden or outlay ; cost built the monument at their own ~  c. an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period  3. a cause or occasion of expenditure an estate is a great ~  4. a loss, detriment, or embarrassment that results from some action or gain ; sacrifice everyone had a good laugh at my ~ — usually used in the phrase at the ~ of develop a boy's physique at the ~ of his intelligence — Bertrand Russell  II. transitive verb  (~d; expensing)  Date: circa 1909  1. to charge with ~s  2.  a. to charge to an ~ account  b. to write off as an ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 cost incurred; payment of money. 2 (usu. in pl.) a costs incurred in doing a particular job etc. (will pay your expenses). b an amount paid to reimburse this (offered me {pound}40 per day expenses). 3 a thing that is a cause of much expense (the house is a real expense to run). Phrases and idioms at the expense of so as to cause loss or damage or discredit to. expense account a list of an employee's expenses payable by the employer. Etymology: ME f. AF, alt. of OF espense f. LL expensa (money) spent, past part. of L expendere EXPEND ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  расход (средств, времени) construction expenses termination expenses ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  трата, расход, издержки – expenses of court procedure – expenses of patenting procedure – application expenses – extra expenses EXPENSE сущ. трата, расход - Interest Expense - acquisition expense - additional expense - all-plant expense account - at government expense - business expense - deferred expense - expense item - expense items - medical expense - organization expenses EXPENSE 1. сущ. 1) общ. трата, расход (что-л. (напр., деньги, время и т. п.) потраченное на что-л. (напр., на достижение цели, на покупку и т. д.)) an expense of time and energy on the project — трата времени и энергии на осуществление проекта 2) учет, преим. мн. расходы, издержки (денежные траты при осуществлении экономической деятельности (напр. расходы на производство продукции)) to reduce cut down, bate expenses — снизить расходы to bear expenses — нести расходы to burden with expenses — обременять расходами to charge to expenses — относить на издержки to charge with expenses — взыскивать расходы building expenses — расходы на строительство production expenses — расходы на производство expenses incidental to… — расходы, связанные с... Most advertisers look upon advertising as an expense and not an investment, which is a mistake. — Большинство рекламодателей ошибаются, относясь к рекламе как к издержкам, а не как к инвестициям. Syn: cost, expenditure See: "advertising expenses, bad debt expense, "business expense, "commercial expenses, entertainment expenses, "expense-to-sales ratio, indirect expenses 3) эк. (что-л., требующее...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. расход; трата to go to expense —- тратиться at an expense of over 50,000 dollars —- с затратой свыше 50000 долларов at one's own expense —- за свой счет, на свои средства to go to the expense of smth. —- выделить средства на что-л.; раскошелиться на что-л. to put smb. to expense —- вводить кого-л. в расход "E. no object" —- "за расходами не постою" (в объявлении) 2. расходы, издержки incidental expenses —- непредвиденные расходы running expenses —- эксплуатационные затраты expenses of production —- эк. издержки производства the expenses of the Court shall be borne by the U.N. —- Объединенные Нации несут расходы Суда 3. возмещение расходов to get a salary and expenses —- получить жалованье и возмещение расходов (на деловые нужды) 4. счет, цена at the expense of one's health —- за счет (ценой) своего здоровья at the expense of one's life —- ценою жизни to profit at the expense of another —- получить выгоду за счет другого (в ущерб другому) to laugh at smb.'s expense —- смеяться над кем-л., прохаживаться на чей-л. счет an estate is a great expense —- содержание имения - это большой расход 5. бухг. предъявлять счет (за что-л.); относить за чей-л. счет (покупателя и т. п.) 6. бухг. записывать в счет подотчетных сумм 7. бухг. списывать в расход ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) трата, расход - heavy expenses - cut down expenses - go to expense - put to expense  2) статья расхода  3) цена at the expense of ones life - ценой жизни to profit at the expense of another - получить выгоду за счет другого to laugh at smb. s expense - смеяться над кем-л., выставлять кого-л. на посмешище ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - mid-14c., from O.Fr. espense "money provided for expenses," from L.L. expensa, orig. fem. pp. of L. expendere (see expend). Expensive first recorded 1628 with a sense of "given to profuse expenditure," but by 1634 meaning "costly." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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