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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - draw


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~1 v past tense drew, past participle drawn PICTURE/DESCRIPTION 1 »WITH PENCIL« to make a picture of something with a pencil or pen  (Can I draw your portrait? | I've never been able to draw well. | draw sb sth/draw sth for sb)  (Hans drew her a map showing her how to get there.) 2 »DESCRIBE« to describe something in speech or writing  (the vividly drawn character of Heathcliff) MOVE 3 »MOVE IN ONE DIRECTION« to move steadily in a particular direction  (draw towards/past etc)  (We watched from the deck as their boat drew alongside.) 4 draw near/close to move closer in time or space  (Maria grew anxious as the men drew closer. | Christmas is drawing near.) 5 draw level to move into a position where you are equal to someone else in a race, game, or competition  (Black drew level with the other runners.) 6 »PULL« T always + adv/prep to make someone or something move by pulling them gently  (draw aside/up/across etc)  (Drawing the covers around her, Zoe curled up in bed. | Hussain drew me aside to whisper in my ear.) 7 draw the curtains to open or close the curtains 8 »PULL A VEHICLE« if an animal draws a vehicle, it pulls it along  (a carriage drawn by six horses) 9 »TAKE OUT« T always + adv/prep to take something out of a container, cover etc  (draw sth out/from etc)  (Smedley drew some papers from his pocket.) 10 draw a gun/pistol/sword etc to take a weapon from its container or from your pocket  (Jack drew his knife with a flourish.) 11 draw a tooth/cork/nail to pull a tooth etc out »GET/CAUSE STH« 12 »GET STH IMPORTANT« to get something that you need or that is important from someone or something  (I drew a lot of comfort from her kind words. | Plants draw nourishment from the soil.) 13 »GET A REACTION« to get a particular kind of reaction from someone because of something you have said or done  (draw praise/criticism etc (from))  (Reagan's remarks drew an angry response from the Democrats. | draw fire (from) (=be criticized))  (The new proposals drew fire from all sides for being elitist.) MAKE COMPARISON/JUDGMENT« 14 draw a comparison/analogy etc to compare two things, people, ideas etc  (Do you think we can draw a parallel between the two novels?) 15 draw a distinction/line etc to say that you think two things are different and show why you think so  (We have to draw a line between fantasy and reality.) 16 draw a conclusion/moral etc (from sth) to decide that a particular fact or principle is true after thinking carefully about it  (Now that you've heard the evidence, you can draw your own conclusions.) »MAKE SB NOTICE« 17 draw sb's attention (to sth) to deliberately make someone notice something  (I'd like to draw your attention to the no smoking rule.) 18 draw sb's eye if something draws your eye, it is so interesting that you notice it  (The intentness of his gaze drew all eyes towards him.) »MONEY« 19 »FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT« also draw out to take money from your bank account  (Hughes had drawn $8000 in cash from a bank in Toronto.) 20 »BE PAID« to receive an amount of money regularly from your employer or from the government  (How long have you been drawing unemployment benefit?) 21 draw a cheque (on sth) BrE draw a check (on sth) AmE to write a cheque for taking money out of a bank  (a check drawn on a Swiss bank) »AIR/WATER« 22 »LIQUID« to take water, beer etc from a well or container 23 »INTO YOUR LUNGS« to take air or smoke into your lungs  (draw breath)  (I was having trouble just drawing breath, but Meg ran on up the hill.) 24 »FIRE/CHIMNEY« if a fire or chimney draws, it lets the air flow through to make the fire burn well »BY CHANGE« 25 »PLAYING CARD/TICKET« to choose a card, ticket etc by chance  (I drew the ace of spades.) 26 draw the short straw used to say that someone has been unlucky because they were chosen by chance to do an unpleasant job  (I'm only here because I drew the short straw.) 27 draw lots to decide who will do something by taking pieces of paper etc out of a container  (We drew lots to see who would go first.) 28 be drawn against sb BrE to be chosen by chance to play or compete against someone STOP/END 29 draw to a halt/stop if a vehicle draws to a halt, it slows down and stops 30 draw to a close/end if an event or a period of time draws to a close etc, it ends or finishes 31 draw a line under sth to say that something is completely finished  (The agreement draws a line under the recent rail dispute.) SPORT 32 »GAME« especially BrE to end a game or match without either side winning  (They drew 3-3. | Inter drew with Juventus last night.) 33 draw a bow to bend a bow3 (1) by pulling back the string in order to shoot an arrow3 (1) »OTHER MEANINGS« 34 to attract someone  (Beth felt drawn to this gentle stranger. | draw a crowd)  (The festival is likely to draw huge crowds.) 35 draw the line (at sth) to refuse to do something because you disapprove of it  (I'd really like to help you, but I draw the line at lying.) 36 draw a blank informal to be unsuccessful, especially when you have been trying to find information or the answer to a problem  (Detectives hunting the missing girl have drawn a blank.) 37 »PERSUADE SB« T usually passive to persuade someone to talk about something  (She refused to be drawn on the subject of her divorce.) 38 draw blood to make someone bleed 39 draw breath to find time to have a rest when you are busy  (I didn't have time to draw breath this morning.) 40 draw a veil over sth to deliberately keep something unpleasant or embarrassing from being known  (It might be best to draw a veil over Peter's past for now.) 41 »SHIP« technical if a ship draws a certain depth, it needs that depth of water to float in  (- see also be at daggers drawn dagger (3)) draw back phr v 1 to move yourself away from something  (He drew back in horror when he saw the cuts on her face.) 2 to be afraid or unwilling to do something + from  (The company drew back from making a firm commitment.) draw in phr v 1 if the days or nights draw in, it gets dark earlier in the evening and so there are fewer hours of daylight  (In October the nights start drawing in.) 2 T usually passive to involve someone in something, often when they do not really want to take part  (draw sb in)  (We invited Al along to our meetings but he was wary of getting drawn in.) 3 draw your horns in BrE to spend less money because you have financial problems draw sb into sth phr v to involve someone in something, often when they do not really want to take part  (Homeless children often get drawn into crime.) draw sth off phr v to remove some liquid from a larger supply  (We had to draw off some water from the radiator.) draw on phr v 1 draw on a cigarette/cigar etc to breathe in smoke from a cigarette etc 2 to use money, experiences etc for a particular purpose  (draw on/upon sth)  (It was a challenge but luckily we had the expertise to draw on. | draw on your savings)  (I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.) 3 if a period of time draws on, it comes nearer  (Winter is drawing on.) draw out phr v 1 to make someone feel less nervous and more willing to talk  (draw sb out)  (Try to draw the new boy out a bit if you can.) 2 to make an event last longer than usual  (draw sth out)  (The final questions drew the meeting out for another hour.) 3 if the days draw out, it stays light until later in the evening and so there are more hours of daylight  (It's nice when the days start drawing out again.) draw up phr v 1 »LIST/CONTRACT ETC« to prepare a written document  (draw sth up)  (They drew up a list of candidates.) 2 »VEHICLE« to arrive somewhere and stop  (The taxi drew up at the gate.) 3 draw up a chair to bring a chair closer to someone or something  (Ben drew his chair up to the fireplace.) 4 draw yourself up (to your full height) to stand up very straight because you are angry or determined about something  (Drawing himself up to his full height, he ordered me out of the room.) 5 draw up your knees to bring your legs closer to your body  (I found him rolling on the floor in pain, with his knees drawn up to his chest.) 6 »SOLDIERS« T usually passive to arrange people in a special order  (draw sth up)  (troops drawn up in ranks) ~2 n 1 especially BrE a game that ends with both teams having the same number of points 2 the act of choosing a winning number, ticket etc in a lottery (1)  (Bill picked the winning number on the first draw.) 3 a performer, show, sports team etc that a lot of people are willing to pay to see  (Whitney Houston is always a big draw.) 4 quick/fast on the draw a) able to pull a gun out quickly in order to shoot b) good at reacting quickly and intelligently to difficult questions or in difficult situations  (Amit was very quick on the draw in his interview.)  (- see also the luck of the draw luck1 (15))
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См. в других словарях

  (draws, drawing, drew, drawn) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you draw, or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram. She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub... Draw a rough design for a logo... = sketch VERB: V, V n • drawing I like dancing, singing and drawing. N-UNCOUNT 2. When a vehicle draws somewhere, it moves there smoothly and steadily. Claire had seen the taxi drawing away... VERB: V adv/prep 3. If you draw somewhere, you move there slowly. (WRITTEN) She drew away and did not smile... When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated. VERB: V adv/prep, V adj 4. If you draw something or someone in a particular direction, you move them in that direction, usually by pulling them gently. (WRITTEN) He drew his chair nearer the fire... He put his arm around Caroline’s shoulders and drew her close to him... Wilson drew me aside after an interview. = pull VERB: V n prep, V n adj, V n with adv 5. When you draw a curtain or blind, you pull it across a window, either to cover or to uncover it. After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle... Mother was lying on her bed, with the blinds drawn. VERB: V n, V-ed 6. If someone draws a gun, knife, or other weapon, they pull it out of its container and threaten you with it. He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers. = take out VERB: V n 7. If an animal or vehicle draws something such as a cart, carriage, or another vehicle, it pulls it along. ...a slow-moving tractor, drawing a trailer. VERB: V n 8. If you draw a deep breath, you breathe in deeply once. He paused, drawing a deep breath. VERB: V n 9. If you draw on a cigarette, you breathe the smoke from it into your mouth or lungs. He drew on an American cigarette... Her cheeks hollowed as she drew smoke into her lungs. VERB: V on n, V n into n 10. To draw something such as water or energy from a particular source means to take...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (drew; ~n; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English ~en, dragen, from Old English dragan; akin to Old Norse draga to ~, drag  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance ; pull ~ your chair up by the fire: as  a. to move (as a covering) over or to one side ~ the drapes  b. to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried ~ water from the well drew a gun; also to cause to come out of a container or source ~ water for a bath the nurse drew a blood sample the wound drew blood  2. to cause to go in a certain direction (as by leading) drew him aside  3.  a. to bring by inducement or allure ; attract honey ~s flies  b. to bring in or gather from a specified group or area a college that ~s its students from many states  c. bring on, provoke drew enemy fire  d. to bring out by way of response ; elicit drew cheers from the audience  e. to receive in the course of play the batter drew a walk ~ a foul  4. inhale drew a deep breath  5.  a. to extract the essence from ~ tea  b. eviscerate plucking and ~ing a goose before cooking  c. to derive to one's benefit drew inspiration from the old masters  6. to require (a specified depth) to float in a ship that ~s 12 feet of water  7.  a. accumulate, gain ~ing interest  b. to take (money) from a place of deposit  c. to use in making a cash demand ~ing a check against his account  d. to receive regularly or in due course ~ a salary  8.  a. to take (cards) from a stack or from the dealer  b. to receive or take at random drew a winning number  9. to bend (a bow) by pulling back the string  10. to cause to shrink, contract, or tighten  11.  a. to strike (a ball) so as to impart a backward spin  b. to strike (a golf ball) so that a slight to moderate hook results  12. to leave (a contest) undecided ; tie  13.  a.  (1) to produce a likeness or representation of by making lines on a surface ~ a picture ~ a graph with chalk  (2) to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past drew; past part. drawn) 1 tr. pull or cause to move towards or after one. 2 tr. pull (a thing) up, over, or across. 3 tr. pull (curtains etc.) open or shut. 4 tr. take (a person) aside, esp. to talk to. 5 tr. attract; bring to oneself or to something; take in (drew a deep breath; I felt drawn to her; drew my attention to the matter; draw him into conversation; the match drew large crowds). 6 intr. (foll. by at, on) suck smoke from (a cigarette, pipe, etc.). 7 tr. (also absol.) take out; remove (e.g. a tooth, a gun from a holster, etc.). 8 tr. obtain or take from a source (draw a salary; draw inspiration; drew {pound}100 from my account). 9 tr. trace (a line, mark, furrow, or figure). 10 a tr. produce (a picture) by tracing lines and marks. b tr. represent (a thing) by this means. c absol. make a drawing. 11 tr. (also absol.) finish (a contest or game) with neither side winning. 12 intr. make one's or its way, proceed, move, come (drew near the bridge; draw to a close; the second horse drew level; drew ahead of the field; the time draws near). 13 tr. infer, deduce (a conclusion). 14 tr. a elicit, evoke. b bring about, entail (draw criticism; draw ruin upon oneself). c induce (a person) to reveal facts, feelings, or talent (refused to be drawn). d (foll. by to + infin.) induce (a person) to do something. e Cards cause to be played (drew all the trumps). 15 tr. haul up (water) from a well. 16 tr. bring out (liquid from a vessel or blood from a wound). 17 tr. extract a liquid essence from. 18 intr. (of a chimney or pipe) promote or allow a draught. 19 intr. (of tea) infuse. 20 a tr. obtain by lot (drew the winner). b absol. draw lots. 21 intr. (foll. by on) make a demand on a person, a person's skill, memory, imagination, etc. 22 tr. write out (a bill, cheque, or draft) (drew a cheque on the bank). 23 tr. frame (a document) in due form, compose. 24 tr. formulate or perceive (a comparison or distinction). 25 tr. (of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in. 26 tr. disembowel (hang, draw, and quarter;...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тяга; вытягивание создавать тягу; вытягивать(ся) 2) волочение волочить 3) раскатка; протяжка; вытяжка 4) отбирать; извлекать; вытаскивать; выдёргивать 5) отпускать (сталь) 6) всасывание; втягивание всасывать; втягивать 7) подвижное пролётное строение разводного моста разводить мост 8) выпускать (руду); выдавать (уголь из лавы) 9) мор. иметь осадку 10) чертить; делать эскизы 11) формировать нить или плёнку вытягиванием 12) мн. ч. морщины (на полотне бумаги) 13) цикл кулирования (на котонной машине) 14) распределение нити (на котонной машине) 15) погон, фракция (в производстве спирта) 16) вытяжка; настой; экстракт настаивать; экстрагировать 17) выводить (логическое заключение) 18) получать результат; получать информацию 19) равномерное увлажнение (табака) 20) растяжение мехов (фотоаппарата) to draw a straight line — проводить прямую; to draw back — отпускать (сталь), to draw by sight — чертить на глаз; to draw down — 1. уменьшать поперечное сечение; вытягивать; 2. сносить (цифру при сложении) 3. срабатывать, опорожнять (водохранилище); to draw off — 1. скачивать (удалять) шлак 2. удалять газы; to draw over — перегонять; to draw to scale — вычерчивать в масштабе - bellows draw - longitudinal draw - poor draw ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) тяга вытягивать 2) волочение волочить 3) влечь за собой 4) волочение волочить 5) всасывание, втягивание всасывать; втягивать 6) выводить умозаключение, делать (логический) вывод 7) игра вничью, ничья 8) чертить, рисовать 9) жеребьёвка; жребий тянуть жребий 10) тащить; протягивать 11) горн. осадка, проседание (пород в шахте) 12) балка, промоина 13) горн. проходить горизонтальную выработку game is a draw — игра окончилась вничью draw a deduction — сделать вывод, вывести следствие to draw a distinction — проводить различие to draw a figure — геом. строить фигуру to draw analogy to — проводить аналогию to draw analogy with — проводить аналогию to draw a parallel — проводить параллель to draw away the condensate — откачивать конденсат to draw a check on — выписывать чек на to draw a line — наносить линию (на чертёж) to draw an inference — делать вывод; приходить к заключению to draw a sketch — делать зарисовку to draw at random — выбирать случайным образом to draw beer — наливать пиво из бочки draw freehand — чертить от руки to draw glass — вытягивать стекло to draw in a cable — протаскивать кабель to draw in perspective — вычерчивать в перспективе to draw off overhead product — отбирать дистиллят to draw a straight line — проводить прямую to draw to full scale — вычерчивать в масштабе 1:1; вычерчивать в...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) а) общ. тяга, волочение; вытягивание Syn: pull, strain б) общ. (количество чего-л. вытянутого) 2) общ. затяжка (сигарой, сигаретой и т. п.); курение 3) т. игр жребий, жеребьевка, вытягивание жребия; лотерея 4) общ. выхватывание (револьвера и т. п. для выстрела) He is quick on the draw. — Он сразу хватается за оружие. 5) общ. приманка, соблазн (то, что привлекает, нравится) Free dishes used to be a big draw at the movie theaters. — Многие ходили в кинотеатры ради бесплатных буфетов. 6) СМИ, торг. = "newsstand draw 7) эк. тр. аванс (форма оплаты труда агента, при которой он получает аванс в счет будущих комиссионных; целью этого аванса является предоставление агенту возможности нормально работать до получения первых заработков; иногда погашается постепенно, в течение нескольких месяцев; может списываться по истечении некоторого времени) We offer a monthly draw and commission. — Мы предлагаем ежемесячное комиссионное вознаграждение с выплатой аванса. This position offers salary and commission, draw and commission or commission only compensation plans. — Планы вознаграждения за работу на этой должности предусматривают выплату оклада и комиссионных, сочетание комиссионных c выплатой аванса или чисто комиссионную оплату. The company makes regular payments to an agent...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) молодой побег 2) вытяжка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тяга draw pull —- тех. сила тяги на крюке, тяговое усилие draw test —- тяговое испытание (трактора) 2. вытягивание, вытаскивание; выхватывание to beat to the draw —- обнажить оружие раньше противника; опередить (кого-л.) he was quick on the draw —- он сразу хватался за шпагу 3. ам. затяжка to take a draw at a cigarette —- затянуться сигаретой to have a draw —- ам. закурить 4. разг. то, что нравится, привлекает зрителей; приманка; гвоздь программы the new play proved a great draw —- на новую пьесу народ валом валил; новая пьеса пользовалась большим успехом 5. разг. провокационное замечание, провокационный вопрос this was meant as a draw but he didn't rise to it —- это было провокацией, но он не поддался на нее; его пытались спровоцировать, но он не клюнул на приманку 6. тот, кто пытается спровоцировать собеседника на неосторожное замечание; тот, кто допытывается, выспрашивает 7. тот, кто легко поддается на провокацию; тот, кто проговаривается, болтун 8. жеребьевка that's just the luck of the draw —- в жеребьевке все зависит от везенья; это как повезет 9. лотерея 10. вытянутый жребий; выигрыш 11. молодой побег, особ. побег сладкого картофеля 12. ам. диал. выдвижной ящик комода 13. спорт. игра вничью, ничья the game ended in a draw —- игра закончилась...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  faces корчить рожи DRAW down  а) спускать (штору, занавес)  б) навлекать (гнев, неудовольствие и т.п.) If you go on behaving like that, youll draw down blame on our heads. Dont risk drawing down his anger.  в) втянуть; затянуться (папиросой и т.п.) DRAW bridle натягивать поводья, останавливать лошадь; fig. останавливаться; сдерживаться; сокращать расходы DRAW breath дышать; жить DRAW bead on прицеливаться DRAW back  а) отступать; выходить из дела, предприятия, игры The firm drew back from its agreement and wanted to talk about a new contract. It may already be too late to draw back.  б) отходить назад The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. The mouse drew back in terror as the cat sprang.  в) держаться на расстоянии Mary drew back from other people at the party. DRAW away  а) уводить The crowd cheered as the ship drew slowly away.  б) отвлекать  в) sport оторваться от противника And now the leading horse is drawing away from the rest, putting a greater distance between himself and the nearest runner. DRAW aside отводить в сторону Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the street. The crowd drew aside to let the prisoner pass. DRAW up an inventory произвести инвентаризацию DRAW forth выявлять(ся) Trouble can draw forth a persons best qualities. DRAW a parallel проводить параллель (между чем-либо); Readers familiar with English history find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries. There are significant parallels with 1980s.  2) параллельная линия; in parallel параллельно  3) geogr. параллель  4) electr. параллельное соединение  5) typ....
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. Declutter Read Assess And Write media abbr. Direct Read After Write ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. dragan "to drag, to draw" (class VI strong verb; past tense drog, pp. dragen), from P.Gmc. *draganan "carry." Sense of "make a line or figure" (by "drawing" a pencil across paper) is c.1200. Colloquial sense of "anything that can draw a crowd" is from 1881. Drawback "hindrance, disadvantage" is from 1720. A drawer is a box that can be "drawn" out of a cabinet (c.1580); drawers (1567) are garments that are pulled on. Drawing room (1642) is short for withdrawing room. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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