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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - descend


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~ v 1 formal to move from a higher level to a lower one  (The plane started to descend.) + from  (He descended slowly from the railway carriage. | descend sth)  (Mrs Danvers descended the stairs.)  (- opposite ascend) 2 literary if darkness, night etc descends, it begins to get dark 3 in descending order numbers, choices etc that are in descending order are arranged from the highest or most important to the lowest or least important descend from sth phr v 1 to have developed from something that existed in the past  (These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers.) 2 be descended from sb to be related to someone who lived a long time ago  (My mother claims she is descended from Abraham Lincoln.) descend on/upon sb/sth phr v 1 if a feeling descends on someone, they begin to feel it  (Gloom descended on the office when we heard the news.) 2 informal if a large number of people descend on you, they come to your home  (My in-laws are descending on us this weekend.) descend to sth phr v to behave or speak in an unpleasant way that is not what people expect from you  (descend to (doing) sth)  (I refused to descend to petty personal attacks. | descend to sb's level (=behave or speak in the same unpleasant way as someone else))
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  (descends, descending, descended) 1. If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level. (FORMAL) Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar... She descended one flight of stairs. = go down ? rise, ascend VERB: V prep, V n 2. When a mood or atmosphere descends on a place or on the people there, it affects them by spreading among them. (LITERARY) An uneasy calm descended on the area... = fall VERB: V on/upon/over n, also V 3. If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you. 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money... VERB: V on/upon n 4. When night, dusk, or darkness descends, it starts to get dark. (LITERARY) Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky. = fall VERB: V 5. If you say that someone descends to behaviour which you consider unacceptable, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they do it. We’re not going to descend to such methods... = stoop, sink VERB: V to n/-ing c darkgreen]disapproval 6. When you want to emphasize that the situation that someone is entering is very bad, you can say that they are descending into that situation. He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos. = fall, slide VERB: V into n c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~re, from Latin ~ere, from de- + scandere to climb — more at scan  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to pass from a higher place or level to a lower one ~ed from the platform  2. to pass in discussion from what is logically prior or more comprehensive  3.  a. to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source ; derive ~s from an old merchant family  b. to pass by inheritance a desk that has ~ed in the family  c. to pass by transmission songs ~ed from old ballads  4. to incline, lead, or extend downward the road ~s to the river  5.  a. to swoop or pounce down (as in a sudden attack)  b. to appear suddenly and often disconcertingly as if from above reporters ~ed on the candidate  6. to proceed in a sequence or gradation from higher to lower or from more remote to nearer or more recent  7.  a. to lower oneself in status or dignity ; stoop  b. to worsen and sink in condition or estimation  transitive verb  1. to pass, move, or climb down or down along  2. to extend down along  • ~ible adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. & intr. go or come down (a hill, stairs, etc.). 2 intr. (of a thing) sink, fall (rain descended heavily). 3 intr. slope downwards, lie along a descending slope (fields descended to the beach). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by on) a make a sudden attack. b make an unexpected and usu. unwelcome visit (hope they don't descend on us at the weekend). 5 intr. (usu. foll. by from, to) (of property, qualities, rights, etc.) be passed by inheritance (the house descends from my grandmother; the property descended to me). 6 intr. a sink in rank, quality, etc. b (foll. by to) degrade oneself morally to (an unworthy act) (descend to violence). 7 intr. Mus. (of sound) become lower in pitch. 8 intr. (usu. foll. by to) proceed (in discourse or writing): a in time (to a subsequent event etc.). b from the general (to the particular) (now let's descend to details). 9 tr. go along (a river etc.) to the sea etc. 10 intr. Printing (of a letter) have its tail below the line. Phrases and idioms be descended from have as an ancestor. Derivatives descendent adj. Etymology: ME f. OF descendre f. L descendere (as DE-, scandere climb) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) опускать(ся); спускать(ся); снижать(ся) 2) отклонять(ся) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  гл. 1) спускаться, сходить, снижаться, опускаться 2) происходить 3) переходить, передаваться по наследству 4) прибегать, не гнушаться (to) 5) обрушиваться, нападать DESCEND 1) переходить 2) происходить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) происходить 2) передаваться по наследству 3) снижаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спускаться, сходить to descend from the mountains —- спуститься с гор the sun descended over the hill —- солнце скрылось за горой sleep descended upon his eyes —- сон смежил его веки a feeling of sadness descended upon him —- его охватило чувство грусти 2. спускаться, идти вниз (по чему-л.) to descend a hill —- спуститься с горы 3. снижаться (о самолете и т. п.) to descend in a field —- опуститься на поле (о воздушном шаре и т. п.) 4. опускаться, понижаться (о местности) the road descends —- дорога идет (уходит) под гору 5. понижаться (о тоне, звуке) 6. происходить he is descended —- (редк. he descends) from an ancient family он происходит из старинного рода 7. переходить, передаваться по наследству to descend from father to son —- переходить от отца к сыну 8. переходить (от общего к частному, от прошлого к настоящему и т. п.) to descend to details (particulars) —- переходить к деталям (подробностям) 9. прибегать, обращаться к (недостойным средствам); не гнушаться to descend to falsehood —- не брезговать ложью, не гнушаться лжи to descend to smb.'s level —- опуститься до чьего-л. уровня to descend to doing smth. —- уронить себя каким-л. поступком 10. обрушиваться, налетать, нападать to descend upon the enemy —- обрушиться на врага 11. неожиданно навещать, приезжать без предупреждения; бывать наездами to descend upon one's friends —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) спускаться, сходить to descend a hill - спуститься с холма  2) опускаться, снижаться  3) происходить to descend from a peasant family - происходить из крестьянской семьи  4) передаваться по наследству, переходить (from; to) to descend from father to son - переходить от отца к сыну  5) пасть; опуститься (морально); унизиться (to - до чего-л.) If a prisoner is badly treated he may descend to violence. Im surprised that you would descend to lying.  6) обрушиться; налететь, нагрянуть (upon) Thieves descended on the travellers while they slept.  7) переходить (от прошлого к настоящему, от общего к частному и т.п.)  8) astr. склоняться к горизонту Syn: decline, drop, fall, sink Ant: climb, increase, lift, soar ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 13c., from O.Fr. descendre, from L. descendere, from de- "down" + scandere "to climb," from PIE base *skand- "jump." Sense of "originate" is c.1375. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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