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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - dance


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~1 n 1 an act of dancing  (have a dance)  (Let's have one more dance before we go home. | do a dance (=move as if you are dancing))  (When Claire heard the news she did a little dance of excitement.) 2 a particular set of movements performed to music  (The waltz is an easy dance to learn.) 3 a social meeting or party for dancing  (Are you going to the dance this weekend?) 4 a piece of music which you can dance to  (The band was playing a slow dance.) 5 the activity or art of dancing  (a course in dance and movement)  (- see also song and dance about song (4), lead sb a dance lead1 (17)) ~2 v 1 to move your feet and body in a way that matches the style and speed of music  (She danced with me until 3am at a bar downtown.) 2 dance a waltz/rumba/tango etc to do a particular type of dance 3 to move up, down, and around quickly in a way that looks like dancing  (Moths danced around the porch light.) 4 T always + adv/prep to make someone or something move as if they were dancing  (She danced the baby up and down on her knee.) 5 dance attendance on to do everything possible in order to please someone  (a movie star with several young men dancing attendance on her) 6 dance to sb's tune to do what someone wants you to do in a way that shows complete obedience  (They control all the funding so we have to dance to their tune.) - dancing n  (her love of dancing)
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  (dances, dancing, danced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way which follows a rhythm, usually in time to music. Polly had never learned to dance... I like to dance to the music on the radio. VERB: V, V to n 2. A dance is a particular series of graceful movements of your body and feet, which you usually do in time to music. Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly colored scarves... She describes the tango as a very sexy dance. N-COUNT 3. When you dance with someone, the two of you take part in a dance together, as partners. You can also say that two people dance. It’s a terrible thing when nobody wants to dance with you... Shall we dance?... He asked her to dance. V-RECIP: V with n, pl-n V, V (non-recip) • Dance is also a noun. Come and have a dance with me. N-COUNT 4. A dance is a social event where people dance with each other. ...the school dance. N-COUNT 5. Dance is the activity of performing dances, as a public entertainment or an art form. She loves dance, drama and music... ...dance classes. N-UNCOUNT 6. If you dance a particular kind of dance, you do it or perform it. Then we put the music on, and we all danced the Charleston... VERB: V n 7. If you dance somewhere, you move there lightly and quickly, usually because you are happy or excited. (LITERARY) He danced off down the road... VERB: V adv/prep 8. If you say that something dances, you mean that it moves about, or seems to move about, lightly and quickly. (LITERARY) Light danced on the surface of the water... VERB: V adv/prep 9. to dance to someone’s tune: see tune to make a song and dance about: see song and dance ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; dancing)  Etymology: Middle English dauncen, from Anglo-French ~r  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to engage in or perform a ~  2. to move or seem to move up and down or about in a quick or lively manner  transitive verb  1. to perform or take part in as a ~r  2. to cause to ~  3. to bring into a specified condition by dancing  • ~able adjective  • ~r noun  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 14th century  1. an act or instance of dancing  2. a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music  3. a social gathering for dancing  4. a piece of music by which dancing may be guided  5. the art of dancing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. move about rhythmically alone or with a partner or in a set, usu. in fixed steps or sequences to music, for pleasure or as entertainment. 2 intr. move in a lively way; skip or jump about. 3 tr. a perform (a specified dance or form of dancing). b perform (a specified role) in a ballet etc. 4 intr. move up and down (on water, in the field of vision, etc.). 5 tr. move (esp. a child) up and down; dandle. --n. 1 a a piece of dancing; a sequence of steps in dancing. b a special form of this. 2 a single round or turn of a dance. 3 a social gathering for dancing, a ball. 4 a piece of music for dancing to or in a dance rhythm. 5 a dancing or lively motion. Phrases and idioms dance attendance on follow or wait on (a person) obsequiously. dance of death a medieval dance in which a personified Death is represented as leading all to the grave. dance to a person's tune accede obsequiously to a person's demands and wishes. lead a person a dance (or merry dance) Brit. cause a person much trouble in following a course one has instigated. Derivatives danceable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF dance, danse (n.), dancer, danser (v.), f. Rmc, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  танец – round dance – waggle dance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. танец; пляска barn dance —- шотландский танец round dance —- вальс a stage dance —- сценический танец sword dance —- танец с саблями dance program —- программа танцев dance step —- па в танце 2. танцевальная музыка to compose dances —- сочинять танцевальную музыку 3. бал, танцевальный вечер to give a dance —- устроить танцевальный вечер 4. тур, танец may I have the next dance with you? —- позвольте пригласить вас на следующий танец 5. ист. действия, линия поведения; игра Id: St. Vitus's dance —- мед. пляска святого Витта Id: D. of death, dance of Macabre —- пляска смерти Id: dance upon nothing —- казнь через повешение; виселица Id: to begin the dance —- играть главную роль; брать на себя инициативу; быть заводилой Id: to lead smb. —- а (pretty) dance водить кого-л. за нос; мучить, манежить кого-л.; бесцельно таскать кого-л. за собой 6. танцевать; плясать; отплясывать to dance to music —- танцевать под музыку to dance off one's head —- танцевать до потери сознания to dance a waltz —- танцевать вальс 7. заставлять танцевать, плясать to dance a bear —- заставить медведя плясать to dance smb. off his legs —- замучить своего партнера танцами, "затанцевать" кого-л. 8. плясать, прыгать, скакать to dance for joy —- плясать от радости to dance with rage —- метаться от ярости 9. двигаться, кружиться, виться to dance on the waves —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) танец  2) тур (в танцах)  3) бал, танцевальный вечер  4) музыка для танцев to lead smb. a (pretty) dance - водить кого-л. за нос, заставить кого-л. помучиться - St. Vituss dance  2. v.  1) танцевать, плясать  2) прыгать, скакать; - dance for joy  3) кружиться (о листьях); двигаться (о тени); скользить (о лучах); качаться (о лодке)  4) качать (ребенка) to dance attendance upon smb. - ходить перед кем-л. на задних лапках to dance to smb. s tune/whistle/piping - плясать под чью-л. дудку to dance to another/a different tune - запеть другое to dance upon nothing iron. - быть повешенным DANCE for joy плясать от радости DANCE macabre танец смерти ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: SONG AND DANCE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. dancier, perhaps from Frankish. A word of uncertain origin but which, through French influence in arts and society, has become the primary word for this activity from Spain to Russia. Replaced O.E. sealtian. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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