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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - cut


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~1 v past tense and past participle cut present participle cutting 1 »DIVIDE WITH KNIFE ETC« to divide something into two or more pieces using a sharp tool such as a knife  (Do you want me to cut the cake? | The thieves had cut the phone wires. | cut sth in half/in two)  (cut the orange in half | cut sth into quarters/pieces/four)  (Cut each one into about 6 pieces.) 2 »REMOVE A PIECE OF« to use a knife to remove a piece from the main part of something  (cut sth)  (I cut another slice of bread. | cut sb sth)  (Cut me a big slice of that lemon cake, will you?) 3 »MAKE A SHAPE« to make something into a particular shape by using a sharp tool such as a knife  (cut sth into chunks/rings etc)  (Cut the carrots into small cubes.) 4 »MAKE A HOLE« to make a hole in the surface of something, or to open it by using a sharp tool such as a knife + into/through etc  (a knife that will cut through glass) cut a hole in sth  (Firefighters had to cut a hole in the car roof. | cut sth open)  (Ben cut the sack open in a great hurry to see what was inside.) 5 »GRASS/HAIR ETC« to make something shorter with a knife, scissors etc in order to improve its appearance  (cut the lawn/the grass/the hedge)  (I think I'll cut the grass this afternoon if it doesn't rain. | have/get your hair cut (=pay someone to cut your hair))  (Where do you have your hair cut?) 6 cut sb free/loose to allow someone to escape by using a knife to cut the rope that they are tied by 7 »CROPS« to take the top part off crops such as wheat before gathering them  (cutting corn) 8 »WOUND« to injure yourself when a sharp object or surface breaks open your skin so that you start bleeding  (cut your finger/knee/hand etc)  (Be careful not to cut your fingers with that knife - it's very sharp. | cut yourself (on sth))  (I cut myself quite badly on a piece of glass. | cut sth open (=injure part of your body by cutting it on something))  (He fell and cut his head open.) 9 »REDUCE PRICES/TIME/MONEY ETC« to reduce something a lot, especially prices, time, or money  (A secure home will cut the risk of burglary. | cut sth by a quarter/25% etc)  (Marston's is to cut its workforce by 20%. | cut sth off/from/to etc)  (The new direct service will cut 2 hours off the flying time between London and Seoul.) 10 »FILM/SPEECH« a) to reduce the length of a film, speech etc  (The original version was cut by more than 30 minutes.) b) to remove part of a film, speech, or piece of writing, for example because it might offend people c) to put the parts of a film together so that they make a continuous story and get rid of the parts you do not want d) Cut! spoken said by the director of a film to tell everyone to stop acting, stop filming etc 11 »DIVIDE AN AREA« to divide an area into two or more parts  (cut sth in/into)  (The river cuts the valley in two.) 12 »PLAYING CARDS« to divide a pack of cards into two 13 »MUSIC/RECORD« if a musician cuts a record, they make a record of their music 14 »LINE« if a line cuts another line, they cross each other at a particular point 15 »TOOTH« if a baby cuts a tooth, the tooth starts to grow 16 cut your teeth on sth to get your first experience of doing something by practising on something simple 17 cut in line AmE to unfairly go in front of other people who are waiting to buy or do something; jump the queue BrE jump1 (17) 18 cut class AmE informal to deliberately not go to a class that you should go to  (I cut class to go hang out in the bar.) 19 cut corners to do something in a way that is not perfect, in order to save time, effort, or money 20 cut sth short to stop doing something earlier than was planned  (She had to cut short her vacation when she heard that her mother was ill.) 21 cut sb short to stop someone from finishing what they wanted to say  (I tried to explain, but he cut me short.) 22 cut the crap spoken an impolite way of telling someone to deal only with the most important things without wasting time on unimportant details  (I wish they'd cut the crap and get on with this meeting!) 23 cut sb dead to deliberately ignore someone when you meet them  (I saw Ian in town but he just cut me dead!) 24 cut sb to the quick to upset someone very much by saying something cruel 25 cut the ground from under sb's feet to make someone or their ideas seem less impressive by having better ideas yourself, doing something before they do etc 26 cut your own throat to behave in a way that will harm you, especially because you are proud or angry  (He'd just be cutting his own throat if he left now.) 27 cut a fine figure/cut an odd figure etc literary to have an impressive, strange, etc appearance  (Steve cut an odd figure in his cloak and Spanish riding hat.) 28 it cuts both ways informal used to say that something has advantages but also disadvantages 29 cut the cord to stop depending on someone, especially your parents 30 cut and run informal to leave a situation suddenly when it becomes too difficult, especially when you should have stayed  (Don't worry. He won't cut and run.) 31 cut your losses to stop trying to do something that is already failing in order to prevent the situation becoming even worse 32 not cut the mustard AmE informal to not be good enough  (Lawrence tries really hard but his work just doesn't cut the mustard.) 33 »ILLEGAL DRUG« T usually passive to mix an illegal drug such as heroin with some other substance 34 cut your coat according to your cloth to spend only as much money as you can afford 35 cut no ice/not cut much ice if something cuts no ice with someone, it will not persuade them to change their mind  (I don't expect anything I say will cut much ice with him.)  (- see also cut a long story short story (12), cut a swathe through swathe1 (4), cut it fine fine3 (5)) cut across phr v 1 to go across an area of land instead of going around it, in order to save time  (Come on, if we cut across the field we'll get there before Frank.) 2 if a problem or feeling cuts across different groups of people, they are all affected by it  (The drug problem cuts across all social classes.) cut sth away phr v to remove the unwanted or unnecessary parts from something  (Cut away all the dead wood.) cut back phr v 1 T cut back something) to reduce the numbers of something, or the time or money that is spent on something, especially because you do not have enough money  (Defence spending is to be cut back.) + on  (Many schools are cutting back on staff at the moment.) 2 T cut something back) to remove the top part of a plant in order to help it to grow  (I must cut that holly bush back a bit.)  (- see also cutback) cut down phr v 1 »REDUCE« to reduce the amount of something that you eat, buy, use etc  (You smoke too much - you should try to cut down. | cut sth down)  (The coal industry was cut down to half its former size.) + on  (My doctor's told me to cut down on carbohydrates.) 2 »TREE« T cut something down) to cut through the trunk of a tree so that it falls on the ground 3 »KILL/INJURE« literary T cut someone down) to kill or injure someone with a sword or gun  (Our men were cut down by a hail of machine-gun fire.) 4 »MAKE SHORTER« T cut something down) to reduce the length of something such as a piece of writing  (The essay's too long - it needs cutting down a little.) 5 cut sb down to size to make someone realize that they are not as important, successful etc as they think they are cut in phr v 1 to interrupt someone who is speaking by saying something + on  (I wish Marie would stop cutting in on our conversation all the time.) 2 to suddenly drive into the space between two moving cars in a dangerous way  (This idiot cut in right in front of me.) 3 if a part of a machine cuts in, it starts to operate when it is needed  (The safety device cuts in automatically when needed.) 4 cut sb in on informal to allow someone to take part in a secret plan to make money  (Come on, Joey, you said you were going to cut me in on this one!) cut off phr v 1 »PRICE OF STH« T cut something off) to separate something by cutting it from the main part  (She cut off a big piece of meat. | One of his fingers was cut off in the accident.) 2 »STOP THE SUPPLY« T cut something off) to stop the supply of something such as electricity, gas, water etc  (The electricity company are threatening to cut us off. | The US has cut off aid to Cambodia.) 3 get cut off to suddenly not be able to hear someone that you were speaking to on the telephone  (I don't know what happened - we just got cut off.) 4 »PLACE/PEOPLE« T cut someone/something off) to surround a place so that the people there are completely separated from other places or people  (In winter the town is often cut off by snow. | They were cut off by the Russian army and forced to surrender.) 5 »STOP BEING FRIENDLY« T cut someone off) to stop having a friendly relationship with someone  (Julia had been completely cut off by all her family and friends. | cut yourself off (from) (=avoid people))  (After his wife died he cut himself off completely from the rest of the world.) 6 »MONEY/PROPERTY« T cut someone off) to take away someone's right to receive your money or property, especially when you die  (cut sb off without a penny)  (My parents have threatened to cut me off without a penny if I marry him.) 7 »STOP SB TALKING« T cut someone off) to prevent someone from finishing what they are saying  (She cut me off in mid sentence.) 8 be cut off a) if a place is cut off, it is difficult to get to and is a long way from any other place  (The village is so cut off from civilization that it receives almost no visitors.) b) if someone is cut off they are lonely because they are not able to meet people + from  (Mothers with very young children often feel cut off from the rest of the community.) 9 cut off your nose to spite your face to do something because you are angry even though it will harm you cut out phr v 1 »REMOVE STH« T cut something out) to remove something by cutting  (I cut the advertisement out of the newspaper. | The surgeon cut out the tumour.) 2 »MAKE STH INTO A SHAPE« T cut something out) to cut a piece of paper, cloth etc so that it becomes a particular shape  (The children were cutting out squares from the scraps of material.) 3 »PIECE OF WRITING/NEWS REPORT ETC« T cut something out) to take out part of a piece of writing, a news report etc, especially because it might offend people 4 »STOP DOING STH« T cut something out) to stop doing or eating something, especially because it is harmful to you  (If you cut out the drink you'd feel much healthier.) 5 cut it/that out spoken used to tell someone to stop doing something because it is annoying you  (Hey, you guys, cut it out - Mom's trying to get some sleep.) 6 »STOP SB FROM DOING STH« T cut someone out) to stop someone from doing something or taking part in something  (Todd's injuries cut him out of being selected for the team.) 7 »MOTOR« if a motor cuts out, it suddenly stops working  (The engine cut out halfway across the lake.) 8 »STOP STH BEING SEEN« to prevent light from reaching somewhere, or prevent a particular view from being seen  (The tinted windows help cut out the glare from the sun.) 9 cut sb out of your will to remove someone's name from the list of people who will receive your money or property when you die 10 be cut out for/cut out to be (usually in questions and negatives) to have the qualities that you need for a particular job or activity  (In the end I decided I wasn't cut out for the army. | Are you sure you're really cut out to be a teacher?)  (- see also have your work cut out work2 (14)) cut up phr v 1 T cut something up) to cut something into small pieces  (His mother has to cut up all his food for him.) 2 AmE informal if a class cuts up, the students in it behave badly 3 be badly cut up to have a lot of injuries because you have been in an accident or fight 4 cut up (about sth) informal very upset because something bad has happened to you  (She still seems very cut up about it.) 5 cut up rough BrE informal to react in an angry or violent way ~2 n 1 »WOUND« a wound that is caused when something sharp cuts your skin  (The driver escaped with a few cuts and bruises.) 2 »HOLE/MARK« a hole in something, or a mark in the surface of something, made by something sharp  (The kitchen counter is covered with cuts.) 3 »REDUCTION« (often plural a planned reduction in the size or amount of something  (job cuts/wage cuts/tax cuts etc)  (A shorter working week will mean pay cuts for millions of workers.) + in  (a massive cut in public spending) 4 »HAIR« usually singular) a) the act of cutting someone's hair  (How much do they charge for a cut and blow-dry?) b) the style in which your hair has been cut 5 clothes usually singular) the style in which your clothes have been made  (From the cut of his suit, I'd say he was pretty wealthy.) 6 »MONEY« informal someone's share of something, especially money  (Investigators found that her cut of the profits amounted to more than 25%.) 7 make a cut to remove part of a speech, piece of writing etc  (The censors made several cuts.) 8 »FILM« the process of putting together the different parts of a film and removing the parts that will not be shown  (Spielberg himself oversaw the final cut.) 9 the cut and thrust of the violent or unpleasant way in which a particular activity is done  (the cut and thrust of international politics) 10 be a cut above to be much better than someone else or something else  (a cut above the rest)  (Just because she went to a private school, Jayne seems to think she's a cut above the rest of us.) 11 »MEAT« a piece of meat that has been cut so that you can cook it  (cuts of fresh lamb) 12 »ROAD« AmE a road that has been made through a hill  (- see also power cut)
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  (cuts, cutting) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'cut' is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. 1. If you cut something, you use a knife or a similar tool to divide it into pieces, or to mark it or damage it. If you cut a shape or a hole in something, you make the shape or hole by using a knife or similar tool. Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon... The thieves cut a hole in the fence... Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake... You can hear the saw as it cuts through the bones. ...thinly cut cucumber sandwiches. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv, V n n, V through n, V-ed • Cut is also a noun. The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea. N-COUNT 2. If you cut yourself or cut a part of your body, you accidentally injure yourself on a sharp object so that you bleed. Johnson cut himself shaving... I started to cry because I cut my finger... Blood from his cut lip trickled over his chin. VERB: V pron-refl, V n, V-ed • Cut is also a noun. He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow. ...cuts and bruises. N-COUNT 3. If you cut something such as grass, your hair, or your fingernails, you shorten them using scissors or another tool. The most recent tenants hadn’t even cut the grass... You’ve had your hair cut, it looks great... She had dark red hair, cut short. VERB: V n, have n V-ed, V-ed • Cut is also a noun. Prices vary from salon to salon, starting at ?17 for a cut and blow-dry. N-SING 4. The way that clothes are cut is the way they are designed and made. ...badly cut blue suits. VERB: usu passive, V-ed 5. If you cut across or through a place, you go through it because it is the shortest route to another place. He decided to cut across the Heath, through Greenwich Park. VERB: V across/through n see also short cut 6. If you cut something, you reduce it. The first priority is to cut costs... The UN force is to be cut by...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English ~ten  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument  b. to hurt the feelings of  c. to strike sharply with a ~ting effect  d. to strike (a ball) with a glancing blow that imparts a reverse spin  e. to experience the growth of (a tooth) through the gum  2.  a. trim, pare ~ one's nails  b. to shorten by omissions ~ the manuscript  c. dilute, adulterate ~ the whiskey with water  d. to reduce in amount ~ costs  3.  a. mow, reap ~ hay  b.  (1) to divide into parts with an edged tool ~ bread  (2) fell, hew  c.  (1) to separate or discharge from an organization ~ them from the team  (2) to single out and isolate ~ a calf out from the herd  d. to turn (as a steering wheel) sharply the driver ~ the wheel hard  e. to go or pass around or about ; bypass ~ the checkout line  4.  a. to divide into segments ~ the cake  b. intersect, cross one line ~ting another  c. break, interrupt ~ our supply lines  d.  (1) to divide (a deck of cards) into two portions  (2) to draw (a card) from the deck  e. to divide into shares ; split  f. analyze, break down any way you ~ it, we won  5.  a. to make by or as if by ~ting: as  (1) carve ~ stone  (2) to shape by grinding ~ a diamond  (3) engrave  (4) to shear or hollow out ~ a groove  b.  (1) to sing, play, or act for the recording of ~ an album ~ a commercial  (2) to sing or play (as a song or a track) for a studio recording  c. to type on a stencil  d. edit 1b ~ a motion picture  6.  a. stop, cease ~ the nonsense  b. to refuse to recognize (an acquaintance) they ~ her dead at the party  c. to absent oneself from (as a class)  d. to stop (a motor) by opening a switch  e. to stop the filming of (a motion-picture scene)  7.  a. to engage in (a frolicsome or mischievous action) on summer nights strange capers are ~ under the thin guise of a Christian festival — D. C. Peattie  b. to give the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (also absol.) penetrate or wound with a sharp-edged instrument (cut his finger; the knife won't cut). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by into) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (cut the bread; cut the cloth into metre lengths). 3 tr. a trim or reduce the length of (hair, a hedge, etc.) by cutting. b detach all or the significant part of (flowers, corn, etc.) by cutting. 4 tr. (foll. by loose, open, etc.) make loose, open, etc. by cutting. 5 tr. (esp. as cutting adj.) cause sharp physical or mental pain to (a cutting remark; a cutting wind; was cut to the quick). 6 tr. (often foll. by down) a reduce (wages, prices, time, etc.). b reduce or cease (services etc.). 7 tr. a shape or fashion (a coat, gem, key, record, etc.) by cutting. b make (a path, tunnel, etc.) by removing material. 8 tr. perform, execute, make (cut a caper; cut a sorry figure). 9 tr. (also absol.) cross, intersect (the line cuts the circle at two points; the two lines cut). 10 intr. (foll. by across, through, etc.) pass or traverse, esp. in a hurry or as a shorter way (cut across the grass). 11 tr. a ignore or refuse to recognize (a person). b renounce (a connection). 12 tr. esp. US deliberately fail to attend (a class etc.). 13 Cards a tr. divide (a pack) into two parts. b intr. select a dealer etc. by dividing the pack. 14 Cinematog. a tr. edit (a film or tape). b intr. (often in imper.) stop filming or recording. c intr. (foll. by to) go quickly to (another shot). 15 tr. switch off (an engine etc.). 16 tr. a hit (a ball) with a chopping motion. b Golf slice (the ball). 17 tr. US dilute, adulterate. 18 tr. (as cut adj.) Brit. sl. drunk. 19 intr. Cricket (of the ball) turn sharply on pitching. 20 intr. sl. run. 21 tr. castrate. --n. 1 an act of cutting. 2 a division or wound made by cutting. 3 a stroke with a knife, sword, whip, etc. 4 a a reduction (in prices, wages, etc.). b a cessation (of a power supply etc.). 5 an excision of part of a play, film, book, etc. 6 a wounding remark or act. 7 the way...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от circuit under test проверяемая схема CUT 1) горн. вруб делать вруб 2) горн. заходка 3) мн. ч. горн. зарубной штыб; кусочки породы 4) рез; раскрой; распил резать; пилить; тесать 5) рубка, валка (леса) рубить, валить (лес) 6) надрез надрезать, делать надрез 7) срез делать срез 8) хим. фракция, погон разделять на фракции, фракционировать 9) выемка; котлован; канал; канава; траншея; кювет устраивать выемку; рыть котлован, канал, канаву, траншею или кювет 10) вынутый грунт 11) паз; жёлоб; пропил; прорезь делать прорезь, прорезывать 12) сечение; разрез 13) резание, обработка резанием производить обработку резанием, обрабатывать резанием 14) резка (газовая или дуговая) 15) проход (инструментом при обработке детали) 16) глубина резания; глубина прохода 17) мн. ч. стружка 18) насечка (напильника) 19) ж.-д. отцеп 20) отключение (нагрузки); принудительное отключение (абонента) отключать; отсоединять; разъединять 21) электрон. скачкообразный переход, скачок 22) завал частотной характеристики 23) вчт. удалять, вырезать (фрагменты текста или изображения) 24) выгравированная линия гравировать 25) цел.-бум. отруб, отрез, обрез (кромки) 26) тлв прямой переход (к следующему кадру);...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  разрез, вырез резать выемка грунта выемка, котлован прокоп; прорезь; спрямляющий канал вынутый грунт геод.засечка стык (рельсовый) cut and cover cut and fill cut to fit beveling cut borrow cut cross cut diversion cut dredge cut fire cut flange cut lock cut open cut pilot cut side cut star cut traffic cut wet cut ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) разъединять, разрывать 2) отключать 3) сечение – conical pattern cut – wind cut ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бороздка 2) огранка 3) выруб, вырез вырубать, вырезать 4) углубление, выемка; врез 5) подрубка подрубать 6) геод. засечка 7) канавка 8) ж.-д. (рельсовый) стык 9) нарезка нарезать 10) обрез обрезать 11) прокоп, спрямляющий канал 12) порез порезанный 13) разрезание разрезать 14) гравюра гравировать 15) полигр. оттиск с клише 16) отрезанный лист (бумаги) 17) вырезка (напр., из газеты) 18) метал. наплыв на отливке 19) резать 20) снимать (колоду карт) нарезанный 21) скроенный cut at right angles — опиленный под прямыми углами cut in network — матем. разрез сети cut to fit well — вырезанный точно по размеру cut to pieces — разрезанный на части to cut a core — рвать керн to cut curvely — распиливать по кривой to cut a diamond — гранить алмаз to cut a negative — монтировать негатив to cut an entry — горн. нарезать выработку to cut a thread — нарезать резьбу to cut autogenously — резать автогеном to cut blanks — вырубать заготовки to cut cards — снимать колоду to cut coal — подрубать уголь to cut flush — срезать заподлицо to cut for deal — снимать (колоду) для определения сдающего to cut for partners — снимать (колоду) для определения партнёров to cut diamond on lap — гранить алмаз притиром to cut in circuit — включаться в цепь to cut in two — разрезать на две части to cut off a series — матем....
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  урезывать; сокращать, снижать см. cut and try method – cut and dried – to cut down the expenses CUT 1. сущ. сокращение, снижение, уменьшение - cut costs - cut down a tax - cut down prices - cut down taxes - cut down - cut off - cut out - cut the price - impose cuts on imports - relief cut - wage cut - cut in prices - cut in salary 2. прил. урезанный, сокращенный (о ценах, расходах и т.п.) - cut goods - cut rate 3. гл. сокращать, снижать, уменьшать, урезать - cut back production - cut back salary schedule - cut down expenses - cut down prices ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) разрез; порез; мол. биол. разрыв; резать, разрезать 2) канал; выемка 3) погон, фракция; разделять на фракции 4) укос 5) кастрировать (животное) to cut out — вырезать, удалять – saw cut ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  образ. разг. "прогул" Пропуск занятий, собраний и т. п. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. порез, разрез a cut on the finger —- порез пальца cuts on the face after shaving —- порезы на лице после бритья 2. резаная рана 3. резание 4. глубина резания 5. спец. разрез; пропил; выемка 6. спец. канал; кювет 7. спец. насечка (напильника) 8. сильный удар (мечом, кнутом и т. п.) to make a cut at smb. with a sword —- нанести кому-л. удар мечом the boy got six cuts with a cane —- мальчику нанесли шесть ударов тростью his face had been disfigured by a sabre cut —- удар саблей изуродовал его лицо to give a horse a cut across the flank —- хлеснуть лошадь по боку delayed cut —- задержанный удар flat cut —- удар плашмя inside arm cut —- удар по руке с внутренней стороны 9. отрезанный кусок; вырезка; срез a cut from the joint —- кул. вырезка, филей breast cut —- кул. грудинка 10. настриг (шерсти); отрез (материи) 11. отрезок 12. очертание, абрис, контур 13. профиль 14. покрой (платья) 15. стрижка, фасон стрижки (волос) 16. сокращение, снижение; уменьшение a cut in prices —- снижение цен 17. сокращение, вырезка части текста; купюра to make cuts in a play —- делать купюры в пьесе 18. путь напрямик, кратчайший путь to take a short cut —- пойти кратчайшим путем 19. оскорбление, выпад; насмешка; удар that was a cut at me —- это был выпад против меня 20. разг. прекоащение знакомства to give smb. the cut direct —- не замечать кого-л.;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  across  а) быть противоположным чему-л. The chairmans decision cuts across the opinion of the whole committee.  б) прерывать что-л. Her loud voice cuts across the conversation. CUT a feather obs.  а) вдаваться в излишние тонкости  б) coll. щеголять, красоваться, выставлять напоказ CUT in  а) вмешиваться May I join you? a loud voice cut in.  б) electr. включать  в) вклиниваться между машинами We were driving peacefully along the road when this red car cut in (on us), forcing us to slow down. CUT into  а) вмешиваться The children cut into the conversation with demands for attention. My aunts regular visits cut into my weekends.  б) неохотно раскошеливаться I shall have to cut into my savings to pay for the holiday. CUT and contrive ухитряться сводить концы с концами CUT no ice  а) не иметь значения  б) ничего не добиться CUT a dash рисоваться, выставлять что-л. напоказ CUT a caper прыгать, выделывать антраша; дурачиться CUT I  1. v.  1) резать; срезать, отрезать, разрезать; стричь to cut oneself - порезаться  2) косить, жать; убирать урожай  3) рубить, валить (лес)  4) кроить  5) высекать (из камня); резать (по дереву); тесать, стесывать; шлифовать, гранить (драгоценные камни)  6) бурить; копать; рыть  7) резаться, прорезываться (о зубах)  8) кастрировать (животное)  9) урезывать; сокращать (статью, книгу, продукцию, расходы)  10) снижать (цены, налоги)  11) пересекать(ся) (о...
Англо-русский словарь
  time zone abbr. Coordinated Universal Time electron. abbr. Dr Halo image format gen. comp. abbr. Control Unit Terminal file ext. abbr. Dr. Halo bitmap graphics file gen. bus. abbr. Client Updateable Technology ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: FISH OR CUT BAIT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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