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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - continue


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~ v 1 to keep happening, existing, or doing something for a longer period of time without stopping  (He will be continuing his education in the US. | The fighting continued for a week.)  (Continuing with this argument is very pointless.) continue to do sth  (Silvina continued to work after she had had her baby. | continue doing sth)  (They continued talking after the meal.) 2 to start again after an interruption  (After a brief ceasefire the fighting continued. | continue doing sth)  (Are you going to continue seeing her when she comes back?) 3 to walk, travel, or go further on or along +down/in/after etc  (We continued along the road for some time.) 4 to say something else after you have been interrupted  ("And so," he continued, "we will try harder next time.")  (- see also continual, discontinue)
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  (continues, continuing, continued) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone or something continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop. I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I’m gone... Interest rates continue to fall... They are determined to continue working when they reach retirement age... There is no reason why you should not continue with any sport or activity you already enjoy. VERB: V to-inf, V to-inf, V -ing, V with n 2. If something continues or if you continue it, it does not stop happening. He insisted that the conflict would continue until conditions were met for a ceasefire... Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires. ...the continued existence of a species. VERB: V, V n, V-ed 3. If you continue with something, you start doing it again after a break or interruption. I went up to my room to continue with my packing... She looked up for a moment, then continued drawing. = carry on VERB: V with n, V -ing 4. If something continues or if you continue it, it starts again after a break or interruption. He denies 18 charges. The trial continues today... Once, he did dive for cover but he soon reappeared and continued his activities. VERB: V, V n 5. If you continue, you begin speaking again after a pause or interruption. ‘You have no right to intimidate this man,’ Alison continued... Tony drank some coffee before he continued... Please continue. VERB: V with quote, V, V 6. If you continue as something or continue in a particular state, you remain in a particular job or state. He had hoped to continue as a full-time career officer... For ten days I continued in this state. VERB: V as n, V prep 7. If you continue in a particular direction, you keep walking or travelling in that direction. He continued rapidly up the path, not pausing until he neared the Chapter House. VERB: V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (-tinued; -tinuing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin continuare, from continuus  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to maintain without interruption a condition, course, or action the boat ~d downstream  2. to remain in existence ; endure the tradition ~s  3. to remain in a place or condition ; stay cannot ~ here much longer  4. to resume an activity after interruption we'll ~ after lunch  transitive verb  1.  a. keep up, maintain ~s walking  b. to keep going or add to ; prolong ~ the battle; also to resume after intermission  2. to cause to ~ chose not to ~ her subscription  3. to allow to remain in a place or condition ; retain the trustees were ~d  4. to postpone (a legal proceeding) by a continuance  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, last, endure, abide, persist mean to exist over a period of time or indefinitely. ~ applies to a process going on without ending the search for peace will ~. last especially when unqualified, may stress existing beyond what is normal or expected buy shoes that will last. endure adds an implication of resisting destructive forces or agencies in spite of everything, her faith endured. abide implies stable and constant existing especially as opposed to mutability a love that abides through 40 years of marriage. persist suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinacy or doggedness the sense of guilt persisted. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (continues, continued, continuing) 1 tr. (often foll. by verbal noun, or to + infin.) persist in, maintain, not stop (an action etc.). 2 a tr. (also absol.) resume or prolong (a narrative, journey, etc.). b intr. recommence after a pause (the concert will continue shortly). 3 tr. be a sequel to. 4 intr. a remain in existence or unchanged. b (with compl.) remain in a specified state (the weather continued fine). 5 tr. US Law adjourn (proceedings). Derivatives continuable adj. continuer n. Etymology: ME f. OF continuer f. L continuare make or be CONTINUOUS ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. продолжать to continue work —- продолжать работу he continued living (to live) with his parents —- он продолжал жить с родителями 2. продолжаться, длиться the door continued to bang all night —- дверь хлопала всю ночь the work continued day after day —- работа продолжалась изо дня в день the course will continue throughout the year —- курс лекций продлится весь год how long will this bad weather continue? —- сколько времени будет стоять такая плохая погода? 3. уст. оставлять (на работе, в должности) he was continued in office —- он был оставлен в той же должности the people continued the President in office for another term —- народ избрал президента на новый срок 4. оставаться (на прежнем месте, в прежнем состоянии) to continue in power —- оставаться у власти she still continues in weak health —- она все еще нездорова the story will be continued in our next issue —- продолжение рассказа будет напечатано в следующем номере to be continued —- продолжение следует 5. служить продолжением a palisade continues the wall —- изгородь служит продолжением стены 6. простираться, тянуться the road continues for miles —- дорога тянется на многие мили the desert continues as far as the eye can reach —- пустыня простирается насколько хватает глаз 7. юр. объявлять или делать перерыв 8. юр. откладывать дело слушанием ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) продолжать(ся); оставаться; сохранять(ся); пребывать to continue smb. in office - оставлять кого-л. в должности - be continued  2) тянуться, простираться  3) служить продолжением  4) leg. отсрочить разбор судебного дела Syn: see persist ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1340, from O.Fr. continuer, from L. continuare "make or be continuous," from continuus "uninterrupted," from continere (intransitive) "to hang together" (see contain). Continual is early 14c., from O.Fr. continuel, from L. continuus. That which is continual is that which is either always going on or recurs at short intervals and never comes to an end; that which is continuous (1642) is that in which there is no break between the beginning and the end. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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