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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - coin


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~1 n 1 a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as money  (- compare bill 1 (3), note1 (5)) 2 toss/flip a coin to choose or decide something by throwing a coin into the air and guessing which side of it will show when it falls  (Let's toss a coin to see who goes first.) 3 the other side of the coin a different or opposite way of thinking about something  (Children should learn to respect the police, but the other side of the coin is that the police should earn that respect.) 4 two sides of the same coin two problems or situations that are so closely connected that they are really just two parts of the same thing  (You can't cure poverty without also doing something about improving education; they're two sides of the same coin.) 5 money in the form of metal coins 6 pay sb back in their own coin BrE old-fashioned to treat someone in the same unpleasant way as they have treated you ~2 v 1 to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use  (The term `Information Highway' was coined a few years ago.) 2 to coin a phrase spoken used as a joke when you have just said something so familiar and ordinary that it is funny  ("Alone at last," he said, "to coin a phrase!") 3 coin money/coin it BrE spoken to earn a lot of money very quickly  (That new restaurant on the corner must be coining it.) 4 to make pieces of money from metal
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См. в других словарях

  (coins, coining, coined) 1. A coin is a small piece of metal which is used as money. ...50 pence coins. ...Frederick’s gold coin collection. N-COUNT 2. If you coin a word or a phrase, you are the first person to say it. Jaron Lanier coined the term ‘virtual reality’ and pioneered its early development... VERB: V n 3. You say ‘to coin a phrase’ to show that you realize you are making a pun or using a cliche. Fifty local musicians have, to coin a phrase, banded together to form the Jazz Umbrella. PHRASE 4. You use the other side of the coin to mention a different aspect of a situation. These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment. PHRASE: PHR with cl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~g wedge, corner, from Latin cuneus wedge  Date: 14th century  1. archaic  a. corner, cornerstone, quoin  b. wedge  2.  a. a usually flat piece of metal issued by governmental authority as money  b. metal money  c. something resembling a ~ especially in shape  3. something used as if it were money (as in verbal or intellectual exchange) perhaps wisecracks…are respectable literary ~ in the United States — Times Literary Supplement would repay him with the full ~ of his mind — Ian Fleming  4. something having two different and usually opposing sides — usually used in the phrase the other side of the ~  5. money I'm in it for the ~ — Sinclair Lewis  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to make (a ~) especially by stamping ; mint  b. to convert (metal) into ~s  2. create, invent ~ a phrase  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: circa 1566  1. of or relating to ~s  2. operated by ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of flat usu. round metal stamped and issued by authority as money. 2 (collect.) metal money. --v.tr. 1 make (coins) by stamping. 2 make (metal) into coins. 3 invent or devise (esp. a new word or phrase). Phrases and idioms coin-box 1 a telephone operated by inserting coins. 2 the receptacle for these. coin money make much money quickly. coin-op a launderette etc. with automatic machines operated by inserting coins. to coin a phrase iron. introducing a banal remark or clich{eacute}. Etymology: ME f. OF, = stamping-die, f. L cuneus wedge ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  угловой камень кладки ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) штемпель, пуансон, чекан выдавливать пуансоном, тиснить 2) монета 3) чеканить, штамповать a coin is tossed — жребий брошен to change a coin — разменивать монету to coin new term — вводить новый термин to mint a coin — чеканить монету to put a coin in circulation — пускать монету в обращение to refund a coin — возвращать монету to toss a coin — бросать монету, подбрасывать монету - biased coin - counterfeit coin - fair coin - unbiased coin - well-balanced coin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  штемпель; пуансон – to coin a term COIN 1. сущ. монета - base coin - bullion coin - coin money - false coin - small coin - spurious coin - subsidiary coin - token coin 2. гл. 1) чеканить (монету) 2) фабриковать; измышлять Syn: to mint ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. монета gold coin —- золотая монета small coin —- разменная монета base coin —- фальшивая монета; ам. разменная монета false coin —- фальшивая монета; подделка current coin —- ходячая монета; распространенное мнение coin collector —- собиратель монет, нумизмат to spin a coin —- играть в орлянку; решать пари подбрасыванием монеты 2. разг. деньги he has plenty of coin —- у него много денег 3. спец. штемпель, чекан, пу(а)нсон 4. архит. угловой камень Id: to play smb. back in his own coin —- отплатить той же монетой 5. монетный coin show —- выставка монет coin slot —- отверстие для опускания монеты (в телефоне-автомате) 6. монетный (об автомате) coin laundry —- прачечная-автомат coin lock —- замок, открывающийся опускаемой монетой (в общественных туалетах) 7. чеканить (монету); выбивать (медаль) to be coining money —- делать деньги, обогащаться 8. фабриковать, измышлять to coin a lie —- придумать ложь 9. создавать новые слова, выражения to coin a word —- выдумать новое слово ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) монета; coll. деньги - false coin - small coin - toss up a coin - spin a coin  2) tech. штемпель, чекан, пуансон  3) = coign  4) attr. - coin slot to pay a man back in his own coin - отплачивать той же монетой, отплачивать тем же  2. v.  1) чеканить; выбивать (медаль); штамповать - coin money  2) фабриковать, измышлять  3) создавать (новые слова, выражения) coin it in coll. - зарабатывать много денег Jims working in the North Sea oil business, and hes coining it in. COIN money coll. делать деньги COIN slot отверстие для опускания монет (напр., в телефоне-автомате) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  gen. comp. abbr. Create Organize Illustrate Navigate gen. bus. abbr. Center Of Influence Networking ...
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