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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - card


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 library/membership/identity etc card a small piece of plastic or paper that shows that someone belongs to a particular organization, club etc  (Employees must show their ID cards at the gate.) 2 »BIRTHDAY/CHRISTMAS ETC« a piece of thick stiff paper with a picture on the front, that you send to people on special occasions  (Did you remember to send Val a birthday card?) 3 »HOLIDAY« a card with a photograph or picture on one side, that you send to someone when you are on holiday; postcard  (Don't forget to send us a card from Greece!) 4 »INFORMATION« a small piece of stiff paper or plastic that shows information about someone or something, especially one that is part of a set used for storing information  (a card index system | an expansion card for 386 machines) 5 »STIFF PAPER« BrE thick stiff paper 6 »BANK« a small piece of plastic that you use to pay for goods or to get money from a special machine at a bank  (Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately.)  (- see also charge card, cheque card, credit card) 7 »GAMES« a small piece of thick stiff paper with numbers and signs or pictures on, that is one of a set of fifty two used to play games such as poker (1) or bridge1 (4)  (play cards (=play a game with cards) | pack of cards (=a complete set of cards)) 8 cigarette/football/baseball etc card a small piece of thick stiff paper with a picture on one side that is part of a set which people collect 9 »BUSINESS« a small piece of thick stiff paper that shows your name, job, and the company you work for; business card; visiting card  (I'll leave my card and you can contact me when it suits you.) 10 be on the cards BrE be in the cards AmE to seem likely to happen  (Another resignation could be on the cards.) 11 play your cards right to deal with a situation in the right way so that you are successful in getting what you want  (If he plays his cards right Tony might get a promotion.) 12 put/lay your cards on the table to tell people what your plans and intentions are in a clear, honest way  (I think it's time I put my cards on the table. You see, I'm not really a student.) 13 play/keep your cards close to your chest to keep your plans, thoughts, or feelings secret 14 hold all the cards informal to have all the advantages in a particular situation so that you can control what happens 15 get/be given your cards BrE informal to have your job taken away from you 16 have another card up your sleeve to have another advantage that you can use to be successful in a particular situation 17 best/strongest/winning/trump card something that gives you a big advantage in a particular situation  (The promise of tax cuts proved, as always, to be the Republican Party's trump card.) 18 sb's card is marked if someone's card is marked, they have done something that makes people in authority disapprove of them 19 »AMUSING/UNUSUAL PERSON« old-fashioned an amusing or unusual person  (Old Fred's a real card, isn't he!) 20 the thing inside a computer that the chips (chip1 (4a)) are fixed to, that allows the computer to do specific things 21 »TOOL« technical a tool that is similar to a comb and is used for combing, cleaning and preparing wool or cotton for spinning (spin1 (2)) 22 »FOOTBALL« a small piece of stiff red or yellow paper, shown to a player who has done something wrong in a game of football ~2 v 1 to comb, clean, and prepare wool or cotton, before making cloth 2 AmE to ask someone to show a card proving that they are old enough to be in a particular place, especially a bar
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  (cards) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed. Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card. N-COUNT 2. A card is a piece of cardboard or plastic, or a small document, which shows information about you and which you carry with you, for example to prove your identity. ...they check my bag and press card. ...her membership card... The authorities have begun to issue ration cards. N-COUNT: with supp, usu n N 3. A card is a rectangular piece of plastic, issued by a bank, company, or shop, which you can use to buy things or obtain money. He paid the whole bill with an American Express card... Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers. N-COUNT: oft n-proper N 4. A card is a folded piece of stiff paper with a picture and sometimes a message printed on it, which you send to someone on a special occasion. She sends me a card on my birthday. ...millions of get-well cards. N-COUNT: oft supp N 5. A card is the same as a postcard. Send your details on a card to the following address. N-COUNT 6. A card is a piece of thin cardboard carried by someone such as a business person in order to give to other people. A card shows the name, address, telephone number, and other details of the person who carries it. (BUSINESS) Here’s my card. You may need me. = business card N-COUNT: oft poss N 7. Cards are thin pieces of cardboard with numbers or pictures printed on them which are used to play various games. ...a pack of cards... = playing card N-COUNT: usu pl 8. If you are playing cards, you are playing a game using cards. They enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking and playing cards. N-UNCOUNT 9. You can use card to refer to something that gives you an advantage in a particular situation. If you play a particular card, you use that advantage. It was his strongest card in their relationship–that she wanted...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  Date: 14th century to cleanse, disentangle, and collect together (as fibers) by the use of ~s preparatory to spinning  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Medieval Latin ~us, ~uus, thistle, ~ing instrument, from Latin ~uus thistle — more at chard  Date: 15th century  1. an instrument or machine for ~ing fibers that consists usually of bent wire teeth set closely in rows in a thick piece of leather fastened to a back  2. an implement for raising a nap on cloth  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, alteration of Middle French carte, probably from Old Italian carta, literally, leaf of paper, from Latin charta leaf of papyrus, from Greek chartes  Date: 15th century  1. playing ~  2. plural but singular or plural in construction  a. a game played with ~s  b. ~ playing  3.  a. something (as an advantage) compared to a valuable playing ~ in one's hand holding all the ~s in negotiations  b. an issue especially with emotional appeal that is brought into play to achieve a desired end (as winning a political campaign) played the race ~  4. a usually clownishly amusing person ; wag he's such a ~  5. compass ~  6.  a. a flat stiff usually small and rectangular piece of material (as paper, ~board, or plastic) usually bearing information: as  (1) post~  (2) visiting ~  (3) business ~  (4) credit ~  (5) one bearing a picture (as of a baseball player) on one side and usually statistical data on the other  (6) one on which computer information is stored (as in the form of punched holes or magnetic encoding)  (7) one bearing electronic circuit components for insertion into a larger electronic device (as a computer)  b. program; especially a sports program three fights on the ~  c.  (1) a wine list  (2) menu  d. greeting ~ a birthday ~  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1884  1. to place or fasten on or by means of a ~  2. to provide with a ~  3. to list or record on a ~  4. score a golfer ~ing a 75  5. to ask for...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 thick stiff paper or thin pasteboard. 2 a a flat piece of this, esp. for writing or printing on. b = POSTCARD. c a card used to send greetings, issue an invitation, etc. (birthday card). d = visiting-card. e = business card. f a ticket of admission or membership. 3 a = PLAYING-CARD. b a similar card in a set designed for particular games, e.g. happy families. c (in pl.) card-playing; a card-game. 4 (in pl.) colloq. an employee's documents, esp. for tax and national insurance, held by the employer. 5 a a programme of events at a race-meeting etc. b Cricket a score-card. c a list of holes on a golf course, on which a player's scores are entered. 6 colloq. a person, esp. an odd or amusing one (what a card!; a knowing card). 7 a plan or expedient (sure card). 8 a printed or written notice, set of rules, etc., for display. 9 a small rectangular piece of plastic issued by a bank, building society, etc., with personal (often machine-readable) data on it, chiefly to obtain cash or credit (cheque card; credit card; do you have a card?). --v.tr. 1 fix to a card. 2 write on a card, esp. for indexing. Phrases and idioms ask for (or get) one's cards ask (or be told) to leave one's employment. card-carrying being a registered member of an organization, esp. a political party or trade union. card-game a game in which playing-cards are used. card index an index in which each item is entered on a separate card. card-index v.tr. make a card index of. card-playing the playing of card-games. card-sharp (or -sharper) a swindler at card-games. card-table a table for card-playing, esp. a folding one. card up one's sleeve a plan in reserve. card vote US a block vote, esp. in trade-union meetings. on (US in) the cards possible or likely. put (or lay) one's cards on the table reveal one's resources, intentions, etc. Etymology: ME f. OF carte f. L charta f. Gk khartes papyrus-leaf 2. n. & v. --n. a toothed instrument, wire brush, etc., for raising a nap on cloth or for disentangling fibres before spinning. --v.tr. brush, comb,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) карта, карточка 2) перфорационная карта, перфокарта 3) (сменная) плата 4) кардочесальная машина 5) кардная лента - add card - air travel card - aperture card - binary card - blank card - blister card - breadboard card - bus card - business machine cards - caption card - check card - chute-fed card - clock card - color test card - compass card - compass correction card - control card - copy card - corner card - credit card - cue card - deviation card - disembarkation card - double doffer card - drift card - dual-height card - edge-punched card - embarkation card - file card - fits and clearances card - fixed probe card - head card - header card - heading card - heat card - Hollerith card - identification card - index card - inspection work card - interface card - leader card - load cards - loader card - magnetic card - magnetic stripe card - marginally punched card - master card - memory card - memory expansion card - multilayer card - multiple card - n-column card - needle selection jacquard card - octal-high card - personality card - plug-in card - Powers card - printed-circuit card - punched card - punch card - punched jacquard steel card - raw card - reader service card - record card - replay card - revolving flat cotton card - scheduled maintenance task card - score card - smart card - source data card - spare card - sunshine card - test card - title card CARD сокр. от comet or asteroid rendezvous docking mission полёт для встречи с кометой или астероидом CARD ALIGNER выравниватель перфокарт ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  карта; карточка; перфокарта inspection work card ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) карточка 2) плата – access card – adapter card – address card – aperture card – audio-stripped card – AV-card – capture card – chip card – chip-carrying card – CF card – correction card – data interface card – decoding card – encryption card – ENET card – expansion card – extended-line card – GSM-card – index card – information card – interface card – Kodak Picture card – line card – magnetic card – main processor card – master card – memory card – multichannel card – multiple card – network-interface card – nonlinear editing card – PC card – PCMCIA card – plug-in card – QSL-card – radar card – remote programming card – resources switching card – setup card – SIM card – smart card – Smart Media card – sound card – spare card – speech authentication card – Super Loop card – switching card – system controlling card – test card – trunk card – video card – voice card – wild card ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) карта, карточка карточный 2) билет, приглашение 3) членский билет 4) картушка компаса 5) текст. карда, кардная лента; чесальный аппарат 6) вчт. карта, плата 7) заносить в картотеку to back a card — ставить на карту to lead a card — пойти с какой-л. карты - burned card - circuit card - clearance card - compass correction card - compass deviation card - control card - double-worsted card - felt card - lay card - magnetic card - pattern card - permissive card - phone card - plain card - plane card - playing card - plug-in card - program card - roller card - roller top card - rotating compass card - security card - single-cylinder card - stack card - stripper card - summary card - tabulating card - test card - time card - time-clock card - trump card - wadding card - wire card ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) карточка 2) карта 3) плата – abstract card – alphabetical guide card – bank card – bibliographical card – book card – borrower's identification card – catalog card – charging card – guide card – credit card – identification card – letter guide card – memory card – name guide card – optical coincidence card – punch card – query card – reader's card – registration card – superimposable card – video card CARD сущ. 1) билет; карточка 2) диаграмма • - Charge Card - affinity card - bank card - boarding card - business card - calling card - card catalogue - card holder - card of accounts - card vote - control card - credit card company - credit card - debit card - identification card - identity card - pattern card - record card - registration card - sample card - show card - visiting card - work record card Syn: map, sheet, label, tag CARD 1. сущ. 1) общ. карта (игральная; также в переносном смысле) to lead a card — пойти с какой-л. карты to back a card — ставить на карту 2) мн., общ. карты, карточная игра play cards — играть в карты 3) а) общ. карточка; открытка postal card, postcard — почтовая открытка anniversary card — поздравление с юбилеем birthday card — открытка ко дню рождения Christmas card — рождественская открытка get-well card — открытка с пожеланиями всего наилучшего visiting business card — визитная карточка, визитка See: card catalogue, card index, card-indexing, card vout б) общ. (пластиковая) карточка (снабжена магнитной полосой или чипом, позволяющим хранить и считывать информацию, например, кредитная карточка, карточка для...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – record card ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. карта (игральная) court card —- фигура (в картах) plain cards —- нефигурные карты trum card —- козырная карта, козырь card party —- вечер за картами card player —- карточный игрок pack of cards —- колода карт to play a card —- пойти с какой-л. карты; поствить на какую-л. карту to lead a card —- пойти с какой-л. карты to back a card —- ставить на карту to cut cards —- снимать колоду 2. карты, карточная игра to play cards —- играть в карты to play one's cards well —- хорошо сыграть; использовать обстоятельства (возможности) to play one's cards badly —- плохо сыграть; не использовать возможностей 3. карточка; визитная карточка; открытка to leave a card upon smb. —- оставить у кого-л. визитную карточку (вместо личного визита) postal card —- ам. почтовая карточка (открытка) Christmas card —- рождественская открытка wedding card —- извещение о предстоящем бракосочетании; приглашение на свадьбу birthday card —- поздравительная открытка (по поводу дня рождения) library card —- абонементная карточка card drawer —- каталожный ящик show (sample, pattern) card —- ком. карточка образцов 4. билет, приглашение invitation card —- пригласительный билет card of admission —- пригласительный билет (на собрание, вечер) no cards —- особых приглашений не будет (примечание к сообщению о похоронах) 5. билет...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) карта (игральная); pl. карты; игра в карты  2) карточка; открытка - visiting card - calling card  3) билет - Party card - invitation card  4) картушка (компаса)  5) amer. объявление в газете, публикация  6) coll. человек; тип - cool card - odd card - queer card  7) attr. - card man - card holder card vote голосование мандатом on the cards - возможно, вероятно ones best/trump card - самый веский довод; козырь to play the wrong card - сделать неправильную ставку, просчитаться to have a card up ones sleeve - иметь козырь про запас to hold the cards - иметь преимущество to speak by the card - выражаться точно thats the card - вот это именно то, что нужно house of cards - карточный домик to throw up ones cards - (с)пасовать; сдаться, признать себя побежденным II text.  1. noun карда, кардная лента; чесальный аппарат  2. v. чесать, прочесывать, кардовать CARD holder amer. coll. член профсоюза CARD man amer. coll. член профсоюза CARD catalogue карточный каталог CARD index noun картотека ...
Англо-русский словарь
  physiol. abbr. Chronic Aspecific Respiratory Disorder transport. abbr. Crash Avoidance Research Data File ocean sc. abbr. Coastal and Arctic Research Division non-prof. org. abbr. Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping gen. bus. abbr. Computer Aided Research And Development NASDAQ abbr. PubliCard, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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