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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - bottle


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~1 n 1 »CONTAINER« a container with a narrow top for keeping liquids in, usually made of plastic or glass  (Give the bottle a shake before you open it.) + of  (a bottle of champagne) 2 »AMOUNT OF LIQUID« also bottleful the amount of liquid that a bottle contains  (Between us, we drank three bottles of wine.) 3 »MILK« milk given to babies or young animals in a bottle rather than from their mother's breast  (my first baby just wouldn't take a bottle at all.) 4 »COURAGE« BrE informal courage to do something that is dangerous or unpleasant  (I never thought she'd have the bottle to do it!) 5 hit the bottle/take to the bottle to start drinking a lot of alcohol regularly, in order to forget your problems 6 be on the bottle to always be drinking a lot of alcohol 7 bring a bottle BrE bring your own bottle AmE used to describe a party to which you must bring your own alcoholic drink ~2 v 1 to put a liquid, especially wine or beer, into a bottle after you have made it  (The wine is bottled at the vineyard.) 2 to put vegetables or fruit into special glass containers in order to preserve them bottle out ~ phr v BrE informal to suddenly decide not to do something because you are frightened  ("Did you tell him?" "No, I bottled out at the last minute.") bottle sth up ~ phr v to deliberately not allow yourself to show a strong feeling or emotion  (It is far better to cry than to bottle up your feelings.)
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  (bottles, bottling, bottled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bottle is a glass or plastic container in which drinks and other liquids are kept. Bottles are usually round with straight sides and a narrow top. There were two empty beer bottles on the table... He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine. ...Victorian scent bottles. N-COUNT • A bottle of something is an amount of it contained in a bottle. He had drunk half a bottle of whisky. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. To bottle a drink or other liquid means to put it into bottles after it has been made. This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine. ...bottled water. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. A bottle is a drinking container used by babies. It has a special rubber part at the top through which they can suck their drink. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. see also bottled, feeding bottle, hot-water bottle, water bottle ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English botel, from Old French botele, from Medieval Latin butticula, diminutive of Late Latin buttis cask  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a rigid or semirigid container typically of glass or plastic having a comparatively narrow neck or mouth and usually no handle  b. a usually ~-shaped container made of skin for storing a liquid  2. the quantity held by a ~  3.  a. intoxicating drink ; the practice of drinking slipped deeper and deeper into the ~ — Anne Bernays  b. liquid food (as milk) used in place of mother's milk  4. slang British mettle, courage  • ~ful noun  II. transitive verb  (~d; bottling)  Date: 1594  1.  a. to confine as if in a ~ ; restrain — usually used with up bottling up their anger  b. to put or keep in a position or situation that makes free activity, progress, or escape difficult or impossible — usually used with up ~ up legislation in committee  2. to put into or as if into a ~ wished she could ~ that feeling of happiness  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a container, usu. of glass or plastic and with a narrow neck, for storing liquid. 2 the amount that will fill a bottle. 3 a baby's feeding-bottle. 4 = hot-water bottle. 5 a metal cylinder for liquefied gas. 6 Brit. sl. courage, confidence. --v.tr. 1 put into bottles or jars. 2 preserve (fruit etc.) in jars. 3 (foll. by up) a conceal or restrain for a time (esp. a feeling). b keep (an enemy force etc.) contained or entrapped. 4 (as bottled adj.) sl. drunk. Phrases and idioms bottle bank a place where used bottles may be deposited for recycling. bottle-brush 1 a cylindrical brush for cleaning inside bottles. 2 any of various plants with a flower of this shape. bottle-green a dark shade of green. bottle party a party to which guests bring bottles of drink. bottle tree any of various Australian trees of the genus Brachychiton with a swollen bottle-shaped trunk. hit the bottle sl. drink heavily. on the bottle sl. drinking (alcoholic drink) heavily. Derivatives bottleful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: ME f. OF botele, botaille f. med.L butticula dimin. of LL buttis BUTT(4) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) бутылка, бутыль; склянка; флакон; колба 2) (газовый) баллон - accumulator bottle - air bottle - blow molded bottle - collapsible bottle - density bottle - deposit-type bottle - Dewar bottle - drying bottle - expandable bottle - glass-stoppered bottle - junk bottle - lightweight bottle - magnetic bottle - measuring bottle - medicine bottle - multitrip bottle - Nansen bottle - narrow-mouth bottle - nonreturnable bottle - oil sample bottle - one-trip bottle - overflow bottle - PET bottle - plastics coated glass bottle - polyethylene bottle - pressure bottle - shatterproof bottle - single-trip bottle - solar bottle - source bottle - specific gravity bottle - squeeze bottle - stoppered bottle - stretch blow molded bottle - surge bottle - taper-necked bottle - universal bottle - water bottle - wickered bottle - wide-mouth bottle - wide-necked bottle - wide-neck bottle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  баллон air bottle density bottle gas bottle specific gravity bottle ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бутылка, бутыль; склянка; колба 2) баллон баллоный 3) разливать по бутылкам 4) хранить в бутылках to bottle a beverage — разливать напиток по бутылкам to cork up bottle — закупоривать бутылку - Klein bottle - fire-extinguisher bottle - plasma bottle - returnable bottle - starting bottle - surge bottle - throw-away bottle - wide-neck bottle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  склянка, бутылка; баллон – air bottle – culture bottle – density bottle – Dewar bottle – dropping bottle – Erlenmeyer bottle – glass-stoppered bottle – gravity bottle – killing bottle – measuring bottle – reversing water bottle – roller bottle – screw-top bottle – slip water bottle – stopcock water bottle – washing bottle – water bottle – weighing bottle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. бутылка, бутыль; баллон to drink a whole bottle —- выпить целую бутылку 2. флакон; пузырек 3. рожок, бутылочка (для кормления грудных детей) to bring a child on the bottle —- искусственно вскармливать ребенка 4. вино, водка to be too fond of the bottle —- любить выпить he is addicted to the bottle —- он сильно пьет to discuss smth. over a bottle —- обсуждать что-либо за бутылкой вина to take to the bottle —- пристраститься к вину 5. искусственное питание (в отличие от грудного молока) Id: to crack a bottle together —- распить бутылку, "раздавить бутылочку" Id: to know smb. from his bottle up —- знать кого-либо с пеленок Id: to pass the bottle of smoke —- лицемерить, притворяться; знать, что это не так, и помалкивать Id: to hit the bottle —- сл. регулярно пить (спиртное); выпивать; сл. опьянеть, забалдеть 6. разливать по бутылкам; хранить в бутылках 7. диал. охапка сена ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out разувериться, отказаться от намеченного BOTTLE bank noun контейнер для пустых бутылок BOTTLE I  1. noun  1) бутылка, бутыль; флакон  2) рожок (для грудных детей) to bring up on the bottle - вскармливать ребенка на рожке, искусственно вскармливать ребенка  3) вино to be fond of the bottle - любить выпить to pass the bottle round - передавать бутылку вкруговую to flee from the bottle - избегать спиртных напитков to have a bottle - выпить, пропустить рюмочку over a bottle - за бутылкой вина to take to the bottle - запить, пристраститься к вину to hit/give up the bottle - стать трезвенником  4) tech. опока to know smb. from his bottle up - знать кого-л. с пеленок - black bottle  2. v.  1) хранить в бутылках  2) разливать по бутылкам (тж. bottle off/up) Father is in the garage, bottling up his homemade beer.  3) sl. поймать (на месте преступления) - bottle up - bottle out II noun rare сноп; охапка сена BOTTLE neck noun горлышко бутылки BOTTLE up сдерживать, скрывать (обиду и т.п.) Bottling up your anger leads to trouble. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1346, originally of leather, from O.Fr. boteille, from L. butticula dim. of L. buttis "a cask." The verb is first recorded 1641. BOTTOM - O.E. botm, bodan "ground, soil, lowest part," from P.Gmc. *buthm-, from PIE base *bhudh-. Meaning "posterior of a man" is from 1794; the verb "to reach the bottom of" is from 1808. Bottom dollar "the last dollar one has" is from 1882. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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