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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - boil


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~1 v 1 when a liquid boils it is hot enough to turn into gas  (Put the spaghetti into plenty of boiling, salted water.) + a  (Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. | We were advised to boil the water before drinking it.) 2 if something containing liquid boils, the liquid inside it is boiling  (The kettle's boiling! Shall I turn it off? | put sth on to boil (=begin to heat something))  (I've put the potatoes on to boil. | boiled dry (=heated for too long so there is no liquid left)) 3 to cook something in boiling water  (a boiled egg) 4 to wash clothes at a very high temperature  (I always boil the cotton sheets.)  (- see also boiling point, make your blood boil blood1 (4)) boil away ~ phr v if a liquid boils away it disappears because it has been heated too much  (Oh no! The soup's almost boiled away.) boil down ~ phr v 1 T boil something down) if a food or liquid boils down, it becomes less after cooking  (Spinach tends to boil down a lot.) 2 boil sth down to make information shorter by not including anything that is not necessary  (You can boil this down so that there are just two main categories.) boil down to sth ~ phr v informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to something, that is the main point or cause  (What it boils down to, is that no-one is willing to take on that kind of responsibility.) boil over ~ phr v 1 if a liquid boils over, it rises and flows over the side of the container  (Keep an eye on the milk; don't let it boil over.) 2 if a situation or an emotion boils over, the people involved stop being calm + into  (The argument boiled over into a fight.) boil up ~ phr v 1 if a situation or emotion boils up, it reaches a dangerous level  (She could sense that trouble was boiling up at work.) 2 T boil something up) to heat food or a liquid until it begins to boil  (Boil the fruit up with sugar.) ~2 n 1 the boil the act or state of boiling  (bring sth to the boil)  (Bring the sauce to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. | be coming to the boil (=almost boiling) | take sth off the boil (=stop boiling something by taking it off the heat)) 2 a painful infected swelling under someone's skin  (The boy's body is covered in boils.) 3 go off the boil BrE to become less good at something that you are usually very good at  (Gower has gone off the boil in terms of batting lately.)
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  (boils, boiling, boiled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When a hot liquid boils or when you boil it, bubbles appear in it and it starts to change into steam or vapour. I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil... Boil the water in the saucepan and add the sage... ...a saucepan of boiling water. VERB: V, V n, V-ing 2. When you boil a kettle or pan, or put it on to boil, you heat the water inside it until it boils. He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea... Marianne put the kettle on to boil. VERB: V n, V 3. When a kettle or pan is boiling, the water inside it has reached boiling point. Is the kettle boiling? VERB: only cont, V 4. When you boil food, or when it boils, it is cooked in boiling water. Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice... I’d peel potatoes and put them on to boil. ...boiled eggs and toast. VERB: V n, V, V-ed 5. If you are boiling with anger, you are very angry. I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage. VERB: usu cont, V with n 6. A boil is a red, painful swelling on your skin, which contains a thick yellow liquid called pus. = cyst N-COUNT 7. see also boiling 8. When you bring a liquid to the boil, you heat it until it boils. When it comes to the boil, it begins to boil. Put water, butter and lard into a saucepan and bring slowly to the boil. PHRASE: V inflects 9. to make someone’s blood boil: see blood ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French buillir, ~lir, from Latin bullire to bubble, from bulla bubble  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come to the ~ing point  b. to generate bubbles of vapor when heated — used of a liquid  c. to cook in ~ing water  2. to become agitated ; seethe  3. to be moved, excited, or stirred up made his blood ~  4.  a. to rush headlong  b. to burst forth ; erupt water ~ing from a spring  5. to undergo the action of a ~ing liquid  transitive verb  1. to subject to the action of a ~ing liquid  2. to heat to the ~ing point  3. to form or separate (as sugar or salt) by ~ing  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, alteration of bile, from Old English by?l; akin to Old High German pulla bladder  Date: 15th century a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue, having a hard central core, and forming pus  III. noun  Date: 15th century  1. the act or state of ~ing  2. a swirling upheaval (as of water)  3. a ~ed dish of seafood, vegetables, and seasonings a crab ~; also a gathering at which this dish is served ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a (of a liquid) start to bubble up and turn into vapour; reach a temperature at which this happens. b (of a vessel) contain boiling liquid (the kettle is boiling). 2 a tr. bring (a liquid or vessel) to a temperature at which it boils. b tr. cook (food) by boiling. c intr. (of food) be cooked by boiling. d tr. subject to the heat of boiling water, e.g. to clean. 3 intr. a (of the sea etc.) undulate or seethe like boiling water. b (of a person or feelings) be greatly agitated, esp. by anger. --n. the act or process of boiling; boiling-point (on the boil; bring to the boil). Phrases and idioms boil down 1 reduce volume by boiling. 2 reduce to essentials. 3 (foll. by to) amount to; signify basically. boiled shirt a dress shirt with a starched front. boiled sweet Brit. a sweet made of boiled sugar. boil over 1 spill over in boiling. 2 lose one's temper; become over-excited. make one's blood boil see BLOOD. Etymology: ME f. AF boiller, OF boillir, f. L bullire to bubble f. bulla bubble 2. n. an inflamed pus-filled swelling caused by infection of a hair follicle etc. Etymology: OE byl(e) f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кипение; закипание, вскипание кипеть; закипать, вскипать 2) выпаривание выпаривать 3) кипящая жидкость 4) пищ. варить; отваривать; уваривать (сироп в производстве сахара) 5) суффозия (грунта); выход (прорыв) грунтовых вод (на дне котлована) 6) мелкий пузырь (дефект стекла) to boil down — упаривать(ся); to boil dry — выпаривать досуха; to boil off — выкипать; испаряться - carbon boil - frost boil - lime boil - ore boil - quiet boil - sand boil - track boil - vigorous boil ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  выброс песка и воды (из зоны избыточного порового давления внутри массива грунта) гидр.гриффон frost boil mud boils sand boil ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) варить(ся), кипятить(ся) to boil oil — варить масло to boil silk — вываривать шелк 2) кипеть 3) кипение, точка кипения - bottom boil - carbon boil - lime boil - ore boil - oreless boil 4) выпаривание выпаривать boil off — отделять выпариванием boil down — сгущать выпариванием ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) кипение; кипеть; кипятить 2) кипящая жидкость 3) выпаривание; выпаривать 4) прыжок рыбы из воды (за приманкой) 5) фурункул, нарыв to boil dry — выпаривать досуха – Aleppo boil – pian boil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кипение to bring to the boil —- доводить до кипения to come to the boil —- закипать; дойти до критической точки the crisis came to a boil —- кризис достиг своего апогея to keep on boil —- поддерживать кипение the coffee was near the boil —- кофе почти вскипел 2. волнение; бешенство on the boil —- в возбужденном состоянии 3. редк. кипящая жидкость put the linen into a boil of soap —- положите белье в кипящий мыльный раствор 4. прыжок рыбы из воды 5. ам. водоворот (на поверхности воды) 6. кипятить; варить to boil potatoes —- варить картофель to boil clothes —- кипятить белье 7. кипятиться; вариться 8. кипеть, бурлить to boil away —- выкипать to make smb.'s blood boil —- довести кого-л до бешенства 9. сердиться, кипятиться 10. выпрыгивать из воды (о рыбе) Id: to boil the pot, to make the pot boil to keep the pot boiling —- зарабатывать на кусок хлеба; халтурить 11. фурункул, нарыв, чирей 12. пузырь (на крашеной поверхности) the paint swelled into boils —- краска дала пузыри, краска вспучилась ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up подогревать еду The soup is nearly cold, Ill boil it up again for you. BOIL I  1. noun кипение, точка кипения to bring to the boil - доводить до кипения to keep on/at the boil - поддерживать кипение the coffee was near boil - кофе почти вскипел  2. v.  1) кипятить(ся), варить(ся) - boil away - boil up  2) кипеть; бурлить to make smb. s blood boil - довести кого-л. до бешенства  3) сердиться; кипятиться - boil down - boil out - boil over - boil up Syn: braise, fry, poach, simmer, steam, stew II noun фурункул, нарыв Syn: see wart BOIL over  а) перекипать, уходить через край Turn off the gas, the milk is bailing over  б) кипеть, негодовать, возмущаться The trade union chief boiled over when the men voted against him.  в) выходить из-под контроля и превращаться во что-л. The small argument boiled over into a serious quarrel. BOIL away кипятить(ся), варить(ся) The water has been boiling away for ten minutes. BOIL out уваривать(ся), выпаривать(ся) You may want to boil out some of the stiffness. Some of the stiffness will boil out when you first wash the cloth. BOIL down  а) уваривать(ся), выпаривать(ся), сгущать(ся) Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity. Put a lot of the vegetable in the pan, it all boils down (to a small quantity).  б) сокращать(ся), сжимать(ся) You can boil the long story down to a few sentences and it still has the same meaning.  в) сводиться к чему-л The whole matter boils down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors. ...
Англо-русский словарь
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