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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - bob


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~ n Bob's your uncle! BrE spoken used to say that something will be easy to do  (Just copy the disk, and Bob's your uncle!)
bob ~1 v 1 »MOVE IN WATER« to move up and down when floating on the surface of water  (bob up and down)  (The boat was bobbing up and down on the waves.) 2 »MOVE SOMEWHERE« to move quickly in a particular direction + up/down/out etc  (She bobbed down behind the wall to avoid being seen.) 3 bob your head to move your head down quickly as a way of showing respect, greeting someone or agreeing with them  (Seymour bobbed his head respectfully and said, "Good evening, Sir.") 4 bob (sb) a curtsy to make a quick, small curtsy to someone 5 »HAIR« to cut someone's hair so that it is the same length all the way round their head  (I'm going to get my hair bobbed.) 6 bob for apples to play a game in which you try to pick up apples floating in water, using only your mouth ~2 n 1 a way of cutting hair so that it is the same length all the way round your head 2 a quick up and down movement of your head, or body, to show respect, agreement, greeting etc  (The maid gave a little bob and left the room.) 3 informal a shilling (=coin used in the past in Britain)  (In those days the train fare was three bob.)  (- see also bits and bobs bit1 (13))
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  (bobs, bobbing, bobbed) 1. If something bobs, it moves up and down, like something does when it is floating on water. Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above... VERB: V prep/adv 2. If you bob somewhere, you move there quickly so that you disappear from view or come into view. She handed over a form, then bobbed down again behind a typewriter. VERB: V adv/prep 3. When you bob your head, you move it quickly up and down once, for example when you greet someone. A hostess stood at the top of the steps and bobbed her head at each passenger. = nod VERB: V n • Bob is also a noun. The young man smiled with a bob of his head. = nod N-COUNT 4. A bob is a fairly short hair style for women in which the hair is the same length all the way round, except for the front. N-COUNT 5. Bits and bobs are small objects or parts of something. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL) The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Etymology: Middle English ~en  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to strike with a quick light blow ; rap  2. to move up and down in a short quick movement ~ the head  3. to polish with a ~ ; buff  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move up and down briefly or repeatedly a cork ~bed in the water  b. to emerge, arise, or appear suddenly or unexpectedly the question ~bed up again  2. to nod or curtsy briefly  3. to try to seize a suspended or floating object with the teeth ~ for apples  II. noun  Date: circa 1550  1.  a. a short quick down-and-up motion  b. Scottish any of several folk dances  2. obsolete a blow or tap especially with the fist  3.  a. a modification of the order in change ringing  b. a method of change ringing using a ~  4. a small polishing wheel of solid felt or leather with rounded edges  III. transitive verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Etymology: Middle English ~ben, from Old French ~er  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete deceive, cheat  2. obsolete to take by fraud ; filch  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~be  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) bunch, cluster  (2) Scottish nosegay  b. a knob, knot, twist, or curl especially of ribbons, yarn, or hair  c. a short haircut on a woman or child  2. float 2a  3. a hanging ball or weight (as on a plumb line)  4. trifle 1 bits and ~s  V. transitive verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Date: 1675  1. to cut shorter ; crop ~ a horse's tail  2. to cut (hair) in the style of a ~  VI. noun  (plural ~)  Etymology: perhaps from the name Bob  Date: 1789 slang British shilling  VII. noun  Date: 1856 ~sled ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v.intr. (bobbed, bobbing) 1 move quickly up and down; dance. 2 (usu. foll. by back, up) a bounce buoyantly. b emerge suddenly; become active or conspicuous again after a defeat etc. 3 curtsy. 4 (foll. by for) try to catch with the mouth alone (fruit etc. floating or hanging). --n. 1 a jerking or bouncing movement, esp. upward. 2 a curtsy. 3 one of several kinds of change in long peals in bell-ringing. Etymology: 14th c.: prob. imit. 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a short hairstyle for women and children. 2 a weight on a pendulum, plumb-line, or kite-tail. 3 = BOB-SLEIGH. 4 a horse's docked tail. 5 a short line at or towards the end of a stanza. 6 a knot of hair; a tassel-shaped curl. --v. (bobbed, bobbing) 1 tr. cut (a woman's or child's hair) so that it hangs clear of the shoulders. 2 intr. ride on a bob-sleigh. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. 3. n. (pl. same) Brit. sl. a former shilling (now = 5 decimal pence). Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. 4. n. Phrases and idioms bob's your uncle Brit. sl. an expression of completion or satisfaction. Etymology: pet-form of the name Robert ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отвес; груз отвеса 2) лот 3) противовес 4) чечевица, диск, шарик (маятника) 5) полировальный (войлочный или кожаный) круг полировать с помощью крага 6) качаться, раскачиваться - balance bob - pilot bob - plumb bob ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  груз отвеса, отвес диск, шарик маятника мягкий полировальный круг plumb bob ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) подвеска, отвес; лот 2) маятник, балансир 3) противовес - pendulum bob - skim bob ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. коротко подстриженные волосы, короткая стрижка (у женщины) 2. завиток (волос) 3. пучок (волос) to twist up one's hair in a bob —- закрутить волосы в пучок 4. короткий парик 5. коротко подрезанный хвост (лошади, собаки) 6. поплавок 7. уст. подвеска, висюлька; серьга 8. рыб. искусственная муха 9. тех. отвес; груз отвеса 10. маятник, балансир 11. мор. лот 12. узел; бант; помпон (шерстяной) 13. хвост (бумажного змея) 14. подстриженный, подрезанный 15. коротко остриженный 16. с помпоном, бантом 17. коротко стричь; остригать 18. коротко стричься (о женщине) she bobbed her hair —- она коротко постригла волосы 19. коротко подрезать хвост (лошади, собаке) 20. удить (угрей на приманку) 21. резкое движение; толчок to bear a bob —- торопиться, пошевеливаться 22. легкий удар a bob on the chin —- легкий удар по подбородку 23. быстрый кивок или покачивание головой 24. приседание, (неуклюжий) книксен the village girls made a bob as they passed —- проходя, деревенские девушки делали книксен 25. шотл. старинный танец 26. припев to bear a bob —- подхватывать припев 27. разг. живой, веселый Id: all is bob —- все в порядке 28. разг. быстро, внезапно bob! and away it went —- трах! и нет ничего! 29. качаться a bottle was bob bing about in the sea —- бутылка покачивалась на волнах 30....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  into входить BOB in входить BOB up  а) появляться на поверхности, всплывать If you try to sink an apple in water, it will keep bobbing up.  б) появляться неожиданно Jim bobbed up just when we were sure that he had left. BOB noun; dim. of Robert Боб BOB I  1. noun  1) подвеска, висюлька  2) маятник; гиря/чашка (маятника); отвес; груз отвеса  3) хвост (игрушечного змея)  4) поплавок  5) = bob-sleigh  6) завиток (волос)  7) парик с короткими завитками  8) короткая стрижка (у женщин)  9) подстриженный хвост (лошади или собаки)  10) шарообразный предмет (дверная ручка, набалдашник трости и т.п.); помпон (на шапочке)  11) припев, рефрен - bear a bob  12) резкое движение, толчок  13) приседание, книксен  14) naut. балансир  2. v.  1) качаться  2) подскакивать, подпрыгивать (тж. bob up and down) to bob up like a cork - воспрянуть духом  3) стукать(ся)  4) приседать to bob to - делать реверанс Dont forget to bob to the princess when she enters the room.  5) коротко стричься (о женщине)  6) ловить угрей на наживку - bob in - bob into - bob up II noun; pl. invar. coll. шиллинг ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Bomb On Board mil. abbr. Bombs Over Baghdad mil. abbr. Blueprint of the Battlefield airport code Bora Bora, Society Islands curr. abbr. Bolivian Boliviano univ. abbr. Back Of The Book funny abbr. Balling On A Budget funny abbr. Bony Old Bag adult abbr. Battery Operated Boyfriend adult abbr. Bend over, Baby adult abbr. Battery Operated Boy adult abbr. Bitches On Bikes file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (BOB Image file) media abbr. Boy On Boy sport abbr. Body Opponent Bag sport abbr. Bank One Ballpark gen. bus. abbr. Best Of Business gen. bus. abbr. Building Opportunities Bonus NYSE symbols Merrull Lynch & Company, Inc. st. exc. abbr. Bratislava Options Exchange chat abbr. Brains On Board chat abbr. Best Online Buddy ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - M.E. bobben "to strike or beat," meaning "short hair" is 1688 (use 1577 in sense of "a horse's tail cut short"), from earlier bobbe "cluster" (as of leaves), c.1390, a northern word, perhaps of Celtic origin. Revived early 20c. (verb 1918, noun 1926). Related words include bobby pin (1936); and bobby socks (1943), which are "shortened" (compared to knee-socks); derivative bobby-soxer first attested 1944. The meaning "round mass at the end of a line, etc.," is from 1659. As slang for "shilling," the word is attested from 1812. The verb meaning "to move up and down" was in M.E. Bobsled is 1848, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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