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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - beyond


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~1 prep 1 on or to the further side of something  (Beyond the mountains was the border territory.) 2 later than a particular time, date etc  (The disco went on until beyond .midnight. | The new law extends the ban beyond 1998.) 3 more or greater than a particular amount, level, or limit  (Most people do not choose to work beyond the normal retirement age. | Inflation has now risen beyond the level of 5%.) 4 outside the range or limits of someone or something  (Such tasks are beyond the scope of your average schoolkid. | The light switch was beyond the child's reach.) 5 beyond belief/doubt/recognition etc used to say that you cannot believe something, doubt something etc  (The town centre had changed beyond all recognition.) 6 be beyond sb especially spoken to be too difficult for someone  (Algebra was always beyond me.) 7 it is beyond me why/what etc spoken used to say that something seems completely stupid and you cannot understand the reason for it  (Why Joan ever married such an idiot in the first place is beyond me.) 8 used like `except' in negative sentences  (Fred owns nothing beyond the clothes on his back. | I can't tell you anything beyond what you know already.) ~2 adv 1 on or to the further side of something  (They crossed the mountains and headed for the valleys beyond.) 2 later than a particular time, date etc  (What changes await us in the year 2000 and beyond?) ~3 n the beyond literary whatever comes after this life
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is beyond a place or barrier, it is on the other side of it. They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door... PREP • Beyond is also an adverb. The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond. ADV: n ADV, and ADV 2. If something happens beyond a particular time or date, it continues after that time or date has passed. Few jockeys continue race-riding beyond the age of 40... = past PREP • Beyond is also an adverb. The financing of home ownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond. ADV: and ADV 3. If something extends beyond a particular thing, it affects or includes other things. His interests extended beyond the fine arts to international politics and philosophy. PREP 4. You use beyond to introduce an exception to what you are saying. I knew nothing beyond a few random facts. PREP 5. If something goes beyond a particular point or stage, it progresses or increases so that it passes that point or stage. Their five-year relationship was strained beyond breaking point... It seems to me he’s beyond caring about what anybody does. PREP: oft PREP -ing 6. If something is, for example, beyond understanding or beyond belief, it is so extreme in some way that it cannot be understood or believed. What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension... Sweden is lovely in summer–cold beyond belief in winter... PREP 7. If you say that something is beyond someone, you mean that they cannot deal with it. The situation was beyond her control. PREP 8. beyond the pale: see pale beyond someone’s means: see means beyond your wildest dreams: see dream beyond a joke: see joke ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, preposition & adverb, from Old English begeondan, from be- + geondan ~, from geond yond — more at yond  Date: before 12th century  1. on or to the farther side ; farther  2. in addition ; besides  II. preposition  Date: before 12th century  1. on or to the farther side of ; at a greater distance than ~ the horizon  2.  a. out of the reach or sphere of a task ~ his strength  b. in a degree or amount surpassing beautiful ~ measure  c. out of the comprehension of his reasoning is ~ me  3. in addition to ; besides doing work ~ his regular duties  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. something that lies ~  2. something that lies outside the scope of ordinary experience; specifically hereafter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  prep., adv., & n. --prep. 1 at or to the further side of (beyond the river). 2 outside the scope, range, or understanding of (beyond repair; beyond a joke; it is beyond me). 3 more than. --adv. 1 at or to the further side. 2 further on. --n. (prec. by the) the unknown after death. Phrases and idioms the back of beyond see BACK. Etymology: OE beg(e)ondan (as BY, YON, YONDER) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. загробная жизнь what can we know of the beyond? —- что мы знаем о потустороннем мире? Id: the back of beyond —- очень отдаленное место, глушь, край света Id: she lives at the back of beyond —- она живет на краю света 2. вне, за пределами the ocean and the lands beyond —- океан и страны, лежащие за ним in the days of Byron and beyond —- во времена Байрона и еще раньше 3. вдали; дальше, на расстоянии beyond were the hills —- дальше были холмы 4. редк. кроме того 5. указывает на нахождение за, по ту сторону за beyond the river —- за рекой beyond the horizon —- за горизонтом beyond the seas —- за океаном the house is beyond the club —- дом находится за клубом beyond this country —- за пределами этой страны he could not be heard beyond the second row —- его не было слышно дальше второго ряда 6. указывает на более поздний срок, время позже don't stay out beyond nine o'clock —- не приходите (домой) позже девяти часов 7. указывает на выход за пределы, границы, рамки чего-л выше, сверх, вне beyond one's reach —- вне досягаемости beyond belief —- невероятно beyond compare —- вне всякого сомнения beyond doubt —- несомненно, бесспорно beyond all question —- вне всякого сомнения beyond expression —- невыразимо beyond one's grasp —- недостижимо beyond hope —- безнадежно beyond the mark —- слишком далеко; не по существу beyond measure —- без числа; неизмеримо beyond the scope —- за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ken выше (чьего-либо) понимания BEYOND ones depth слишком трудно BEYOND grasp вне пределов досягаемости BEYOND expression невыразимо BEYOND doubt бесспорно BEYOND reach вне досягаемости BEYOND hope безнадежно BEYOND measure чрезмерно BEYOND description не поддающийся описанию BEYOND  1. adv. вдали; на расстоянии  2. prep.  1) за, по ту сторону  2) позже; после beyond the appointed hour - позже назначенного часа  3) вне; сверх, выше it is beyond me - это выше моего понимания - beyond reach - beyond belief - beyond compare - beyond doubt - beyond hope - beyond measure - beyond ones depth  3. noun (the beyond) загробная жизнь the back of beyond - самый отдаленный уголок мира, глушь BEYOND (all) comparison вне (всякого) сравнения BEYOND all bearing нестерпимый; нестерпимо BEYOND belief невероятно BEYOND compare вне всякого сравнения BEYOND compute неисчислимый BEYOND controversy неоспоримо, бесспорно BEYOND recall  а) непоправимый;  б) забытый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. begeondan "from the farther side," from be "by" + geond "yonder" (prep.), from P.Gmc. *jandana. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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