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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - chargen.


Связанные словари


1) load, burden, weight, onus, impediment; care, concern, obligation: She feared that she would become a charge on her children. 2) price, fee, cost: What is the charge for admission? 3 debt, debit, expense, assessment, liability: Any charge against the estate of the deceased will be paid in full. 4 care, custody, protection, guardianship, wardship, supervision, jurisdiction, control, responsibility, safe keeping: We left the children in the charge of Nanny and Nanny in charge of the children. 5) order, mandate, injunction, precept, command, dictate, direction, instruction, demand, exhortation: The judge's charge to the jury was to ignore the evidence given by the caretaker. 6) accusation, imputation, indictment, allegation: The charge is murder. The police decided to drop the charges against him. 7) attack, onset, action, assault, sally, raid, foray, sortie: At the signal the cavalry began their charge. --v. 8) fill, imbue, load, instil, pervade, permeate, saturate, suffuse: The air was highly charged with a stench from the kitchen. 9) burden, entrust, commission, assign; afflict, tax: He was charged with the supervision of all the military schools. 10 command, order, bid, enjoin, exhort, urge, require, instruct, direct: I charge you not to speak of this matter to anyone. 1) 1 blame, censure, accuse; indict, cite, name; allege, assert: She charged him with being a hypocrite. He has been charged with assault. It is charged that she was present at the commission of the crime. 12 bill, invoice, assess, debit: Please charge these items to my account. Do not charge me for merchandise not shipped. 13 ask, demand, claim, require, expect: How much do they charge for asparagus at the supermarket? 14 attack, assault, storm, assail, do battle (with) : Four thousand horsemen stood ready to charge the enemy.
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