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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - changen.


Связанные словари


1) substitution, replacement, exchange, interchange, switch: You have five minutes for a change of costume. This sunny weather is certainly a change for the better. 2) variation, difference, switch, variety, novelty: We prefer to live where there is a change of the seasons, not in the tropics. 3) variation, alteration, change-over, mutation, shift, modulation, modification, transformation, metamorphosis, revolution: I can't believe the change that has come over Betty since the divorce. 4) coin(s) , coppers, silver; (hard) cash: I need some change for the coffee machine. --v. 5) exchange, interchange, switch, trade; replace (with) , substitute, Colloq swap or swop: I won't be a minute, I just want to change my shoes. I'd like to change this shirt for a larger size. 6) modify, alter, modulate; mutate, transform, metamorphose: Antoinette has changed since her marriage. I never thought anyone would be able to make her change her mind. 7 fluctuate, shift, vary; vacillate: The temperature often changes very rapidly here. 8) change to or into. turn into, become, transform, mutate, transmute, convert, metamorphose: The alchemists tried to change base metal into gold. Every winter changes into spring - sooner or later.
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